The “Staff” of Last Hope is composed of three categories: Owners, Heralds, Harbingers, and Staff Members. Dedicated Volunteers also make up a number of Non-Staff helpers.
Below is the full list of all members within each of those groups and the details of the various groups. Certain staff members also belong to or directly oversee various “teams”. A team is a specific area or specialty within Last Hope LARP. You can visit pages about each team below.
For information on contacting the staff, please visit in the appropriate page on the wiki.
- Admin: Registration file management, Staffing, Player concerns, LARP rules
- Interact: Organization mechanics, Resources, Personal plot, Tradeskills
- World: PC Biographies and stories, World-building & lore, Wiki management
- Event: NPC management, Event mechanics, Props & encounters
- Promo: Marketing, Conventions, Player feedback, Mentor program, Social media
- Logistics: Transportation, Supply storage, Location maintenance, Land management
These folks curate the staff team to help them run the LARP so that each team is self-managing, and they can focus on the business side while the team handles the rest.

Mischelle Mass-Jopp

Ryan Mass-Jopp
Heralds are the heads of their teams and are responsible for all tasks in their field.

Joel Robertson

Josephine Magee

Leticia Alcorta

Rachel Hannes
A Harbinger in Last Hope will wear a gold & black “Harbinger” belt flag. Harbingers hold responsibilities that stretch between multiple teams and are tasked with high-volume work output. Harbingers act as a referee in-game and out-of-game in regards to rules questions and clarifications and have have authority to make rulings in regards to issues/concerns/rules arguments based on sound judgement and the betterment of the game.

Cole Potter

Eloise Alcorta

Tyler Dubey
Staff members work with the Herald of their team(s) to get all the team’s responsibilities done.

Brenna Norton

Cheryl Gabel

Kallie Bain

Kollin Bode

Nicole Wiswell

Rodd Wagner

Ty Springer
A Dedicated Volunteer is a player in our community that goes above and beyond and is recognized for their efforts. They are recognized for their help by wearing a mini gold & black “V” belt flag. Volunteers are non-staff players who do not make rules clarifications or run the LARP, but have worked on different parts of the LARP or fulfill different roles to make things better for our player community.

Arlene Hepp

Kelly Peterson

Michael Hannes