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Newhope Colony

A New Beginning – Faedrun – OLD WORLD

As the undead rampaged across the continent of Faedrun, the Kingdoms knew that they may need to search for a new land and try to evacuate to that location. The leaders of each nation knew that if the war did not go well, starting over again may be a last resort. This is when the effort to build ships, find a new land, and begin to settle it became a priority.

It took many years to build seaworthy ships and explore the waters. Numerous boats left and never returned. Several boats came back with only reports of small islands or returned with nothing. Then in the year 250, a boat returned with information and a route to a massive continent that was found. The sailors named it Mardrun and the kingdoms began to send supplies and colonists to build a new life in a new world.

The Colony of Newhope – Mardrun Colony

The first colonists arrived and began to build in this strange new land. Expansion was fast and boats arrived steadily with workers, colonists, and guards. The colony of Newhope was born.

It didn’t take long for the colonists to discover the Mordok. Suddenly they had an unyielding adversary that attacked their borders. The guards kept the people safe and Newhope defenses were built. Then the Ulven were discovered and tensions between the colonists and the Ulven were high. It finally came to a boil and a bloody conflict started between the Ulven and the colonists. Even though the Ulven outnumbered the colonists immensely, the formation tactics and heavier armor combined with years of fighting experience against the undead and penitent allowed the colonists to repel attack after attack. The Ulven’s hit and run tactics against the colonists could not break them. A number of each side were killed until a human champion and an Ulven warleader honor-dueled to a draw. This act encouraged the formation of a truce and the fighting stopped.

Now, the colony of Newhope and its leadership works closely with Clan Nightriver. Branthur Nightriver, Clanleader of Clan Nightriver, gave them land to form their colony. Now the colony of Newhope has grown quickly and the colonists have learned to live peacefully alongside the Ulven. Protected by high wooden walls and watch towers, life flourishes inside the colony. The streets are safe, the City Watch fair and vigilant, and the markets busy with buyers and sellers of wares. Refugees from different kingdoms, human and Syndar alike, have carved out small areas of the colony and continue some of the traditions of their homeland. A beautiful Syndar tended garden grows in one sector, a rowdy street full of bars and arenas are frequented by mercenaries of the Richtcrag nation and the unique style and traditions of the Nara Pentare transform an entirely different area of the colony into a unique homage to their late kingdom. All manner of people live inside Newhope, it is a melting pot of numerous factions of both the humans and the Syndar and also of Ulven who have decided to live or visit the home of the colonists.

The colony needed leadership to continue progress, so a number of nobles, barons, and political figures with any resources were pooled together to form the leadership of the colony. There were 10 nobles and barons total that controlled Newhope; each noble was allowed a vote in topics and debates were settled through democracy. Each leader was expected to maintain a manor or estate and had a sector of responsibility in the city equal to all the other nobles. They policed crime, maintained their share of the City Watch guards for their area, and kept track of taxes and funding. All the nobles maintained an equal amount of power until the year 264. Amidst a great deal of turmoil caused by the escalating civil war and bogged down by the bureaucracy of a ruling council, the nobles of Newhope decided to hold an election, choosing a singular leader from among their number. A close race between Baron Richards and Baroness Catherine ensued, each rallying support from the other nobles and the populace alike. In the end, with Catherine unable to retake her town of Daven’s Reach from the bandits which had invaded, Baron Richards was able to claim victory and donned the mantle of Lord Baron. The other nobles from the Council of Ten still hold a great deal of sway in the city, however, and many are still appointed in their original roles, albeit now in the service of Lord Baron Richards.

In the year 253, when Faedrun experienced the beginning of The Fall, the survivors of Aldoria and their leadership and the surviving Prince Aylin arrived to claim their place as rulers of the colony. The colony leaders banded together and refused him, telling him that they have the right to continue governing themselves. The nobles and authority that backed Prince Aylin and Aldoria’s colonization efforts lobbied for a heavy response, to use soldiers to take the colony and its rule by force. The colony of Newhope and the survivors of Aldoria mobilized for an attack but Prince Aylin’s young wisdom prevailed. He respected the wishes of the Newhope nobles and left with the other Aldorian survivors and created his own settlement. Even though conflict was avoided, the soldiers of New Aldoria and the City Watch of the colony have been borderline hostile with each other ever since. It was shortly after The Fall when the boats started dwindling down and then eventually stopped altogether. The colonists live in fear as the news that each boat brought with it was dire and grim and then ceased completely.

The leaders of Newhope knew that going back to Faedrun was suicide, so they tried to focus on the colony. Some colonists spread out and began to build new settlements and expand human territory. It was at this time that tensions began to mount again between Ulven and colonists. Now, the colony is in the background of a brutal Ulven civil war. If Clan Nightriver and their allies lose, there is nothing standing in the way between the Newhope colony and the anti-colonist Ulven that want them dead or sent back to their homeland. The leaders fear that dark times are ahead and have been pushing for a stronger and more centralized leadership of the colony. Now, each leader is vying for more control as it is expected that the most powerful and influential noble or baron of the Newhope’s leadership will be crowned King or ruler of the colony.

About 10,000 colonists live throughout the 10 sectors of the Newhope colony and have made it their home. Each Baron or Noble supervises roughly 1,000 colonists. There are more colonists on Mardrun, but this is the number of people that the colony can support. Numerous farms and smaller settlements have spilled out into the countryside around the colony as well. Newhope is nothing if not a melting pot among the colonies. Syndar representation among the former Council of Ten piqued the interest of the Syndar not disenfranchised with the humans’ political structure, and many who survived the crossing were quick to join with the Celestial Arragones in the colony. From Dominet Martingale’s scandalous parties to Duke Ventrini’s obsession with Ulven culture to Lictor Mary’s distaste for politics to Baron Montesque’s insistence on working the fields with his farmers, the nobility of Newhope reflects the same ideals inadvertently advertised by the city: it truly takes all kinds.

Despite their numbers, Newhope has struggled proportionately compared to New Aldoria. Though they have done well economically and agriculturally, the red tape of multiple equal leaders has bogged down their ability to capitalize on opportunities as New Aldoria can, though their slow and measured response has earned them a great deal of respect from a great number of the Ulven Clans. Many are eager, as well, to see the changes brought upon by the election of the Lord Baron Richards, and if he will continue to steer Newhope with a level head, or if he will grow ambitious with his newfound power and hope to rival Prince Aylin in the risks he takes.

People of Interest:


Recent/Current Events:
This was an important year for Newhope. Governed since its inception by a ruling Council of Ten, the city decided this year to elect a single leader. Baroness Catherine and Baron Richards were the two favored candidates from the start, due to their records as leaders and popular support among the settlement. When Baroness Catherine failed to retake her town of Daven’s Reach from the invading bandits, however, her ability to protect the people of Newhope was called into question, and Baron Richards was chosen to lead. Taking on the mantle of Lord Baron, Richards made it a point to show his support of the Coalition, sending aid to the troops in the Pass and giving a surprising amount of supplies to the war effort. This later proved to be problematic for the colony, however, as their stockpiles of food for the winter were severely diminished in their effort to quickly end the war, forcing them to swallow their pride and ask for help from their allies.

266: The City-State of Newhope is officially formed.

272:The City-State has continued to grow over the years, though it’s council has shrunk to only 5 members through a series of deaths, departures, and executions.

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The Kingdom of Tielorrien


The largest and most prominent of the Syndar Kingdoms is the Kingdom of Tielorrien. The Kingdom of Tielorrien covers a vast region of terrain which is both mountainous and wooded. Though some of the smaller kingdoms maintain an isolationist stance regarding the rest of the world, the Kingdom of Tielorrien sees heavy traffic of merchants, scholars, and pilgrims. The capitol city of Tielorrien is the City of Seven Gates. The city is an awe-inspiring example of Syndar architecture. There is not a single building within it which would not be considered a work of art to a human visitor. Spires and towers twist high into the clouds, gleaming and sparkling in the sunlight. Banners and streamers adorn every building. There is not a space of wall anywhere within the city that is not beautifully adorned with frescos or murals. Even the cobblestones in the less wealthy areas are arranged into geometric patterns or runes of good fortune. At night, the white buildings glint and sparkle like multi-hued stars in the magical light of different colored Syndar illumination rods. Special occasions and holidays are celebrated with magically enhanced displays of alchemical pyrotechnics, or the projections of master illusionists. It is said that the cities of the Syndar never sleep, and this is true. Unlike humans, who are for the most part, daylight creatures, roughly one half of the Syndar people favor Lunara, while the others favor Solara. When the followers of one god are going to bed, the followers of the other are just waking up. Every day and every night, there are religious ceremonies to greet the rising sun and the rising moon, and the streets and markets are just as crowded at night as they are during the day.

New World:

Most of the Syndar refugees on Mardrun are originally from Tielorrien. This kingdom maintained the best relations with the Humans, and contributed the most to the grand alliance. Due to their open trade policies, most Syndar living in the Human kingdoms were originally from or were descended from Syndar of the kingdom of Tielorrien.

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This is a story of the Lost.
Of the first shape changer.
There have been five total shape changers in our history.
Koragnak Bear-Breath
Chita the Witch.
Mo’ber the Warrior.
But first of them all was Wargheart.
Long ago, far to the north, where ice ruled and the sun was weak, my people lived.
We fled to the North to avoid the cursed Dead. It was a harsh existence, and many died, but enough survived. There we lived for many generations, isolated and far from the humans and the rest of the Syndar race.

There we lived in relative peace, until one day a hunter saw the sun glinting off of shields in the distance. Humans had come to the north. They wore red and bore a white lion on the shields. We came to them, and spoke with them. What words they said has been lost, for the humans found us strange and alien, and we were insular and not used to others.
The meeting fell to bloodshed, and we were at war for the first time in many generations.

We kept them at bay, but we could not drive them off. We did not know what to do. My tribe is small, has always been small. To attack full force was to risk the annihilation of our tribe, but to do nothing was no option either. Finally, one young shaman, called Blackeyes, stood up and asked, “What about the Warg?”

You see, long ago, when my tribe first wandered to the northlands, we were allied with the great wolves, the Warg. They fought next to us, and the greatest of our warriors were even allowed to ride them into battle.

When we came to the north, our tribes fell away. We competed for the same food, and there were no great enemies to unite us. No one had spoken with the Warg in many years, and it had been far longer than that since we had fought side by side. Some of the old accords remained though, and we did not hunt each other as we might have.

The elders agreed that this idea might work, but none were brave enough to venture to the Warg dens. None but Blackeyes.
So Blackeyes slipped away to where the Warg denned.

When he came to their dens, the Warg surrounded him, snarling and growling. Then the biggest Warg Blackeyes had ever seen spoke.
“I am the Great Warg, leader of this pack. Why have you come before us?”
“I am Blackeyes the shaman. I have to tell you news. War has come to the North. Humans are here, and we would renew the bonds our peoples once had, and fight again.”
The Great Warg laughed.
“This we know. My people are not blind. Tell me, why should we give our lives for you?”
Blackeyes answered quickly.
‘Because when they are done with us, they will come for you.’
‘The humans are slow and stupid! They cannot catch us. We are faster and stronger. No! We will not die with you anymore.’
‘Then you are cowards, and it is you who are stupid!’ cried Blackeyes.
The Great Warg snarled and attacked BLackeyes, knocking him down.
‘Watch your tongue, little greenskin!” The Great Warg thundered. “For the sake of our people’s shared past, I will not kill you for your insults. Here! I will give you a warning though. Never show your face among us again. We will kill you and feed you to our pups if you do! ‘
And the Great Warg raked his claws over Backeyes’ face, laying his flesh open. Blackeyes stumbled away, half blinded by blood. Before he was out of sight though, he turned back.
‘I will eat your heart, old beast!’ he promised.
The Great Warg chuckled.
‘You may try.’

Blackeyes was enraged. He bandaged his wounds, and found a place, high above the warg dens. There he watched and studied the warg for three days. Finally, he came up with a plan. He knew how he would avenge himself on the Great Warg, and destroy the humans in the bargain.

He crept back to the human encampment, and captured a human guard. He bound the human, and dragged him back to the warg dens. Blackeyes waited until the warg went off on their nightly hunt, leaving the Great Warg, too old to hunt, and a female warg to guard the dens and the pups.

Blackeyes took the human, and after untieing him, flung the human onto the Great Warg. The Great Warg was surprised, and angry. A human! He attacked the human with a great howl. The female warg rushed past Blackeyes’ hiding place, not seeing him until too late. He cut her down with the human’s sword, and turned on the Great Warg. The Great Warg was still savaging the human, blinded by fury. Blackeyes struck, piercing the Great Warg in the eye. The Great Warg screamed in pain, towering over Blackeyes. Then the Great Warg collapsed at Blackeye’s feet, the warg’s ruined eye staring sightlessly at nothing, pouring blood onto the ground.
‘I promised I would eat your heart, beast!’
Laughing, Blackeyes carved out the Great Warg’s heart, and ate it whole.
But he was not finished yet. He had to move quickly, before the wargs came back. Blackeyes quickly skinned the Great Warg, carefully keeping the warg’s claws, teeth, and skull attached, and then buried the body under where the human lay dead.

Blackeyes then put the warg skin on, hooking his fingers into the claws, and looking out of the sockets of the skull, and dropped to all fours. He stalked around like he had seen the wargs doing, growled and snarled and barked they did. Then Blackeyes walked into the warg dens, calling out as he went.
‘Little ones! Little ones, where are you?’
The warg pups came out of the shadows to him, and sat at his feet.
‘Grandfather! What has happened? What were those noises?’
Blackeyes smiled with the Great Warg’s jaws. His plan was working.
‘Come here, little ones, all of you. Grandfather shall protect you.’
He killed them all.

When the warg returned, they found the female and all the pups dead, and the Great Warg covered in blood.
‘What has happened!’ They yowled.
‘Who has killed the pups! Who has dared hurt you?’
‘Look!’ howled the Great Warg. ‘It was humans! See his body? I killed him, but I was too late. They have come to destroy us! We must avenge the pups!’
He leapt up and danced and ran around the warg, working them into a frenzy.

‘See how his anger makes him strong again!’ they marveled.
‘We will fight! We will destroy these humans, and eat their corpses!’
And the warg pack ran off, following the Great Warg to battle. With fearsome howls, they fell upon the human encampment. the fighting was fierce. The humans were numerous and desperate and trained. The warg were frenzied and furious, but they had not been to war in many, many years.
In the end, the humans were routed, but at great cost the the warg. Most of them were dead or dieing. A few of them survived, and slunk off to lick their wounds, but they were never seen in those lands in number ever again

The Great Warg went to the Lost caves and waited outside. The Lost, who had watched the fight, came out to him.
‘Grandfather Warg!’ cried one of the elders. The Great Warg laughed.
‘Do you not recognize me?’ he asked, and suddenly Blackeyes was standing there, dressed in a warg fur.

From then on, he was known as Wargheart, and this is how he became the greatest of our shamans, and brought to us the art of skin changing.

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Koragnak Bear-Breath

Gather ’round younglings and hear the tale of how Koragnak Bear-Breath got his fur.

Not long after the shaman you know as Wargheart gained his fur, a large greenskin warrior sought him out for wisdom.

“Wargheart, you are wise and strong and know the secrets of skin-changing. I wish to know them as well,” stated Koragnak.

“Then you must earn the right to learn the lesson. Leave, now, and do not return until you have that which you seek,” replied Wargheart.

Koragnak was about to argue, and while he was not as clever as his brethren, he was aware of this and kept quiet when he would have roared. Patient, big and slow was Koragnak, though none ever doubted the strength of his limbs, the deadliness of his axe or the reserves of barbaric stamina he possessed.

Without another word, and with nothing but the furs on his back and an axe in his hand, he ran from the camp.

He ventured further north, a land of perpetual winter and this year the weather was worse than ever before. Blizzards and hailstorms blocked passage and forced even the mighty-thewed Koragnak into caves high in the mountains for shelter.

He had little to live off of as most of the hunting was in the valleys and unreachable due to the gathering snow and his kills from the last few months in the wild of the mountains was all but gone. Near starving, Koragnak set out in the blizzard to try and find something he could kill to eat.

He ventured to a nearby valley, wading through the stinging snow when he heard a distant growl of pain. Thinking this was his chance, he hefted his axe and plowed through the drifts and the stinging ice-rain.

He was nearly upon it when he could clearly see it, just below him on the incline as he approached was a bear cub with a broken leg. A loose rock had fallen and crushed the bones in its front leg as well as broken several ribs.

Wary, Koragnak searched for the mother and not eager to slay a helpless image of his totem, Koragnak looped his belt around the back legs of the bear cub and started dragging it up the incline. Knowing what he knew about bear, he was careful not to touch it with his hands so that the only scent on the cub was from the leather of the belt.

Koragnak heaved and pulled and even uphill through the storm, near-starving and all but spent from exhaustion, Koragnak found the cave and saw the mother bear sniffing near the entrance.

Once the cub caught scent of its mother, it started bleating out terribly and the mother instantly roared and came charging in Koragnak’s direction.

Quickly, Koragnak unlooped the belt and ran out and away, yet up towards the cave. The mother let him pass with nothing but a roar as she barreled towards her cub. Quick as he could he slipped into the cave, found a half-eaten rabbit and snatched it, sprinting out again as fast as he could.

He was not fast enough. The mother tackled him as he stepped outside the cave.

Not able to swing his axe effectively he was forced to drop it so that he could use both arms to wrestle with the bristled black bear. It was the biggest he’d ever seen and it felt as though she was about to crush him from the moment she hit him.

Rolling around underneath her forelegs, he worked to grapple her around the throat to cut off her wind. She resisted and the first attempt earned him a claw raked down his left arm.

Bleeding and winded, exhausted and starving, Koragnak called upon his reserve of strength and wheeled his legs around and under hers as she stood up to rake him. He tripped her and as she fell, he rolled and sprung back wrapping two thick arms around her throat, both legs around her midsection, though they couldn’t fit as this bear was much to big, and buried the right side of his face into the fur near her left ear so she couldn’t bite him.

He squeezed and held as she jostled him but good. Still he held. He felt her struggles weaken and still he held. Finally, as her breath came out it short, raspy clouds of steam it mingled with his.

There, in that moment of desperation he realized what it was he was searching for. He realized that it was not the “kill” but the spirit. He loosened his grip enough for her to breath, but not enough to let her go. He breathed deep as she exhaled and felt the warmth, smelled the fresh blood of the rabbit. He exhaled and she breathed deep. This continued, back and forth and it was as if all time stopped around them. In that moment, Bear shared her lesson and her soul with Koragnak and he accepted it.

When spring finally came, late as it was due to the harsh winter, Koragnak returned to Wargheart. Without a word, Wargheart knew he had found what it was he sought and in so naming him Koragnak Bear-Breath, so did he impart the knowledge of skin-changing.

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The Warring Kingdom of Richtcrag

Richtcrag (from the old tongue “Ríocht Na Cruach”, meaning ‘Kingdom of Steel’) was an enigma to most of the more ‘civilized’ nations in Faedrun. A brutal land of steppes, rocky terrain, and isolated villages, it seems at first to be inhabited solely by a sullen, suspicious people who would rather not travel far from their homeland. Beyond this, however, you will find a fiercely independent people, willing to fight and die for their land, which has been torn by warfare ever since it was founded as a loose nation.

A Bit of History

Richtcrag has never known much in the way of peace. A sort of tribal rule has always reigned in the land, ever since the first inhabitants began farming and setting up villages. The amount of arable land in Richtcrag is few and far between – communities would spring up around any area where the ground was fertile enough to hold crops, supplementing their diet with the occasional hunted boar or stag from the forests which managed to survive in the rocky terrain. These tight-knit communities saw the need for protection and martial prowess, lest their neighbors would force them from their land.
Soon, some villages with common backgrounds began banding together under skilled leaders – these “Cogadh-cheannaire”, or Cogaires, began to unite larger and larger tracts of land under their banners. Might made right, and these great Cogaires grew more and more powerful. These warriors-princes led armies into battle, waging brutal warfare against their enemies and driving the people under their command into fight after fight.
Around one hundred years before the Battle of Grayfield, a Cogaire by the name of Bartram Cruach managed what was once thought impossible – through political maneuvering, skill in tactics, and sheer bloody-mindedness, he managed to unite the scattered leaders into a single nation. Rather than declaring himself king, he gave forth a now-legendary declaration.

Cruach’s Declaration

“By the steel in my hand and the bravery of my warriors, I have taken this land for my own. But what fun would it be to rule over a placid kingdom? No, the Kingdom of Cruach will go on as it always has. My line shall ensure it!”
With those words, posted to every town and village, he had laid out the course of history. As more political men sat down and drafted the rulership of the land, they considered the point of this boast – the right to rule comes only with the steel and skill to hold it, and all their laws reflect it.
At the top sits the king, drawn from the line of Bertram Cruach. Interestingly enough, this is not a line that is hereditary – Cruach would adopt anyone capable of defeating one of his children into the line, and so the succession at the time of the Undead plague was a mess of bloody fighting – anyone who can claim connection to the line of Cruach, whether by blood or by combat, is considered a contender for the ostensible “rulership” of Richtcrag. While they are supposedly the head of the nation, it is only in times of great dread that they raise any sort of unified force.

Governance is accomplished by the Cogaires – while this position was somewhat variable in the beginning, there are now six established “regions”, each of which is ruled over by a Cogaire. There are no true boundaries or political agreements – what you can hold is yours, and what your enemy can take is his by right. Twice a year, the six Cogaires who hold the most land meet and discuss trade, temporary stops to fighting, and other such boring matters.


Íoclaochra, or “Paid Warriors”, are a common sight. Easily identified by their fanciful dress, bristling array of weapons, and tendency to seek out any possible fight, these mercenaries were a logical consequence of the constant warfare of the land.
The rich clothing of an Íoclaochra serves to indicate both their skills as a mercenary as well as gives them a sort of portable wealth – they tend towards clashing colors, imported silks, and elaborate hats. This is an advertisement of their skills – no warrior uncomfortable with a few strange stares would dress so wildly – to prospective employers. They are notorious gamblers and drunkards off of the battlefield, for most of them seem to know that their time is short.
Íoclaochra are oftentimes trained via apprenticeship to a more experienced mercenary – it is only when a youth has drawn his first pay as a full mercenary that they are considered a true member of the class. This first pay is typically spent on an elaborate hat – a tradition that began when a group of Íoclaochra was due to be executed after capture. Rather than dressing somberly, they spent the eve of their execution tending to their clothing and demanded that their heads, customarily displayed for a week after the execution, remain with the hats so that all who saw them would know that those who died had been true warriors.

The Major Regions of Richtcrag

While it’s impossible to consider Richtcrag as a uniform nation, the major regions all have their own individual culture and legends. These so-called ”major regions” serve as the primary cultural regions of the area at the time of the Old World – the refugees on Mardrun are few in number enough that regional differences are seldom acknowledged beyond modes of dress and mannerisms, as all of them have come to see themselves as the remains of Richtcrag’s culture. These regions are also roughly analgous to the domains of the six largest Cogaires – these are the major territorities that have existed throughout most of Richtcrag’s history.


A coastal city, full of twisting alleys and intrigue, the rule of the day is calculated violence. Considered by its residents and the nearby fishing peasants to be the seat of culture in Richtcrag. While it is no less violent than the other major regions, that violence is cloaked in a veneer of custom and civilization. The Íoclaochra here tend towards trickery and dirty fighting, preferring elegant blades of ‘finesse’ rather than the larger blades of their neighbors. Due to trade with Aldoria and Vandregon, the Valinate region is a cosmopolitan one, turning out works of art that are renowned throughout Faedrun.
Petty squabbles for territory and ownership tend to take place within Valinate’s formal duel structure – an elaborate code of honor which dictates what sort of offenses allow for a legitimate challenge. The actual dueling code, however, is fraught with subtle tricks and excuses for duels. Many a petty nobleman has managed to increase his holdings by challenging rival to a duel over a petty offense, like failing to give him a proper greeting in the street or wearing the wrong style of hat.
Valinate’s culture is oddly refined in comparison to the rest of the barbaric nation, with attitudes and outlooks closer to a refined Vandregonian noble than the typical foreign belief of Richtcrag natives as uncultured, boisterous peasant-warriors. Manners of dress tend towards Syndar fashion, although tempered by the rougher living conditions within the city, and while Íoclaochra still retain flamboyant dress and impressive hats, they tend towards darker, more unified colour schemes than the bright, riotous shades common to other regions. Musically, they tend to prefer complex compositions, and are well known across Faedrun for their operas – long, musical performances punctuated with acting and other spectacle.
One of the most enduring cultural traditions of Valinate is that of the Masquerade – a masked celebration, typically held by nobility, and serving as a time were the peasantry can play at nobility while taking time in the city. The typically refined culture of the area gives way to drunken splendor, showing that, no matter how much they may mask their alliegances, they are still of the same bloodlines that united Richtcrag in the beginning. A second, darker tradition exists within this celebration, however – every year, at Masquerade time, certain Íoclaochra don masks and dark regalia, acting as paid assassins within the city. Other Íoclaochra see this as a sign of the decadence of the city weakening its warriors, but those who take part in these masked killings see themselves as legends in their own right.


Cul’Claimete is known for two things – hard liquor and harder warriors. This wide region serves as the Southern border to Richtcrag, and to most of Faedrun, the only region they care about. While some other regions in Richtcrag have a semblance of governance, Cul’Claimete is governed by a series of feudal “lairds”, all under the High Lord of the region.
The peasants are an active part of the warfare – every last man and woman has fought to defend their homestead, usually in the guise of working for their local Laird. Most of them tend towards large weapons and larger words – the hurling of insults and boasting is considered to be the highest art form in Cul’Claimete. Íoclaochra from this region tend towards elaborately pleated plaid garments which speak volumes to those who know how to read the code – home village, affiliations, and victories in battle.
The music of Cul’Claimete, much like their culture and personalities, is boisterous, loud, and primal – the few members of this region who have made it to Mardrun have found a strange kinship with the Ulven, although the Ulven fail to understand why they would wear “Women’s clothing”. This remains an amusing point of contention amongst these two groups, and has sparked off a number of brawls that ended with both parties drunken singing of the accomplishments of their former enemies.
Amongst all other sports, Cul’Claimete treasures feats of strength and endurance above all else. Their favorite sport – at least according to a casual observer – appears to be bare-knuckle boxing. Before the Fall, a tournament was held once every three years at the castle of the High Lord, who – according to tradition – had the names of all past champions engraved on the stones of their castle, ”to strengthen its foundation with the strength of the people”. Sadly, this record was lost when the people of Richtcrag fled, although many dishonest traders in artifacts from the Old World claim to have a genuine piece of the old castle.


This somewhat mountainous region is where the traditional image of Íoclaochra comes from; it is full of small feudal holdings, castles, and dense, dark forests. The peasants, rather than being farmers, tend towards the mining trade. This is where most of the metal and trade goods for the rest of Richtcrag come from, and the skill of their weaponsmiths are renowned across all of Faedrun. For a number of years, Kupferhügel was one of the primary suppliers of arms and armor to the Order of Arnath’s Fist, which serves as one of the primary faiths of the region.
The Íoclaochra of the region are proud mercenaries – more so than any other region. They tend towards elaborate, slashed sleeves, incredibly bright colours, and the most ostentatious hats possible. Rather than acting as lone mercenaries, they tend to form organized bands, adopting a complicated series of rank and address to better act in other armies. The region is well-known for the quality of the crossbows that come from it, and few of the Íoclaochra who come from this region foregoe this efficient weapon.
The peasants come off as considerably more dour than other regions – quiet, reserved, and dedicated to their trades. There are a number of trade guilds in the region, all of which chair themselves in the central city, Molnberg, which serves as the hub for trade in the region, situated as it is on the Rhim River, a major trade route out of the nation. Beyond this taciturn nature, however, comes a love for gambling and other contemplative games – Kupferhügel is known for some of the most prosperous gambling dens in all of Faedrun, and they have brought many of their games of chance to the New World.

The borders of the region are populated with a number of Wild Syndar, some of whom have mixed in with the culture of the region. Tensions occasionally run high, however, as few peasants are willing to trust the ”Häxvolk” living near them, and occasional forays into the woods by mercenaries companies on ”training exercises” end with a surprising number of dead Syndar.


Built over a swampy region of the land, the various fiefdoms in the region are clusters of isolated villages situated on stilts above the bogs and dense trees of the region. Moreso than any other region, Marais-Enceinte is a land of solitary survivalists, seeking to live in the harshest region for a chance at freedom. Fiercely independent and proud of their local culture, the Marais-Enceinte accent is immediately noticable when used in the common tongue – full of rolling r’s and the largest number of blasphemies on Faedrun, it is alternately musical and scatalogical; a fitting companion to the bogs they call home.
The average peasant makes their living off of fishing and farming the few solid plots of land of Marais-Enceinte. Unique to the region is a wide variety of grapes and other berry-bearing vines, helped along by the soil’s unique character. Wines are prized in this region, and even the poorest peasant has access to it – after all, the brakish waters of the region make it hard to obtain and preserve fresh water, so wine ensures that nothing living manages to sneak in and spoil the drink. Few bottles were brought over during the Fall, and so Marais-Enceinte wine is prized amongst the nobles on Mardrun – seen as priceless artifacts, never able to be reproduced due to the loss of their unique vines, they command exorbitant prices whenever a bottle comes up for trade.
Íoclaochra from Marais-Enceinte are seen as scouts and trackers, trained to navigate across all sorts of terrain and fight from ambush. They favor longer knives and lighter armor – while the protection of heavy armor is useful on a stable battlefield, the swampy lands of their home leads them to favor mobility over raw defensive capabilities. They are also adept healers – the region’s many inhabitants include a staggering array of venemous serpents and virulent diseases, all of which can prove more deadly than any foe’s blade.
The peasants, as with the neighbouring Kupferhügel, are reserved and somewhat taciturn, but take a fierce pride in their independent status. The region’s music tends towards immensely energetic, expressive performance and typically features the concertina – an instrument exported to a number of Aldorian sailors. Their love of song and wine can lead to a comforting feel in their taverns, but the average traveler is urged to be wary – accidentally challenging the independence or aptitude of one of the region’s residents can lead to a heated confrontation that will end with one party half-buried in the morass of one of the all-encompasing bogs.

Olon Zүjl

The northern border of Richtcrag is a harsh place, acting as a buffer between the nation of Nara Pentare and the rest of Faedrun. Filled with broad steppes and wind-swept mountains, this region is known as Olon Zylj (Oh-lon Zhi-le), and it is home to the nomadic barbarians which kept the Nara Pentare isolated for so long. With few permanent cities, some of the best horses on Faedrun, and great fields of game, this is a seemingly inhospitable region for those who fail to understand the way of life required to survive.
The Íoclaochra, rather than accepting silver, take payment in food, supplies, and horses, for money is a useless conceit to someone who might see a ”civilized” trading place once in a year. In this, they get along with the Ulven quite well, sharing many of their values, but the Olon Zyjl place a much greater emphasis on individual reliance, and their Íoclaochra are known for switching sides in battle should they be tempted with a better offer. Their skill with bows is reknowned across Faedrun, which makes potential issues of loyalty worth the risk – so long as they are well-paid, they are reliable enough. While their skill with horses was incredible on Faedrun, the lack of horses on Mardrun has taken that from them – many Olon Zyjl Íoclaochra are still bitter over the loss of their beloved livestock during the Fall.
The Olon Zyjl see the Nara Pentare as a symbol of all that is wrong with so-called ”civilization”, and they raid along the borders frequently. While they are merely an annoyance to the larger nation, their attacks keep the borders closed to foreign influences, serving to further isolate the Nara Pentare from the rest of Faedrun.


The ”capitol” (if one might use that term) of Richtcrag, Pericht is seen as an unofficial neutral ground at the center of Richtcrag. Similar in culture to Kupferhügel, this region of foreboding mountains is practically a fortress in and of itself. A center of trade and agreement, as well as home to a number of valuable mines, this region declared its independence from Kupferhügel soon after they realized the need for neutral ground in the center where all the Cogaires might meet to discuss matters of territorities, truces, and other negotiations that would shape the nation’s history.
Far from uniting Richtcrag, Pericht’s status as the ostensible capitol merely ensures that the nation does not disintegrate into all-out war, rather keeping to smaller skirmishes and the usual state of ”friendly ravaging of lands” that it is known for. The only reason it maintains it status as a neutral ground is its fortress-like arrangement and the universal conscription of all residents into the military.
Íoclaochra of the region are even more organized than their counterparts in Kupferhügel, serving as the well-paid advisors to the Cogaire of the region. They are known for their well-drilled formations and utilization of the halberd and pike, as well as their well-crafted armor. Of the regions in Richtcrag, this was the last to succumb to the undead, and there are rumors today that a few Íoclaochra still defend the central keep in the capitol city against the undead hordes, though most dismiss these as nothing more than the wishful rumors of a defeated people.

Trade and Money

Richtcrag is not known as a nation of traders. Craftsmen, perhaps, and skilled workers and miners, but the easiest way to insult someone from any region is by calling them a trader. Sure, certain prominent caposin Valinate may maintain their households and bodyguards with money taken from trade, but they are simply moving goods around – a trader would be someone who saw that as their sole goal; understanding this is the key to avoiding insulting any artisan in Richtcrag.
While they are considered a somewhat less civilized land than their southern neighbors of VandregonAldoria, and the May’kar Dominion, they are far from backwards. Much like the finest ships come from Aldoria and the finest art comes from the May’kar, the finest weapons and armor are to be found in the north. Master craftsmen and women pass down the secrets of their trade to their children, leading to certain familial lines and villages becoming highly contested commodities or (should their fame grow enough) – oddly placid zones where the whole village is dedicated to the perfection of that craft.
One of the most famous inventions to come from Richtcrag is the crossbow, of which those crafted in Kupferhügel are considered the finest in Faedrun. Whether it is the elaborately-engraved and fanciful miniature bows of Valinate or the powerful, workman-like bows of Marais-Enceinte, they are valued items all across Faedrun. Precious few survived the trip to Mardrun, unfortunately, and the craftsmanship may have been lost forever with the coming of the undead plague.

Many other advances in warfare were made by the Íoclaochra, who sold their services not only in their homeland, but in other lands as well. Some took up permanent residence in the south as swordmasters, and while some found their tactics were useless against the undead, others helped to shape the face of warfare across Faedrun.
An old Richtcrag proverb may shed some light on this dedication – “In peace, man contemplates beauty. In war, man crafts survival.”

Richtcrag Dueling Traditions

The history and rules of dueling are a major part of Richtcrag society. Whether it is an informal fist-fights intended to settle barroom disagreements, an academic duel between two students, or a battlefield duel to the death, all fights are seen as honorable, with certain rules and rituals serving as a framework to the bloody culture of Richtcrag. They look upon these duels with pride, which served to give them some common ground with the Ulven, who nonetheless find the odd variations and excessive challenges to be strange and foreign.
There are three inviolate rules to all duels, laid out by Bartram Cruach when he took the throne. Any violation of the Three is seen as an absolute disgrace – Íoclaochra have been tried and executed for failing to acquit themselves honorably in such formalized combat.
1) Only the agreed-upon weapons are to be used – a disarmed warrior may yield or find their weapon, but never draw another.2) Death comes to all men, and acceptance of that fate is found in a duel. No warrior is to be punished for killing another in a duel.3) To interrupt or intrude upon a duel is the greatest disrespect.
There are scores of other rules, depending on the type of duel and the number of participants – each variation has formalized rules and a history, including the names of famous participants. This is a part of their national pride – while they will eagerly war with neighboring communities, suggesting that a village or warrior has failed to uphold the traditions is cause for the whole of Richtcrag society to descend upon the unlucky slanderer.

Last Stand:

The origins of this duel are found in the numerous barrooms and inns of Cul’Claimete. After a few drinks, even the most level-headed man can find himself talking above their station. Should two patrons disagree too loudly, the bartender will pour a pair of drinks, and issue the traditional challenge – if they’d like to keep drinking, they’ll need to settle outside.
A space around the hearth is then cleared, and a circle three paces is marked out – some bars keep a permanent circle carved into the floorboards, while others simply bring out a rope. The warriors stand facing one another, and exchange blows until one of them cannot stand. No weapons are involved, and it’s as much a test of martial skill as it is of endurance. When one man can’t stand, the duel is over, and both return to the bar for drinks, considering the matter settled. The loser typically pays for both drinks, although particularly gracious winners tend to buy a round for the whole bar at the end of a particularly involved fight. It keeps tensions low, as most patrons know that insulting someone might lead to a savage beating.

Three-Armed Warrior:

A favorite amongst ruffians and rogues, this is a personal combat to first blood. The participants are both issued a single knife, and their left wrists are bound together. A bystander signals the start, and the duel is fought. It proceeds in three stages – a fight to first blood is merely the first blow to land, while a fight to first wound ends only when one of the participants suffers a serious injury. Fights to the death are rare, but happen – by the end, both participants are usually covered in blood from numerous minor cuts, and the winner dies as often as the loser. Unlike other duels, the actual rules are decided upon during the combat – an opponent who refuses to yield after first blood escalates the fight.
Generally, bets are placed on who the winner will be, along with how long the duel will take. Betting on fights is a valued tradition of Richtcrag, and the winner is typically given some portion of the bets against him. Certain vicious Valinate duelists take pride in this type of street brawling, displaying any number of vicious scars from their earlier victories. “To pay his blood-price” is Valinate slang for when such a duelist collects their winnings after any sort of fight.

The Formal Duel

Intended to keep warriors and Íoclaochra from spilling too much blood while working under the same Cogaire, these are somewhat more elaborate affairs that other duels. A formal challenge is issued from one warrior to another – it must specify the reason behind the duel, the name of the opponent, and the severity of the duel. Traditionally, no warrior under the employ of a Cogaire is allowed to kill one of his comrades without a gross betrayal – fights over lovers can sometimes allow for this, along with those duels intended to settle the matter of a theft.
The challenged party is allowed to choose the weapon used for this fight. Generally, there are three varieties of weapons chosen – the single straight sword, sword-and-shield, or two-handed swords, although polearms and axes are not unheard of. The weapons used are to be identical – certain unscrupulous warriors have tried to substitute inferior blades for their opponent, only to have it backfire spectacularly.
The duel then follows a very specific structure. The other warriors in the employ of the Cogaire form a circle around the participants, and the reason for the duel are read out. The challenger is then given the choice to forgive the insult – if not, then the duel begins. Both warriors salute one another, and fight until the agreed-upon degree – first blood or first wound is typical, although it is permissible to declare that a duel will continue until one warrior is unconscious.

The Battlefield Duel

One of the strangest traditions in Richtcrag, this is one of the rights of an Íoclaochra, as laid out by Cruach himself. Two Íoclaochra who meet on the field of battle are given the right of formal challenge. This duel is always to the death, with the victor claiming the possessions of the loser.
The structure is always the same – the challenging warrior calls out his name, the Cogaire he follows, and throws down his hat. The challenger must then do the same, and both Íoclaochra salute one another. To intrude upon this sort of duel is forbidden – Cogaire have executed men for attempting to assist in this sort of fight.
Both warriors are expected to use only the weapons that they are holding at the time, to the point of refusing a replacement should their blade be broken. Once the duel is finished, the victor claims the hat of his opponent, strapping it to his belt and continuing into the fray once again. This is a privilege extended only to those recognized as Íoclaochra, and the rules only apply when fighting equals – a number of warriors outside of the caste have died when they assumed their opponent would treat them as if they were a true Íoclaochra.

Academic Dueling

The academies of Richtcrag also bear a specific dueling tradition – rather than being a challenge over honor, it is a ritual test of the courage of both participants. The fighters stand three paces apart, holding a single straight sword. They then proceed to fight – not moving, as backing down would show that they were afraid of injury.
The goal of this fight is somewhat odd, as well – the participants seek to strike their opponent on the face with a raking cut, attempting to give them a scar. Oddly enough, being cut is not a sign of losing – these scars are worn with pride, symbolizing their bravery and ability to withstand pain. Deaths are rare, but occur from time to time – generally, when one side cannot effectively control their blade and strikes their opponent too hard.


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Syndar FAQ

What are the Syndar Bloodlines?

  • Io’Larian – The first born of the Syndar bloodlines and named for their Divine Grandfather Io’Laros. They are often treated as lesser by the other bloodlines and have been renamed by them as Feral Syndar. This name has been used so long that most believe it to be their proper name. Humans and Ulven all belive Feral to be the proper name for this bloodline.
  • Serous – The second born of the Syndar bloodlines. They make up the vast bulk of the Syndar population.
  • Celestine – The Gold or Silver skinned members of the third born Syndar bloodline. They are the rarest of Syndar and seen as the closest to the divine by their people.
    • Details of these bloodlines can be found throughout this document.

What are their organizations like? (Family, groups, communities, tribes, clans etc)

  • Kingdom – Much like the human nations and kingdoms, the Syndar are ruled by the same type of king and queen structure that most kingdoms utilize. Unlike other Monarchies, however, The King and Queen rule together, and are elected officials. The Queen is not second to the King, and there is no blood heir privilege to the throne. This system mimics the rule of their two gods, Solar and Lunara, who rule together. Syndar live a long time, so continuous democratic votes keep a King and Queen in check during their reign. Enclaves have gone to war to remove an unworthy King and Queen, and some kingdoms have even seen a King or Queen call upon the help of the Enclaves loyal to them to remove their counterpart should their duties prove to be failing.
  • Enclave – Similar to the human’s House or to the Ulven Clans, a Syndar Enclave is the leadership that combines numerous communes of Syndar. They hold considerable sway over political issues related to the kingdom they currently reside in. Kings and Queens work hard to gain and keep the favor of the Enclaves. An enclave is ruled by the High Magis Tribunal, which are Magis selected from the different communes of the enclave.
  • Commune – A Commune is a community of Syndar similar to a Human noble’s Estate or an Ulven Pack. They normally live in a single geographical area. They are not bound by blood and may come and go freely and join different communes with the blessing of the Magis. The spirit of “family” is almost non-existent and is replaced with the spirit of “community”. Syndar children roam freely between the habitants of the Commune and theoretically have numerous parents and countless brothers and sisters. Enclave’s will encourage the communes to grow and prosper so that they themselves grow and become stronger politically. Commune’s are ruled by a Magis, who can be male or female, the only requirement being that they must be a spellcaster.
  • Tribes – Many of the Io’Larian Syndar who have found themselves treated poorly in the cities and urban areas of their siblings have either returned to, or never left, their less centralized roots. These are usually smaller, closely knit communities and are often shunned or at best regarded very coldly by the other Syndar, especially those in the major urban areas. Every Tribe is incredibly unique with various structures, customs, and at times even languages. Some exist in a nomadic structure well beyond what city-Syndar see as civilization. Other have set down roots in various rural areas. Some exclude all non-Io’Larian Syndar from their villages, and others have robust trade with their non-Io’Larian neighbors.

How do they handle ceremonies? (Marriage, funerals, etc)

  • All ceremonies are conducted by the Magis or other important figures and usually involve meditation and the channeling of energy. This varies based on the occasion and also based on the lineage.  Some Syndar may take part drum circles and chants, where the other Syndar may focus more on solumn trances and meditation circles.

What kind of leaders do they have and what is their structure and importance?

  • Magis are local leaders of communes.
  • High Magis are part of a Tribunal that is selected from all the Magis’ of the communes of a particular Enclave.
  • A King & Queen oversee the rule of all the Enclave’s in their kingdom.

What gods do they believe in for religion and what is their spirituality like?

  • Syndar believe in the God Solar and the Goddess Lunara, the sun and the moon, and both have heavy symbolism within their culture.
  • Syndar as a whole are very spiritual and religious beings. They have a gift of magic given to them at birth and they believe it is granted by a higher power.
  • The Syndar religion and lore revolves around the God Solar and Goddess Lunara ruling over all existence in perfect harmony as equals. Long ago, the two gods created children to walk among the earth. The first children were born from the animals and were imperfect; their skin, horns and fangs displaying their Fae nature. The first children were named for their divine Grandfather as Io’Larian Syndar, but have since been named by their younger siblings as the Feral Syndar. The gods then created their second children, born from the elements of the world and were imperfect; their skin and ears being more of natural flesh. These second children named themselves the Serous Syndar. The gods then created their third children, born from the stars, and were perfect; their skin and features celestial gold and silver to match that of their own. The third children were named by the Gods as the Celestine Syndar. The god’s final gift to all of their children was that of their magic essence, and with it the means to express their spirituality.

How do they commonly view the other races? The Undead? The Mordok?

  • Syndar very openly believe that they are superior to all other races. This is not flaunted or used in disdain when dealing with Humans and Ulven, though some may misinterpret it that way. While considered a lesser race, humans are still regarded as both highly useful or pleasing company to the Syndar. The Syndar believe that their race has been touched by magic and is just that much closer to how all races are meant to be, not that it is any other races fault for not being “up to par” with the Syndar. To Syndar, it isn’t the fault of other races that they aren’t as superior as the Syndar, so it is rude to use it to mock other races. Though Io’Larian Syndar do tend to view themselves as more magically apt than the other races, they harbor significantly less of a superiority complex since they also have been derided by their sibling as lesser for all of their existence. Many Io’Larians find themselves more comfortable with Ulven and Humans than with Serous or Celestine Syndar.
  • Serous and Celestine Syndar will openly mock or be rude (but not unreasonably hostile) to Io’Larian Syndar. They believe they are part of the lesser children of Solar and Lunara and are to be treated as such.
  • The Syndar view the Undead as a plague began by humans for their wanton use and unguided expansion of magic. There is no real proof of this, but they find it coincidental that the Undead Plague began around the same generation as some large breakthroughs in magic for the humans.
  • The Syndar on the colony of Mardrun view the Mordok as an even lesser race than the Humans and Ulven. Where the Ulven denounce the Mordok as an intelligent race and Humans tend to view them as monsters, the Syndar regard all races as lesser, and the Mordok are just the lowest. Some Syndar are fascinated with the Mordok culture though and have a great interest in how they’ve managed to thrive in what are viewed as harsh conditions for so long.

How do they handle honor and integrity?

  • Syndar handle honor and integrity much like humans do. Some highly regard it, some do not. Almost all Syndar of importance, such as leaders and rulers, make integrity a top priority because winning over their followers to rule for a long time is very important to them.

How do they handle grudges and revenge?

  • Syndar are calculated and rarely commit crimes of passion. They realize that when they are emotional or worked up about something, that they can still retain control of their actions. They are less excitable than other races. Their overall manner is sometimes compared to a mix between a scholar and a martial artist, where responses and reactions are thought out ahead of time before they are acted upon.
  • They are very slow to gain or give trust to other people. It can take many years and many trials to gain the loyalty of other Syndar.
  • On the flip side, Syndar hold terrible grudges and never forget who has slighted, cheated, or disrespected them. There are stories of young humans being given the cold shoulder by Syndar for transgressions of their fathers before them.
  • Syndar wronged gravely can take the mark of the Rahd Noc, which is an oath of vengeance. Sanctified by a Magis or High Magis, the wearer of the Rahd Noc uses a mixture of their own blood and of red magical paint to mark themselves from the top of the brow to the tip of their chin. It is obvious if a mark is genuine or just merely paint. The bearer of the Rahd Noc then bears the burden of extracting revenge for whatever deed had wrong them. The Rahd Noc remains on them until they have completed this task. This is a way for some Syndar to cope through tragedy. After fighting for vengeance, they can return to a Magis or High Magis and get the Rahd Noc removed. By doing so, they wash their souls of the grievous emotions that weigh them down and it helps them move on. Some Io’Larian Tribes view the Rahd Noc as a symbol not of vengeance, but instead of dedication to a task. This view is not widely known and definitely not shared by their Serous and Celestine siblings.

How do they handle combat and war?

  • When Syndar go to war, it is a much slower and thought out process than humans. It is not uncommon for two Syndar kingdoms or factions to wage war on each other that involves very little death and destruction. Closely resembling a game of chess, the generals will position and reposition troops to gain the upper hand, with feints and troop movements meant to give the impression of victory instead of grinding it into their opponent. There once was a war between two smaller nations that lasted almost 50 years and involved very little bloodshed. They continued to outmaneuver each other, attack supply routes, displace smaller villages, etc. Finally, one nation surrendered after the other nation had the upper hand. Victory was imminent but there was no fiery and bloody battle to the end common with human war tactics.
  • The Syndar view surrendering differently than humans. To them, surrender is not a cowardly way out but a respectful way to admit that one has been outmatched or beaten. They also typically treat any prisoners very well and even return them to their home nations or factions; what they view as the barbaric treatment or slaughter of prisoners by humans is alien and it completely shocked the Syndar during the first wars that broke out between the two races. This actually led to the Undeads initial surge of troops on Faedrun during the war, as Syndar settlements and armies who surrendered were massacred and turned into undead ground troops.

How do they handle justice and punishment?

  • Justice is not swift with Syndar, who normally take a lengthy amount of time determining the guilt and punishment of offenders. Each commune will have a group of lawgivers that follow the directive of their Magis and will determine guilt or innocence through a series of trials and debates. For minor infractions, it is not uncommon for a Syndar trial to last longer than the actual sentence.
  • Syndar who have severely wronged others or have been repeated offenders may be judged to Reclamation. Clerics of the Reclament will be summoned to reclaim the guilty Syndar’s essence of mana. This is a painful process and removes the mana entirely, leaving the Syndar Hollowed. Some Syndar feel that to be Hollowed is worse than death.

How do they handle death?

  • When Syndar die, their Commune will hold a burial service that involves channeling mana out of the deceased and back to members of the Commune or into mana stones. It is believed that through this act, the magic inside the deceased is returned to the community. The body is sometimes embalmed and mummified and placed in earthen or stone built tombs if the deceased was an important or influential figure. Although rare, there are some Syndar that are so sensitive to the flow of mana, that they can detect if a Syndar corpse, long lost or buried, was properly laid to rest and the mana retrieved from the deceased. There is a sect of divine cleric’s known as the Reclament that have devoted their entire life to divining the location of Syndar that were killed and not laid to rest and giving them proper burials. It is very common that all burial’s will be supervised or visited by a Reclament cleric, but a Magis can fulfill this duty if one is not available.
  • Death itself can be both easily overcome or devastating to Syndar. If a Syndar did not know someone really well, their death is mourned and respected, but it is not a very big deal to most Syndar. If a close family member or the significant other of a long term relationship dies, it can be extremely difficult for them to cope with. When Syndar grow accustomed to people for many years, their death hits them that much harder and can be plagued by immense depression that requires time and meditation to overcome.
  • Many Io’Larian Tribes have their own ceremonies and rituals surrounding death. Due to their often insular nature and their incredible range of cultures it is not easy to pin down any single rites or rituals that are common.

How do they handle economy and wealth?

  • Very much like humans, they have a currency system in their home kingdoms and different classes of wealthy Syndar. This “chit” system is variable based on what it is paired with, and the pairings can change. Economy for Syndar is more complicated than humans and can fluctuate rapidly, so they tend to stick to the Vandregonian Silver coin out of respect and ease of trade. So far, the currency of the Syndar has not made it into the human nation’s economy much and it has not come over to Mardrun at all.

How do they handle politics (voting, representation, race-scale changes, etc)?

  • The entirety of Syndar culture revolves around democracy. Everyone has a say, or picks representatives that voice their opinions and votes. This goes all the way up to the Kings and Queens of each kingdom. The people give their voice to the Magis, who then gives their voice to the Enclave, and each Enclave’s Tribunal will make decisions.
  • Each nation or kingdom will hold a number of “Gatherings” where important political matters are discussed. This is normally done in a massive auditorium where the commoner Syndar can come and be a part of the process too. Each Enclave is given a certain number of seats to fill in this auditorium and a common vote is cast that is decided upon by all attending Syndar. More than once has a large decision by a High Magis been trumped or shot down by the collective voice of all present at the Gathering. Io’Larian Syndar are largely excluded from these gatherings.
  • Io’Larian Tribes are known to have envoys of diplomats that are sent to negotiate with their neighbors, be the Io’Larian or not. In some areas they have their own councils that meet to discuss wide-scale politics completely separate from their non-Io’Larian siblings.

What are some common mannerisms for their race?

  • Numerous communes and enclaves have developed their own customs of body art or symbols depicted on their flesh which normally are mystical or magical looking clean lines and swirls. The quick and large smudge lines of traditional human or ulven face paint are uncommon. There is, however, one mark that is universally recognized by all the Syndar and that is the Rahd Noc.
  • Although the standard greeting for humans is to shake hands and for Ulven is to shake forearms, the Syndar see such a greeting as odd. They do not and have never shook hands as a greeting. This has sometimes come off as arrogance when a Syndar does not shake hands/forearms, but was probably the result of innocent ignorance as most Syndar do not realize the importance of the gesture the other races.
  • The formal greeting to another Syndar is a slight bow of the head, a closing of the eyes, and the stating of the phrase “Siala Kay Nu”.
  • Proper or older Syndar in polite or formal occasions find it rude to be direct in their conversations. Asking “How is your sister?” is considered rude. Making a round-about statement of “Your sister and I were always such friends, it is a shame she became ill recently” opens up the possibility of the other speaker to say how their sister is doing. This practice has continued to decline as humans don’t practice it and even more so on Mardrun as Ulven have no patience for such round-about speech.

Are there any symbols or animals important to this race?

  • Symbols for the Sun and Moon are commonly used on their equipment, decoration, and art.
  • The elements are also important for most Syndar, so sometimes markings or runes related to the elements are worked into their designs and art.
  • Some Io’Larian Syndar find different animals important given how closely related they are in their creation story. Some Io’Larian Syndar belong to clans that stretch far back to the first animals whose essence was used to birth them into existence.

Is there anything considered taboo or forbidden to this race?

  • Any Syndar who has had (willingly or not) their fae qualities (horns, pointed ears, etc) removed or altered to look like a humans is considered completely revolting to other Syndar. It would be the equivalent of a human cutting off their ears or noses to look like another race. The act of removing horns is more revolting than a Syndar with them.
  • Same-sex monogamous relationships have traditionally been seen as a taboo by some Syndar who believe it is the duty of all who can to aid in the creation of more offspring. Same-sex couplings and encounters themselves are not seen as problematic by most Syndar.

Are there any common sayings that are used by this race?

  • “Siala Kay Nu” (See-alla Kai-Noo) which is a saying that roughly translates to “With the sun and the moon”. It is a generalized blessing used for many occasions and a greeting.

What is a common appearance (eyes, skin, ears, fangs, etc) for them? Is there an uncommon or taboo appearance for them?

  • All Syndar have pointed ears of some kind. These can range in size and shape. Syndar very commonly have strikingly colored eyes of various colors and are usually not a measure of importance for any of the lineages.
  • Io’Larian Syndar bloodlines often to have brightly or oddly colored skin and more predominant horns and features like enlarged canines or fangs. To the Serous and Celestine Syndar, the Io’Larian Syndar are looked down upon and treated poorly.
  • Serous Syndar commonly have skin that runs the range of natural human skin tones (though they occasionally have more fae-like colours kissing the tips of their ears), a lack of horns, and pointed ears of some kind. Most of the Syndar population is made up of Serous Syndar.
  • Celestine Syndar do not have horns or fangs of any kind. They commonly have strikingly colored eyes and a skin colored tinted gold or silver. Most Serous and some Io’Larian Syndar revere the Celestine as prestigious members of Syndar society.

What overall theme/style do they tend to have? (Clothing, look, etc)

  • Syndar clothing tends to edge closer to fantasy or regal looks, sometimes with a bit more color. They also have basic clothing, but often with a penchant for deep colours. Io’Larian Syndar maintain a love of colour as an expression of their spirit, but tend toward more hearty and utilitarian materials. The most common look or appearance of most Syndar is that of a more organic and fantasy theme. It is also very common for their clothing to be flowing, larger, and/or layered.

How do they regard magic? What kind of magical people or classes do they have and what do they do?

  • All Syndar are in tune with magic more so than other races. They are usually more receptive to certain changes in magic and mana and are able to sense things that other races cannot. This has given the Syndar the ability to become very powerful arcane and divine spell casters and the use of magic is much more dominant in their society than in others.
  • They completely recognize the two schools of magic, arcane and divine, and try to further their knowledge in both. Although Syndar are born with magical aptitude, they do not possess the ability to channel both divine and arcane magic in the way that the Ulven do. This has made way for a number of scholars to hunt down answers but so far no real progress has been made.
  • Almost all Syndar worship both gods, but they feel that Arcane magic is a gift from Solar and Divine magic is a gift from Lunara.

Is there a rite of passage or coming of age for them to become adult?

  • Due to the longevity of a Syndar’s life, they do not have an official coming of age rite or time. It is mainly just recognized when they are ready for reproduction and developed physically. This usually occurs between 16 and 20 years of age.
  • Due to the varied and insular nature of the Io’Larian Tribes not a great deal is widely known about their rites of passage. Many Tribes do have very specialized rites, but they are often a well guarded secret.

What is their courting & relationship process like?

  • Syndar do not believe in marriage. They go through a courtship like the Humans where the male and female try to impress each other. If they find the other Syndar to their liking, they enter a relationship but there is no further step that solidifies that relationship. This does not mean that the Syndar are promiscuous and they do not cast relationships aside lightly, but the Syndar live a long time, and the concept of being forced or feeling forced to be with someone when they do not want to be is alien to them. It is not uncommon for Syndar that have been in love for decades to drift apart because of their separate lives or changes in their behavior. This parting is usually a mutual agreement that is less confrontational than with other races.

How long do they live and what is their birth/child process like?

  • Syndar live a long time, averaging 150-200 years, but they grow from infants to children and then to adult Syndar at about the same speed as humans do. The main difference is that large families are very rare, most parents only having 1-3 children.
  • Syndar birth rate has been on the decline for the last 500 years. It is not enough to cause major alarm for their race, but it can become an issue if a large war or disease kills a lot of their kind. They will not reproduce as quickly as the other races.
  • Syndar children almost always take on the lineage and traits of the mother, not the father. It is very rare for the traits of the father to be dominant for the child and even more rare for a Celestine child to be born.
  • All communes and enclaves are expected to turn over any Celestine children to the Enlightened. It is a great honor for a member of a commune or enclave to produce a Celestine offspring. Their birth is random and the parents willingly hand over the child to the mages of the Enlightened so they can begin their studies immediately. It is very rare for Celestine Syndar to be born to any Io’Larian Syndar, but when it does happen they are still almost always turned over to the Enlightened for training.

How do they handle their own names? Is there meaning to how they are structured?

  • Syndar names tend to be more rolling, smooth, or flowing. For example, Syndar names could be Sialyth, Sintare, Tilinian, Silorian, Nuvalish, etc. Abrupt, short, or mundane names are uncommon to the Syndar. There is no real meaning for their structure and they do not exhibit commune or enclave identification of their names. Last names are used but not common.
  • Io’Larian Syndar often have names outside of what would be considered the norm by their urban siblings, often taking names from their own language as opposed to the common Syndar tongue.

Are there any special groups or factions within this race?

  • The Reclament is a holy order of Syndar clerics devoted to finding and laying to rest lost Syndar. They believe that the mana gifted to all Syndar at birth is a resource that if abused and neglected will wither and die. The act of finding and returning the magical essence of all Syndar helps keep this energy in the community and in the Syndar race. This group can also carry out punishment by reclaiming the mana essence of a Syndar criminal, forcing them to become Hollowed.
  • The Enlightened is a scholarly order that researches arcane magic at its highest levels and overlooks the education of the Celestine Syndar. They are powerful mages who also keep track of the massive libraries created in reference to magic and the lore of the world.
  • Any Syndar who have lost their magical essence due to foul magic, a defect at birth, been sentenced to Reclamation, or some form of experiment or experience is called a Hollow. They are typically shunned by the Syndar communities, and more often than not become wanderers. These Syndar tend to act differently than other Syndar, and are generally easy to spot. The appearance of a Hollowed Syndar can be described as somber, depressed, or even haunted. It is not known if this is an actual side effect of losing their essence or a burdening sense of shame, or a demeanor that has grown from being viewed as broken or less than whole by other Syndar.

Were there any large/significant events that happened for this race?

  • The Battle of Grayfield was the turning point in easing human and Syndar tension. When the Vandregonions proved that they would take up arms to stop their own kind from attacking the Syndar, it changed the way the Syndar viewed the Humans.
  • The Undead on Faedrun hit the Syndar border nations hard. The speed of the plague, and the penitent cause taking hold were so alien to most Syndar, that they did not know how to respond. Their previous tactics made combating the undead plague difficult. It is suspected that most of the Syndar race was eradicated on Faedrun during the war, but it is impossible to accurately estimate numbers.
  • Starting over on Mardrun was extremely difficult to the surviving Syndar. Cut off from their homeland, their history, and their teachings the thought of beginning anew is terrifying to them. Most Syndar have joined together into new communes and live in Newhope or have created their own settlement close to Newhope.
  • Many Io’Larian tribes were broken apart during The Fall of Faedrun and though a few of the larger communities were able to establish themselves on Mardrun, the majority of Io’Larian Syndar found themselves severed from their culture. A group of disparate Io’Larians has come together under the name of The Shattered Tribes to share and maintain their individual cultures under a single loose banner.

What was this race like on Faedrun? On Mardrun?

  • On Faedrun, the Syndar have been around for a very long time. They kept to themselves and did not expand their territories much. Their kingdoms and nations were doing very well and they flourished in their pursuit of the magic and spirituality. It wasn’t until recently (for the Syndar at least) when the Human kingdoms matured enough to expand their borders and fighting broke out between the two races, that the Syndar experienced any major changes. Even following some bloody battles between the humans and Syndar, the Syndar race as a whole remained steady, but they expanded or opened their borders as more and more Syndar began to travel and trade with the humans. When the great war began on Faedrun with the undead, the Syndar nations held their own ground but also committed to helping Vandregon, even if from different angles or sending support in the form of smaller units. After a while, the Syndar nations collapsed at the borders and their entire race was split up or fell back to the farthest reaches of their lands. What was once a proud and great series of kingdoms was decimated.
  • The refugees fleeing Faedrun that arrived on Mardrun are nothing more than just that. They are refugees in a foreign land with no governing group or political structure. Syndar have banded together and kept to the colony of Newhope or have tried to create their own communes near colonized locations. These groups are scraping by, but the complete collapse of their government and political structure is hard on the Syndar on Mardrun.

Is this race a unified group or are there obvious differences between its members? What common ground does this race share?

  • A majority of the Syndar work together as a whole and generally do everything according to the overall direction of their entire race. Religion and Lore keep most of the Syndar race unified and differences are normally worked out diplomatically. The Kingdom of Teillorien is the flagship nation of the Syndar and most of the smaller nations follow their lead.
  • The only main differences are the Io’Larian Tribes and the Hollowed, who are regarded coldly and almost as bad as outsiders. Hollowed are ignored and Io’Larian Tribes are largely not included in any politics.

How do they handle teaching & knowledge?

  • The Syndar normally handle teaching much like humans with the use of classes and teachers. This is normally done within the commune and each Enclave can have institutes that can specialize in different areas. The main difference is that all teaching, training, and schooling done is always free and each and every Syndar has the opportunity to learn more at any given time. Popular courses will either get more teachers or have a waiting list to get in.
  • Because of a Syndar’s long life, they tend to have a curiosity or thirst for knowledge more so than other races. They know that they, on average, will be around for a long time and the more well rounded they are, the better.
  • The Enlightened maintain a prestigious school that is designed to take in, teach, and raise the Celestine Syndar. Although the teachers may be non-Celestine, all of the students are. They are taught higher level education related to leadership, core principles of the entire Syndar race, and of spirituality and magic. They are groomed to be powerful spell casters and leaders of the Syndar.

What kind of superstitions does this race have? (sayings, totems, rituals, beliefs)?

  • A Solar or Lunar eclipse is a big deal to the Syndar. It is believed that the gods of Solar and Lunara touch and are completely in tune with the flow of magic and that is a time for meditation and spiritual enlightenment. Communes will sometimes fast and meditate in large groups on these days. It is not uncommon for entire communes or even enclaves to completely shut down for the day of a Solar or Lunar eclipse to allow its people to meditate.
  • A New Moon is a time when most communes will make small offers or sacrifices, usually in the form of art, incense, or food. A small moon shrine may be visited by members and small contributions donated at the base of the shrine. This is an ancient custom that is still around that is meant to ask Lunara to return to the world, it is meant to bring on good luck.

What kind of structures do they build and to what style?

  • There are a wide variety of Syndar dwellings, ranging from natural vegetation and simple earthen and brush buildings, to smooth and sturdy rock buildings. Aesthetics are always a priority and even earthen buildings will look more like fantasy dwellings or groves. With the help of magic, they reinforce and sturdy these rocks and walls. A supposedly weak building can withstand immense punishment. The architecture is smooth, flowing, and organic when compared to the more rudimentary human styles.
  • Syndar buildings are usually complexes involving small living spaces for each member, with much larger gathering or common rooms.
  • Some Syndar live a nomadic life style and follow either trade or the change of seasons. They have very mobile villages and may return to certain locations year after year.

What kind of weapons and armor are common to the race? Is there something that has special meaning?

  • Medium and lighter armors are common; heavily armored soldiers are fairly rare to the Syndar. There are no iconic weapons or armor that the Syndar use, but the use of staff or double bladed weapons are more common than other races due to the higher percentage of arcane spellcasters.

What kind of fighters does this race have? Are they known for anything in particular?

  • The Syndar field all manner of soldiers when it comes to battle and war, though they tend to put a higher focus on the mobility of their troops over heavy armaments. Their use of arcane warriors is common as well, providing magical support to break enemy shields and push their lines apart. They field excellent scouts, rangers, skirmishers, and spellcasters.

Is there a particular talent, trade skill, or resource that this race has or focuses on?

  • Mana Stones were first discovered by the Syndar and to this day, only the Syndar possess the knowledge of how to create them. They are special gems or items that can store mana and their construction is a closely guarded secret.
  • The recovering, transferring, harnessing, or storing of mana is a skill that the Syndar have learned and mastered over time to the point that it has become a natural trait.

What is the population of this race (if known)?

  • The collective number of all the Syndar nations and kingdoms put their numbers at about 10 million on Faedrun, but the entire Syndar race was decimated by the war. It is suspected that over half of their entire race was killed in the war, and the remaining majority of their race retreated back to the northern edge of the continent of Faedrun. As far as we know, a small percentage of Syndar are still with human forces scattered around Faedrun fighting the undead.
  • Another small percentage has fled the continent and started a new life on Mardrun. It is expected that at only a couple hundred Syndar made it to Mardrun.
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The Phoenix


The Phoenix people have always been a more nomadic group of Syndar, always interested in different cultures. They are a curious group by nature. They carried their goods with them and traded for anything they needed, staying mostly in the North while the Syndar and Humans fought out their differences. After the Battle of Grayfield when peace was established, they started to move further to the South seeing what there is to see and meeting these new Humans. The beginning was touch and go as feelings were still sensitive to the mingling of different races.

When they came to the May’Kar desert, the Humans there were more open and friendly to the Syndar as a whole and so the Phoenix concentrated on that area of Faedrun. They traded for what they needed, but because they stayed in the area, the May’kar people started to depend on their repeated arrival with much needed and wanted items. Within a few decades the Phoenix took the desert as their permanent home.

They used their thick canvas tents to keep out the sand. They set them up around a main area that was the common area and held a fire pit. They used their personal areas mainly for sleeping and storage; they spent most of their time in the common area or traveling, visiting anyone who was out there. They set up trade routes and the Phoenix traveled all over the desert and even to some towns on the edge of the Vandregon.

There the Phoenix lived for over 150 years, until the year 232 when the Magis Yara went on her journey of enlightenment. When she was on her trip she became dehydrated, weak and fevered- in that state Solara came to her. He told her that the Undead were never going to leave their lands and were going to overtake her people if they stayed in Fadrun. Solara told her to take his people to safety. That they needed to travel east until they met the edge of the world, to take boats and continue east until they find a new home. He then had a phoenix bring water and food for her to aide her on her way back. When she returned and was nursed back to health she told her people the news that they were to leave their land and find land that was promised to them . Solaras told them to leave soon, but Syndar are not a quickly moving race. They discussed leaving some of the younger ones used raised voices to discuss. There was not a unanimous choice as every Syndar chooses their own paths and hearts were saddened and some even broken.

The trip was the biggest devastation to the Phoenix people in their history; to move almost all of their people and personal belongings across hundreds of miles in hostile territory. Some had never been outside of their village. They had the help of their camels; the beast of burden gave them so much. They lost some of the Phoenix to desertion and various fighting with humans. In Aldoria they had trouble with bandits robbing them and soldiers refusing the huge group of Syndar to pass threw their lands. They had to buy their way across the country until they reached the sea.

The trip was only half done; they needed to cross the sea to get to the land. The Phoenix were desert dwellers, they knew nothing of the sea and how to navigate in it. They set upon the task of finding boasts big enough and men to sail them. In their search the sailors there jested about the large group of Syndar that wanted to take a boat into the emptiness of the ocean. Very few would even consider helping them and even less once they found out they had no idea where they were going.

Only one Captain was willing (drunk enough) to listen to them and eventually chance sailing off into the unknown, but they needed 2 ships to take everyone. They sold almost all of their valuables, belongings and had to part with all of their camels to secure the ships and used the rest of the money to buy any provisions they could to support them on the voyage. They secured a second ship, but no other Captain was willing to sail it. The drunken captain took a handful of Phoenix were taught quickly how to sail and were instructed to stay close to the lead ship. With everyone loaded, most of the coastal town gathered to witness the Phoenix leaving. A joke ran along the group to look your last as this group will never be seen again.
Days into the trip they hit a storm, the ships tried in vain to stay in sight of each other. The ship with a captain was blown south of the original course and the ship without a captain was never seen again. After the storm they were lost, unsure how off course they were blown. Weeks on a ship with hardly any food, hoping they would find the land Solaras promised them- they became sick, some were dying, the healers didn’t know how to handle sea type sicknesses and there was no way to stave off hunger. Some began to fear Solara had left them thinking they were damned. When the unthinkable happened and Yara took ill and died, some even went so far as to take their lives and jump into the ocean. The oldest Magis in training, Raina Then one day with the keen eyes of a young Syndar, land was spotted. They landed, exhausted and sick. They had nothing, the people were still dying until shelter and food could be found, collected and used.

A New Beginning
They found themselves on an island on the Southeast side of Mardrun, the climate was more lush wooded lands with prairies. A small lake fed by a spring in the middle of the island, the Phoenix built their village on the edge of the lake by the outlet so the dirty water would not contaminate the clean. Some of the phoenix took to the new land quickly, building small rooms of wood in the branches of the trees to be off the ground (bird like) for security. Some also built their homes on the ground not comfortable with the idea of heights.
They built a temple for Solaras. Magis Raina used the temple as her home and to also train the new Magis. There are only a few in training; they are assigned a guard who stays with them day and night. It is an old practice that even fewer guards took seriously.

The captain stayed with them for a while, treated extremely well. But after a time he decided it was time to try to get home. The phoenix loaded his ship with all they could and wished him luck on his journey back. As he left he was seen shaking his head with a smile, muttering “wait until they hear this back in Faedrun, I’ll be famous.” *

Wild animals were smaller, being contained on the island. The phoenix changed their diet to include a lot of fresh grown produce with the rich and fertile soil. Rabbits were plentiful on the new land. The phoenix were careful not to over harvest. They found Guineas for eggs and goats were domesticated for dairy and fur.

Without the humans and trading, they became more self sufficient as hunters and gatherers. They are alone on the island; they provided what they needed to survive- metal weapons slowly became scarce, they were forced to make them out of wood- limiting what they could hunt for. They leaned heavily on bow and arrows. When a sword broke the metal was transformed into smaller throwing daggers.

They made a modest, but content life on the island. The once buoyant and outgoing group was now trapped on the island with no one else to talk to and trade stories with. They lived this way for 24 years.

In the spring of the year 261 a couple of Phoenix were out in one of the small boats they had fashioned for fishing, a doll washed up on the side of their boat. They picked it up, it was definitely not made by their people. They sat still listening and watching. They heard voices, very far away- and almost, just almost (maybe it was just an active imagination) they could see an outline of a boat. Because more then one phoenix saw and heard it they took it to Magis Raina who called a meeting.

They knew there were more people, what race and who they were- they had no idea. They sat in council and talked about what they should do. For Syndar it was a fairly fast discussion and quickly decided to find them and meet these new people. But how? They didn’t have big boats; they had small ones they had learned to build to gather fish in the deeper waters of the sea. Would it be big enough? Who would go? What if they got lost?

Several wanted to go and volunteered. Most were younger Syndar who were looking for adventure and had been very young when they left their old land and have not met anyone since. Magis Raina wanted a small party to go meet them and see if they were a hospitable race.

Raina looked out across the meeting area and saw Anariel talking with a larger blue/rainbow colored bird, that are found on the island. She is a level headed, dependable and very polite. She’s inquisitive and understanding of people’s feelings and would represent her people well even if she does get side tracked easily. She better send Laertes with her, he’s older and can help keep her on track. His keen mind and fairness also works in his favor to gain trust with others. Both were seasoned fighters.

But she needed more for a welcoming party. Looking to her side she decided on Celeste. Her most promising Magis in training was highly skilled in healing and could come in handy when traveling. Maybe if any of the people they were meeting was hurt then Celeste could help them and further their favor. And with adding Celeste, Thorn was also added to the list as he was her personal body guard and just last month they had a ceremony to be joined and Raina knew from experience she would not be able to separate them had she wanted to. Which suited her fine as Thorn was a proven fighter and would protect Celeste with his life.

She gathered the group of four to represent her people and sent them off with a brief prayer to Solara for protection and a prosperous trip. As they came near the shore they heard the sound of a small village, they were humans. They called out their greeting and stopped the boat just outside of arrow range if these new people had felt the need to use them and also out of respect. Anariel hailed to them.

They saw the initial surprise from the group when they noticed them, the hustle after to get the one in charge and more people came out to see what was going on. It looked to be a smaller human settlement.

Then assumingly the man in charge came out to the shore he was a taller man, dark hair, dressed in black plate mail with a red bird on the front of it. Also by his side another man came; he was lighter in hair color wearing leather. Both had swords on their side, they talked briefly to each other then told the small boat to approach.

As the boat hit land, the Humans gave the Syndar room to disembark. They stood, watching each other until Anariel spoke. “Greetings, we come from an island not far away. We call ourselves the Phoenix. We have come here to greet you, help you and to kindle a partnership in hopes that we can help each other. I have brought with me Laertes, Celeste, who is a healer if anyone here needs help she is more then happy to see to them. Thorn, who is her sworn protector and myself; Anariel. How may we assist you?”

“Greetings and well met. My name is Aradael and this is Fortinbras our village is known as Crows Landing. If you would like to have your healer… Celeste, can go with my wife, Amalthia to see if anyone is in need of her help. If you and Laertes would like to follow me, we can sit down, break bread and talk.”

The group talked for hours and had many things to share. Aradael was surprised to learn that the Phoenix were secluded on an island, not knowing of the world around them. He told them they were next to a much larger land called Mardrun, telling them of how his people had landed here after a storm and had made their living. He spoke of the Mordok and Ulven that are contained on Mardrun…. He then turned to much darker topics of the Ulven civil war that seemed to be on the horizon and of the Undead showing up on Mardrun in April when everyone had thought they had escaped them on Mardrun.

Laertes and Anariel were shocked to hear that the Undead; the ones they had fled their home lands for, lost over half of their people to avoid had followed them. This was bad, very bad. They had to get back to Raina and soon; she had to be told of this. With thanks to their newly found friends and promises to return, they headed back to the island and called a meeting telling Raina all that they had found out.

“We must do something.”

“It is not our land or our problem.”

“How is it not!? Humans were our friends, our allies!”

“You mean the Aldorians who charged us just to cross their lands?”

“They can deal with it themselves; we should stay here on our island. Solaras gave us this island for our home to be safe.”

“Not all humans were Aldorians, were you not listening- These men who welcomed us were Aldorians- no all Aldorians are bad.”

“We have to do something. If the undead followed them across the water- they will stop at nothing until we are all dead.”

Raina stood up after a while of listening to everyone voice their opinions.

“My children, I know this is a shock to many of us. First to find others, then to hear of whole world we are missing and then to hear that the undead are also here. Yes, we are safe on our island- but for how long? They followed the living here, they will just keep coming until they are stopped. You know Solaras is kind and has provided for us. But what have we done to give back for our good fortune? How would he look at us if we turned our back on our newly found allies? From what we have been told the Ulven are a mix just like the Humans, some are good and some are bad. Don’t we have a responsibility to help those less than us? Solara will lead us gently in a way he feels is best for us, but it is up to us to make the most of it. So we can show him that we deserve to be born again from our ashes.

Also, perhaps if there is more land out there- maybe our lost brothers and sisters are out there thinking we were lost to them? Maybe they made it to the new land. Will we not look for them?”

She looked out upon her people.

“We will help them, but we will not run in blindly. Laertes and Anariel will continue to speak to Crows Landing and gather any information that we can. We will decide who will go out of the first trip to see and gather information. Perhaps we can start a trade with them to get steel and offer them our food and healing supplies. Lets show Solaras we are worthy of his love and attention.”

Over the next few months a small group of phoenix trained and gathered supplies for their journey. Crows Landing has told them what they knew… They haven’t heard much from Grimward, but to still be wary of them. The Lich has been sighted, his power source was destroyed and now a group is going after it to finish it off as soon as they could. The phoenix planned on helping the group destroy the Lich in any way possible, they loaded extras for healing.

With Raina giving them a blessing for Solara to look after them, the group climbed in the boats to head to Crows Landing and from there, the unknown.

When the captain returned to Faedrun no one believed his wild claims of finding a new land. They assumed he was gone on a drinking binge. He died in poverty, with his tales being left as rumors.

Phoenix FAQ
Characteristics- They are considered Serous Syndar. They have “normal” colored skin, no horns, but vary from Syndar to Syndar with small fangs and bright colored eyes. Facial tattoos, clothing is more regal/ dignified they try to emulate the Phoenix and use red, gold, orange and black wispy, flowing clothing.

Origin – The Maykar Dominion

Housing- thick canvas tents. Some were in a traveling caravan

Population: Believed to be around 250-300 members… now closer to 100-120

Life expectancy- average life expectancy is 185 years old, though it has been said that a member of Phoenix, has lived to the age of 201 years old. She claims it is because she had a healthy diet of wirbles (slugs) that has helped her stay so young and energetic.

Politics: They live as a commune, the Phoenix people have been looked down upon by other Syndar for deciding to “cater to the humans” with their caravan when they lived in the Maykar Dominion. Because of this they are not as welcome in the Syndar politics which suit the Phoenix just fine. They care for the survival of their people and care little else for what others think of them.

Life Style/living: They have a main village at one of the oases in the Maykar Dominion and smaller villages around the desert at different oasis. They make a living hunting what scarce game they find using traps and snares and having a group of members who operate a traveling caravan going from oasis to oasis sharing and trading food and goods to humans that live in the area. The Phoenix people are very community orientated, everyone helps out everyone and living is very comfortable. They do have their own heavy tents made of canvas, but they are small, mostly used for sleeping- most of the Syndar socialize in the center of the oasis.
Water: When the water in the oasis would start to get low the Phoenix would gather around the well and channel their energy into the earth while the Magis would ask Solaras for more water to provide for his children. It took a couple of hours, but Solarus always provided for those who believed. Their well would fill, the Phoenix would speak his praise and life could continue.

Raising young Children of the Phoenix are rare; they are cherished and doted on. Because of this, they raise their children as a community. Everyone helps out; there is nothing happier to hear in life then the laughter of a child. Each child is required to take one year of training for magic. When they are 10 they are tested to find which magic runs in their veins and then they are divided up for classes. After one year it is optional for continuing education.

Marriage is not common among Syndar. They go through a courtship like humans where they try to impress each other. If they find the other Syndar to their liking, they enter a relationship but there are usually no further steps. But in rare occasions when two Syndar want to join for life it is cause for much celebration. Syndar do not take joining lightly, but still treat it as a blessing. When two Syndar join, they pledge themselves to each other and ask for the blessing of Solara. They have a great feast and the village celebrates the newly joined couple.

Religion – They worship the Sun God Solara. They believe the phoenix is his pet; to be feared and worshiped as an extension of him. When a member of Phoenix dies they burn the body releasing the spirit to Solara, to see if they have lived in his honor and accept them so they may be reborn again. Members who did not honor Solara and live in his ways will not be reborn and their spirit will be lost for all ages.

As Serous Syndar being born from the elements of the earth- the Phoenix believe that when Solaras made them he used fire as his main element. Solara also gifted them with arcane magic. Some do have divine, but most tend to have arcane.

Death rituals- When a member of the Phoenix dies, the Magis reclaims the mana out of the deceased and back to the mana stones meant for members of the Phoenix. The clan gathers at the center of the village, tribal music is played as the Magis prays to Solara to accept their spirit into her and to let them be reborn into this world again. The body is wrapped in a white clothe and nothing else so they can rise from the ashes pure and new. Their belongings are not burned with them and left to help care for the family of the mourning or dispersed to the other members as the family sees fit.

Why we came to Mardrun- Around the year 230 the Magi was on a trip of enlightenment in the desert where the Phoenix commune used to live in Fadrun. When she was on her trip she became dehydrated, weak and fevered- in that state Solara came to her. He told her that the Undead were never going to leave their lands and were going to overtake her people if they stayed in Fadrun. Solara told her to take his people to safety. That they needed to travel east until they met the edge of the world, to take boats and continue east until they find a new home. He then had a phoenix bring water and food for her to aide her on her way back.
Arguments arouse when the Magis told the people of what she had learned. A lot of the people wanted to stay and live life as they always had while others knew the Magis wouldn’t lie. After days of debating and arguing they could not come to a compromise so with many tears, some of the phoenix stayed while most of them left in search for this new land they were promised.
They were used to traveling in the harsh desert and made it across the May’kar Desert easily with use of their camels. After that, the trip became very hard and long for the people of the Phoenix- They had a few small skirmishes with the humans as they made their way across the Aldorian Kingdom. The humans in the May’kar Dominion were nice and welcoming, while the Aldorians were mistrustful and unwilling to help a group of refugees of this size. They lost some of the Phoenix to desertion and various fighting with humans. Once they had made it to the end of the world they were to take a boat across to the new Promised Land. The sailors there jested about the large group of Syndar that wanted to take a boat into the emptiness of the ocean.
Only one Captain was willing (drunk enough) to chance sailing off into the unknown, but they needed 2 ships to take everyone. They sold almost of their valuables and all of their camels securing the ships and used the rest of the money to buy any provisions to support them on the voyage. They secured a second ship, but no other Captain was willing to sail it. A group of Phoenix were taught quickly how to sail and were instructed to stay close to the lead ship.
On the trip they hit a storm, the ships tried in vain to stay in sight of each other. The ship with a captain was blown south of the original course and the ship without a captain was never seen again. After the storm they were lost, weeks on a ship with hardly any food, hoping they would find the land Solaras promised them- they became sick, some were dying, the healers didn’t know how to handle sea type sicknesses and there was no way to stave off hunger. Some began to fear Solara had left them thinking they were damned. Then one day with the keen eyes of a young Syndar, land was spotted. They landed on an island exhausted and sick. They had nothing, the people were still dying until shelter and food could be found, collected and used.

A new beginning
Origin – An island on the Southeast side of Mardrun, climate was more lush wooded lands with prairies. A small lake fed by a spring in the middle of the island, the Phoenix built their village on the edge of the lake by the outlet so the dirty water would not contaminate the clean.

Housing- small rooms built of wood in the branches of the trees to be off the ground (bird like) for security. They are very intricate and beautifully carved. Some also built their homes on the ground not comfortable with the idea of heights, but still has the same attention to detail with the carvings and flowing quality.

Life Style/living: Without the humans and trading, they became hunters and gatherers. They are alone on the island; they provided what they needed to survive- metal weapons were scarce, they were forced to make them out of wood- limiting what they could hunt for. They lean heavily on bow and arrows. But after meeting with Crows Landing they were able to secure some swords after trading was established.

Greetings: Bow your head, close your eyes and say “Siala Kay Nu” (See-alla Kai- Noo) means “With the sun and the moon”

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Physical Characteristics and Cultural Aesthetics
The Lost are of a unique bloodline of Io’Larian Syndar, nearly all of them showing the marks of their ancestors through their natural green-tinted skin.

The Lost hold a reverence for nature and their ancestors and this is shown in their clothing, tattoos, piercings, and jewelry. Not all Lost choose to ink or pierce their skin, but those that do see it as a reverential send up to their cultural heritage and a way to showcase a deep, lasting connection to their ancestors.

Religion and Culture

The Lost do venerate Solar and Lunara, like most Syndar. However, it is only a small aspect of their religion. They pay their respects to the main gods, and instead choose to interact and worship their ancestors and the spirits of the surrounding land.

Each Lost also has a totem. Finding one’s totem is a very personal rite, and signifies a Lost coming of age. A shaman helps guide them to find it, but it is up to each Lost to do so. One does not choose a totem though. It is the spirit who chooses.
Almost any animal spirit native to the Celestial Mountains can be a totem spirit. Each animal totem is known for it’s own set of typical characteristics, but each Lost’s individual totem has it’s own distinct personality. The only animal the does not manifest as a totem is Wolf. No Lost has had a Wolf totem since the time of Wargheart. In fact, wolves in any form are considered bad luck, and it is especially bad luck to kill one.

Lost tend to practice blood magic, believing that their own blood is a powerful component. Their totems are gifted their blood and other chiminage in exchange for magic. There are some whispered rumors that the Lost practice cannibalism and are man eaters, but there is no proof of this, and any Lost would immediately deny such accusations.

Lost live in separate family groupings and while these groups live separate from the each other, they still live near enough that they can respond to emergencies and meet for cultural celebrations. Most family groups settle within a day’s walk or so of their neighbors

Because of the very small number of Lost, each female is required to bear a child at least once, though they are not required to raise it. The child may be fostered to another in their family group, and it is in fact not at all uncommon for a child to not be raised by both of their biological parents. The biological parents are of course still involved with the child rearing, as everyone in the family group are expected to help.

A council of Elders from each family group oversee the blood lines, making sure that the entire tribe and it’s blood remains healthy. To do this, matings are often arranged by the Elders between family groups. These pairings are not expected to be permanent, with each party often going separate ways after a child is conceived.

It is not uncommon for a Lost to have various intimate partners, sometimes of either gender, though they usually only form permanent relationships as a pair. Children from such casual encounters are not uncommon, though it is taboo to produce children from within your blood.

On incredibly rare occasions a Lost may find themselves in a casual encounter with an outsider, not of the tribe. This in-and-of itself is not seen as a negative, but any child born out of this union would not be considered a member of the tribe. More often than not these children are birthed in secret and left with their outsider parent to be raised as their Lost parent would not want to subject them to a life of a second-class citizen. Children born from a union with an outsider are traditionally referred to not by their given name, not by their ancestral name, but by their status: Otherkith. Otherkith are not permitted to learn the Shamanic arts of The Lost. They are not permitted to take a totem. There have, in the history of The Lost, been an incredibly rare few otherkith that have grown to a place of acceptance in their tribe and family group. These otherkith, through deeds and actions, regained their names, but not once has one been given the right to a totem. Any child born from a pairing with an otherkith will also be an otherkith and due to this pairings with them that give rise to children are seen as taboo and to be avoided.

Permanent pairs can actually be any gender or age mixtures, because a permanent pairing is not borne of lust. Lust can be taken care of easily, but a permanent bond is very important and special among the Lost. It is built of mutual trust and protection, with each partner willing to die for the other, and watching the others back and supporting them. it could be a brother and sister, father and son, best friends, as well as lovers. A permanent bonding is not taken on lightly.

The concept of honor is very important among the Lost. Because their tribe is so small, they cannot afford infighting and violence amongst their ranks. One’s word, once given, is one’s law. The spirit’s will not deal with oath-breakers, it is believed, and so neither will any of the other Lost. To deal with an oath-breaker is to bring their bad luck upon yourself. To break serious oath, or to murder any of the kith, is to forfeit your life. Any Lost warrior would not hesitate to execute a serious oath-breaker. Because of this, crime is low among the tribe, being as the most severe consequence will be dealt out to the offender, swiftly and mercilessly.

Life among the Lost

The Lost place a heavy importance on one’s family and lineage. One of the first things a Lost child is taught is their lineage, and the deeds of their ancestors. To the Lost, no one has a more vested interest in their well being , than their ancestors. A typical Lost meal includes an empty place setting, set with mead, ale or wine, and the first portion of every dish. This is for any Ancestor or land spirit that may wish to visit the family.

The Lost believe that one’s luck and one’s worth are determined by a myriad, and yet connected set of factors. One’s own deeds are the most influential, but so also can the deeds of one’s ancestors and even those around you, can affect one’s luck and worth. It does not matter if you are a great person, if you are surrounded by scum, you count among scum.

Relations with other species and people
Though most Lost tend to judge a person on their words and actions, there does still exist certain prejudices.

Syndar- Relations between the Lost and the serous Syndar remain fractious at best. The more genteel, city-bred Syndar tend to view their back-water, barbaric cousins dimly, and the Lost tend to return the sentiment. Other Io’Larians are generally respected. Lost tend to view the Celestials as an older and disliked sibling. There is no real hate, but neither do they like each other.

Humans- Surprisingly, the Lost tend to get along better with humans than the other intelligent species of the world. Despite the violent relationship between the Order and the Lost tribe, when out among the world, Lost tend to associate more with humans.

Ulven- There are not very many Lost known as of now on the New World, so the interactions of these two species are mostly speculation. One might think that these two peoples would get along very well, and it is almost true. The best way to describe it would be the Uncanny Valley. The Ulven in culture are so close to the Lost, that a Lost could almost feel at home among them. Then the Ulven do or say something that is so completely alien to the Lost culture, it only further emphasizes the vast differences. There is also the sensitive matter of the Lost being responsible for the extinction of the Great Wolves, the Warg. The Ulven do not know of this history, and it is not known how they will react if they do find out……..

The Lost of Mardrun
As it is known, The Lost did not have the fortune of arriving on Mardrun in any true and large numbers. Many of them had great difficulty finding each other on this new land with little to go on other than reports of other “green-skins” in other areas of the land.

Eventually many of The Lost did find each other and together made a home, though the location of this small village is a well guarded secret. Each of The Lost in this village swear a blood oath on the names of their ancestors that they will never reveal the location of their village to outsiders.

This life did not suit them well in the long-run. After years of attempted isolation the remaining Elders of the Tribe came to the conclusion that they simply did not have the numbers required to maintain themselves without falling to interbreeding between kin. Though the thought of mixing with the blood of other tribes and races seemed entirely out of the question, it did seem more acceptable than mixing with their own family. The decision was made that on rare occasions the Elders may decree that a tribe member must find outside blood and bring it to the fold. This process is highly regulated and regimented and is seen as the only time that an outsider may be brought to their village and not be considered a breach of Oath.

For the first time in the history of The Lost, children born to a single Lost parent are considered to be full members of the tribe.

Some of the Lost lore!


Koragnak Bear-Breath

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Nara Pentare

General Information 

Nara Pentare is a northern nation on the continent of Faedrun, enclosed by mountains on all sides, cut off from the outside world. The interior landscape of Nara Pentare is picturesque, and consequently is featured in beautiful artwork produced by its people.

As a result of their isolation by these mountains, Nara Pentare has evolved a culture of complete self-sufficiency and arrogance. They believe that the Naran people, and all they create, are the closest things to perfection that exist in the world, and they do not hesitate to behave as such toward outsiders. Outsiders, called rōwajin, have never been welcomed in Nara Pentare. The only recorded instance of a rōwajin being allowed in, he supposedly flew away on the back of a phoenix, to be destroyed and reborn. This legend has evolved the Naran view of outsiders into such that they view them as children, unready to learn or understand the world. The only outsiders they have any relationship with are the Syndar, who possess extremely limited trade agreements with them.

The Society and People 

“Though the flame be put out, the wick remains.”

Nara Pentare society is extremely rigid, and adheres to a strict caste system. All know their place and act accordingly. Tradition also takes an extremely important role, and the Naran people are taught it from a very young age. Their tradition and pride as a people, however, pales in comparison to their reverence for honor. To a Naran, from the lowest farm worker to the Emperor himself, honor is everything. Anything remotely seen as challenging their honor is generally met with a duel. If the severity of the insult is small, it may be only to first blood, but in major cases, it is a duel to the death. Naran culture decrees that it is better to die than be dishonored. Consequently, Naran punishment for crimes would often be seen as severe in other regions. Death is not an uncommon sentence for even relatively minor crimes.

Narans are polite, but only to other Narans. They view outsiders as inferior, and while they tend to possess the tact to not be outright disrespectful, their arrogance can rarely be contained and outsider opinions are rarely given the attention a Naran opinion receives.

Narans are governed by an Emperor who is regarded throughout their society as a divine being. All Emperors, it is believed, are reincarnations of the first Emperor. To govern the land, Houses exist, ruling a province and upholding the Emperor’s will and authority.

According to the histories of the Naran people, Nara Pentare was not always one Empire. Originally, hundreds of years ago, there were five: the Empires of Fire, Water, Air, Wood, and Metal. All of them existed within the land now called Nara Pentare, and all shared a very similar culture. However, they were constantly at war, all the Empires attempting to gain more honor and destroy their rivals. As such, this era is simply known as “Strife”, translated as “Araton”. There was one other thing shared between all the Empires as well: an ancient prophecy, passed down for as long as anyone could remember. It spoke of a man who would end war, and create an Empire of perfection within the mountains. After so many years, the legend was largely ignored, so it was a great shock to the Empires when it began to be fulfilled. A man came forth from the Empire of Metal, a great general, undefeated in battle. He used his skill to conquer the Empires of Water and Fire, which led the others to resist further. He then conquered the rest, and the land was unified as the prophecy had stated. This man became the first Naran Emperor, and established the idea of his divinity, using the prophecy as a base. He did not, however, eliminate the other Empires or their culture, as he knew that to create a truly long-lasting and perfect Naran Empire, he would have to include them and their perspectives. When the Capital of Nara Pentare was built, it was with this in mind. It was constructed in a rough wheel, with divisions within for the Elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Wood. Where the spoke would be lived those of Metal. Over time, this attitude evolved into the divisions seen today, and into the caste system used throughout the Empire.

The System

The Naran caste system is organized in two ways. The first is an affiliation system, using the Elements, Fire, Water, Air, Wood, and Metal. This system is the main base of a majority of Naran culture. The caste of a Naran is determined by birth, with their elemental affiliation determining their field and their skill, experience, and heritage determining their rank.

The Elements


Those affiliated with the Element of Fire wear primarily red and black, and are very passionate, more so than other Narans. Many from this region are looked down upon by other Narans due to the wide range of emotions they openly display. They are considered by other Narans to be the least civilized of the elements, though still far above any outsiders. They are known for their ability to destroy and create, as is demonstrated by both their mastery of arcane magic and their unique and beautiful art style.


Those affiliated with the Element of Water wear mostly blue and white. They are sailors and fishermen, doctors, alchemists, priests and priestesses, and users of divine magic. They are the most empathetic of all Narans, as well as the most adaptable. They strive to exhibit extraordinary calm in any situation.


Those aligned with the Element of Air wear mostly yellows and light browns. Often farmers and shepherds, Narans from the Air Province are also well known for their skill with horses and bows, training to take full advantage of the open plains that make up much of their region. The most populous of the regions, this Province additionally supplies, trains and maintains a great deal of the rank-and-file soldiers of the Naran empire. They also count among their populace the greatest number of musicians. They tend to be free spirits, though they hold as tightly to their ideals of tradition and honor as any true Naran.


Those aligned with the Element of Wood generally wear green and dark brown. Due to the nature of the terrain in this province, generations of experts have trained their skills as the rogues of Naran society. Also found among their number are a great deal of hunters and laborers. Their art is evident in their homes, constructing buildings that seem to be made by the land itself and feats of engineering that would earn a second glance in Fawyth. Most are quiet and introverted, and have a great eye for complex and intricate details.


Those affiliated with the Element of Metal wear greys and blacks. They are merchants and bankers. Of the Narans, those of the Metal Province display the most arrogance, even towards other Narans. Their heritage produced the First Emperor, a fact of which they are all too happy to remind anyone who asks (and some who don’t). They are usually detail oriented, as well as focused on their own personal goals.

The second system is one of seniority in one’s chosen profession, determined by the skill and experience possessed by the individual. This is expressed through the wearing of earcuffs or earrings on the right ear. One earring or cuff signifies that one is a beginner or initiate in a profession. Two signifies a journeyman or intermediate level, and three signifies mastery. Only the Emperor, and members of his Imperial Court and Family may wear four earrings.

As seniority increases, the title due to each person changes in grade. For every specialty a person can have, there is a title due to those who are masters of it. For those in the beginner or journeyman ranks, the title is created from the first half of the master title, and the number one (ūro) or the number two (ūroto). The number one is used for beginners, the number two for journeymen.

Earrings are worn on the left ear as well, however, these have a different meaning. There are always three, each bearing the color associated with the individual’s elemental affiliation. The material used to display this color is often directly tied to an individual’s affluence or that of their family: colored string is often used for lower-class individuals, while those in the middle class can often afford ribbons. Wearing chains set with appropriately colored gems, however, is a sign of significant wealth or power. The earrings are meant to symbolize the three most precious entities in the individual’s life: themselves, their family, and their spouse.

The Classes and Titles


“If a warrior is not unattached to life and death, he will be of no use whatsoever…With such non-attachment one can accomplish any feat.”

These men are the pinnacle of Naran strength and virtue. For them, their honor is something more precious than life, even more so than the rest of the Naran population. They will never surrender, but will retreat if ordered to. They are skilled with multiple weapon types, primarily the sword. It is, however, balanced with knowledge in other areas.

  • Master Title: Masurimono

  • Intermediate Title: Masūroto

  • Initiate Title: Masūro


“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” 

The Rogue has a niche in Naran society. However, it is not stealth, as one might expect. Rogues are generally hunters, scouts, or specialized bodyguards. They use mostly bows and thrown weapons, but will often pair those with short swords or axes, should the need to defend oneself arise. They fight supporting the warriors, and will at times ensure their survival in wilderness situations.

  • Master Title: Geizei

  • Intermediate Title: Geiūroto

  • Initiate Title: Geiūro


 “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

Those who master the arcane have one drive behind them: knowledge. For some, their quest for knowledge can even overshadow their adherence to honor, though this often draws content and reprimand from more level-headed superiors. Among Arcanists, the more knowledge you possess, the more respected you become, and this is what motivates many of them. They are also very protective of their knowledge, and will not teach anything to anyone without ensuring that they are worthy of knowing it. Many use staffs as their physical weapons, and sometimes daggers or thrown weapons as well. They keep the secrets of Nara Pentare from outsiders, and are often highly logical and organized.

  • Master Title: Teijin

  • Intermediate Title: Teiūroto

  • Initiate Title: Teiūro 


“If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

Users of Divine magic have a drive, just as Arcane users do. Theirs, however, is the welfare and health of the Naran people. They are healers, both with and without magic, and are very empathetic toward Narans in need. Many treat all life as sacred and will even extend their empathy and services to those outside of Naran culture, though Narans will be their priority in all but the most unique of circumstances. Tasked with keeping the spirituality of the Naran people, Naran clerics work closely with their mages to preserve their culture’s history and knowledge. They also keep the peace, and are mediators of disputes when necessary. They use mostly staffs as their weapons, though any blunted weapon is not an uncommon sight.

  • Master Title: Tenmei

  • Intermediate Title: Tenūroto

  • Initiate Title: Tenūro


“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 

Monks are greatly respected within Nara Pentare, and are very powerful, as they are trained to use both Arcane and Divine magic. They are the highest-ranking Narans aside from those in the Imperial Court. The role that a Monk takes is to direct and advise, and the Naran people have benefited from that for hundreds of years. Both their outlook and dress are simplistic. They use both schools of magic but will supplement these abilities with other skills to prove useful in many situations, both in and out of combat.

  • Master Title: Shidoshi

  • Intermediate Title: Shidūroto

  • Initiate Title: Shidūro

The Spirituality

“Just as treasures areuncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdomappears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the mazeof human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance ofvirtue.”

The religion of the Naran people is, in its ultimate form, a religion of thanksgiving. In their eyes, the Gods have given them the gift of being the superior people, and all that goes with it. To honor their Gods, Narans attempt to be the best that they can be at whatever they do, to give thanks for being superior in the doing. In the tree of spirituality that winds through Nara Pentare, there are core Gods, representing core values, creation, and concepts that the Naran people hold dear. For more specific, and so more personal veneration, there exist the Spirits, representing almost anything that can be named. Narans hold their religion in their hearts, but are not governed by it. They obey the directives of their Emperor, seen as the mouthpiece of the Gods, a God himself, and give great weight to the recommendations and predictions of their priests and clerics. However, it is ultimately the Naran people who make their own decisions about what their paths are in life.


Depending upon the Elemental affiliation of a person, they will tend to give thanks to a certain God or Gods in their offerings. These represent concepts and values that are common within people of that Element.

The Elemental Gods:

Kōjin: God of fire, smithing, war, and arcane magic.

Ryūjin: God of the sea, lakes, fishing, divine magic, and storms.

 Marici: God of wind, gusts, insight, and prosperity.

Sarutahiko: God of earth, forests, and the trees.

Shōtoku: God of trade, coin, mining, and administration.


Just as Gods represent values close to the hearts of the Elements, so too do certain spirits, which sometimes physically embody the Element itself. Aside from these, however, are great multitudes of other spirits, which, depending on one’s profession, are venerated specifically.

The Elemental Spirits:

Hitodama: Spirit which represents the souls of fallen warriors, and is common on ancient battlefields. It is said to appear as a ball of semi-translucent fire.

Yōsei: Spirit that is similar to a water fairy, is commonly seen on ships, and plays small tricks on people. It represents good luck, and appears as a dwarfish human.

 Mujina: Spirit which represents hard work, and loyalty. It is commonly seen on roads and alongside fields. It appears as either a small monkey-like figure, or a badger.

Qilin: Spirit which represents protection, benevolence, kindness, and fertility. It is uncommon, and seen around holy sites, in ancient forests, and rarely, in the households of nobles. It appears as a scaled goat with the head of a dragon.

Dragon: Spirit which represents supremacy, grace, and judgment. It is almost never seen, save high in the mountains, and appears as a long, sinuous snake-like animal with wings and primarily metallic coloring.

Current State of Affairs

Nearly a century ago, in the year 186, divination rituals performed by a small order of monks returned with a faint aura far across the sea. Without the ability to expand their territory, the Naran people sought out this aura to attempt to establish a colony. After a lengthy voyage, they came across the source of the aura they had detected: a small island out at sea, surrounded by reefs and mountains. Of the four ships who departed, however, only one managed to navigate the reefs to the shore, a small inlet revealing the crescent shape of the island itself. It is here that the survivors began a small colony, sending their last ship home in hopes of receiving more aid. More ships arrived, quickly at first, but then the flow of supplies slowed to a trickle before they stopped coming at all. The final ships bore dire news: the nation of Nara Pentare had been defeated and overrun by the undead. Almost none survived. The colony was now alone in the world. They set about rebuilding their culture, and with nothing else to cling to, they drove themselves deeper into their already extensive traditions. Here they have stayed for decades, trapped in isolation, cut off from the outside world, and they seem to prefer to keep it that way…

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On the Desert Peoples and Their Culture

Rufus Talright, Royal Scribe of Vandregon


Written before the Fall of the May’Kar Dominion
The deserts that lay to the north of the territories occupied by the May’Kar Dominion contain a great number of peoples, all ostensibly loyal to the May´Kar theocracy and pledged to the open arts of the land. While these peoples vary in number and population, of particular interest are the Kae-rim nomads, known amongst themselves as “The People of the Four Gods”. Within this codex, I will attempt to record my experiences traveling with them in order to report back to the Court as to the role they play in May’Kar, along with their suitability for eventual conscription into Vandregon military due to their extensive knowledge of the deserts that cover much of May’Kar.
To begin, an important distinction must be made; while the people of May’Kar consider the Kae-rim to be a part of their nation, they consider themselves outsiders in the land, pointing out that they rarely enter the cities excepting trade purposes. Rather, they are entirely nomadic, always traveling according to a complicated system of religious tradition, survival techniques, and other elements I was unable to understand fully. While they pay tax to the May’Kar, it seems to be with great reluctance, and their full numbers are somewhat unknown. When pressed for the information, they will merely state that there are “enough to wander freely”, showing the reluctance they seem to have for giving exact information to outsiders.
My guide and companion was an older man, known as Khalan am-Redha cul-Nulpum ór-Bhalan Neftis, who served as an informal trader and liaison between the nomadic tribes and the more civilized peoples of May’Kar. His name serves as an excellent introduction to the first element of the culture which needs to be explained; their naming traditions and the use in identifying the peoples.

The first name, Khalan, is his given name, used in casual conversation. All the other names have particular meanings; when first meeting a Kae-rim, they will give their entire name and expect you to do the same, conveying all of the information needed to understand where they have come from. The second name, explained to me as a “path name” refers to the job he holds in their society; as near as I can determine, “Redha” means ‘merchant’ or ‘tradesman’. There are various prefixes with numerous shades of meaning; the “am” prefix indicates that he is experienced in this craft, and is frequently relied on by the tribes he works with to travel into the cities and act as a sort of cultural interpreter.
The next name can be considered one of the most important; it indicates the particular tribe and caste to which he belongs. Their religion, while quite complex and seemingly nonsensical at points, refers to four gods who are simultaneously the world, the creators of the world, great heroes, and the founders of the four main ‘clans’ which make up these peoples. While a full discussion of their religion would be impractical here, a reader must be familiar with the idea that he is from a tribe dedicated to or personally worships the god Al-Nulpun, identified with the element of air. The prefix ‘cul’ indicates that he is not a priest nor particularly observant in his worship, although he showed no difficulty in cursing frequently while journeying with me. Mixed-descent or mixed-worship is fairly common; Kae-rim will often have up to four names here, with the order varying according to some schema I was unable to fully grasp.
The final two names are fairly simple; the first, ór-Bhalan, indicates the particular tribe he associates with, and the second, Neftis, is the name of his father. It is also telling that he was never married (or as close as these odd peoples get to marriage); were that the case, he would have a second name following his paternal name. Lineage is traced along gender lines; the males have their father’s name, and the women their mother’s. In the case of bastards, then they simply end the name one step early or give “Altena”, which seems to mean “unknown”.
This name is only his given name, used during introductions and in minor matters. His full name, as far as I can gather, consists of his entire ancestry, alongside several notable deeds and other nicknames that he has picked up in his life. It would be laborious to record the entirety of it, as it is rare that an outsider such as myself is able to hear their entire name. Suffice to say, they consider names to be an important part of a person’s identity and history, and for one raised in the culture, hearing the full name of a person would allow them to know every important detail of their life.

My guide was quite friendly in explaining most of the aspects of their culture, seemingly enjoying my confusion at what (to him) were absolutely basic concepts of family and life. I originally met him in the city of Saresh, whose beauty is striking even to one who does not follow their particular faith. He had heard that I was looking for a guide among these nomads, and offered his services in exchange for nothing more than stories, which I gave him in ready supply.
I was quite lucky in finding him; not one in twenty Kae-rim speak the trade tongue, preferring to use their native language due to their lack of contact with many outsiders. He acted as an interpreter for me throughout my travels, and seemed to enjoy my bafflement at the layers of protocol demanded whenever we met with a new tribe, crossed certain borders, or passed some landmark which was visible only to these people.
The similarities of the Kae-rim and the people of May’Kar are striking; both exist in desert cultures, both follow a religion that places aesthetics first, and both are a fairly non-violent people with a deep religious background. However, the Kae-rim seem to find the May’Kar tendency to build cities and act as trade centers as somewhat amusing; I was assured by Khalan that the muttering and laughter I heard many times at their camps was not directed at me, but rather at the tendency of people like me to build cities in the desert when it was clear that they were destined to wander. Overall, this strikes me as evidence of a more primitive people; after all, why would they choose to wander when the oases were perfect for the building of cities and the unity of their people?
As I have mentioned, their religion is quite complex and adhered to with various degrees of success by the members of these tribes. Of particular interest is their priesthood; rather than being an individual, the priest is composed of a pair, both dedicated to two of their four gods and forming a complete ‘circle’, if you will. This bonding seems to act as an odd form of marriage without gender discrimination; the first tribe I met with was ruled over by a pair of stern men with long, graying beards, the next by a young couple that reminded me of a pair of newly-wed farmers. They act as a pair in all things, and seem to believe that unity is the most important aspect of worshiping their gods.
While Khalan was open with their history on many levels, he studiously avoided any mention of the period between the origin of these tribes and their now somewhat-unified state. When pressed, he would mention that these were ‘broken times’ and speak no further. It is my opinion that, at one point, they warred with one another, leading to a great deal of bloodshed and the reduction of a much larger group of people into the small, scattered tribes. It is also possible that some elements of the May’Kar culture come from the remnants of these tribes; as mentioned before, the similarities are striking, and I would not be surprised to hear that they come from some common origin in the past.

They have a number of odd prohibitions and are a highly superstitious people; an hour does not go by without at least one prayer and any number of curses, cryptic mutterings, or odd hand signs. They appear to be frightened, or at least suspicious, of any number of demons and other spirits that they claim haunt the deserts and must be appeased through offerings. Incense is commonly burned to ward off spirits, and it is rare for any group to make camp without selecting some particular incense or scent according to a pattern I was unable to grasp.
The foremost of their laws, however, is an absolute prohibition against violence against a living creature in any form. No meat was offered to me while traveling with them, and they seemed to find the idea absolutely abhorrent when I questioned why. Khalan explained to me that, in one of their holy books (of which there are apparently four), it was explained that all living things are sacred, and so the flesh of animals cannot be eaten, for it requires violence, which by its nature destroys unity. The explanation seemed somewhat lacking, so I assume that it ties back into the portion of their history they refused to talk about.
This non-violence is apparent in their dealings with the people of May’Kar and the occasional contact they have with Vandregon; they simply refuse to fight. If they notice an armed force approaching, they simply leave according to the star maps and routes that are an essential part of their lives. If they are captured, they put up no fight and allow themselves to be tied up, surrendering all weapons and greeting their captors with what seems like absolute hospitality. On one occasion, the tribe I was traveling with was ambushed by a group of brigands; they simply handed over all the coin the bandits were able to locate and continued on, confident that their gods will provide. It is quite odd, and seems an impossible way to survive.
You may have noticed that I mentioned these people keep weapons; for a non-violent people, this is quite odd. However, their religion has another tenant; the undead are anathema to them, and they will travel far out of their way to exterminate them with a zeal that is almost frightening. They eschew armor when fighting, and it is quite a sight to watch the warriors of a tribe (usually in worship of their goddess of Fire) attack any undead that they come across. I am uncertain how this belief arose, but I will detail their usefulness in the war effort in a moment.

Their wanderings, seemingly random, often bring them into contact with the undead, and a week seldom passes without two or three skirmishes. While the May’Kar forces that serve with us assist greatly in dealing with the undead thread, these nomads might prove a valuable resource, should they be persuaded to join. So far, they have scrupulously avoided joining the armies of May’Kar, claiming that the tax they pay is enough for their freedom. I have my suspicions as to their loyalty, and in the event that the Court decides the conquest of May’Kar is possible, hiring these people as guides would serve us well.
For weapons, they favor simple slings, small knives, and the occasional curved sword. It is clear that weapons are chosen more for their utility and ease of travel than for their power, and they are clearly a people who are not used to waging full-scale war. Most conflicts seem to center around single duels, where a warrior will approach and swiftly deal with a single undead foe. They frequently practice these skills in mock combat with one another, and are excellent shots with the sling. I do not know whether they make their weapons or trade for them; I would wager on the latter, as they showed me no evidence of any permanent settlements. For this reason, they would make poor conscripts in the war, due to their lack of training in appropriate formations and absolute prohibition against violence.
Their language is not especially complex, and I was able to understand several basic concepts by the time my travels had finished. Khalan proved an excellent teacher, willing to put up with my mistakes and frequently laughing heartily when I said something foolish. It is highly inflected, with words changing meaning depending on what word it follows. Some concepts, however, are somewhat simple; here is their method of counting;

Ai – 1
Aim – 2
Baht – 3
Bhora – 4
Klim – 5
Sen – 6

Fa – 7
Far – 8
Vhu – 9
Ai-teem – 10
Ai-teem-ai – 11
Aim-teem – 20
Aim-teem-ai – 21 . . . and so forth.

I have begun to compile a dictionary of simple phrases, useful for the most basic of communication with these peoples, and am hoping to put it to paper before my death. Their writing system (odd, given that they are nomadic) is as complicated as their language, with the importance of the text being given by the color of the ink it is written in along with the type of quill used. Khalan, when writing out the contract by which I was to retain him, utilized a feather of some strange bird; it was nearly two feet in length, and he wrote it in golden ink. This, he assured me, was to allow those who read the texts later in life to understand that it was a binding agreement between two men of great status; I believed that he was merely attempting to impress me. Their ink coding seems to be as follows;
Black: Routine writings necessary for trade, simple letters
Blue: Stories, poems, tales

Red: Warnings, important calls to other tribes, recipes
Gold: Binding contracts, marriage, important rituals

When I asked what ink their holy texts (which I was never allowed to actually see) were written in, Khalan quickly changed the subject. He seemed reticent to discuss the texts, which apparently contain some element of prophecy from their gods and are considered to be the most important of writing. His hesitance for the discussion of the texts themselves was especially odd considering the number of quotations he (and other tribe members) would take from it; I cannot recall a conversation that did not involve at least one quotation from their holy books.
I have mentioned their hospitality before; of particular note are their beverages, which are quite fine. They have an interesting variant of bean-brew, which they refer to as “Khoefi” and treat as absolutely sacred. Indeed, the preparation is always overseen by a priest-pair, who usually perform the ritual with great solemnity, muttering prayers at each step. The beans are first ground into an incredibly fine powder in an implement similar to a mortar and pestle. Then, they are placed in a peculiarly-shaped copper vessel, along with several spices which I was told were “necessary”. Then, while muttering prayers, the khoefi is headed in such a way as to develop an oddly foamy texture on the top. It is then given to the drinker with the grounds still in it; after drinking, they are expected to pour the grounds out and interpret a fortune from it.
This beverage is universally offered to anyone they meet while roaming the deserts, and while they will accept payment, it is never expected. They also brew a number of warm beverages from the harvested leaves of plants, and have a strangely descriptive vocabulary regarding the varieties. I myself tried over twelve different strains of this ‘thé’ and could hardly tell the difference, but they ascribed much medical benefit to it.
As mentioned previously, they eschew the consumption of any meat products, which is odd for a desert culture. Instead, they subside on a variety of foraged plant materials, along with grains and dried beans which they carry with them. Their cuisine is surprisingly flavorful despite the lack of meat; dishes are heavily spiced (likely to avoid excess monotony), and frequently consist of the rice-grain, topped with whatever vegetables or fruits they have available. They occasionally bake bread, usually after trading for some grain in a permanent settlement.

Children and the appointed representative are the only ones who tend to enter towns or permanent settlements; I cannot say if this is a general religious prohibition, or an aspect of their cultural nomadism that presents itself in a fear of ‘settled’ places. Khalan was not helpful here; he merely said that “these cities are not our cities” and spoke no further. It is entirely possible that there are permanent settlements of these nomads, in deliberately harsh environs as to keep them safe from invaders, but I was never taken to any, and great care was taken to avoid bringing it up around me.
For trade, they generally used Vandregon silver, but preferred barter. Of particular note is their pottery; this is apparently a major art for them, and it is ascribed certain ritualistic elements with regards to the sculpting, drying, and firing. They only make pottery at certain times which are reckoned by the stars, and an entire tribe will stop for nearly a week to complete this work. Other handwork of note consists of beaded garments, small pieces of portable jewelry, and cloth. They do not work stone, at least while wandering.
Oddly enough, they keep pack animals while traveling, although they refuse to eat the meat from even a creature which died of natural causes. Horses, camels, sheep, and goats are common; one tribe I encountered seemed focused on the art of herding goats, and was likely the source of much of the garments of these people. Should an animal die, there are a large number of death preparations; firstly, they place the animal on a high bluff or cliff directly catching the rays of the sun. Incense is burned, prayers are spoken, and the beast is marked with certain signs and symbols, likely to ward off the demons that these people fear so greatly. Later, when only bones remain, they will mark the bones with certain signs and bury them within the sand; I had the opportunity to witness this several times while traveling with them, and was impressed that they would spend so much time caring for what amounted to a pack beast.
Dogs are sacred to these people; again, odd considering their lack of eating meat. They use them to assist in herding, as watch animals, and simply for companionship. Certain elements of their religion seem to indicate that they identify these animals with their gods, adding to my confusion regarding their worship. All of these dogs are trained to hunt for themselves, and frequently wander off during the twilight hours, catching rabbits and other vermin in the desert. This does not seem to bother the Kae-Rim; Khalan explained that “animals have their instincts, while the people have their beliefs”. Any animals which were caught were brought back to camp, where they were given the same burial rites as any other animal. Quite a curious sight.

The hierarchy of these tribes is a confusing subject; I was unable to grasp it at any point. Apparently, each person is born under a certain star sign (of which there are hundreds), and an innumerable number of events is used to determine the leadership of a certain tribe. Exchanges of power are bloodless, arbitrary, and nonsensical to an outsider; apparently, signs in the stars dictate who should lead. I can honestly say that there are no permanent leaders aside from their gods, and that the idea that they would follow a king is completely foreign to them. This may explain their reticence to be considered a part of the May’Kar Dominion; they are unable to recognize a leader who has not been suggested by the stars.
Their navigation and wanderings, as mentioned before, are based entirely off of the stars and certain portents in the desert. It is a bizarre system, but it works quite well for those who understand it. Khalan attempted to explain it to me, but it seeming consisted of a mix of prophecy (again from one of their unseen holy books), star navigation (based off of innumerable maps painted upon cloth and only readable by someone trained in doing so – believe me, I tried quite hard), environmental signs, objects they encountered, and the current needs of the tribe.
Of particular interest to the Court would be their ability to locate water and food in the desert; I cannot begin to explain how foolish they made the armies of Vandregon look when they wandered, apparently aimlessly and without direction, into hidden oasis after hidden oasis, stockpiles of dried grains and spices, and other useful resources in the apparently trackless desert. This is entirely normal to them; it seems impossible that a desert culture would be able to do this, but Khalan explained to me that “the providence of the desert was there for those who listened,” making it seem like another aspect of their religion.
I will now attempt to explain their religion in as much detail as I was able to piece together. I must admit that it seems nonsensical; at times, I believed Khalan to be making up stories in order to fool me, and deliberately deceiving me to prevent me from understanding their beliefs. Nevertheless, here are the details I was able to gather.
As their name for themselves expresses, they worship four gods, associated with the classical elements. There is an order to these elements; Ul-Weithe is the goddess of the earth and the first, Al-Khara is the god of water and the second, Al-Nulpun is the god of the air and the third, and Ul-Brana is the goddess of fire and the fourth. These gods are presented as the forces themselves that founded the world; they often referred to the ground itself as Ul-Weithe, and spoke reverentially to their fires as though it was their goddess Ul-Brana. They are both considered to be ‘married pairs’ – Ul-Weithe to Al-Khara and Al-Nulpun to Ul-Brana.
This interpretation notwithstanding, they also refer to them as specific personages, the founders of their tribes. There are any number of stories about how the kindness of Ul-Weithe helped her children through difficult times, and how Al-Nulpun wandered about, telling stories to children and remembering all that is said. They seem to be legendary heroes in that right; many great deeds are ascribed to them, and any unusual formation in the desert is described in terms of the deeds of one or more of these gods.

At this point, I can say that I have a theory; they originally existed as a desert people who worshiped a great number of gods, fighting each other. Each of these figures was a major hero in the legend of their past, and their deeds were eventually mingled with those of the previous gods (possibly shamanistic elemental worship, common in primitive groups). These heroes were the uniting forces behind these tribes; those who settled down eventually became the precursors to the May’Kar, and those who wandered continued muddling their legends until they reached their current state. It would explain the similarities between their culture and that of the May’Kar, their abhorrence of violence, and the sheer amount of ritual necessary for everyday life.
Their ‘holy books’ are likely nothing more than a complex oral tradition; while they can write, they likely prefer to continue telling their stories and allowing their legends to evolve. I would not be surprised if my visit was eventually elevated into a legend relating to Khalan; he certainly learned a great number of stories from me.