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Clan Whiteoak

Clan Whiteoak warpaint is 3 white diagonal lines across the face

Clan Whiteoak

Clanleader: Lamont Whiteoak
High Priestess: Helka Whiteoak
Warleader: Colborn Whiteoak

A smaller clan that frequently uses white markings on their face and has a strict caste system. Their insignia is two opposing white oak leaves.

Though smaller than many of the other Clans, Whiteoak is no stranger to warfare. Up until recently they had been locked into a generations long feud with Clan Axhound to their immediate southwest. For years no one truly remembered what started the feud, but it was eventually revealed that at one time the two clans were one under the name Axhound; though there are some competing stories about why Whiteoak split from the mother clan so long ago. Regardless, this feud to the south coupled with the Dirge Swamp border to the north has lead Clan Whiteoak to place a heavy emphasis on their martial prowess. When enemies sit at both doors the only answer is to arm up.

Clan Whiteoak was a staunch ally of Clan Grimward during the Ulven Civil War and they gave many warriors to the cause. No doubt the fact that Axhound had allied with Nightriver and the colonists played a large part in their decision to back Grimward.

Recent/Current Events:
Under the guise of acting in the best interest of their largest ally; Clan Whiteoak spent much of the war in direct conflict with their ancient foe, Clan Axhound. Though the year began in a rather uncharacteristic political dispute within Whiteoak, with the High Priestess and Clanleader disagreeing on the direction of the war to the point that Daughters of Gaia were no longer being sent to reinforce the Clanleader’s warpacks, their squabbles were forced to the side as the war intensified. Unifying enough to land warriors in Southern Nightriver territory via Squallborn ships, Clan Whiteoak was loyal to the very end of the war, ensuring their presence at the drafting of the original treaty. Though the reparations will take a heavy toll on their resources, spirits in Clan Whiteoak remain high as the treaty will give them a chance to rebuild without worrying about raids from Axhound.

Thanks to the work of Pack Redwind, an odd pack made of both Axhound and Whiteoak Ulven, as well as their many supporters a tenuous truce was struck between the two Clans. Over the next few years this truce proved to be lasting and at times during the Dirge War the banners of Axhound and Whiteoak have been seen supporting each other on the field of battle.

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Clan Stormjarl

Clan Stormjarl warpaint is 3 vertical blue stripes over one eye

Clan Stormjarl

Clanleader: Graytir Stormjarl
High Priestess: Svayla Stormjarl
Warleader: Bolverk Stormjarl
Primary Settlement: Jotunvik

Clan Stormjarl is located on the western side of Mardrun. Seated deep within Clan Grimward territory, the ocean borders much of this clan’s territory. A complex network of riverways wind through the territory, making travel by boat a regular method of transportation. The vast plains of the area have proven to be very fertile and Stormjarl farmers do quite well. Large farmsteads cover the clan’s territories. Although it is not heavily wooded, this location is home to a good number of game and many Ulven go through at least basic hunter training. It is a requirement that all main settlements be connected to the rivers in Clan Stormjarl so that their Viknar ships may sail all the way to the coast. Fledgling villages have sprung up outside of the riverways but these are sporadic and usually focusing on farming… but any large village or settlement is connected to the sea in some way.

More importantly, this clan specializes in fishing and owns the largest number of seaworthy vessels of any Ulven clan. Most of these boats are small fishing vessels, but the Chieftans and Clanleader own and maintain a number of longships. Able to sail across the open ocean and then get into shallower channels and rivers, moving trade goods and transporting travelers is much more efficient with the use of these ships. More so than any other clan, travel by boat and water is a staple to their people.

With the heavy focus on farming and fishing comes a focus also on trade. Exceptionally skilled craftsman make all sorts of items and harvest food and crops to sell or trade to other villages, settlements, and even other clans. The sprawling main settlement of Jotunvik, second only to Clan Nightriver’s main settlement or the condensed city colony of Newhope, sits near the coast and is home to a larger Ulven population in comparison to others. The elaborate trade system and tithes levied from numerous settlements have allowed Jotunvik to legitimately be a thriving hub of trade, culture, and sea travel. The main settlement is a bustle of activity all the time as ships dock and cast off, goods are moved and stored or shipped out, and wagons arrive to move and transport goods. The Great Hall of Stormjarl is home to the Clanleader and the High Priestess and is the main seat of political discussions, votes on Clan matters, and a place to air grievances or challenge/settle disputes. This is also a reminder that Jotunvik is the heart of Clan Stormjarl; most of the trade comes through it, and anyone of political note must travel to it.

Although smaller than Clan Grimward and Clan Nightriver, they are are the third largest clan on the continent.

Because of the massive size of the founding Stormjarl pack and the gradual absorption of smaller packs into the founding pack, territories of land are separately ruled and overseen by Jarls. It is a common practice for Jarls to wear a specific design arm torc and then their followers would wear a torc resembling their Jarls. To be a Jarl, the elders and influential members of a territory will cast a vote to bring in and keep the Jarl in service. This has allowed the title to shift often. Neighboring Jarls have sometimes been involved in smaller feuds themselves, similar to how an entire pack can feud against another, but this rarely results to violence. Jarls work hard to keep their title and being unable to remain diplomatic with other Jarls is a fast way to be removed from this honorific. Similar to a small Chieftain, Jarls answer to the Clanleader and help govern different parts of the Clan’s territories. While uncommon among the other Ulven clans, this division of authority has helped Pack Stormjarl maintain a strong leadership and more complex trade and barter economy than some of the other clans.

Because of the heavy use of the Jarls for leadership, individual packs that wish to remain their own entity are required to maintain at least one longship and a crew of Viknar. This fighting force is a sign of respect and authority and without it, a Pack is not allowed to make a legitimate claim to rule their own territories. Many a times a fledgling Pack has been consumed by Pack Stormjarl, the largest Pack in Clan Stormjarl, similar to how two warring clans might conquer warriors and villagers and force them to join their new Clan. Most of the time, this is a ceremonial occurance; should a Pack be unable to maintain a longship and a crew of Viknar to support the Chieftain, then ships arrive with the Warleader and the Pack is taken over and then controlled by Pack Stormjarl. If a Pack and its Chieftain knows they have not fulfilled the requirement to maintain their Pack’s independance, the Chieftain will usually “bear throat” and step down. This is not seen as dishonorable; an admittance to a shortcoming for the benefit of your people is viewed favorably. Most Chieftains that bear throat to the warleader are picked to become the newly appointed Jarl to reside over the populace. Chieftains that do not agree to this may challenge the warriors that arrive. The specifics for this duel can vary; sometimes it is the Chieftain fighting the best viknar warrior the Warleader has brought with them, sometimes it is the 3 best warriors from each crew. The Warleader never participates in the duel due to his significant role in the Clan’s honor but is there to oversee the details. Regardless, there is some sort of challenge, duel, acceptance, or agreement of terms to either prove that the Chieftain is maintaining his force or proof that he is not… or a stalling of time in order to make adjustments. If a Chieftain and his crew challenges the Warleader’s crew and wins, that Chieftain gains immense word-fame and honor and is paid a boon. This could be weapons, armor, supplies, or more warriors for the Chieftain’s viknar. If a Chieftain challenges and loses, the Chieftain is removed from leadership and is considered dishonored… the Chieftain should have known to either submit to Pack Stormjarl or to have the assurance to overcome whatever challenge is presented to maintain their Pack’s independence. This poses an interesting choice to a Chieftain under the questioning review of the Warleader; submit without incident and benefit from the new rule but accept the changes… or fight for independence which would gain word-fame, honor, and more wealth at the risk of losing it all should they fail? All villages, settlements, and Jarls that swore allegiance to Clan Stormjarl have requirements and taxes that are levied on them and a Chieftain maintaining his Pack’s independence is able to avoid these tithes. These are fair and seen as honorable tribute to the main settlements which in turn invest in those communities and settlements. It is a system that has worked for generations and is one of the key reasons why Stormjarl has progressed so far ahead of some of the other clans. In this system, independance from the main Pack is accepted as long as you can earn it, or acceptance of the rulings of the Main pack is required if you cannot. To an outsider, it makes it look like Clan Stormjarl’s politics are based on warrior culture. It actually is not, as it takes a full thriving community, tended fields and a pleased populace, a leader with an eye on the future and prosperity, built wealth through trades and barter, and discipline to train and equip elite soldiers such as the viknar. A strong community is required to maintain the warriors, their equipment, and their boat… and to do so is proof that a Chieftain has earned the priviledge of independence. If a Chieftain earns the right to rule and remain independent, the Warleader will not return for a minimum of 5 years. However, this usually takes place only after a major change (such as a Chieftain passing away or an accusation of bad leadership) and usually a community is left alone for a decade or more.

When it comes to ranking of these statuses, a Jarl is subordinate to a Chieftain and has less sway in political dealings… but not by much. More than a few times a pompous Chieftain has been targeted by a Jarl after boasts or jealously has increased the tension surrounding one incident or another.

Clan Stormjarl is led by Clanleader Graytir Stormjarl who is an accomplished warrior and has seen many years. His more diplomatic and trade skills have allowed him to build Clan Stormjarl to a well supplied and powerful clan. His Warleader is Bolverk Stormjarl, a seasoned warrior and sailor. The Warleader personally oversees the Stormjarl ships and the training of the Viknar, even making routine stops among the different settlements and testing the Chieftains to ensure that their crews are up to standard.

When it comes to matters of politics, Clan Stormjarl has a suprisingly open forum. Political meetings are held every 6 months in Jotunvik at the Great Hall of Stormjarl. This massive building is not just home to the Clanleader and High Priestess, but also to the assembly area that clan members visit during matters of political importance. This assembly hall is one part auditorium and one part stadium; there are seats that line the walls all around the chamber where members of Clan Stormjarl can visit and witness the dealings of political nature. Recessed below these seats are the chairs and waiting areas for Chieftains, Jarls, and ambassadors to reside. Here, matters of importance are discussed and voted on by the leaders of the Clan and witnessed by all those present. Space is limited in the stands and are usually packed in a first-come first-serve ordering. Bearing witness to these meetings is seen as an honor, and anyone who is beligerant or speaks out during the meetings is forcibly removed from the chamber. Weapons are permitted to be worn at these meetings but it is well known that drawing a weapon within the assembly hall is punishable by death.

Because their borders are surrounded by Clan Grimward, who are very brutal and vigilant in their defense against the mordok, Stormjarl is noted to be one of the safer clans on Mardrun from mordok raids. Their distance from the dirge swamp and the Great Wolf’s Hackles means that attacks from mordok are much less common than with other Clans. However, this means that if a tribe of mordok does make it into Stormjarl territory then they are usually fierce, hearty, and especially savage.
This relative safety from mordok attacks does not mean that they have less skilled warriors than other Clans; many Ulven train and refine their skills, they just have less actual experience then some of the other clans or must venture outside their borders to gain word-fame as a warrior. Clan Stormjarl warriors are warpacks of individuals banning together under the leadership of a Chieftain, Jarl, the Warleader, or a group of Viknar. Sophisticated, well disciplined, or brutal fighting tactics are absent from the base warrior of Clan Stormjarl. Fighting and making war is not the primary responsibility of most Clan Stormjarl warriors.

Because of their heavy usage of these ships, each Chieftan and some prestigious Jarls maintain a group of “Viknar”, trained and veteran warriors that are also skilled sailors, making them a formidable force if used to raid or attack any location near the coast or along a connecting river. Although the need to raid Mordok groups near the coast is sporadic at best, this has been key to the survival of some war packs finding themselves retreating from Mordok attackers, usually after being ambushed and caught unaware that mordok are in the territory. Falling back to the coast or a large enough river in Stormjarl territory, the Viknar have arrived just in the nick of time to save several groups from being slaughtered or overrun. Being a Viknar is an great honor, as the pledge to serve and protect chieftans and ambassadors is taken very seriously. A warrior must pledge to serve the war packs of Clan Stormjarl and test to become a viknar. They are put through grueling feats of strength, endurance, and martial prowess. Where the basic Stormjarl warrior is a farmer with a sword and some skill to use it, the Viknar are trained and elite professionals of sailing and fighting.

Viknar train daily in martial and sailing skills. They are expected to be close to their boat at all times, able to rally and organize at a moments notice. Martial training includes disciplined fighting in small groups, an emphasis on heroic levels of endurance, and focusing the willpower of the crew. Should a crew of Viknar find themselves in battle, they are most often put in situations where striking quickly and with intensity is important, but then having the endurance to last should a fight draw out for long. With the boat at their backs, sometimes retreat is not an option… and the Viknar take steps to ensure that should their crew be overrun or killed, they attempt to set fire to the boat in order to deny its capture. Tight knit comraderie and intense focused training is paramount to the Viknar.

Many communities find honor in supporting the viknar and to know a ship is nearby brings comfort to some communities. Trading a night’s rest and a hearty meal for favor to the local Jarl is a tangible resource to barter. Staple diets of fish, dried meat, beets, and hearty grains are important to enhance the fighting condition of the Viknar; extra care is taken to ensure their crews are well stocked and well fed.

Clan Stormjarl is made up of a more progressive ulven than some other clans. They have some unique traits that set them apart.

A superstitious norm is shared by a lot of the Clan. For a society that focuses a lot on sea travel and coastal sailing, this could have evolved from the sailors trying to read the weather and listen to portents they feel may help them on their journey. The mention of a “Wolf’s Wind” is a common saying; it basically means that something mysterious or odd is about, even if not entirely known or understood. For example, a sailor may try to read the clouds to know when to sail and feel uneasy about it, commenting that there is a wolf’s wind in the air or that they “feel a wolf’s wind”.

The Sax knife has specific meaning in Clan Stormjarl territory. A sax is a sign of freedom and ownership over one’s own life. Those honor bound for payment or service are not permitted to wear a sax, but a free man/woman is allowed and expected to wear one. This is usually on a sax sheath hung from two straps on a belt, either in front of the body or just below the lower back. The sax represents the working tools of the tradesmen, the cutting knife of a farmer, the weapons of the warriors, and the symbolism of politics and free choice. A Stormjarl clan member who was without a sax would be viewed as a servant, even if they were not treated wrongfully or disrespectfully. A young Stormjarl member who becomes an adult is gifted a sax from his local Jarl, Chieftain, or a Priestess.

Arm torcs are worn by many Clan Stormjarl members. They are commonly gifted to community members that are above the free men and woman but still below a Jarl. This system calls out special attention or honor to village leaders, community members, or representatives that have gained favor with a Jarl. To earn the right to wear one is a great honor and to have one removed due to lacking deeds or service is a dishonor. This item is viewed favorably but it is also meant to be a constant reminder; those who serve Jarls are part of a system linking the larger Pack Stormjarl group together. Unlike Jarls, Chieftains in Clan Stormjarl do not wear arm torcs; this is another status symbol of independence among the Stormjarl people.

Clan Stormjarl seems to have a higher occurrence of people serving time under honor bound payment than other clans. People, or the time they can put in and work, seem to be a very viable currency to use in bartering with other territories. It is not uncommon to have groups of villagers travel frequently to other locations and put in work… or for villagers to be forced to do so. For example, a Jarl may approach another Jarl and barter 10 working hands for 1 month in exchange for food and lumber. If agreed upon, the Jarl will send these working hands as payment. In this instance, they are viewed as freemen coming to do work for trade; they would be permitted to wear their sax and enjoy certain freedoms. Should a Jarl anger another Jarl and a raid is conducted or a duel fought that proves one is the victor, forcing the other Jarl to hand over people as tribute/honor payment is seen more like a spoil of war or plunder. These honor bound workers are still treated well, but they are servants… not free people… and are not permitted to wear their sax. During their time, they are given more basic accomodations and food; they are servants working off payment, not freemen coming to work.

Religious practices and spirituality in Clan Stormjarl follow the similar paths of most ulven clans. However, due to the clans more superstitious nature, the rituals and spells of the Daughters of Gaia within the Clan tend to incorporate water, favorable luck, or both. Similar to most ulven spirituality, this does not mean that the people of Clan Stormjarl pray to Gaia or the Great Wolf to solve their problems or ease their pains but instead give them courage to see themselves through it… but if luck happens to be on your side, it could give you an edge. Many Stormjarl ulven wear totems of luck or importance and have a heavy influence on using runes on their equipment and clothing.

Although home to any number of colors and fashions, Clan Stormjarl is typically home to a number of colors of tunics, dresses, and art that follow blues and grays. This is most likely due to the fact that Pack Stormjarl, the largest Pack in the Clan by far, has specific heraldry displayed on banners and flags and even uniforms for Viknar and colored sails on their ships. This is usually in the form of a symbol representing a torc along with a knotted design.

Initially, Clan Stormjarl was not very involved in the conflict with the colonists years ago. They helped move warriors and supplies with their longships and a number of Stormjarl hunters assisted their Ulven allies, but they were not at the forefront of the conflict.

Year 260
Clan Stormjarl keeps to themselves and does not get involved with hardly any colonist settlements. However, a movement within the Clan’s Jarls pushes for an expanded economy after the introduction of the goldwood coin. Tales of Jarls getting rich or striking deals with some of the colonist settlements helps bring the Clan forefront onto Mardrun; not for conflict, but for economical expansion.

Year 261
When the civil war engulfed all of Mardrun, Clan Stormjarl initially declares neutrality. Representatives from both Grimward and Nightriver have been sent to discuss the war with the Clanleader, but Graytir Stormjarl knows that choosing either side could be disastrous for his clan. Many of the people of Clan Stormjarl continue with day to day lives but worry and rumors spread among the Packs about what the future could hold.

Year 262
After several political meetings have taken place and letters sent back and forth, Clan Nightriver and their allies seem intent on gaining Clan Stormjarl as an ally. However, the needs of the safety and the future of his people are not being met and instead the discussions stall through the year. With war looming on the horizon… one way or another… the Jarls and Chieftains tend to their settlements, their longships, and their warriors. A longstanding debt owed by Pack Longfang is called up; Clan Stormjarl invested in the building of Onsallas Outpost in exchange for service in the future. When finally pressed by Haygreth Grimward late in the year, Graytir Stormjarl chooses neutrality for his people… a move that should have been respected. Unfortunately, this sparked the conflict between Clan Stormjarl and Clan Grimward as Haygreth refused to acknowledge Graytir’s choice of neutrality, pulling Clan Stormjarl into the war.

Year 263
Lightning fast and well prepared attacks from Clan Grimward carve into Clan Stormjarl territory, taking a lot of territory from the Clan. The attacks in the dead of winter prove harsh but effective… for both sides. A fighting retreat for months finds the defenders of Clan Stormjarl giving ground and trying to finalize a defense in their final settlement to the south; Jotunvik. The call for help is answered; Clan Nightriver warriors and soldiers from numerous colonies and factions come to the aid of Clan Stormjarl, punching through the sea based blockades and landing troops in the settlement. An enormous battle takes place and builds up to the famed Battle of Blackwolf Creek, where hundreds of warriors are killed on both sides of the conflict. Clan Grimward’s momentum is stopped and Jotunvik is saved; it forces a stalemate for the rest of the year.

Year 264
The battles lines are drawn to the north by land against Clan Grimward and to the south by sea against Clan Squallborn, Clan Stormjarl spends most of its time maintaining defenses. Raids and counter attacks are conducted periodically against territories controlled by Clan Grimward. Organized formations of ships are used to punch through or drive off Clan Squallborn sea raiders who only fully commit to attacks when they have the upper hand. Through no small amount of Coalition coordination, however, the Squallborn blockade was broken, allowing fresh troops and supplies to be deposited on their shores. Proud to a fault, Graytir Stormjarl offered small fortunes to any and all willing to assist them in retaking their stolen homelands, though none stepped forward. This continues for months, including raids to liberate Clan Stormjarl ulven that have been conquered and force to the labor in camps and villages. A bold move is put into motion by the people of Clan Stormjarl; the territory in between held territory and Clan Grimward’s setup defenses is destroyed. Villages are razed, farms are harvested and salted or destroyed, and anything valuable is taken and returned to Jotunvik. This “scorched earth” approach proves costly but effective, denying immense amounts of food and supplies to Clan Grimward. This swath of land, a wound upon Gaia’s sacred ground caused by this war, has been colloquially named “Haygreth’s Scar”, in mocking honor of the Grimward Clanleader. As the other side of the civil war escalates, Graytir orders his Jarls to take their longships and land warriors deep into Clan Grimward territory and to attack their settlements, hoping to cause confusion or force Clan Grimward to split their resources. This appears to help as more Clan Stormjarl captives are liberated, settlements are raided and looted for goods, and news eventually reaches the main Stormjarl settlement; Haygreth Grimward’s forces were defeated in a decisive battle called the Battle of Pyre Hills, forcing him to retreat and setup peace talks. The warriors of Stormjarl rejoice but the Clanleader and his Warleader brace for news of what will happen next.

Year 265
This is the current year.

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Clan Grimward

Clan Grimward warpaint is a black eyebar with three vertical red stripes below each eye

Clan Grimward

Clanleader: Haygreth Grimward
High Priestess: Freydis Blackwing
Warleader: Khulgar Graytide


Pack territories are measured in “Walks”. This is approximately the amount a warpack can walk from the main settlement in a day. The larger the Walk territory, the more fierce their warpacks are. This is why some more war like packs have larger territory than their numbers would suggest, and some smaller.

A rough Map of Clan Grimward Territory is here.

This clan is second largest on Mardrun. It has recently pushed for a more stern response against the colonists. They have lobbied that the rapid expansion of the colonists is not favored by Gaia and has angered the Great Wolf. Their lack of respect to the land will spell disaster to the Ulven culture and that the colonists cannot be trusted.

Pack Graytide, one of the Pack’s responsible for several fights and battles against the colonists (even after the truce) has not been reprimanded or dealt with by any form of leadership from Clan Grimward. Many suspect that the Clanleader and High Priestess intend to turn a blind eye to their actions in order to fuel their campaign against the colonists and sway the support of other clans or packs.

Recent/Current Events:
Fueled by the conviction of their Clanleader, Clan Grimward ramped up their assault in terms of both military and political actions during the year. Beginning with Clan Watchwolf, moving quickly to Ironmound, and maintaining their assault on Stormjarl, Haygreth Grimward cut a path across Mardrun, demanding his fellow Clanleaders stand with him as brothers, or against him as enemies and traitors to the true Ulven way. With minor assistance arriving simply too late, Clan Watchwolf’s western settlement fell to Grimward advances early in the year, though their fair and respected treatment surprised many in the Coalition. When next his sights were set on Clan Ironmound and their production of high quality steel goods, Haygreth sent his daughter, Wargah, to negotiate terms with them directly, eventually being willing to settle for a signed declaration of neutrality with the Clan, forcing them to trade fairly with both sides in the war or to remove themselves from it completely. Despite popular support for neutrality, emotions got the better of many Coalitionists in attendance at the summit where the declaration was presented, forcing Ironmound’s hand into joining the Coalition instead. Hoping to divide the Coalition forces by splitting their own, Grimward tried unsuccessfully to eradicate Clan Stormjarl, though they did succeed in conquering fully a third of Stormjarl territory in the process. As the year came to a close, Haygreth saw his territory bordered on all sides by enemy clans mounting a unified defense against him, and he knew he would have to gamble everything to emerge victorious, leading a surprise assault directly into Nightriver territory. In the battle now known as Pyre Hills (named for the staggering number of warrior who lay dead by the time the fighting had ended), Haygreth’s forces were routed, ending his visions of conquest, at least for the time being. With one final trick up his sleeve, Haygreth made a personal appearance at the drafting and signing of the treaty to end the war, using his presence and clout to intimidate his way into a better deal, including being allowed to keep all lands taken during his campaign.


In early 268, a series of raids by Stormjarl Warriors attacked the coasts and borders of Clan Grimward territory. Their ostensible goal was to free the Thralls that Grimward had taken during the Ulven Civil War.  While being understanding of Stormjarls motives, most on the continent held their breath at the thought of another Civil War; especially when the combined Ulven forces just were routed from the War in the Dirge. After a tense standoff at the yearly political dinner between Grimward and Stormjarl representatives, a series of negotiations over the summer brought the hope of peace event in the Fall.

In September, the two sides met to discuss terms, arbitrated by Clan Nightriver representatives. Once again, Haygreth Grimward made his personal appearence. Though it seemed that neither side would give, the appearance of the Clan Chieftain seemed to damper Stormjarl’s fighting spirit just enough. By the end of the day, terms had been decided. Stormjarl’s thralls would be returned, but so would Grimward’s Honorbound. Both sides being made whole, the only other issue was a promise to meet to discuss the conquered territory. With Stormjarl receiving a much larger amount of people in the first part of the deal, Haygreth declared at the meeting that the territory known as the Scar would stay in Grimward’s hands to make it even. Stormjarl did not seem to want to contest this action; especially with their assimilation of former Clan Squallborn lands into their Stormborn Coast settlements.

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Clan Nightriver

Nightriver Warpaint is a black eyebar with a horizantal blue stripe along the bottom of the eyebar

Clan Nightriver

Clanleader: Sylvir Bloodmoon
High Priestess: Alvilde Frosttide
Warleader: Halfrid Bloodriver
Nightriver Ambassador: Jarl Laela
Champion of Nightriver: Holmar Bloodmoon

Former Clanleader – Branthur Nightriver, executed by Clan Grimward during the multi-clan moot of April 273.
Former Warleader – Holmar Bloodmoon, removed from position and made Champion of Nightriver during the internal clan moot of November 273.

Of the Ulven clans, Nightriver boasts both the largest population and the most expansive territory. Sharing a northern border with Clans Goldenfield and Riverhead, Clan Nightriver’s territory stretches to the southern tip of the Mardrun mainland, enveloping the eastern Watchwolf settlement as well. To the west, their border with Clan Grimward is fortified by both the Yurnai river and the Wolf’s Hackles Mountains.

Led by Branthur Nightriver, Clan Nightriver has long held a place of respect among the other clans, both for their bold leadership and through their sheer numbers. As diverse a clan as any through the virtue of their massive population and expansive territory, there are times when it seems that little more than pride binds the many packs of Nightriver into a single clan.

This great diversity, however, may have been the saving grace for the colonists from Faedrun. Following the initial fighting, Clan Nightriver was one of the first, alongside Clan Watchwolf to not only tolerate but also welcome their new guests. By Branthur’s hand, sizeable chunks of Nightriver territory were set aside for the colonists to make new homes for themselves. During the Civil War, it was the warpacks of Clan Nightriver who stood as the shield between Clan Grimward and the colonists they sought to exterminate. In the end it was a final charge led by Branthur himself that broke the Grimward lines at the Battle of Pyre Hills and halted Clan Grimward’s momentum, forcing an uneasy peace across Mardrun.

Though large and self-sustaining, Clan Nightriver has long worked to maintain strong ties to a number of various clans for a number of reasons: Goldenfield helps to sustain their population during hard winters; Stormjarl moves trade goods and helps their economy remain strong; Steinjottun provides them with high quality hawks to enhance their political presence; Shattered Spear will often loan warriors to Nightriver during months of little Mordok activity, with the understanding that the favor will be returned when the Mordok re-emerge. Even Clan Grimward long stood as staunch allies of Clan Nightriver, and together the two clans would be nearly unstoppable, though that alliance was ended when a number of colonists gravely insulted Khulgar Graytide and Clan Nightriver did not demand justice.

Their great reach and large number of well-trained and honorable warriors often see them falling into the role of enforcers across the continent, though they do make an effort not to impose their own will in these matters. Branthur may be bold, but he does realize that if he makes the wrong enemies, not even the great size of Nightriver can save his clan.

In an unfortunate revelation, late in the year 264 it was brought to light that Kragen Bloodmoon, the former Warleader of Clan Nightriver, had betrayed the honor of his clan. During the initial fighting against the colonists, he had assumed a false name and identity when challenged to an Honor Duel by the Vandregonian soldier Vanessa Grimm. He doubted her skill and taunted her mercilessly, though she overcame him through her tenacity, winning the day for the colonists. Infuriated, one of Kragen’s warrior leaders ordered his warpack to wait until cover of night, at which point they snuck into the Vandregonian camp and slaughtered the soldiers in their sleep. Instead of bringing this to light, this secret was buried and his warpack threatened with a traitor’s execution should the secret be revealed. When Branthur was finally made aware of the events which had soiled the honor of not just Clan Nightriver, but the Ulven as a whole, he ordered Kragen be executed and his body buried, that the Great Wolf might know of the dishonorable deeds committed by the traitor Kragen Bloodmoon.

Recent/Current Events:
Year 264
Seeing the plea for aid sent out by Clan Stormjarl, Clanleader Branthur Nightriver understands that their presence in this war can no longer be symbolic nor passive. If they wish to stop the unnecessary killing being perpetrated by both sides of the war, the largest clan on Mardrun has to get involved. Using their network of resources, Clan Nightriver begins funding relationships and dealings with smaller groups, allowing them to hold their own in skirmishes against Clan Grimward, and acting as a deterrent against Grimward retaliation. Their troops mobilized quickly, reinforcing their bond with their smaller allies and helping to secure an alliance with Clan Ironmound in April, despite the backlash of the initial reactions to the meeting. As war-torn lands were ravaged by Grimward and Whiteoak warriors villages swelled nearly to bursting with the influx of refugees throughout the year. Scandal struck late in the year as several individuals delved deeper into the truth behind the honor duel which took place nearly a decade before and ended the initial fighting between Ulven and Human. Through their digging, they discovered that Kragen Bloodmoon, Warleader of Clan Nightriver, was not only present for the duel, but had been the Ulven warrior who took part. His shame was revealed when he admitted to losing the fight, but dishonored himself by assassinating the entire human unit who witnessed the duel in their sleep and swearing his warpack to secrecy. He was apprehended, branded, executed, and buried as a criminal and a disgrace to Clan Nightriver. When Haygreth led his blitzkrieg into Nightriver territory as the year drew to a close, hoping to remain a threat in the war at large despite his tenuous position, Branthur himself marched out to meet the Grimward forces in battle, accompanied by nearly every group in the Coalition capable of fielding soldiers in the battle that came to be known as The Battle of Pyre Hills. Though the losses were enormous on both sides, Nightriver and the Coalition eventually emerged victorious. With Grimward repelled and their momentum halted, Branthur was finally in a position to force Haygreth to sign an armistice, effectively ending the war, though Haygreth’s presence (and Branthur’s absence) at the signing led to the treaty being weighted more in favor of Clan Grimward than many in the Coalition wanted to see.

Year 265
With the Civil War now behind them, and a treaty begrudgingly signed, Clan Leader Branthur Nightriver and the rest of Clan Nightriver look towards putting out political disputes between allies and former enemies, especially from Clan Stormjarl’s attitude and actions after refusing to agree and sign the treaty, and housing the massive amount of honorbound Clan Grimward villagers from the treaty. However, a new threat appears in the form of the Mordok and their creeping corruption. Daughters are sent out to help fight the corruption, often returning sickened by the magical disease itself.

In the middle of all of this, Clan Stormjarl, New Aldoria, and many other individuals strike against Clan Squallborn due to its refusal to sign the peace treaty and pay reparations. Clan Leader Branthor Nightriver and many others in positions of leadership vocally denounced the actions of its neighbors only in the form of disappointment and not much else. They were tired from the war and felt more concerned with the creeping corruption that was starting to plague the land.

During these trying times, Chieftain Holmar Bloodmoon of Pack Bloodmoon speaks out and challenges Clan Leader Branthur Nightriver’s position. Through the rest of the year, this Chieftain continues to drum up support from both within and outside the clan. Many agreed with his more aggressive stances and policies compared to Branthur’s more cautious and slow to action methods.

Year 266
The beginning of the year comes as a mild shock to some of Mardrun as Clan Nightriver willingly sells its lands to the colonists and their territories. While some other clans, mostly Clan Grimward, view this as dishonorable and foolish, many see it as seeing it as a fair bargain since the lands bought were not cheaply given away. Through this selling though, the Clan makes a move and succeeds in absorbing what remained of the Watchwolf Clan of Sol as a new pack.

What was troubling was the constantly small number of missing honorbound from Clan Grimward in Clan Nightriver’s ranks. Many tell tales of missing the honorbound just vanishing overnight, with only signs of minor struggle or forced entry. This pattern continues throughout the year, eventually leading to Clan Leader Branthur Nightriver himself ordering increased patrols in the honorbound areas. It seems this effort paid off as the disappearances seem to halt.

However, lurking ever in the political background is Chieftain Holmar Bloodmoon and his continuous campaigning to gather support for his cause. Throughout the single year he was able to gain a substantial amount of support from packs within Clan Nightriver, and from other clans who supported his platform. Many in the clan foresaw an honor duel in the near future that could determine what direction the clan would take. However, it seems such an event is put on hold as the Grand Moot demands action to push the Mordok out and back into the Dirge Swamp.

Year 267
The War with the Mordok is now underway, and all the forces of Clan Nightriver march into the Great Forest. With blade, arrow, and axe, the military might of the clan is able to push the Mordok back to the Dirge Swamp. It is here that the clan begins the monstrous effort of building multiple outposts around the swamp itself, and to do so it calls in favors from allies, organizations, and factions that were owed. Within three months of hard work, battles, and stress Clan Nightriver produces what it promised during the Grand Moot back in December.

The next phase comes in the form of now keeping the Mordok back from the Outposts as supplies lines, troops, and reinforcements arrive. With much effort and loss of life, the combined forces of the Ulven Army are able to prepare for the large push into the Dirge Swamp to bring the fight to the Mordok. However, when it came time to attack, the forces were met with overwhelming Mordok forces, pushing them back rapidly. However, they were able to get a foothold and stop the Mordok advance dead in its tracks. With the fight at a stalemate, the collective forces decide to perform a tactical retreat back behind the Shield of Mardrun.

Year 268
The year is a quiet one for the clan for the first time in a very long time. Many return home for the first time in years, children who went to war now fully grown veteran warriors return to see loved ones and rest. However, news of Clan Grimward and Clan Ironmound’s “Ironward Alliance” spreads like wildfire throughout the clan. After a few months of shock and awe, the clan leadership begins negotiations with Clan Goldenfield, a long time ally, to form their own political alliance. However, unlike other ulven clans in similar processes, the two clans take their time to establish strong and well agreed upon alliance.

With the Goldenriver Trade Alliance formed, the clan sets to work on improving infrastructure, specifically roadways connecting between the two clans, along with improving their own and creating new roads and highways for caravans to travel upon. Their hope is with these newer roads and access ways, trade will spread further and bring more prosperity.

Near the end of the year a moot was called to settle the aggression between Clans Stormjarl and Grimward or to herald in a formal declaration of war. Clan Nightriver agreed to act as mediators in this moot with the desire to see peace between the Ulven people after the years of bloody conflict. In the end Nightriver was able to broker peace between the clans at the cost of returning the honorbound laborers they’d received from Grimward as reparations from the Civil War. Though a costly concession, the Clan leadership felt it was a small enough price to pay to avoid what could easily turn to another continent dividing war amongst the Ulven.

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The Fire Isle

The Fire Isle is the island south of Mardrun that is home to a slightly warmer climate that the rest of Mardrun.

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The Sojourners

The Sojourners

The people known as the Sojourners are a nomadic subset of humanity. They are a people unto themselves, being not quite a nation, yet not a separate race of people. Sojourners are most certainly human, but they are both like and unlike to their more common cousins. Little real knowledge of this enigmatic people has filtered out into the wider society. Most of what is known is common observation, mixed liberally with rumor and hearsay.

In Faedrun, the Sojourners often knew as much about the goings on in a region as the local people did, mainly because their tendency to avoid large concentrations of other humans. This tendency is partially a result of the semi-closed society that exists among the various bands and tribes. Unfortunately, this semi-closed society and extensive knowledge of the goings on resulted in many misconceptions about them.

Until the coming of the undead, the nomadic nature of the Sojourners would often lead the bands away from the main cities in Vandregon, Aldoria, and Maykar for a year or more at a time. Courtesy of their travels, Sojourners were often sought after for rare goods and items from far distant places. Due to Sojourners only periodically showing up in communities, has lead them to become convenient scapegoats, creating and building the reputation as thieves and cutpurses. While there are indeed many rogues and renegades among them, they are no more prone to be such than any other poor person. Local law enforcement looked on them with an unkindly eye, and many a Sojourner man or woman has fallen on the wrong side of village leaders with too many crimes and not enough suspects. The coming of the undead only worsened that situation. Unfortunately due to this undeserved reputation, the Sojourners were not trusted. This resulted in Sojourner caravans were required to remain outside the limits of any village, even in times of war.

They are often reputed to have mystical powers, or carry remnant knowledge from forgotten times. A few of their wise people do have the gift of prophecy, but it is rare, even among them. During the Sojourner Faire, which happened ever three years, it could be hard to pick the true prophets from the charlatans. Sojourners are well aware of their eldritch reputations and some make free use of it to win a few coins from someone eager to be told what they want to hear. It has also served them well when ignorant villages try to threaten them. The threat of a curse is often more effective than the real thing, which didn’t help them any with the rise of the undead. Their apothecaries and healers were also known in Faedrun. Because they traveled so often and so far, Sojourners had access to remedies that required the rarest of herbs, and special knowledge. To the current day they do not write the recipes, but pass them through apprenticeship from one generation to the next.

Sojourners are excellent musicians and performers. Dance and music is an important part of their culture and children are taught from the cradle the traditional songs and dances. While they were not trusted, and not always the most welcomed of visitors to any given town or village, performers on the other hand were generally liked and well paid for their art. Among the Sojourners, they are known as the Lautari, a word for musician or dancer.

During most of Faedrun’s history Sojourners have largely stood aloof, not getting involved in the affairs of their domestic kin. As a result, they have no great warriors and their legendary figures are more along the line of the Trickster, the Con Artist, or the Lautari. While they are not warriors, Sojourners are excellent with a knife when the need arises. This is true of both men and women, because there is no discrimination based on gender within Sojourner society. Conflicts among themselves are often resolved with duels, but only in the most extreme cases is it a duel to the death. Outsiders are not permitted to watch such duels, as the duel itself is considered a sacred cleansing act for the two participants.
The society of the Sojourners is largely closed to outsiders. While outsiders are welcomed in, they will only be permitted to see and interact with the very surface of the group. An exception to this is in the event of young children adopted into the band. Sojourners feel that children can be molded and become true Sojourners as adults after undergoing an initiation ritual. If outsiders wish to join the band as adults and are diligent in learning Sojourner ways and prove themselves to be of value, the same initiation ritual is performed. Though for adults this is rare and those rituals were only done during the Sojourner Faire in the presence of the high elders of all the bands.

A little of what is known about Sojourners was that they were found in most corners of Faedrun. Their livestock were the lifeline of most bands and were used to pull the elaborate wagons that were the mobile houses of the Sojourners. Along the coast and in rivers were bands that traveled not by wagons but by small boats. Due to their nomadic nature Sojourners were mostly a hunter gatherer type people. They had a diverse set of customs with a common undertone. They had a common language with many different dialects unique to the different bands. Because of their travels, Sojourners were a tolerant, welcoming and flexible society. Most of the bands practice a form of polyamory, with men and women having multiple husbands and wives, sometimes with lovers on the side, and any resulting children raised by the whole community. Bands rarely consisted of more than 50 individuals.
The coming of the undead to Faedrun, found the Sojourners in trouble. They tried for many years to keep moving way from outbreaks and when that was no longer possible they banded together to move to the cities. The Sojourners had hoped to find protection, but wasn’t meant to be. It is unknown how or how many Sojourners made it to Mardrun. Those that made it to the new colony are scattered, traveling around to try and pull their people back together.

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Daven’s Reach

Daven’s Hold:
Many years ago, Daven’s Reach was formed as a trading post between the two largest Ulven Clans, Grimward and Nightriver. It then became a military post during the onset of the war and then was eventually overrun by bandits and pirates and taken from Counil Member Catherine. A few years went by, the people inhabiting Daven’s Reach were either forcibly removed in the year 266 by Newhope forces and their allies or given an opportunity to stay and become a part of a new colony. After constant conflict with Grand Duke Richards, Duchess Catherine stepped down from her position in the Council and left to oversee the growth of Daven’s Reach which was renamed Daven’s Hold. Duchess Al-Azarma left to join her after she was unsatisfied with the investigation into her husband’s death. Duke Montesque, an avid supporter of Catherine, also stepped down from the counil. All three of the Council members were stripped of their Duke/Duchess titles of peerage and instead granted the titles of Baron/Baroness.


Governess (Baroness) Catherine
The counterpoint to Grand Duke Richards, Catherine was the main supporter of the Coalition, whose brave actions led to the destruction of the Lich on Mardrun. She has been one of the main voices crying out for diplomacy with the Ulven, and she believes that she has gotten some trust from them at this stage. She dresses as a noblewoman should – acting as a reminder of the world that they lost and sponsoring a number of important trade bills. Famous for her strong ties to the renewed Vandregonian army, her penchant for fairness, and her former ownership the trading hub of Daven’s Reach, Catherine was the Lord Baron Richards’ most powerful contender in the election for sole rulership of Newhope. Her inability to keep the Reach out of the hands of bandits was the final nail in the coffin for many, and she quickly fell out of favor with a portion of the populace.

The Duchess Catherine officially handles much of the trade on Mardrun – one of her sponsors for her position is the Merchant’s Guild, and she occupies the corresponding seat on the Council.

Baroness Catherine has been bestowed the honorific title of Governess of Daven’s Hold, being the new leader of the fledgling colony.

Baron Montesque de la Aleine
Duke Montesque’s family have been tied to the land their whole life, and the sole surviving son of the family is no different. One of the earliest nobles to leave for the Colonies, the Lord Baron is in charge of the food production of Mardrun’s human population, owning well over half of the farms and land in the Colonies. While this has made him wealthy – moreso than any other noble – he has remained down-to-earth, choosing to work the land and dress in a rough approximation of peasant’s clothing – although, to be fair, it is of considerably finer quality, as befits a noble.

One of the loudest voices on the Council – and often opposed to the ideas of Grand Duke Richards – he fights for the common people of Mardrun. His greatest regret is the diminishing of the La Fontaine family on Faedrun – the two families were quite close, sharing neighbouring estates, and the blow struck him quite hard.

Baron Montesque helps Governess Catherine run the fledgling colony of Daven’s Hold, involved heavily in the tradeskills and agriculture of the colony.

Baroness Al-Azarma
As sole pair of May’Kar nobility on the Council, the Duke and Duchess Al-Azarma are the very picture of what made the May’Kar empire great – their religious freedom. Sponsoring religious functions, temples, and shrines, they have proven to be pious and dedicated to the redeeming the view held by the people of Mardrun after the betrayal of the May’Kar in the war against the undead. Their loyalty proved to be to their Vandregonian allies when the Dominon fell. They are champions of religious tolerance and expansion, personally funding the construction of many temples and shrines, as well as training a small army of clerics of a variety of faiths. Though they occupied two seats on the Council, it has always been taken as a given that their votes would align with each other.

They officially occupy two seats on the Council, although they tend to vote the same way on most matters – so long as they are helping foster the temples and religions of the Colonists, they are happy. They have proven to be somewhat uncomfortable around the Ulven – especially Daughters of Gaia – as they are not quite sure what to make of their religious beliefs quite yet. Both of them are skilled in the channeling Divine energy, and the sheer number of priests in their temple seems to have been the reason why they survived to make it to Mardrun.

After Duke Al-Azarma was found dead and his investigation lackluster at best, Duchess Al-Azarma left the Council for good to join Governess Catherine in forming a new life with the people of Daven’s Hold. Baroness Al-Azarma now helps coordinate administrative and spiritual needs within Daven’s Hold.


Recent/Current Events:
Increased bandit activity in the lands surrounding the trading hub slowed commerce to a crawl. Soon after, those same bandits made an attempt to storm the town and take it as their own, successful in their efforts. Despite the stigma of their collective past, the current inhabitants have made it clear that their hearts are set on becoming a legitimate settlement and trading post once again.

265: Percival, the most well liked leader of Daven’s Reach, continues to push for people to “turn a new leaf” and to “become legitimate” but is up against heavy resistance from thugs, bandits, and pirates.

266: City-State of Newhope forces along with allies conquer and take back Daven’s Reach.

267: Catherine, Montesque, and Lady Al-Azarma leave the City-State Council and form the leadership of Daven’s Hold.

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Starkhaven is the name of the colony that was formed by the militant cleric group, the Order of Arnath’s Fist, and their followers. When colonists first arrived on Mardrun, the Order spent immense resources building a full settlement and began production on a keep. This attracted a number of settlers to join them and help their efforts; the benefit of having the disciplined leadership and military might of the Order in charge of the settlement was amicable to some that were lost and in need of a new home. Starkhaven is one of the most most defensive settlements on the continent and resides where the Yurnai river meets the Great Wolf’s Hackles.

This settlement is home to several hundred colonists and members of the Order of Arnath. There is a small group called the Starkhaven Militia that help protect the settlement and also provide soldiers to assist the Order if they send out any of their members. Led by a Mayor who takes care of the day to day leadership responsibilities of the people, Starkhhaven is a very sustainable settlement. Families and farmers enjoy relative peace as they grow crops and tend to their businesses and families. The Order does require a tithe from Starkhaven to the coffers of the Order and to help fund their endeavors on Mardrun.

For more information on The Order of Arnath, click here.

Settlement of Starkhaven

Leader: Mayor

Warleader: Militia General


Starkhaven resides on the southernmost tip of the Great Wolf’s Hackles where it meets the Yurnai River. Surrounded by rolling fields, the settlement town is overlooked by the Order Keep. When colonists first arrived on Mardrun, the Order spent immense resources building a full settlement and began production on the keep.  This settlement is home to several hundred colonists.

To the west is the headwaters of the Yurnai River; the settlement of Starkhaven does not use the river for much outside a source of supplemental food. If one were to continue west, Clan Grimward territory would not be far beyond the river. However, with the torrential ebbs and flows of the seasonal water run off of the Great Wolf Hackles, the fords are further downstream.

The territory immediately around the settlement to the east and south are the farmlands, hamlets, and villages with hilly knolls and wooded forest in abundance.

To the north is the peaks of the Great Wolf’s Hackles, and further the Spire of the Archons. To the south, along the main road, is the settlement of Daven’s Reach. Even further south lay the settlements of New Hope and New Aldoria. These form the lands of the City-State of NewHope. However, it is engulfed by the surrounding territory of Clan Nightriver.

The settlement of Starkhaven itself is divided into various suburbs with the Order Keep being central to all. These suburbs are a unique microcosm of the colonists as many were drawn to the protection, or the faith, of Arnath when the colonists first arrived. The city streets are laid out with no particular purpose, though shrines to Arnath adorn many a corner.


If turning out highly skilled, well armed, well armored soldiers is a specialty, then Starkhaven has one. The settlement is a typical Order town; it has armorsmiths, weapon makers, grain stores, and cloth weavers. All the things needed for a soldier. It does not excel anywhere else, however, as it has never been given the chance to.

Currently the Chapter of the Light has undertaken some additional land clearance in and around their territory. These new croplands should be helpful in stabilizing the harvest for the settlement, but are not enough to produce a surplus.


Starkhaven has a small economy. It is large enough for traders to make as  stopping point, but not so much that it is a hub. For the most part, the people manage to have food and shelter, and the necessary goods in life. Sometimes they have enough spare coin for a luxury, but not often.


Led by a Mayor who takes care of the day to day leadership responsibilities of the people, Starkhaven is a very sustainable settlement. Families and farmers enjoy relative peace as they grow crops and tend to their businesses and families. The Order does require a tithe from Starkhaven to the coffers of the Order and to help fund their endeavors on Mardrun.


There is a small group called the Starkhaven Militia that help protect the settlement and also provide soldiers to assist the Order if they send out any of their members. Otherwise the armed soldiers and Clerics of the Order of Arnath man the defences.


The people of Starkhaven tend to be solemn, taciturn folk. With a stoic nature born from living in close proximity to the Order of Arnath, they are dutiful and diligent in life, going about their business in a brisk, efficient manner. This does not mean they cannot be joyous or jovial; they just tend to be very business first orientated.

They also are mildly xenophobic; also from close proximity to the Order. Some are still distrustful of the Syndar, holding old grudges from Faedrun. Many more are openly scornful of the Ulven, remembering the Colonists Wars and the recent Civil Wars, both where many lives were lost. Also like many colonists, they look down on the former inhabitants of the May’Kar Dominion, blaming them for tipping the balance of the Old War.


Starkhaven is a very spiritual place. Religious wise, shrines to Arnath and images of His Clerics adorn the settlement. Everyone knows or has family who were Clerics, or have served the Order. Blessings to Arnath are on the lips of the people as greetings, farewells, and well wishes. Other religions are far less represented; one can find a few shrines to Ulkfel in the smiths district, and some colonists still express belief in the Light openly. However, no Syndar or Ulven religious icons have been seen in Starkhaven until recently. The refugees brought with them their faith, causing additional unrest.

Even those without religion are very spiritual. They take solace and wisdom from Arnath’s teachings. A practical god, his teachings bear lessons and approaches to weather the fates of life. His works, and the works of His Clerics, are often read to find the wisdom to approach a problem, or to find peace with a decision made.


The colors of Starkhaven the same as the Order: Red primary, white secondary. This often trimmed in black around the outside. The primary over dress seen for Starkhaven authorities is the red surcoats of the Order of Arnath, or the red tabards of Starkhaven.

The Heraldry of the Order of Arnath depends on the Cleric; a Rampant Lion, a Rampant Eagle, or a Rampant Griffin. In addition, they now sport belt flags denoting thing chapter: the clenched hand of the Fist, or the sun with shining rays for the Light.

Starkhaven currently does not have a heraldric symbol.


When colonists first arrived on Mardrun, the Order spent immense resources building a full settlement and began production on a keep. This attracted a number of settlers to join them and help their efforts; the benefit of having the disciplined leadership and military might of the Order in charge of the settlement was amicable to some that were lost and in need of a new home. Starkhaven is one of the most most defensive settlements on the continent and resides where the Yurnai river meets the Great Wolf’s Hackles.


Yearly Update – 260 (2011)

The leadership tended to the needs of the people and to expanding supplies for the Order. A few Lions had been sent to investigate what was happening in the rest of the colonies.

Yearly Update – 261 (2012)

Word reached the Order that an undead, a lich, was spotted on Mardrun, Lions were dispatched to track down and kill it. Several groups of Lions and squads of Starkhaven militia were killed trying to defeat this foe, until finally the Coalition helped track it down the northern coast and into Grimward territory. With the help and guidance of the Lions, the lich was cornered and destroyed.

Yearly Update – 262 (2013)

As the Ulven Civil War gains momentum, the Order of Arnath’s Fist is caught in the thick of it. Lions are sent out on patrol, Starkhaven militia protect the roads near their settlement and Daven’s Reach, and the battle barges of the Order sail and patrol the Yurnai river that separates the Grimward and Nightriver lands. Conflict after conflict takes its toll on the Order as the highly skilled and equipped warriors fall one by one, difficult and costly to replace. Months of attrition force the Lions to retreat from the main bulk of the conflict to reinforce and a sneak attack on the Yurnai river by Clan Grimward warriors led to the destruction of the Order’s battle barges and the death of their crews. As winter sets in at the end of the year, the Order is in dire need of supplies and support; their ambitious goals to help the Civil War resulting in a terrible cost for both the Order and the settlement of Starkhaven.

Yearly Update – 263 (2014)

Following the political fallout between the Order of Arnath’s Fist and Baron Richards of Newhope, Starkhaven’s construction ground to a halt and its walls slowly began to fall into disrepair. The already famously xenophobic clerics retreated deeper into their cloistered stronghold, pulling their troops out of the war save for a handful of Lions who were sent to hold the Pass through the Great Wolf’s Hackles.

More and more over the year, Starkhaven patrols stop going out on the roads and the Lions remain stationed at home.

Frustration began to build as signs of corruption and foul play were discovered inside Starkhaven itself while the Lions in the Pass, expecting and awaiting reinforcements, seemed to have been forgotten by their allies. The year culminates in a decision made on behalf of Starkhaven, to be revealed early in the following year.

Yearly Update – 264 (2015)

Beginning on a sour note, the Order of Arnath’s Fist started the year by informing the Coalition of their decision to pull their troops out of the pass through the Great Wolf’s Hackles in order to return home and help tend their fields. Feeling betrayed and ignored by those who called them allies, Starkhaven had been hoping for some form of aid or support in the pass, but received none. Although weakened, a handful of Lions and Starkhaven militia flew their banners and marched alongside Coalition and Clan Nightriver allies… although none of them survived to return home. It is unknown if the Order will continue to remain reclusive after the Civil War had taken such a heavy toll on them.

Yearly Update – 265 (2016)

After years of decay and financial distress, the once great settlement of Starkhaven had descended into near ruin. Many settlers fled to other colonies. Although the military might of the Order of Arnath has never recovered from the initial conflict with the Ulven and the recent Ulven civil war, a handful of the Fist chapter members maintain control of Starkhaven and can be seen periodically. They have become more reclusive now, choosing to stay inside their crumbling keep and keep to their ideals and themselves instead of getting involved in the world at large. This had concerned members of the Order and also some of the people of Starkhaven, and a Griffin stepped forward to push for a reform. A new direction was presented and the Hand of Arnath listened; although the Order of Arnath’s Fist would remain the primary chapter of the Order on Mardrun, a new settlement and some of the existing military units were re-purposed with aiding the efforts of this new chapter.

The Order of Arnath’s Light is a brand new chapter of the Order of Arnath. Led by the new Chapter Master, this group within Starkhaven is pushing for more diplomacy and progressive ideals on the world. This was originally met with resistance as the surviving chapter of the Order of Arnath was the Fist, the most militant chapter of all of the Order of Arnath. The new chapter resides in a part of  Starkhaven. This has caused tension between the two Chapters, and in the settlement itself.

The first action was the Inquisition of Fire. Bos Meszar, the militant wing of the settlement of Serai, was found to be experimenting with Undead. Recalling the fate of Faedrun, both Chapters mobilized, but the Light was in the lead. The Chapter of the Light and Bos Mezsar came to blows, but their militia was no match for the highly trained Order militia. Unlike the Fist, however, the Chapter of the Light dealt a soft hand to the settlement. Most were captured and given aid. However, a rampaging Mordok horde pressed both Chapters hard. With Serai no longer having a military force, the town swore fealty to the Order. The Fist currently patrols and safeguards the settlement.

At the end of the year, the Chapter of the Light overstepped their bounds and welcomed corrupted Ulven into the settlement. The people of Starkhaven complained, but dealt with it. Crisis was closely averted by the help of the Prince of Aldoria, and the Phoenix.


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The New Aldoria

The Settlement of New Aldoria – Mardrun Colony
After the massacre, not very many ships reached Mardrun. Between the diseases of the wounded, the lack of ample food and water, and the haste in which they left the continent of Faedrun, the kingdom of Aldoria was doomed. The King never survived the trip to the colony he worked so hard to fund and his son would bury him at its shores. The houses and nobles were scattered, in poverty, or left with nothing upon their arrival to the new colony. What was once a proud nation of Faedrun was nothing more than a handful of bloody survivors, refugees, and battered soldiers.

Not all hope was lost, however, as the remaining nobles and military leaders tried to put the pieces back together and lead the colony. They proclaimed the King’s son the new leader and began a plan to rebuild. This course of action was not favored by many of the original colonists, who had grown hearty and cold with having to carve out a living on the new continent, and the colonists of New Hope declared their independence from Aldoria. The newly arrived refugees did not have the funding or men to rule what they had created, and the nobility could not resist the secession. Instead, the survivors of Aldoria banded together and carved out their own piece of the new continent and created the settlement of New Aldoria. This settlement grew strong by learning from the Ulven, yet keeping them at a distance, and battling the Mordok. Prince Aylin grew up in this environment, working his way around the people and vying for political power. Everyone knows him to be an ambitious leader, savvy in both politics and combat, if not bitter from the history of his kingdom. It is rumored that he is planning on gaining a following and campaigning for rule of New Hope on Mardrun, rumored to be finally fulfilling his father’s wishes of controlling the colony his shattered nation helped build. More settlers and refugees continue to band together under the banner and colors of the prince and his Aldorian Guard, and more nobles have pledged support as his power expands.

New Aldoria narrowly averted a full scale war with the Watchwolf Clan after an ill disciplined and rowdy group of their Soldiers, secretly in the employ of an ambitious noble, tried to murder a young lady of the royal family and frame an Ulven Ambassador and the Captain of the Crow’s Guard for the attempt. Their plot was discovered, however, and foiled by a party of brave adventurers at the Wayward Inn.

Raskolf Vakr, the Voice of the Watchwolves, responded with a diplomatic mission to New Aldoria, where he met with the Prince personally. The Watchwolf Ulven and the New Aldorians averted war and actually managed to improve relations between the two nations. When Mordok attacked children playing on royal hunting grounds, the Ulven Ambassador’s seven-year-old daughter saved the life of the Prince’s own young son, and the two became fast friends.

To date, New Aldoria has largely kept with the traditions of their homeland, valuing ambition, cunning, and political and economic acumen. Though significantly smaller than the colony of Newhope, New Aldoria is an economic powerhouse, maintaining trade with a wide network of merchants and tradesmen across the continent, in large part due to their penchant for maritime trade. Of the human settlements, New Aldoria boasts the largest and most diverse fleet, from cargo barges to transport ships, and includes the reborn navy and their vessels.

Many holdovers from Aldoria remain in the new continent: the blue and green banners that fly from the ramparts and masts of her ships have always represented Aldoria, and do so in the new world. Mildly deceitful business practices are not frowned upon in Aldoria as they may be in other settlements, seeing such swindles as a lesson to unwary buyers, rather than deserving of punishment for the merchant. Though this has been addressed by Prince Aylin and has reduced in frequency and severity, the reputation for a “survival of the fittest” economy has remained. Along those same lines, New Aldoria boasts some of the more elaborate courthouses on the continent, where lawyers and judges might bicker and argue for days, weeks, even months and years over a simple hearing, exploiting loopholes in a delicate game of strategy to trap the opponent in a lie or technicality before being caught yourself. This has led many to see the Aldorian courts as corrupt, though to Aldorians, it is the far more civilized way to settle disputes.

Located on the southwestern coast of Nightriver territory, the land granted to New Aldoria on which to settle has allowed them to flourish, granting them access to the seas through which they are able to greatly expand their trade network. This maritime skill served the colony well during the Civil War, as New Aldoria used her ships to break through the Squallborn blockades, earning a powerful ally in their Stormjarl neighbors. Though their navy is not as substantial as that of Clan Stormjarl and fairly comparable in size to that of Clan Squallborn, New Aldoria’s true strength lies in the diversity of her ships, allowing for faster transport of larger quantities of goods or soldiers around the continent.

People of Interest:
Prince Aylin – As the current reigning monarch of New Aldoria, the half-Syndar prince is, to date, the only known royalty currently on Mardrun. An ambitious and cunning ruler, he often lets his more playful side show through to disarm those with whom he deals, though beneath that friendly face lies a cold and calculating businessman.

Recent/Current Events:
Taking a less aggressive role in the war, the second largest human colony has spent the past year making very controlled, decisive movements, militarily, economically, and politically. Reaching out to nearby settlements to establish trade routes and political allies, Prince Aylin has been subtly ambitious in his dealings, much to the ire of Newhope. When the war began to escalate once again, the soldiers and sailors of New Aldoria were present and visible, blue and green banners flying high, bringing with them supplies, reinforcements, and the backing of the most economically powerful human settlement on Mardrun.

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The Council of Newhope

The Council of Nobles
The governance of New Hope on Mardrun evolved out of the need for strong leadership after the mass migration from Faedrun. The initial building of the various human towns and villas surrounding New Hope was a haphazard thing, disorganized and prone to attacks by Mordok. While a few of the trade guilds attempted to set up a parliament, the Colonists were not ready to accept such a radical change in their governing habits – for too long, they had lived under the guidance of nobility.

The first to suggest that the surviving nobles of Faedrun meet to discuss the ruling of the Colonies was Baron Richards of Vandregon. He proposed that the nobility form a council to properly protect and guide the people of the colonies. There were several immediate volunteers – displaced nobles looking to regain the power that they had back on Faedrun, and thus the Council of Nobles was born.

The Council meets twice yearly, to decide on important matters of governance that may affect the entire diasporic population of Faedrun. For other, lesser decisions, the nobles tend to either talk with the member of the Council whose area of governance corresponds with the action needed or make choices for their own estates. This has been successful so far – few disagreements have marred the reign of the Council, leading to relatively high confidence in the nobility despite their own personal biases and squabbles.

In August of 266, Lord Baron Richards made changes to the existing nobility titles structure that is recognized by the City-State of Newhope on Mardrun. These can be found here.

UPDATE: After the death of Duke Al-Azarma and the falling out with Duchess Catherine, the Council of Ten was reformed as the “City-State Council” in 266. Duchess Catherine, Duke Montesque, and Duchess Al-Azarma have all left the City-State and have gone to rule Daven’s Hold.

The Nobles

Grand Duke Baron Richards
An opulent and immediately noticeable figure, to many Colonists, Grand Duke Richards is the face of the Colonies. An initial prime supporter of the Order of Arnath’s Fist (which has since turned sour) and a number of other causes, Baron Richards has done what he can to make sure that the Colonies survive the loss of Faedrun and the new life they have set up on Mardrun. He regularly shows interest in investing in smaller communities to foster growth and relationships with Newhope. Despite this, he has been the target of a number of smear campaigns, though none to date have seemed to hold water.

Officially, his position on the Council is that of the Head. He tends to dominate meetings, seemingly looking to benefit his own lands and ideas, although as the years have passed, he has grown much more willing to compromise. It seems the lands of Mardrun are becoming more favorable to the Grand Duke, as he seems to have moderated many of his stances and seems almost younger due to his new outlook.

Duke Joakim Ventrini
Hailing from the northern reaches of Vandregon, Duke Ventrini was one of the first nobles to head over to Mardrun. An aging man, Ventrini still cuts a powerful figure. His family’s title came from their heroic actions at the Battle of Grayfield – however, their actions were far from martial in nature. Rather, they organized some of the first trades with the Syndar, which remains a point of pride in the family. Their status grew greatly over the years, due in part to their connections to a number of Syndar artists and craftsmen, which led them to their true calling – the patronage and trading of art and artifacts.

Duke Ventrini has continued this tradition by transporting and maintaining an impressive collection of art from Faedrun, which now graces his estate on the border of Clan Nightriver territority. His collection of a number of their cultural items has grown substantially over the years, and if it weren’t for his genuine interest in the Ulven, his sprawling estate at the edge of Newhope territory could be considered threatening by Clan Nightriver. This placement is intentional – the Duke is fascinated by Ulven culture, and is reduced to child-like glee when confronted with any examples of their art or culture. He has an open invitation to any Ulven to visit his lands and trade art, songs, stories, and legends for food, drink, and a place to sleep. Few Ulven have taken him up on this offer, however – while he is deeply interested in their culture, his interest can come off as somewhat patronizing and self-absorbed. Despite this, he has made more progress in dealing with the Ulven than any other noble, simply for his eagerness in dealing with them.

Officially, his position within the Council is that of cultural preservation – his collection of art and wealth means that he has sponsored a number of artists and musicians in New Hope. His most recent success is with the anonymously-penned Sir Nevan’s Brother, one of the first plays composed on New Hope, detailing the initial chaos of the migration of the colonists and the fighting that could occur between them.

Duchess Mary cul Tricuspis
Overseer of the judicial branch of Newhope, Duchess Mary cul Tricuspis has flourished under the rule of Lord Baron Richards. Of all the members of the Council, Mary is the least involved in the political struggles, often choosing to sit out of their discussions and schemes. Her honorific title, “Lictor” also signifies her role in the Colonies – she is in charge of enforcing the judicial system and carrying out the judgements of the nobles. Her estates are lacking in creature comforts, reminding guests of her Richtcrag heritage – they resemble barracks more than anything else. She maintains the sole prison on Mardrun, and any bailiff, executioner, or torturer has been personally trained by her. Dark rumors surround her activities in the Colonies – that she was only given the post to keep her trained soldiers out of the struggles for dominance, that dark tortures are carried out in her name – but none of them have been substantiated.

She is a distinguished woman with a scar running down the left side of her face. While her primary concern is that of the fair running of the Colonies and the swift punishment of anyone who breaks the laws laid out by the founders, she has been known to lend aid in the defence of nearby villages and farms with her troops. Their symbol – a trident below a weeping moon – has become the de facto symbol of justice in the Colonies, although some might disagree with her methods.

Celestial (Duchess) Arragones (Now Deceased)
Once, the sole Syndar on the Council, Arragones choose to eschew any human titles of nobility in favour of the station she was born to. Although officially holding the title and station of Duchess, she actively made a point to not be recognized by that title and instead insisted on being address as Celestial Arragones. Her indifference to human customs had often drawn the ire of the other nobles, specifically her disregard for their schedules. A skilled mage and Weaver, she sought to preserve the way of life that the Syndar had before fleeing to the Colonies. Her estates – located on the southern tip of Mardrun – were still young and half-wild, calling to mind the graceful Syndar architecture of Tielorrian in much-reduced form.

Her sole concern was the life of the Syndar on Mardrun. She often fought to make sure her people were fairly represented.  She saw her people as broken, shattered by the undead who forced them to flee. By virtue of her long life, she believed that everything would work out again – life is a great circle, and the gods of the Syndar will allow them to return to their former glory once they recover from this reduced state they find themselves in.

She dressed herself in fine Syndar garments, followed her own schedule and protocols. This left her at odds with a number of the other nobles, but the knowledge that she managed to bring over from Faedrun – a whole library of preserved Syndar texts – had made her invaluable to their efforts to rebuilt and preserve the lives they once had.
Update: In the year 271 it was uncovered that Celestial Arragones had been lying and falsifying information that was uncovered through official Newhope research. This lead to some tensions with the Ulven people. Arragones was stripped of her position as head of Newhope Research. She was then requested to come to the Lictor Courts of Newhope to testify on her actions. Believing this to be a set up to use her as a scapegoat, Arragones instead raised a small army and sequestered herself in her estate. The Council called the Banners of Newhope and marched on Arragones estate. She attempted to escape but was caught, but not before she set fire to her grand collection of preserved Syndar texts. She was tried and found guilty of treason for raising an army against her countrymen. She was placed in a cell to await her execution where she was later found dead by poisoning. No one knows who slipped her the poison or their motivations.

Duchess Madeline d’Argent
The primary military mind of the Colonies, the Duchess d’Argent was known as Mary “Gold” Wainwright when she was born. She served as a bodyguard to the original Marquis d’Argent, protecting his home and and body for many years before they were married. As they fled the burning shores of Vandregon under the final assault by the undead, her husband took a grievous wound to the back, and he lingered on for weeks in his cabin. When the wound – delivered, it is said, by an undead assassin – festered, she found herself in the depths of despair. His death shook her to the core – here she was, a new noblewoman who knew nothing of protocol, in charge of an entire house.

The hostile greetings of Mardrun quickly found her place, though. Eschewing the comfortable life of other noblewomen, she personally trains the guards of the Colonies. Her estates – on the border of Nightriver’s territory – are sprawling, half training camp and half manor house. This has cause some tension with Nightriver, as they are uncomfortable sharing a border with such a militant woman, having heard stories of the human’s love of conquest.

More comfortable in her armor than in a noble’s finery, she prefers a shieldmaiden to a handmaiden. The politics of nobility tend to leave her somewhat baffled – she prefers to be direct and forthright – and she distrusts the Ulven to a fault. Still, she has proven a skilled military mind when it comes to the defence of the Colonies from Mordok attack.

Duke Martingale of Westhaven
The quintessential playboy and “supposedly corrupt” political figure on Mardrun, the young Duke Martingale is famous more for his opulent galas rather than his role in the colonies. No one can quite recall whether the youthful Duke Martingale was truly a noble on Faedrun, but when he arrived with his titles and a considerable amount of wealth, no one challenged his claim to them. Still, Duke Martingale remains the very image of a self-absorbed, vain noble – he dresses opulently, throws numerous (and oftentimes scandalous) parties, and seems entirely unconcerned with the people of Mardrun who are unable to dress themselves finely.

Officially, he occupies the Cultural Chair of Mardrun, although few can explain why he might have chosen that title. The young Duke Martingale is seen as a layabout, although the freedom with which he spends his coin suggests that he provides some sort of economic stimulus. “Supplicants” (or beggars, depending on his mood) are advised to flatter the young nobleman as much as possible – if his outlandish attitudes and idleness are to believed, he has an ego the size of Luna and believes that flattery is the only tool. He tends to vote randomly on matters of state, preferring to return to his parties. Still, he has proven somewhat effective when motivated – which is rarely – and none can deny that he maintains a sharp political sense despite his . . . tendencies.

Duke Aailmyr
Duke Aailmyr is a recent addition to the Council of Newhope. After the removal and subsequent death of Celestial Arragones in 271, The Council found itself lacking a distinctive Syndar voice that could help the Syndar people of the City-state feel that their voices mattered and were heard in this otherwise entirely human government. Prior to his rise to Dukehood, Aailmyr was a lower noble within the Newhope hierarchy. He was well respected amongst the people of the Syndar districts and was known as a person of patience and drive. Since coming onto The Council he has shown a focus in the cultural revitalization of Newhope with a strong focus on bringing Syndar cultural elements to the forefront. He has been actively pushing for a future for the City-state that showcases Syndar culture while blending it with the more human elements of the city. To this end Duke Aailmyr has been an early adopter of the new school of Enchanting that has spread across the continent. He has even set up a trade school in The Syndar District to train up and coming enchanters and arcanists so that their work can help make Newhope look just a little bit more like the fantastical Syndar cities that Aailmyr and his family once called home.