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December 273 – News & Rumors

Clan Nightriver has once again been made the center of attention among the Allied forces of Eastern Mardrun. After the attempted murder of two young boys in Pack Bloodmoon’s territory, the new Clanleader, and still Bloodmoon’s Pack Leader, Sylvir Bloodmoon has made it clear: this violence will not be tolerated in her lands. While she is unable to remove herself from the important task of readying the Clan for the likely heavy uptick in the war when Spring arrives, her choice to appoint a trusted member of her pack was well-received by both her pack, and the Clan Shattered Spear refugees who expressed concern about their safety in the area.

Jarl Zorwyn Bloodmoon is the appointed representative that should be contacted with any information pertaining to the attempted double-murder in Pack Bloodmoon’s territory. Information that leads to the capture of the criminal may be rewarded. 

On another warfront: Clan Whiteoak has begun making preparations for a Mordok attack they anticipate to come in early-Spring. The lack of activity from the Mordok in the last few months has been very unusual, and the Clan believes this can only mean another large-scale offensive, not unlike the Silfurfal attack, should be expected from them. Being that they are solely-focused on the Shield Of Mardrun and not the Conquering, Clan Whiteoak expects to be more than ready to meet the Mordok threat swiftly and harshly, especially with the support of the other neutral clans.

Rumors of strange Syndar spending time in Newhope have finally been met with solid answers. The Syndar being escorted through the City-State are none other than the same Northern Syndar that have been in the city for over a year already. Now that they’re being shown around, there seem to be even more questions than before. What is their business here in the Southern lands? And, do they have anything to do with the other Northern-populace, the Stonetooth? 

Duke Aailmyr, the newest member of the Newhope Council, having been deeply focused on his project of creating a training program for up-and-coming Enchanters, has finally announced that the program is ready to open enrollment! With this project of his concluded and the Market District’s very fancy Enchanted Lamps still burning strong, many are watching excitedly to see what the new Duke’s next big move will be.

In news of the Conquering, many have reported sightings of a traveling bard group from Newhope traveling along frontlines and playing their music for the fighters there. Spirits are notably lifted everywhere they go, noticeably enough for their actions to be talked about long after they’ve moved on to another stage.

In one final update from Clan Nightriver regarding the Conquering: the strip of land known as “The Pass” is still mostly controlled by Grimward forces. However, all flanking routes have been cut off completely, and there is enough land controlled by Nightriver that nearby homes and villages should rest easy, knowing that their warriors stand as a mighty buffer between them and the enemy.

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December 2024 – Keeping Warm with Nightriver

=Event Story=

The Autumn season has nearly concluded with Mardrun seeing its first dusting of snow ahead of the upcoming Winter solstice. Though war weighs heavy on the minds of the continent, so too does the pressure of new leadership weigh on Clan Nightriver. With the dramatic conclusion of the Moot last month, the newly elected leaders are already hard at work in their positions to keep the Clan safe, secure, and warm over the winter season.

Many eyes have turned to Pack Bloodmoon in particular in this time of great change. Not only has their Pack Leader become the new Clanleader, but Pack Bloodmoon has stepped up to be the first to take action in carving out space for Clan Shattered Spear refugees. While both the Clan and Pack feel confident in their ability to make the preparations themselves, supporters from near and far have come forward to help, not just in Pack Bloodmoon, but all across the Clan. 

Pack Bloodmoon has now inadvertently become a hub of activity. With merchants setting up wares, tradespeople plying their trades, or even tired travelers finding a safe space to take a seat, it can be certain that Pack Bloodmoon is not turning away any of those helping hands.

=Event Summary=

Spirits were high throughout the day as Pack Bloodmoon welcomed newcomers from near and far. Trees were felled, war equipment was repaired, songs were shared, socks were puppetted, and food was passed around the fire. Camaraderie was thick in the air among the incredibly diverse gathering – almost as though the cold brought with it a new calm for warriors and friends to relax for the first time in, for some, an incredibly long time. Between stories of wintertime celebrations and drunken benders in faraway lands, Pack Bloodmoon made a warm and happy environment despite the cold and vicious climate.

As travelers cleared out of the area, packing up their tools and getting ready to find their way to shelter for the night, a Nightriver patrol made its way towards an empty unfinished hamlet. In the low-light of the setting sun, the details could almost be missed, but the scent of blood is always unmistakeable. 

Two teenage humans lay, gored open and gasping. As the boys were carried to the nearest healer, one of the patrolmen notices another anomaly. A note lay among the pooled blood, its contents familiar to some.

“Jericho sends its regards.”

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November 2024 – Nightriver, Together


As fighting on the northern front comes to a close, Clan Nightriver has continued its grinding fight in The Pass and is making preparations to supply itself for the coming year of war. The large clan is known to wield great combat power, like during the previous civil war, although fully mobilizing and supplying across its large territory has proven to take time. While keeping fair amounts of its warpacks on the frontline, many of their people return home to help take in the harvest and make preparations before winter sets in. Nightriver’s people are not alone in this, as the fighting is expected to die down across both sides of the fronts as winter sets in which will interrupt travel and clans will be able to take limited action without risking exhausting supplies going into the next year.

Internally, Clan Nightriver finds itself at a tense junction as they have been leaderless, with their warleader having been deciding the clans direction in the conflict; bloody and retaliatory. Holmar Bloodmoon, Warleader of Clan Nightriver, has promised the clan that Clans Grimward and Stonetooth will pay for their dishonorable slaying of Clanleader Branthur Nightriver as he has personally marched Nighter’s warpacks west to war. With Holmar’s strong backing from his revenge-seeking clan he announced his nomination for Clanleader, and many believe Holmar to be a strong military leader and proven Warleader, although his questionable past that lead to the title gives some pause and concern to his ability to lead during future peacetimes.

His is not alone though, as Packleader Sylvir Bloodmoon’s name is placed forward by her followers. Being the leader of Pack Bloodmoon, Sylvir has become known for her strong command within her pack and her sternness in keeping her people honorable. While many acknowledge her effective leadership and reliable kinship with adjacent packs, some worry for her ability to manage the clan due to its larger scale than just a single pack.

Furthermore, Jarl Laela Nightriver has recently begun her steps further into the spotlight. Her notable actions as an ambassador to aid in striking peace between Clan Grimward and Clan Stormjarl years back were when her name first became known to outsiders, and she has grown into a confident leader trained by Branthur Nightriver himself until his brutal demise by Grimward hands. While many of Branthur’s supporters have moved to follow her, her declaration to remove Holmar Bloodmoon from his position as Warleader if she is named Clanleader has many worried for the clan’s ability to be led on the field during the ongoing war.

While other names for leadership have come and gone, these three strong contenders have remained. Many Packleaders, Chieftains, and other notable figures aim to be present at the soon upcoming moot, along with travelers from other lands. While outsiders will not have a vote in this matter, many expect there to be opportunities to rub elbows and potentially even sway opinions. Tensions are high as leaders meet, Clan Nightriver’s future will soon be sown.


The Nightriver Moot kicked off quickly, with the several Nightriver representatives and the 3 Clanleader candidates being introduced and immediately being whisked into conversation by both outsiders, and with each other. Each representative had their own concerns and reservations, and several hours went by with each of them bringing those concerns to each of the candidates. Drinks were shared and food was served from the many cultures of Mardrun, and outsiders had the opportunity for their voices to be heard and to pledge aid to the different packs of Nightriver who faced various difficulties. Even though outsiders were not part of the vote, many developed relations to give or ask for aid going into the winter and the upcoming year of war. 

Before the representatives could have their final assembly, a letter arrived addressed to Nightriver leadership from Clan Ironmound. Ironmound’s leadership has declared their official entry into the war. Honoring their Ironward alliance, they have joined the side of Grimward and Stonetooth with the intention to begin marching to fight.

At the end of the Moot, in an impressive show of unity, the representatives made a unanimous vote to promote Sylvir Bloodmoon to the station of Clanleader – however, the promotion came with stipulations. The first stipulation: Clan Nightriver should take in Clan Shattered Spear refugees; the second stipulation: Jarl Laela should be kept close to the new Clan Leader as a political ambassador. 

The representatives made a bold and surprising third stipulation: Warleader Holmar Bloodmoon should step down from his station and instead take up the mantle of being The Champion of Clan Nightriver, with the single goal of avenging Branthur Nightriver and the Clan’s honor in this war. Perhaps even more surprisingly, Holmar begrudgingly accepted this stipulation. As he stepped down from his station as Warleader, one name was nominated for the position: Halfrid Bloodriver, the Chieftain of Pack Bloodriver who was already in attendance of the Moot. While the nomination by her peers seemed to be entirely unexpected to her, she did not hesitate to accept it. Halfrid’s acceptance of the position along with Clanleader Sylvir’s approval to all stipulations brought the Moot to a close on a note that showed the continent that Nightriver is far from broken, and sparked hope for the future for many of those in attendance.

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Byrkit Bloodhawk

PLAYED BY: Bryan Richmond

CHARACTER NAME: Byrkit Bloodhawk




Birthyear: some thirty odd years ago, around 240, but who keeps track?

RACE: Ulven

HAIR: Salt and pepper, with a darker beard

EYES: brown

OCCUPATION: Pack Bloodhawk falconer

KNOWN SKILLS: Hawk breeding, training, and handling, jerky making, negotiating.

BIRTHPLACE: Pack Bloodhawk lands

APPEARANCE: usually wearing black, browns, and greens. His attire might a bit fancy for a Steinjotunn

NOTABLE TRAITS: Byrkit is always willing to contract out work for his hawks, seeming to enjoy the process of negotiation.

RELATIONSHIPS: Pack Bloodhawk, some traders, any contracted client (for the duration of the contract, anyways), falconers of Clan Steinjotunn, his brothers

Muki and Chiko

RUMORS: Byrkit seems almost flippant towards Clan Steinjotunn’s stated neutrality. He wants to see how far his Clan’s declaration of being “open for trade” goes.

He’s an ambitious one, that Byrkit. Its like he wants to be a hersir or something. Hear he’s a mage. Weird.


Another summons by the Falconers of Pack Bloodhawk. This happened almost daily now, since this new war started, since Steinjotunn declared neutrality. Reminders turned to arguments almost every time. Byrkit was getting tired of all this, all the words and no action. His hawks had not flown under contract in months and they were getting ornery in their idleness. Byrkit felt as caged as his hawks.

Byrkit paused as he approached yet another round of admonishment, his brothers Muki and Chiko beside him noticing his tense hesitation. “Brother, it is now or never,” Muki whispered. “Best not to get riled too soon, eh.” Slowly breathing out his frustrations, he nodded to his brothers and pushed through doors to Pack Bloodhawk’s Falconer Hall. After years of training with his brothers and raising dozens of hawks, Byrkit knew the ways of Pack Bloodhawk falconry as well as any other. He realized he had spent most of his life in this hall. Raising and training both messenger hawks and the hunting bloodhawks, hawks that could chase down and retrieve messenger hawks, Byrkit had surpassed so many others in his way with the birds. Walking through the entryway as he had since his youth, he wondered when exactly the joy of being here amongst the hawks had changed to this frustration, this feeling of being trapped.

His younger brothers followed Byrkit’s lead as they had since they had all been pups learning the secrets of Pack Bloodhawk’s prized falconry. “What fate you follow, we follow, brother,” they said in unison.

Surprisingly, the three elder hersirs were not at the hall table sternly awaiting Byrkit’s attendance with the other falconers of his Pack as Byrkit had come to expect. Instead he and his brothers found them alone around a small brazier

passing around a drinking horn laughing and joking. For a moment, with the emptiness the hall seemed so large, like it was when he was a child learning how to guide and handle his first hawk. He brushed the feeling away,

“Well this is a change of pace. Have I dropped so low in your esteem I am now but an afterthought to your entertainment?”

Byrkit’s brothers failed to stifle their groans. Turning back, he retorted, “They know I jest. Do better at hiding your disappointment in my lack of decorum brothers.”

“Spoken like those colonists you cavort with. Don’t think we do not see who you spend your time with, Byrkit,” Hersir Ibonek snorted as he passed the horn over.

Byrkit took the drink and sipped before he responded.

“They took their time to come to our lands and speak to our leaders. I would fail our pack if I did not at least try to find out what goes on beyond our borders.” Byrkit tried to come off as unconcerned but failed.

“Oh, so your curiosity is for Steinjotunn? Nothing else? No trying to find others to boost your magic knowledge? Or for possible clients for your hawks in this time of neutrality for the Clan?” Hersir Ecam’s words caused him to choke on his mouthful of ale.”Come now, Byrkit, no need to act like a whelp. In truth we do not judge you. Not too harshly anyways!”

The burst of laughter made Byrkit hesitate. “Fair enough.”

“But…?” Hersir Ecam impatiently waited for Byrkit’s often repeated protest to begin.

“But we sit here, wasting our hawks, our skills, our TRADE! We spend years, YEARS, training our hawks to be the best messengers on all of Mardrun and

more than that! Our hunting bloodhawks take down messenger birds as other hawks would a slow hare! We can keep to our honor, keep to the rigid negotiations we have trained for. It is our trade, is it not?!? Despite the clan’s declaration of neutrality, are we not open for trade? Pack Bloodhawk is not esteemed for archery or as great as Fleetfoot at scouting. The aid we could bring as falconers, our hawks are second to none and should be put to good use. Our names would be heard and spoken wide, may the Great Wolf hear them, our Pack’s honor and prestige would grow greater, and yet we do NOTHING.The Great Wolf tests us and we do NOTHING.”

Byrkit, falling into the same argument as he had for weeks if not months, was more than surprised when instead of being put into his place the Hersirs laughed all the louder.

Ecam, as usual, responded to Byrkit’s outburst. “And by that you mean your name and prestige. Do not keep taking us for naive, sheltered fools pup. And do not think you know what is better for Pack and Clan than our Clanleader. We stay neutral in this war, despite whatever idiotic notions of personal glory you hold.”

Before another round of arguments could begin, Ibonek interrupted. “Calm yourself, Byrkit. A wise hawk may see far on an open field, and a brazen pup may not see past his nose-”

“-But the Great Wolf sees all.” Byrkit passed the drinking horn to Hersir Yoad. He had heard the saying so, so many times through his training and well into adulthood, every time his vigor surpassed what Ulven honor would tolerate. The words, often attributed to Hillevi Steinjotunn, were a common reminder of the expectations put upon him. The expectations of Pack and Clan that weighed him down like chains.

“So seriously you take things young falconer, such fervor! Patience and respect, these you lack.” Hersir Yoad took a sip from the horn. “Still, much to learn. But not here.”

At Yoad’s words all went quiet, the hersirs’ mirth dying. Byrkit stared, confusion creeping across his face. Hersir Ecam was the first to break the silence.

“We have watched you all these years, and you have lived up to much of your potential. But you chafe at any authority, any decision you do not agree with since your parents died to the Mordok. This must change. You must change. But, as Hersir Yoad has said, this will not happen here.

We three Hersirs, hawk masters of Pack Bloodhawk, of Clan Steinjotunn, accept you into our circle as a journeyman yet to earn your title . You will-”

“Wait. So I am on this council, but you do not grant me the rank of Hawk Master?” Byrkit balked.

“This is outrageous, it is unfair.” Ibonek exageratedly rolled his eyes and laughed once more disarmingly, the laughter spreading to Byrkit’s brothers.

Ecam stared daggers at his fellow hersir until silence fell once more.

“We are giving you an opportunity, Byrkit. Do not let your pride get in the way of it.” Ecam continued. “You will go out of our lands to seek this change. You are allowed to accept work for your messenger hawks but no hawk hunting. You know our craft like few others, so strike a hard contract but STAY OUT OF THE WAR. Keep to our advice and to the honor of Pack and Clan. And before you start again, let me be clear. If you cannot keep to this, your hawks will be taken and you will be Severed from Pack and Clan.”

Both Muki and Chiko started at this, for once stepping in to argue themselves, but Byrkit silenced them with a hand. The words of the hersir left him without words, his mind racing to understand what he was hearing.

“Great risk perhaps,” Yoad croaked. “Great reward as well. Act with honor, you must.”

“We trust, Falconer Byrkit, such ‘freedom’ is acceptable to you? After all, as you say, we are open for trade. Excluding anything tied to the war. In this you must be clear to those who hire your hawks. Do not overstep. Come back to us wiser and tell us how far the hawk can see. Then, maybe, just maybe, you will have earned the title of Hawk Master,” Hersir Ibonek stated deadpan, the barest hint of his

amusement and approval showing through his beard.

After a long pause, longer than his brothers would like, Byrkit nodded in agreement. “Some work is better than none. I can agree to this. May His ears ring with your names, hersirs.”

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Saldis Stormjarl

Name: Saldis Stormjarl

Played By: Cerise Pipson

Age: 28 (as of 273)

Race: Ulven

Class: Warrior


Saldis Stormjarl was born and raised in the capital settlement of Jotunvik. The daughter of two established merchants, she lived a traditional if well funded life as a Stormjarl youth. As a girl she learned the skills of a merchant and trader. Traveling with her parents to many different packs and clans, and occasionally to the human settlements for trade. She enjoyed her life in Jotunvik. The economic prosperity, and the more accepting view within the clan on trade with the Humans and Syndar granted her a life of variety and progressive ideas. She wanted for little and her most daring adventures were in books from colonist lands that told stories of far off quests. During the Ulven Civil war her parents shared the clans want to remain neutral. And she, not one who longed for glory, was unbothered at her parents’ efforts to keep her far from the fighting. The war always remained several steps removed from her life, though it seemed to be the only thing on the minds of her people. They continued to make trade and would donate money and goods to the clan for the war effort. The closest she ever was to the fighting was when it all but reached Jotunvik. She remembers when word broke through that Grimward had been held at bay, but at the cost of many lives. The years of peace after the war were appreciated by her family. Their business prospered and much was as it had always been. All things must end though, and as tensions between the clans rose again with the rumors of Grimward raiders and speculation that Stormjarl was the true culprit trying to blame their rivals, her family began to question if they were true. Saldis was certain her clan was not responsible and wanted to set out to prove it to her family. Through a series of old friends and associates from her years of work as a merchant, a bit of luck, and no small amount of social courage. Saldis secured a place within the retinue of the Stormjarl delegation at the Ironmound Moot. Serving as an apprentice representative of the Einherjar of the Stormborn Coast, she attended the moot and learned much of the rumors surrounding the raiders and the larger workings of Ulven politics. It was here she truly learned what she had been spared from in the Ulven Civil war. As Grimward revealed their hidden plan to renew their war against Mardrun she witnessed the brutality of it all. The severed head of Haygreth Grimward carried through the assembled representatives, and the brutal murder of Branthur Nightriver. These events burned themselves into her memory and made her feel fear she had never felt before. In spite of the daunting circumstances of the betrayal, she saw courage in the various groups that had gathered to make peace. She saw colonists stand with Ulven and she saw the determined hope of her own clan as the Einherjar rallied those willing to fight to the bitter end in the face of certain death. She will always remember how it felt to face her fear and ready herself to die. They were spared that fate as Nightriver warpacks charged in to avenge their fallen kin. In the chaos that followed she made her escape with the Einherjar. The relief that she was spared such an unwelcome death was weighed down with the guilt that she herself was not able to help defend them. Being told to run as her people pushed forward and risked their lives did not sit well with her. Seeing new acquaintances cut down as they ran and as they fought their way to safety made it all come into sharp relief. Saldis promised herself and her people that day that she would not be unprepared again. Since that day she has stood with the Einherjar. Moving her life to Ulvesal and training hard to fight for her people. She will stand with her kin, she will save them or die trying.

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October 2024 – The Fall of Shattered Spear


As the war continues to progress against their favor, the defiance of Clan Shattered Spear’s warriors has become undeniable as they remain standing longer than anyone expected against Clan Grimward and Clan Stonetooth’s invasion. The support of their allies has equally effected the clan’s ability to stand, proving time and time again that Clan Shattered Spear never stood alone. Clan Shattered Spear has always been a strong clan for its size, but a year of war against the mordok weaked the clan, which Clan Grimward’s larger army took advantage of with their surprise attack marking the start of this war. Clan Shattered Spear no longer stands strong, the time for defiance has come to a choking end.

On the western coast of Clan Shattered Spear’s lands, close to the dirge, Clan Grimward’s raider fleet rapidly deployed warpacks which captured ships and coastal villages. As the colder season begins to arrive, these warpacks continue their advance deeper into Clan Shattered Spear territory, creating the danger of encircling the remaining Clan Shattered Spear warpacks and leadership. Whether captured, killed, or just unable to send communication, the command line has crumbled and individual warpacks are left isolated to attempt holding their portions of the line as long as possible before attempting to retreat, if the route east to Clan Whiteoak can remain open.

In addition, the Shield outposts of Clan Shattered Spear and the far western coastal Newhope outpost fall silent, presumed dead or captured. Reports come with wounded refugees as they tell stories of mordok roaming through the Shield’s gaps, not in numbers large enough to threaten warpacks but enough to attack isolated groups like small warrior patrols and refugees.

No request for aid arrives from Clan Shattered Spear in their final days, leaving outsiders with no guidance while they decide whether they can arrive to help what little remains of the fallen clan as their people fall and retreat east.

= Event Summary =

Plumes of smoke soar to the sky behind the remnants of Clan Shattered Spear and their allies as they are the last to retreat east. The northern front falls quiet with the cut off Shattered Spear warpacks fighting to the last or being captured as flames rage across their farmlands, leaving nothing for their conquerors. Clan Shattered Spear would not have stood for as long as they did without the unwavering aid of their allies, but in the end the clan’s fate was only delayed. Fighting until nothing was left, stood tall by their allies, and going out with a ferocious roar. Thus ends the saga of Clan Shattered Spear’s defiance.

Reports travel with news that Clan Shattered Spear’s High Priestess, Gyda Shattered Spear, was captured after her escort was cut down before they could reach friendly lines. Warleader Ulf Mossguard was slain in battle, his personal warpack fighting to the last warrior. No news is heard of Clanleader Laifnar Icefury, his fate unknown to his people. Much of the clan’s people now reside in the hands of their conquerors, their future uncertain.

Yet, many of their people survived and escaped east thanks to the clan’s defiance and their allies. Despite the clan and outside help being largely unable to hold the main crossroads, they managed to entirely deter initial invader advances and destroy a forward outpost being established. The fields were burned to black cinder to stop Grimward and Stonetooth from using the harvest to fuel their war. Roaming mordok whelps were slain, until a larger mordok unexpectedly traveled through and violently forced them to return north. This part of the war may have been lost, but the blade of Clan Grimward has been slowed and other clans and kingdoms have been given time to prepare and make provision.

One final flame flickers in the darkness of Clan Shattered Spear’s lands as Outpost Grimsendir still stands with Shattered Spear’s banners, its warriors not knowing that they are the last warpack standing. Only time will tell if Clan Shattered Spear dies with its land or stands with its surviving people.

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Richtcrag’s Bloody Cry

A single bard played on their mandolin that night at the Busty Bosom Chateau, a sad and reflective tune that could make one stare into themselves. This tune was accompanied by the sound of a heavy downpour, the cracking of thunder, and the percussion of the rain upon the clay tiles of the roof, bringing an even greater sense of misery and foreboding to this usual spot of merriment and sin.
The Lord Commander himself sat alone at the bar, nursing a cold glass of whiskey with as much love and attention as a wet nurse gives to a newborn. His eyes staring deep into the glass and the clay bottle next to it, trying to find something that perhaps no one could explain. No matter what it was that he sought after, no one bothered him, for how could they after what happened not even a month ago. When Clan Stonetooth decided to fight with the Blood Bath Corp in one of the bloodiest battles seen since the war with the Mordok, there weren’t really any words a person could use to describe the events that happened that day.

The rain took him back, back to that muggy and hot June day near the frontlines of Clan Shattered Spear. Blood Bath Corp had just succeeded in driving back a Clan Grimward warpack with ease. A few bruises but nothing that would prevent them from continuing their fight on the front lines. Their march took them near one of the main supply lines for Clan Shattered Spear, a critical area that needed protection if there ever was one. All they had to do was wait for anyone foolish enough to attack this area. They set up on top of a wooded hill near the roadway that lead further north, keeping fires low at night to avoid detection from the road. The first night they entertained themselves with drinks and a few games of throwing daggers into a stump, Sunny won that one. The others were groaning about having to pay more silver to keen eyed archer, but Volrok would too if it wasn’t happening every third to fourth night since the war started.
The second day went by without concern, same that night, in which a game of boasting and storytelling took place. That time Katya was the victor in the game, having told a fantastic tale of how humans came into the possession of horses back on Faedrun. A story that Volrok still remembered since its telling, and one that is now dear to him. The third day was much the same as the last, activity as usual without any issues. During that third night Wren took the glory for the camp game, a brawling match that resulted in a melee between half the unit until Volrok had to tell them to knock it off. She knocked out twelve of the others before the incident ended, and many agreed her fists were ones to avoid. The Fourth day, it downpoured harder than they have seen in years. A rain so powerful that trees bowed to the skies as if worshiping the fury of the goddess of wind and storms herself. The rain continued into the night, leaving not much to do other than be in their tents. Volrok remembers singing quietly into the night around the small fire in the circle of tents, and some of the others joining in on a song about Richtcrag, and the lives of those lost so long ago.

The fifth day was when it all happened. The day started as usual, early wake up, shift reports, breakfast, and patrolling the roadside. On their patrol though, they came across a Clan Shattered Spear warpack in the thick of combat with the very same Clan Grimward forces they made retreat only a few days prior. Seeing a chance to finish the job, the Blood Bath Corp got in position and started its advance to pincer the Grimward forces. That changed quickly, too quickly Volrok considered, as a warpack of Clan Stonetooth Marauders appeared from the otherside thinking to do the same thing to the Clan Shattered Spear forces. They wouldn’t stand a chance, Volrok thought, We need to counter and stop them!  So that’s what they did, he directed the Blood Bath Corp to circle around and none of them protested, for they saw the same thing he did. They jogged around and got in front of the forces and took defensive positions with pikes, hooks, and bills creating a defensive line as archers fired arrows into the charging force. The arrows may have been the rain from the prior night, it seemed to have done little to slow that charge. Finally, they collided in melee combat. Shields splintered to hammer, axe, and great sword, armor being punctured by arrow, sword, and spear. There was no room for defense on either side. Volrok watched as those around him fought with a ferocity he rarely saw, a reckless abandon that could only come from a rage and pain that was deep within. The memory of their friend Vales was still fresh, and was a vigor that may have saved the day.  Each blow they received, they returned with interest, and it was returned in kind. Eventually the sounds of armor being broken, turned to the sounds of screams and pain as the weapons themselves began to find home in the flesh of their respective opponents. The air became hazed in a mist of red as the water in their soaked armor, clothes, and the soil mixed with the heat of the battle. Blood sprayed and covered everything, the soil was then slick with mud and gore of both friend and foe alike.

Volrok cannot remember much, he remembered a spear to the leg, a blow to the right arm, an arrow to his left leg, but looking back, he could remember a few of the unit fighting as if the gods themselves were there. He watched Wren with her warhammer and shield shatter and break bones of Clan Stonetooth as if they were twigs, moving as if Bjar himself moved their ferocity. At the same time, the amount of arrows in her legs, arms, and chest looked as if it may be her final moments. 
Katya could be seen further back, their glaive spinning like a whirlwind around them. Fending off three Stonetooth as a few others retreated to get some first aid nearby. They parried and attacked to the best of their effort, which did allow those behind them to escape. Sadly one cannot parry a deathbolt, and one reached their leg and left a crater the size of a fist.
As for Sunny, she fired her arrows until her fingers bled. Each arrow finding home in a Stonetooth warrior’s body. When arrows became unavailable, she moved between combatants like a leaf on the wind, collecting arrows as she went along. However, luck and skill lasted so long before a hand axe found itself embedded in her chest, she collapsed shortly after.
The battle turned for the worst at this point, both sides had their armor destroyed and slashed and thrusted spears with a fevor Volrok hadn’t seen in years. Something stirred in him, as a mace clocked him in the back and forced him to the ground, a feeling he had almost forgotten, fear.

As he laid on the ground, his eyes stared into the Stonetooth that took up a smile of victory, of one who would gloat of Volrok’s death.
Have you forgotten the lessons I’ve taught you? A voice like steel stated in his mind.
Ulfkell?…’ He thought weakly as the voice rang in the mind.
Have you forsaken who you are? Have you truly done all you can? The voice stated once again.
How can I fight anymore? How can I watch my friends die again? How can I endure? I have fought with all I have, is this not an honorable death?’ Volrok thought, as time seemed to have slowed as the dagger raised to thrust itself into his chest.

So what of those who still live, do they deserve death? What of Aurelia, does she deserve heartbreak and sorrow? Why do you falter Battle-born? Give in to who you are, be the warrior you are meant to be. The voice echoed in his mind, this time with images of his friends in the Broken Blade, his loved one, his home, their future, those that lived. With it, an urge that was long suppressed began to surface, the urge for bloodshed, the urge to fight and fight till he couldn’t fight no more.

They took from you twice and they will take no more. Now take everything from them! Now get up Battle-born! I said GET THE FUCK UP! The voice bellowed in Volrok’s mind while a flash of eyes as red as fresh forged metal appeared. Then he could hear it, the sound of battle again, and with it, the sound of hammer and anvil. Time went back to normal, and his hand thrusted upward with the very dagger that his ancestors handed down, the broken blade itself that was now lodged in the Stonetooth’s neck. With a jerk he removed the blade and was bathed in the blood that flowed from the would be killer. 
He hurt, everything hurt, he was battered, beaten, and bruised, but he stood up. He looked at the foe’s around him, and his blood boiled. They were few, but they could still win the day. He dug deep into his lungs, an inhale that seemed to suck the energy of the battle into himself, and roared a question into the battle to all those that still stood.
“TELL ME BLOOD BATH CORP, WHAT MAKES THE GRASS GROW?!” He roared. No response came, and Volrok stood there alone and in silence among the field of corpses. The battle seemed to have stopped as the remaining Stonetooth gathered for another run at them.

“BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD MAKES THE GRASS GROW!!!” came a chorus behind him, as Wren, Sunny, and Katya rushed with about ten other members to form up. Blood oozed, wounds barely patched, and bones that were clearly broken didn’t dampen their resolve. They were as one, and they would not allow Stonetooth to claim victory there that day.

“FOR HONOR, FOR GLORY, FOR THE BATTLE FATHER!!!” They all roared as one, charging into the Stonetooth warriors, who now looked a bit more shaken that the resolve of these human ĺoclaochra charged into their lines with almost a religious fervor. For when they reached their foes, not even the gods could have held back their fury and rage. Roars of defiance came from the opposing force, even if it was short lived, for the melee had commenced once again. This time though, the Blood Bath Corp took the upper hand. Axe halfs shattered, spears splintered, swords shattered, maces crumbled, for neither side wanted to give up in this lake of mud, blood, viscera, and gore that both have created, but the victor was soon decided. Katya, Wren, Sunny, and Volrok stood with two others as the last of the severely wounded Stonetooth fled the battlefield. Their slashed sleeves heavy with blood and gore, their bodies beyond weary. As they fell to their knees roaring a cry of victory, sorrow, and rage, it was only then that the Clan Shattered Spear unit was able to approach and save the few of them left from dying outright.

He swirled his glass, staring into the drink that has helped dull the pain of his broken ribs, hip, and multiple arrow wounds. He couldn’t taste the alcohol like he used to, all it did was slightly burn going down, but there was no joy, no solace found. He stood up slowly and paid the bartender.
“Hey Lord Commander, why are you smiling?” said the barkeep as they took the coin for the evening.
“Oh… Just found something silly was all…” Volrok replied
“Oh? Like what?”
“Isn’t it funny… How blood makes the grass grow?” he said as he turned to the rest of those at a booth; Katya, Sunny, Wren, and the two others that survived the battle of Richtcrag’s Bloody Cry.

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Snippets from the Bard Book of Aina Riverhead – Pt. III – Songs of the Colonists’ so-called “Old World”

August/September 273

As Fall approaches and the decay of winter lurks around the corner, Aina recalls some of the frightful tales from various colonists about the destruction of their “Old World.” She finds herself revisiting a ballad she wrote about some of those events.

In a similar colonist-inspired realm, she had once written a tragic song from the perspective of a Syndar who’d been Hollowed. This theme has, unfortunately, become more relevant with recent rumors about a hollowed Daughter of Gaia.

Here are both songs.

Vandregonian Lament1

Gather round to hear the sound

Of older time and place

A time of valiant warriors

Lost to treach’rous disgrace

When men in hues of desert blues

Begat eternal ire

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

The tale began on May’kar sands

Under a bishop-king

His arms open to any man

With dreams to believe in

In this place, just having faith

Is all that they required

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

They ruled in peace for centuries

In difficult terrain

Engaging kingdoms civilly

With leaders’ cautious reigns

Trav’llers refreshed around Saresh

With arts to be admired

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

There broke free a foul army

Of rotting flesh and bone

These un-men skulked with enmity

Ravaging countless homes

The May’kar did their best to hold

As conditions turned dire

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

Then Vandregon, we came along,

And helped to quell the fears

Armies combined and we held strong

For 35 long years

Faltering when the May’kar King

He tragically expired

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

Without a King, their suffering

Took a turn for the worst

The two armies buffering

Against the undead curse.

Until whispers slid on the winds

Of a Rising that transpired

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

Suddenly Mahsai armies

They turned on Vandregon

And no one could have foreseen

Events going so wrong

Reports came in of a cursèd King

Around whom they’d conspired

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

Countless-men were slayed in bloodied frays

And shocking betrayal

Nations were completely razed

Battle after battle

The only save was to escape

In ships we could acquire

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

Now the lands of bloodied sands

Remain all overrun

Shame eats the hearts of living men

With flags of the White Sun

There are a few who swear they’re true

With innocent desires

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

O Vandregonians’ huge loss

Could never be undone

Our bodies piled in shapeless mass

And burned under the sun

Our countless brave into a grave

We piled and set afire

We’d never known such chillèd bones

As when lighting desert pyres

The Hollowed2

The murky glow of the new moon,

In the sky comes fading in,

Under her gauzy veil I lay out honey and incense

Choking on the memories

of once doing this with kin,

Ere my weaving grew sullied,

And my warp and weft were rent.

Blood of my blood, I call to thee,

Flesh of my flesh, I wait for thee.

They ripped all trace of mana

from my struggling bodymind,

Severed from the stream that courses within all our kind.

I was shorn of my branches,

Shorn of my dignity,

The Reclament unearthed my roots

To toss among the weeds.

Blood of my blood, I call to thee,

Flesh of my flesh, I wait for thee.

My body is a ghostly house, standing hollow and alone

Flesh and sinew hanging on its frame of brittle bone

This house it is the shameful site of my hammer-bludgeoned shrine

I sit and count up all the years since my hearth last held a fire

Blood of my blood, I call to thee,

Flesh of my flesh, I will wait for thee,

Blood of my blood, I call to thee,

Flesh of my flesh, I will wait for thee.

Out of Game Notes

1: Melody is “Jim Jones at Botany Bay,” a folk song. Lyrics original.

2: Melody original; lyrics have snippets & imagery taken from several songs: Ghost House by Beverly Glenn-Copeland; Fallow State, The Hammer, and Come Home You are Missed by Thou.

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October 273 – News & Rumors

A copied letter becomes widely dispersed across the various clans and refugees of Mardrun, stirring strong emotions as the first words of Clan Grimward are heard since the Moot that marked the start of the war.


To all Clans,

Long have we watched as you sat idly by, pretending that misgivings from the last war were simply gone. Allowing those invasive pests to extend their reach and their silver tongues to spout lies to all ulven, consequences withheld even after our people were forced to prove the truth that their leaders hid. The Dirge and mordok are of their reckless actions and yet they are allowed to flourish within your lands. Some of you even stand with them as their leaders commit these atrocities against the ulven people as a whole, while the rest of you cowardly stand by and allow them continuance.

“Dishonorable”, a word of which your clans and these parasites deem to freely scream, yet for the past many years have taken no regard for your own lack of honor. Your perceived honor has become meaningless, so only glory and unification will remain for us. Clan Grimward’s actions are not a cause, we are but a response to your own corrupted misaction that we have had to continually endure since the civil war. Clan Shattered Spear’s fall was not contentedly sought but was found necessary before we move to the greater of evils, but those who remain truly neutral to our cause will not suffer the same violent fate. Clans of the north, continue your sage course and unity will find you peacefully.

And to all clanless who have spoken with your actions;

You have been heard, and there is the opportunity to make your cause a reality. Clan Grimward and Clan Stonetooth welcome those who recognize that they have been wronged, and together we will right these wrongs and create a unified future.

By the Pillars,

Warleader Khulgar Graytide of Clan Grimward


Wood meets sand as ships make landfall. Boots run across the beach sand as warriors move inland with no opposition in the area to stop them. A notable portion of Clan Grimward’s raider fleet has landed warpacks on the upper coast of Clan Shattered Spear lands behind the frontline, rapidly carving into the thin northern line of Clan Shattered Spear’s forces and soon to surround their warpacks fighting on the frontline. The final days of the clan have been marked, but their unwavering allies may have something to say about this eventual fate.

Despite this distressing letter and news, an unexpected story is excitedly traveling from the south. On almost every front, Clan Grimward and Stonetooth’s warpacks have made ground with their initial offensives, a seemingly undeterrable force that reduces morale and lays ruin wherever they travel. The image crumbles though, as an incursion of multiple smaller Clan Stormjarl and colonist forces have banded together, managing to ferry the Yurnai River and break into Clan Grimward lands. Many colonists near the river speak avidly of the spotted plums of smoke from burning Grimward villages, but only those fighting will know how much harm has been caused or how long the attack will persist.

A trickling account travels from the northern fronts as but only a few prisoners kept by Grimward have managed an escape from their hold. The story is soured by the number of prisoners that died during this breakout, but the few that lived confirm the existence of this prisoner work camp. Reports from the Clan Shattered Spear lines show Clans Grimward and Stonetooth fielding larger numbers of combat healers, pulling and healing larger numbers of wounded from both sides in battles. These two stories merge to show signs of the invaders bolstering their supply workforce with these captured warriors and packs, or perhaps a more troublesome usage.

Ships are seen sailing south carrying the flags of Aylin’s Reach, and with it travels the rumor that the Prince’s marines are traveling to reinforce Clan Stormjarl. The people of Aylin’s Reach speak of travelers arriving from other lands to provide advisement or request aid, with the Prince seeming to slowly but carefully choose actions to progress with. Despite criticism of their slowness of decision, the Prince of Aylin’s Reach and his council indicate to have plans being finalized as a portion of their forces and supplies are sent externally but are still open to those who would provide wisdom and information for this ongoing war.

Despite music often being lost in war, a small song has spread among troops in various warfronts, with many variations of it being born from different groups but many agree to this being the original with an unknown author:

“A Toast to Arland Stormjarl”:

Fine folk like this, the Grimward dogs

Have begun to attack.

So with our honor, tools, and blades,

Their scourge, we must drive back!

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Dúrnir’s Journal, August

I think I do not care for war.

Fighting, I understand. We must fight for our lives. When Grimward and Stonetooth raise sword and claw to strike us down, there is no choice but to meet them in kind. We must spill their blood, so that they do not spill ours. We must fight to protect our people and our lands. We must stand together, or we will die, and our names will be forgotten.

At first, I thought that war was just this fighting, but greater, and that the only difference was in the number of soldiers. But today, I have seen that this is not the case.

We had a duty to deliver goods to Grimsendir. An important task, to keep safe the lives of those within its walls, and the people living in the lands beyond the line it guards. Several times, this day, I left our camp, to guard supplies and my fellow soldiers. Each time, I did not know if I would return. If I would return to Saga. By Gaia’s will, I did. Others were not so blessed.

But while I was on the paths, I saw war, and saw how my allies and enemies saw it. War is not fighting. War is sport. War is a time for boasting, a time for foolish bravery. It is a time to create and grow the legend of a warrior.

It disgusts me.

On my third delivery of supplies, there was one Grimward soldier preventing us from returning to camp. We outnumbered him, many times over. It would have been a simple matter to surround him and cut him down. But one of our soldiers called for an ‘honor duel’.

‘No interference’, I heard, echoed around me. The battle blocked our cart from returning. More Grimward could have arrived at any moment. What could have been a safe and sure victory was risked for glory. For this ‘honor’.

No interference. I am reminded of my father. His demand that an Ulven must stand alone. That it is a weakness to count on others.

What a waste.

The other Einherjar are good people, but they share these thoughts as well, at times, as does my mate. I have a great respect for our Toralf, though. Though his body was bloodied and bruised by Grimward hands, he spoke to us not as a warrior, but as a fighter. He told us to survive, to protect each other, and we did. No Einherjar fell this day. We would not allow it. I am grateful to have him back. I think I do not care for war.