March 2025 Event – Waking Stormjarl
Monday, March 10th:
Resources and Downtime Actions Deadline
Wednesday, March 12th:
Early Bird Pre-Registration Cut-Off
Expanded NPC roles, prize giveaway raffle entry, guaranteed PC spot, faster PC reg.
Monday, March 17th:
PC Skill Purchases Via Email Deadline
There is no guarantee there will be time at event registration to update your PC’s skills.
Saturday, March 22nd:
– Early Arrival Time – 8:30am
– Registration opens – 9:00am
– Registration closes – 10:30am
– All Player Event Briefing – 10:45am
– Scenario Begins / “Game On” – 11:30am
– Scenario Ends / “Game Over” – 5:30pm
– Check-Out & Clean Up – 5:30pm+ until whenever
***NOTE: If you are unable to make it before the official start time, it is your responsibility to discreetly notify Staff and get checked-in and NOT disturb the game in progress. ***
The sunrise across the continent has started to bring warmer, longer days. The snow is melting despite the bitter wind, and everyday it brings the people of Mardrun closer and closer to the perfect conditions for war. The stockpiles are ready, the fighters are warming up, and the forges are being lit as Clan Stormjarl and Nightriver prepare for the renewed onslaught Grimward and Stonetooth are sure to bring to their borders.
Clan Stormjarl’s defenses have been bolstered even before the war broke out with many in the Clan focusing special attention on training warriors along Haygreth’s Scar and the more recent influx of trained healers, leading the defensive line of settlements south of The Scar looking very well-prepared for the coming defense. Nightriver has also taken the winter months to begin movement into Stormjarl territory to begin preparations for supporting the Clan in the fight everyone is sure is coming.
As Grimward begins probing Stormjarl’s defenses, it’s easy to see the Clan is still in recovery from the winter month’s harsh conditions and the ally’s offensive movement across the Yurnai River last year. While they stir up action across the border between the Clans, allies from across Mardun begin to move in to support the Clan, whether that be defending against Grimward’s grapplers keeping their warriors busy, or another offensive move while Grimward is still on the back foot. As the spring thaw fast approaches, one thing is for certain; this war is far from over.
1) Event Theme: “Outpost Preparation and Defense” Event:
This event will take place at an outpost along Haygreth’s Scar, against the border of Clan Nightriver and Clan Grimward. This event’s theme will focus on the local challenges of the Stormjarl warfront that is near the edge of their border, including Outpost protection and various missions or tasks outside the safety of the camp perimeter. Players are free to travel around and interact with things as they see fit.
2) Specific NPC Roles:
– NPC players will be representing Ulven NPCs at this event and are asked to bring Ulven-centric garb, weapons, and armor to be able to fill in where needed.
– Most players will either play Grimward warriors, Stormjarl or Nightriver warriors, or Stormjarl supporters.
– Very few Stonetooth NPC roles are available for this event. Players interested in Clan Stonetooth roles must contact staff via email at lasthopelarp@gmail.com for the details of these roles. Note that Clan Stonetooth roles come with special garb requirements and require staff approval to play.
3) Pre-Event Setup:
PCs will be allowed pre-event set-up in the Outpost. Spaces can be reserved via Downtime Actions or Org Actions, then the remaining space is first-come-first-served.
4) Decorum & Out-Of-Game Clarifications:
Please note that the entire in-game area is monitored for decorum, immersion, and in-game discussions. Players will call each other on Decorum if they are not following this. However, please make an effort to check-in with others and make clear “Out of Game” clarifications discreetly if needed.
5) Updated 1.7 Rules!
The 1.7 version of the rules is now ready in electronic format.
Please go to the rules section of the Last Hope LARP website to get a copy of the 1.7 rules.

W7111 New Frontage Road
New Lisbon, WI 53950
– Take interstate to New Lisbon, take 61 exit
– Turn onto Frontage Rd near Mobil/McDonald’s
– Go 1.3 miles on Frontage Rd/42nd St (Drive past Victory Fireworks and Car Dealership)
– Destination will be on the right
Membership and Event Sign-Up Info
There is no cost/charge/entry fee required to participate in this event and all are welcome to participate regardless of their membership status or not. However, certain perks require additional membership.
You MUST do BOTH (pre-register AND select/pay for your chosen membership services) before you are considered fully pre-registered for an event!
=Food & Water=
– We will be providing a simple, optional, pre-packaged food and/or fruit snack for players at this event.
– This will NOT be enough to sustain you all day/event!
– Players may be bringing food to share/sell but it is NOT guaranteed.
– Make sure you bring feastware if you intend to eat in-game!
– There is no running water at this location; all water must be brought in.
– There will be some drinking water brought in BUT players should also plan to bring their own and carry it with them.
*** You should plan on bringing some extra food/snacks and water to tide you over for the rest of the event. ***
*** Plan ahead, be self-sufficient, and bring your own food/water! ***
=Camping, Bathrooms, Fire, and Electricity=
– This event is a single day event; players should plan on driving home once it is over.
– If you need a motel, there is a Comfort Inn and the Edge of the Woods Motel nearby.
– There is a porta-potty onsite in the parking area for players. HOWEVER, in winter time, this porta-potty is for emergencies ONLY as it cannot be pumped out until the Spring when it thaws. If you need a full bathroom facility, please plan on driving 1.3 miles back to the Gas Station.
– Campfires are allowed as long as they are PRE-APPROVED BY STAFF and either in an above-ground fire-pit or dug into a below-ground fire-pit.
Any additional fires will be strictly, enforced, monitored, and must be pre-approved.
– There is electricity at the site; please coordinate with Staff for anything that needs electricity and bring your own cables/extension. Simple things like fans or charging cell phones is fine, but portable heaters or anything that draws a lot of power must be pre-approved.

New Lisbon, WI
– The entrance to the property is flanked by several driveways we (might) have permission to park on if needed. Please check-in or get directions before you park. You are allowed to park on the road as an overflow but you MUST park on our side of a road, try to keep the entire vehicle off the road, and minimize foot traffic on the road.
– The property boundaries to the north, west, and east are marked by GREEN flagging tape. The neighbor’s driveway is also a boundary to the east. The southern boundary is the clearing leading up to the interstate.
There are several deer stands on the property; at this time, we ask that you do not go into any of them.
– You may use Hawkins Tower as a look-out/archers post; max of 2 people up top at once.
– The bridges are to be used for traversal only; no fighting on the bridges.
– Do not cut down any trees without approval.
– Do not use adjacent driveways/neighbor property without explicit permission!
– Be cautious about driving into the property due to sunken/mucky areas and existing stumps.
– Our property usually gets a lot of ticks early on and then a lot of mosquitos during mosquito season. Please plan accordingly with bug spray, layers, etc!
– Our property is a wetlands and has run-off creeks and soaks up water considerably in the spring melt and if there is steady rain in the area. Players should be prepared for mud and muck or even standing water on parts of the property. Some players buy rubber boots and alter them to pass decorum, others have water-proof boots, others simply prepare a change of socks/shoes for when they get wet. Take the time to plan this out for your garb and footwear!
– Make sure to plan to bring weather/temperature appropriate base layers.
*** Base/thermal layers do not need to fit Decorum but outer layers do… please make sure you get your garb checked! PLAN ACCORDINGLY! ***
– There is ample room on the gravel pad to park 8-10 vehicles, even in rainy/muddy/snowy conditions.
– Make sure you check with Staff before driving into the parking area in case it is muddy/rutted. When in doubt, park on the pad/road and then ask for help.
– Because of the wet nature of the property, the parking lot may not be easily accessible if it rains/snows before or during the event. If needed, we will plan on shuttling players back to the nearby gas station to park vehicles and then get shuttled back to the event property.
– If you park on the road, all participants must do their best to park ALL VEHICLE WHEELS off of the road and on the grass. An easy way to remember this; if you can park and all 4 tires are in the grass, you are good.
– A number of Staff and approved players are trained or able to assist during emergencies (Raised hands will be shown during briefing). Staff have access to a Snake Bite/CPR/First Aid Kit if needed. In case of any emergencies, immediately contact Staff and let them handle it.
– Make sure you adhere to our Alcohol and Tobacco guidelines; no one under the age of 21 can consume Alcohol or Tobacco products. These products CANNOT be sold for real-world money and serving them to a minor will get you ejected from the LARP. *** Check the PC cards/NPC sheets/discreetly check for IDs. ***
– If at any time a player feels uncomfortable or unsafe due to role play, be aware of our “Out of Game Stop” call. Please use this discreetly and/or contact Staff if needed.
– If at any time a player needs to remove themselves, physically or mentally, from the game please do so as discreetly as possible. Notify staff if possible or coordinate staff if you cannot do this discreetly.
– Be aware of proper encroaching, medium hit strength, and be courteous to others.
– If flooded, the Bridge is for traversal only; do not fight on it, don’t attack anyone on it, let them move beyond the flooded spots and then reengage. If the property is NOT flooded, do not use the bridge at all in combat! Use the terrain around it.
– All players ages 5+ must be either fully Covid-19 Vaccinated, be medically exempt (pre-approval needed and this includes children under the age of 5), or be in the process of getting vaccinated. This will be handled at Check-In.
– All players are REQUIRED to wear masks UNTIL they have Covid-19 Vaccination Proof on record with us. Masks are no longer required to be worn before check-in as long as players have their Covid-19 Vaccination on file and they do not have concerning symptoms.
– Players are required to do symptom checking at registration/Check-In.
– Players can still be asked to wear a mask if they have concerning symptoms/exposure and any questions about this should be asked ahead of time for Staff to coordinate.
– For full information regarding our Covid-19 Restrictions & Guidelines, click the link below:
– The Monthly Event Cut-Off date is a deadline that is critical to the preparation of the monthly story/event. This allows us to prepare PC bags, write NPC more detailed roles, finalize mechanics based on who we know is planning on attending, and properly tie in player influences like Resources and Organizations.
– The Event Cut-Off date for this event is Wednesday, March 12th.
– Players that want a more detailed NPC role must purchase the applicable membership AND signup for the event by that date.
– Players that want a guaranteed spot for their PC must sign-up by this date.
– Players that want to be added to the Prize Giveaway for the month must signup by that date.
– If you sign-up and choose a membership by the Event Cut-Off date, staff will prepare your PC bag with items, coin, and condition ahead of time.
– If you have updates to your PC, do them ahead of time and email us the changes.
– The deadline for these PC skill changes is the Monday before the event!
– If we have time then we can update your PC skills at an event. *** There is no guarantee we can do this at an event due to the registration time needs. ***
– Players attending events in-person are granted several bonuses:
– A PC may roll applicable Profession and/or Tradeskill rolls for coin/affects. You MUST bring your trade manual to check-in to make your rolls.
– A PC may open and review applicable Lore cards at Check-In (and copy them over into their own Lore books if they so choose)
– PCs that are part of an Organization may earn +1 Organization Exp per event day that they attend and prominently display Org heraldry
– PCs that are part of an Organization may earn +1 Organization Exp for attending and prominently displaying Organization Standard/Banner (Min 3 PCs)
– Players may have a PC(s) use Downtime Actions to make an impact on an event.
– Organizations may pledge their monthly Actions and/or applicable Units to make an impact on an event.
– Downtime Actions & Org Actions influencing this event must submitted by the Monthly Event Cut-Off date OR the 10th (Whichever is first)
– Relevant information gained or a summary of the influence of these efforts will be available at Check-In at the event; a player must attend to be able to see that info.
– PCs with applicable Lore skills may have access to certain Lore cards at check-in. Frequently, there are Lore cards available for you to read that represent your characters ability to know about things going on in the area. Some of this information can be really useful to know!
– You may not take these Lore cards but you are welcome to copy the information they have into your own Lore book but it must be done at Check-In.
– To guarantee a spot for your PC at this event you must sign-up and pay for membership services before the Monthly Event Cut-Off date.
– If you sign-up after this date, we will coordinate a waiting list for players wanting to play their PCs.
– If NPC roles are needed, you will be notified before an event what those roles are so you can prepare.
– If NPC roles are not needed, you will be notified that you’re approved to play your PC.
– This helps us balance event mechanics and needed NPC roles to adequately facilitate an event but still allows ample opportunity for players to guarantee being able to show up as their PC.
We are following a strict time-block for check-in/registration so players will be expected to arrive on time to get registered and then attend the game briefing.
– If a player is going to be late and they are going to arrive after registration closes, they are expected to notify the staff by emailing the lasthopelarp@gmail.com address to let us know.
– This allows us to prep their NPC materials or pull their PC cards prepare their items/coin for when they arrive. Failure to do this may result in a forced NPC role if the player arrives after the briefing as all registration supplies are packed up and put away.
– This does not mean we do not have wiggle room; all you have to do is notify us ahead of time via email so we can prepare accordingly.
– All players are required to properly check-out at every event; this means that all in-game items and PC cards with PC conditions will be turned over to Staff for proper record keeping.
– We will be doing a dedicated Check-Out after each day.
– If you plan on leaving before the end of the event day/scheduled Check-Out time, it is your responsibility to seek out Staff in order to properly check-out.
– If you checkout as a PC, you may not “check back in” after a period of time. Once you check out as a PC, your PC is done for the event day.
– There may be limitations on how and where PCs can check out at an event; ask instead of assuming if you feel like your PC would leave early, and then staff can assign you a role after that.
=Wizard Quest=
Our continued sponsorship for 2024 is Wizard Quest! Mention the LARP for a local’s discount and remember to share with us a picture of you attending for cross-promotion EXP!
Wizard Quest in Wisconsin Dells
400 Broadway Ave
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
– It is understandable (and normal) to be completely lost and overwhelmed coming to your first event.
– Staff and/or Veteran players will be on hand to help guide you and answer questions. We want your first event experience to be a positive one!
– It is very normal for staff and players to be running around doing things to get the event going on time; you may need to seek out someone with a gold belt flag and ask for assistance.
– When you arrive, the most important thing is checking to see if you need to park in specific areas.
– Make your way to Check-In, wherever that is for the event. This will be where a number of players are at and also where Staff are at checking people into the game. This is also where Staff can guide you to the proper areas (such as New Player Helpers or NPC Wranglers)
– Once you have checked in, the most important person/station for you to search for is the “NPC Wrangler”. This is usually 1-2 Staff members that are taking care of garbing up and handing out NPC roles.
– There will be time available to make sure you are prepped for your NPC role. This is a great opportunity to ask questions!
– If you need anything else from your vehicle or for any setup, this would be the time to do so.
– Once you have your NPC role and you know who you can contact for questions, there is usually extra time before the event briefing.
– During this time, we will do a Combat Tutorial so you know the basics of combat. This usually takes about 30 minutes, so try to factor that into your event arrival time.
– There will be announcements of when briefing will take place; make sure you are available to listen to the briefing of an event as it covers a lot of story, safety, and property information.
– Normally right after briefing, all NPCs and the NPC Wranglers are assembled into a group to discuss NPC roles, any connections they may have, answer more questions, and review the overall event theme/goal.
– Once “Game On” is called, it is very important to maintain decorum in the game area. This can be very intimidating at first!
– If you need anything, please discreetly find a gold belt flag staff member and ask for assistance. Most of the time we will move off to the side for a quick out-of-game clarification or move out of the game area entirely to be able to have a full discussion.
– If you are confused on what to do, please seek out staff discreetly to double check your NPC motives and goals or discuss ideas on what you can do.
– All of your borrowed garb, gear, coin, etc will get returned back to the NPC Wrangler as soon as the event is over.
– This will also be a chance to discuss any meaningful interactions you had as an NPC that we might want to follow up on
– The NPC Wrangler and potentially other staff will be available to answer any questions you have.
For more New Player Info, please click the link below: