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The Pirates of Oarsmeet

The Lost Aldorians

Established roughly a century ago, Oarsmeet was once a small fishing village barely within the borders of the Kingdom of Aldoria. As the years passed, the village grew, and with it, it’s reputation. thieves, thugs, and pirates were slowly drawn to the port town: some for the promise of an easy fortune taken from the unwary or unwitting; others for the call of danger. Still more came for a fresh start, as the law enforcement in Aldoria seldom bothered with such a remote little village, leaving criminals with a chance to lay low for months on end.

Around the time of the undead attacks, Aldoria saw the threat posed by a town of pirates as they prepared to sail across the sea to the new continent, and eventually dispatched a crew of sailors and soldiers to dispose of the vagabonds as quickly as possible to avoid any future confrontations. The crew, led by Commander Jackston Ridgebon and his second, Lieutenant Anne Cash, set sail immediately for Oarsmeet. By the time they arrived however, the attacks were growing more and more persistent, with the people of Oarsmeet struggling just to weather the waves of attacks. Commander Ridgebon, with his orders strengthening his resolve, was content to leave the scene and simply wait for the pirates to be overrun by the undead. He ordered his crew back onto the ship to return to Aldoria.

A handful of sailors, Lieutenant Cash included, refused to leave. They felt that it was their duty to the people of Aldoria, even if they were criminals, to ensure their safety however possible. Commander Ridgebon gave them a lifeboat and sent them ashore, deeming them deserters and criminals, just like the lot they were going to try to help. Between the ingenuity of the criminals and the discipline of the sailors, Oarsmeet soon had a simple guard set up, resilient enough to hold off the undead and Penitent long enough to evacuate the town.

By commissioning the aid of a local pirate by the name of “Mad Morty” Blackwaters and his ship, the Blue Ruby, as well as a few other vessels, Cash and her fellow deserters were able to secure passage to the new continent. After weeks of increasing aggressions by the undead, the citizens of Oarsmeet were finally ready and able to leave their homes, once and, some feared, for all. As the women, children, and elderly began to board the vessel, one of the town’s scouts burst into the barracks (once a minor gambling hall that had been repurposed out of necessity), a bite wound in his right arm. The blood drained from his face as he collapsed, uttering two final words with his last breath, “They’re close.”

As the guard scrambled to form some sort of defense against the imminent attack, a small horde of Penitent erupted from the woods near the village, charging the town, eager to spill blood that night. They set fire to houses and swarmed around anyone they could find, like a hive of bees insistent on stinging a target to death before moving to the next. Sensing that defeat would soon be upon them, Cash ordered the retreat back to the ships, and to shove off once they were full. Sailors covered the retreat, as pirates helped with wounded onto the ships, each ship setting sail when they could no longer afford to take on another passenger. Finally, all that remained were the sailors who had so far survived the attack, who began to board the final ship in the dock, the Blue Ruby herself.
With no force rallied against them, the Penitent rushed to the shoreline and unleashed volley after volley of flaming arrows towards the ships. Sails were ignited, leaving the ships and their passengers sitting like ducks in the water. Some had holes burned in their hulls, dragging the passengers down to a watery grave. In all, of the seven ships gathered to transport the citizens of Oarsmeet, only two, The Blue Ruby and the Interceptor, a small vessel carrying many of the wounded soldiers, survived the onslaught. Still they sailed, always looking back to shed a tear and share a song for those who died that day.

To the New World
During their voyage, the two ships were blown slightly off course, landing not on the shores of New Aldoria, but rather on a seemingly uninhabited beach. They would soon learn, however, that this was not the case at all. Shortly after reaching the shore, a forward scout reported seeing movement in the forest. “They looked like men,” he began, short of breath from both fear and exertion, “but they moved like wolves. Animalistic. As a pack. Right this way.”

As the scout had warned, soon enough, the pack of eight was upon the settlers, encircling them as a pack of wolves would do. A large male clad in bear fur approached Mad Morty. “You are in Grimward Territory, outsiders. Give me one good reason not to cut you down where you stand.” The answer the settlers gave made no difference. These Ulven were hostile, and saw the Aldorians as invaders. Weapons were drawn, threats were made, and taunts exchanged. Two Aldorians fell to Ulven blades, while an Ulven took an arrow to the heart, collapsing with a mighty thud. The Ulven retreated, their skill, great though it may be, was insufficient to overcome the dozens of settlers they faced. A promise was made, though, for the Ulven to return, that the Aldorians may never know peace from their wrath.

An Ulven promise made is a promise kept, and the next day, another small pack came to the encampment to harass the settlers, throwing rocks and insults, seemingly reluctant to strike the first blow. The Aldorians had banded together and soon set about constructing proper, if slightly crude, buildings. Stone walls and wooden fences, roofs to shelter them from the elements, and a roaring bonfire to drown out the howls of their Ulven tormentors.

No Ulven came that night, nor the next. For a week, the Aldorians slept in a wary peace, ever watchful of their new, distrustful neighbors. On the second night, a scout failed to return. Lost, as most had suspected, but none knew how right they were. On the third night, the scout was found. Scattered throughout the forest, torn apart, large chunks of flesh missing from his limbs and torso. A look of pure fear, unlike any seen since the first undead attacks, frozen on his lifeless face. On the fourth night, two more scouts disappeared, only to be found in similar grisly states the next day.

A war party was formed, two dozen able-bodied fighters and clerics strode into the first Ulven camp they saw. Accused of committing these acts, the Ulven seethed with rage. Despite the hatred they felt for the intruders, the Ulven live, fight, and die with honor. They would not stoop so low as to defile a corpse in such a manner. “This is the work of the Mordok.” Ulven fists clenched and jaws tightened at the mere mention of their mortal enemies, while a look of fear came over the Aldorians.

“What the hell is a Mordok?” Lieutenant Cash, now known as “Bloody Anne”, First Miss of the Blue Ruby, asked, more furious than scared.

The bear-clad Ulven from several days before let out a loud chortle, rippling out to the surrounding few, until the entire camp had joined in to mock the foolishness of the invaders. “Good luck, outsiders. Now,” he added, reaching for his massive axe, leading his companions to do the same, “Run back to your little cottages before we show you the meaning of Grimward hospitality.”

So the hatred between the Aldorians and the Ulven festered like an open wound. Raiding parties would be sent to steal supplies, burn buildings, and slaughter livestock the other would deem a necessity. Skirmishes would break out on regular occasions, although all-out warfare had yet to erupt.

The Aldorians would not actually see a Mordok until a week later, when the curious monster was attempting to free itself from a bear trap laid by an Aldorian hunter. It shrieked at the sight of the stranger, more startled than frightened, and in it’s panic, tore the flesh from it’s leg as it bolted into the woods. Soon enough, though, the hunter felt eyes upon him. He was also being hunted, and took off for the camp. As he made it into the clearing, a Mordok leapt towards him and grabbed his ankle, knocking him to the ground. The guards on patrol heard his cries for help and rushed to his location, but all they found by the time they arrived was a bloody trail and several sets of footprints that seemed almost human. A search party was assembled, and they set off after the beasts, following the trail of blood. Almost two hours later, they found the hunter, nearly unconscious, with his back against a large boulder and a dagger in his hand. Three of the black skinned monsters were circling him, while another lay dead and bleeding at his feet. These were hunters themselves, and knew that he would not live much longer one way or another, so they waited. The search party managed to slay one of the creatures, and drove the other two off, carrying the wounded hunter back to camp to patch him back up. This marked the first time a Lost Aldorian had encountered a Mordok and lived to see the light of day again.

New Oarsmeet and the Pirates of Aldoria

A number of years have passed, and the small band of survivors has truly established themselves in the area, as a town they designated New Oarsmeet. Sturdy log walls encase the town, and squat stone buildings crowd the land, homes and businesses for the Aldorians. Clan Grimward’s raids have only intensified: Cattle are no longer the object, as they have found a greater use for captives.

The citizens of New Oarsmeet, while they do grow some of their own food, and have taken to looting whatever they can from Ulven outposts in the area, have found their stores running dry faster than expected. As a result, the Blue Ruby will occasionally take to the sea once again, in hopes of finding a merchant vessel or the like, something heavy with coin or supplies. The piracy is a blast from the past for some, while others have a a slightly harder time justifying the theft of food from those who may also need it, but starvation can be a powerful motivational tool, and these individuals eventually agree that it is for the best.

New Aldoria has reached out to New Oarsmeet on more than one occasion, sending a delegate to the town in hopes of convincing them to rejoin their former brethren. Feeling abandoned by the crown and the ideals it supposedly represents, however, these Lost Aldorians, also known as the Pirates of Oarsmeet, have rebuffed these offers time and time again. Until they feel Aldoria has been returned to her former glory, until she is once again a force to be reckoned with and a benevolent hand to be loved, they will refuse to acknowledge the ruling class of New Aldoria. Still wearing the Green and Blue of their homeland, the Lost Aldorians have added the color purple to their uniforms, often in the form of a scarf or flag worn on the belt, to represent the royal family to whom many of them still feel they owe allegiance, as well as the blood spilled in the water as they fled their home.

While they do not care for the nobles of New Aldoria, the Pirates of Oarsmeet try to maintain pleasant relations with the common folk of their homeland, and will readily accept aid and commerce with other nations. Their opinion of the Ulven has been tainted by Clan Grimward, since you never get a second chance at first impression. Clan Grimward continues to plague New Oarsmeet with near constant raids, although the Aldorians have learned to better handle the situation, and supplies they have received from trading with other nations have restored morale and saved many lives. To this day, they are distrustful of Ulven culture, even among friendly clans, although they have resolved themselves to an uneasy peace with them.

Known Members:
​”Bloody” Anne Cash

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Watchwolf Diplomatic Guard

The Watchwolf Diplomatic Guard, previously led by Raskolf Vakr, was established as a voice of reason between some of the Clans of the Ulven.

For more information on the Watchwolves, click here.

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Watchwolf Culture and Folklore

Clan Watchwolf

Clanleader: Sigrurd Watchwolf
High Priestess: Anjan Ravensmark
Warleader: Rolf Aeisborn

Watchwolves and the Colonists

The Watchwolves were one of the last clans to have contact with the colonists, having only encountered them after the Nightriver treaty had already been signed, and having infrequent contact with them since their initial meetings eight years ago. Following portents on the wind, and the concerns of their Priestesses, however, the Watchwolves and allied packs drafted the Watchwolf Resolution in order to head off a terrible apocalyptic premonition. The Priestesses believed that if the Humans could not be convinced to change their burial practices and pay their respects to the land of Gaia, that their doom would arise in this land as it did in their native land, and that the Ulven would be destroyed along with them. Though received with much resistance, the colonists did, for the most part, comply. Perhaps it was too little, too late, or perhaps the wheel of fate cannot so simply be stopped turning, because despite their efforts, the Undead have arisen on Mardrun. As blame for the undead presence was tossed back and forth, the political climate between not only the races of Mardrun, but between the different Ulven clans became more and more hostile. The Watchwolves and Nightriver tried desperately to resolve the situation peacefully, and forge an alliance of all three races against the Undead threat. Sadly, however, their efforts failed, and the peace summit ended in violence that sparked the first large scale Ulven civil war in history. The Watchwolf Clan now finds itself allied with the Humans and Syndar of the colonies in a two front war against not only the Undead, but the Ulven of Clan Grimward.


Clan Watchwolf did survive the war, but not with its borders intact. The Western Watchwolves were absorbed into Clan Grimward and the Eastern Watchwolves eventually were absorbed into Clan Nightriver. Their respective cultures remain strong even if their political voices on the world stage have diminished.

Watchwolf Spirituality and Mythology

Ulven spirituality centers on both the harmony of living with nature, and the conflict of the age-old Mordok wars. The Ulven see themselves as the stewards of the land, and consider protecting it to be their greatest charge. They view the Mordok as an unnatural race, or even an invasive species. The two races have been at war ever since they first encountered each other.

Ulven mythology centers on the belief that the Ulven people are descended from the union of a humanoid nature spirit and a primordial dire-wolf. Their mythology consists of long heroic sagas and heroic poetry. The Watchwolves have a unique connection to the Sun and the Moon, dating back to ancient times, and the first written records. The oldest Ulven writing, in fact, is the story of how the Watchwolves gained the favor of the Sun and the Moon. The story tells of how Watchwolf ancestors Skol and Hati, the first sons of Gaia sired by the Great Wolf, were given the gifts of reading and writing in exchange for oaths of dedication to perform sacred duties which assist in the rising and setting of the sun and moon every day by chasing the Sun Horse and Moon Horse across the sky.

Totem animals which are important to the Watchwolves include the Wolf, the Raven, and, because of their connection to the Sun and Moon, the horse. Proper horses, however, are not believed to be native to Mardrun, or if they ever were, they are no longer kept by the Ulven, and have not been for many generations. There are instances in the sagas of Ulven heroes riding horses, but no other records exist. The only equines that appear to be native to Mardrun are elusive, shaggy, foul tempered wild ponies, which are far too small to carry even a small adult, let alone a heroic figure such as Agnon, who was reportedly so big that he once ripped a door from its hinges to use as a shield, and uprooted a tree for a club. There is not an elder alive today who remembers how to ride a horse, nor a blacksmith who knows the first thing about shoeing one. According to Ulven lore, the horse is a sacred creature associated with the Sun and Moon. It is speculated by some Ulven lorekeepers, that in addition to the gift of reading and writing, the Ulven were also given horses by the Sun and Moon, but that all of those horses, as well as their lineage, are gone and long forgotten. Horses, therefore, seem to be something more akin to a mythological creature than a natural one. Ulven artwork would seem to support this theory, as horses are often depicted as having wings, or sometimes a horn upon their heads.

The spiritual leaders of the Watchwolves are almost always female. Every village has a Priestess. In the case where multiple packs are living in the same village, it is not uncommon for each pack to have their own Priestess. These Ulven holy-women fulfill the roles of village healer, spiritual advisor, historian, and all around wise-woman. Some Priestesses are also military advisors or even officers. Every Watchwolf Priestess has a Warder. Warders can be either male or female. The Warder is a warrior who has pledged a life oath to the protection of the Priestess. The Warder follows the Priestess by day, and sleeps with her at night. It is a 24 hour job. The intimate relationship between Priestess and Warder makes them soul-mates in the eyes of the Watchwolves. It is not uncommon for a Priestess to have children by her male Warder.

Watchwolf High Priestess Anjan Vakr-Ravensmark. Though blind, she is one of the most powerful spell-casters in the Ulven Nation

Watchwolf Family Life

Marital Fidelity is very important to the Ulven. The Ulven respect and admire the wolf above all other totem animals and try to emulate its nature with many of their cultural practices. For this reason, the Watchwolves believe in mating for life. Compared to other warlike cultures with short individual life-expectancies, including other Ulven, the Watchwolf courtship process is very long. Typically, proposals are made by the female. The male will do everything he can to get her attention in hopes that she will select him over any other suitors. Once the female has made her selection, and a pairing has received the blessings of both of the families, the pair must also receive the blessing of the Priestess. The pair will move in with the Priestess and her Warder for at least a month. The Priestess will observe the pair during this time, and the Warder will often challenge them with tasks requiring teamwork and cooperation. The Priestess will ultimately determine whether the couple will be sent home to their families, or allowed to build a home of their own. Once a union has received the blessing of the Priestess, the two are mates for life. These Ulven do not have anything resembling divorce. Only death can separate soul-mates.

Children take the last name of whichever parent is of higher social standing or rank, which could be the mother just as easily as the father, especially if the mother is a Priestess or professional Soldier. Some children choose to use both names, a practice which is frowned upon by many elders.

Watchwolf children have to grow up fast. Because both parents are often either career soldiers, or at the very least, members of a militia, the children of these people learn to fight at an early age. The children also are expected to learn trades. These Ulven rely heavily on their extended family and packmates to raise their children, especially in cases where both parents may have to leave on a campaign. It is not unusual, therefore, for an Ulven child to be entrusted to the care of a non-warrior family member or friend for extended periods of time. In many cases, this is where the Watchwolf child will learn a trade. A child left in the care of a blacksmith, for example, will likely learn something of metalwork while their parents are away. The care and rearing of that child, however, would not likely be limited to one family member or friend so much as the entire pack. Like the Wolf totem that they so highly revere, every member of the pack is likely to play a role in the upbringing of the child.

Watchwolf Society

Every Watchwolf belongs to one of two camps, which are located on the Northeastern and Northwestern shores of Mardrun. The first of the camps is the Eastern camp of Sol, and the other is the Western camp of Luna. Watchwolves maintain the identity of the camp they were born to, regardless of whether they intermarry or move between the camps. Watchwolves of either camp refer to a member of another camp as “cousin”, regardless of any actual family relation.

The Watchwolves mercilessly hunt and destroy the Mordok, but never take anything from these encounters. To do so is believed to bring misfortune. Mordok property is considered taboo and is destroyed by fire. Ulven property found in the possession of the Mordok can be recovered but must undergo rites of purification at the hands of the Ulven Priestesses. Prisoners recovered from the custody of the Mordok must also undergo rites of purification with the Ulven Priestesses before they can return to society.

The warrior caste is highly revered in Watchwolf society, but contrary to popular belief, not all Watchwolves are professional Soldiers. Because these Ulven do not rely on raids, the society requires that much of their population work in agriculture, or as artisans and craftsmen. Ulven people as a whole, however, do pride themselves on their ability to fight when the need arises. Even a humble turnip farmer can pick up a sword, having been trained how to fight from a young age. Throughout history, the Watchwolves have developed a reputation as wise and cunning military leaders, and many inter-clan alliances have elected Watchwolf heroes as their Warpack Leaders or military advisers in times of war.

Honor is very important to the Ulven. The only thing that is valued more highly than personal honor is the honor of one’s family and Pack. Whilst prowess in combat is important to the Ulven, it is not necessarily the basis of their honor system. Honesty, wisdom, cunning, competency, loyalty, and generosity can all affect reputation. This is especially true of Ulven who are not of the warrior caste. A Blacksmith, for example, might be highly revered and honored due to the quality of his armor. Likewise, that same Blacksmith might be ostracized if he made swords and tools of inferior quality. Honor can also be gained by association, as in the case of a warrior who is accepted into an elite and prestigious military unit, or a poet who immortalizes the exploits of a fallen hero into verse.

Though the Watchwolves are a warlike people, they are not raiders like some other Ulven people. Until the recent bloodshed at the Greytide peace summit, there was very little infighting among the Ulven Clans. For the most part, they seemed to respect each other’s territory, and it had been many decades since the last clan skirmishes.

Watchwolf Folklore

Like many other cultures, the Ulven Mythology features heroic individuals performing unbelievable acts of strength and martial prowess. Ulven heroes will also use cunning and trickery to accomplish their tasks, especially if the story features the appropriate totem spirits. Unlike the near godlike folklore figures of some other cultures, however, the Ulven hero is undeniably mortal, and seems to rely heavily on their friends and elders in order to accomplish their tasks. A perfect example of this is the following excerpt from Howl’s Homecoming. The characters are trying to return home after a campaign against a tribe of giants (which was presumably eradicated by the Ulven and exists in no other records). All of the party members are wounded or sick. The significance of this verse is that these are all named and mighty heroes from other tales, but here we see them at their most vulnerable.

Howl’s Homecoming:

The sun burnt hot on the heroes five
From a faraway war, in a faraway land, the last of the pack alive

Freya, Grin, Agnon, Jenesis, and Howl

Held together by stitches and linen strip
The heroes trudge on, the bandages drip

Freya, Grin, Agnon, Jenesis, and Howl

Howl is the worst of them, wounds so deep
He sees the Great Wolf on the road in his sleep

Freya, Grin, Agnon, Jenesis, and Howl

The biggest and strongest of the five brave fighters
His friends all now wish he were a little bit lighter

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

For many a mile they carry him, until they can no more
Their strength is failing fast, these remaining four

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

On unsacred ground, the burial rites must Jenesis have Spake
For nowhere near, was stream or lake

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

Here is placed the stone
Of Howl, buried alone

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

He deserved a funeral barge, engulfed by holy fire,
But settled for less, than even a funeral pyre

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

The bite of the iron is sharp, as vigil they cannot stand
Runes of shame are self inflicted, with a red hot brand

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

They gnash their teeth and stumble ahead
Their duty failed, their friend is dead

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

To die on the field is much preferred
Than to die on the road where no one heard

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

Now out of water, they struggle on,
The next thing they know, Jenesis is almost gone.

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

The three take turns, dragging her
On a litter made, from staves and fur

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

The dust, it blew
The Carrion bird flew,


Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

And Jenesis, in fever spake,

“None should lie alone,
upon that plain of bone.”

“Please leave me here or take me back,
to Howl, a brother of my pack.”

“But never homeward bound.
The Wolf our friend did meet, is surely still around.”

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

Agnon, her Warder, turned around,
And dragged her back towards burial ground

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

All four they turned around, to face their fate as five,
Rather than return, with runes of shame alive

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

Upon return to barrow mound,
The four in shock, without a sound

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

Rocks were scattered all about
And a body, was that grave without!

Freya, Grin, Agnon, and Jenesis

When suddenly, across the plain, there came a fearsome Growl,
Standing there as plain as day, the heroic figure of Howl!

Spake He:

“Those runes of shame befit thee, you stupid pieces of shit.
After all our years together, you forgot I have True Grit!”

Freya, Grin, Agnon, Jenesis, and Howl

Further examples of mortal heroes in Watchwolf folklore can be found in the following tale. The story carries an interesting message because it seems to glorify the cunning of a very vulnerable hero at first, but then shifts gears and becomes a lesson about honesty and self-acceptance. Such complex themes are not found in other similarly developed barbaric cultures, especially ones that place such high value upon animalistic aspects.

The Courting of Greta Kitakitzyadigzvadig

Long had her people wondered when Greta would settle down and take a Husband. Her adventures had earned much fortune and renown. But such a fearsome warrior was she, that none of the menfolk dared approach her for courting. Who could be man enough to satisfy the strongest, fastest, and toughest woman in the world? Everyone remembered the tale of how she arm-wrestled the Hill Giant and broke his arm, and they also remembered how she broke the white dragon’s neck with her thighs. It was rumored that she was the daughter of a nature spirit. Therein was the problem. Greta was beautiful, and she was a War Pack Leader, but who could survive the wedding night without being crippled or killed? This was a woman who once accidentally killed an ox by swatting a fly that had landed on his back, and she had a fearsome temper to boot. Clearly, she would be more than a handful for any man who dared to court her. The men were shamed, because none of them would try.

One day, three strangers traveled into the land. They were brothers, and all looked alike. The brothers were short, pudgy, and freckled. The first brother had a magic belt that made him as strong as the King of all Polar Bears. The second brother had a magic ring that made him as fast as the Lord of all Horses. The third brother had a magic necklace which gave him the constitution of the Chieftain of all the Wild Boars. One Thursday morning, while the three brothers were traveling towards the capitol, they were passed on the road by a skinny girl in ill-fitting clothes. It was very cold, and the third brother offered her his cloak. She kissed his cheek, and promised to leave the cloak at the next Inn, hanging on a hook near the fire.

The three brothers arrived in town very late that night, and the first brother went into the Inn to pay for a room. He did not have any money, so he asked the Inn keeper if there was anything he could do to earn his keep. The Inn keeper told him that he could earn his keep by rebuilding the stone chimney. The Inn keeper expected that this would take the stranger several days work, but the first brother was so strong that he rebuilt it, better than new, in a matter of minutes. The Innkeeper was amazed, and gave the brother a room for the week. He couldn’t wait to tell the townspeople what he had seen. The first brother’s deal had only paid for one person, so the second and third brothers had to sneak in through the back, and they all shared the room.

The next morning, the second brother went out to catch some game for their breakfast, while the first and third brothers remained hidden in their room at the Inn. Because the brothers all looked alike, the Inn keep did not know that this was a different person. While he was out, the second brother was spied by an old trapper, who recognized that the second brother was a stranger in these lands. The second brother chased down a swift and mighty stag, caught it by the antlers, cut its throat, and wrestled it to the ground. The old trapper was amazed, and he headed back to town to tell the people what he had seen.

The next day, the third brother went downstairs with his harp, to earn some money performing. Many townspeople were there, telling and retelling the rumors of this amazing stranger who was stronger than a giant, and swifter than a stag. When they saw the third brother, they cheered him. Everyone wanted to buy him a drink. Surely, they thought that he was a hero straight out of the Sagas. The third brother sang songs and played his harp, and the people were moved to tears. Soon, the people at the Inn were all very drunk, and they had given the third brother all of their money, so he took his harp, fetched his cloak from the fireplace, and left to go to the next Inn. He was not drunk at all due to his amazing constitution.

On his way to the next Inn, he spied a beautiful woman riding out with an entourage of footmen. She was obviously someone of great wealth and importance, as she was the only person he had ever seen to ride a horse. Not drunk, yet emboldened by the drink, he asked a turnip farmer who she was. The turnip farmer told the third brother that the woman was none other than the mighty Greta herself. The impetuous brother ran out after her and stopped her party on the road. He introduced himself, and announced that he wished to court Greta. The rest of the party laughed at him, for he was short and fat, but the War Pack Leader seemed impressed by his courage. The third brother played a beautiful song on his harp, and she accepted his invitation. The two rode off to see the Priestess. The Priestess decided that the couple would have to face three challenges together in order to earn her blessing, and she conferred with her Warder on this.

First, she challenged them to build a new stone bridge at the South fork of Two-Rivers. They were to start at first light the next morning. The Third brother ran back to the Inn. In the morning, the First brother went in his place. The Priestess and her Warder were amazed when the couple returned the same day. They had expected the construction of the bridge to take at least a week, but the job was done. That bridge still stands today.

The Priestess and her Warder decided that the next challenge would be to send the couple on a quest to the top of the tallest mountain to fetch the rarest of moss, which only grows on snow-covered peaks. The couple was to leave at first light. The first brother ran back to the Inn. In the morning, the second brother went in his place. The Priestess and her Warder were amazed when the couple returned the same day. They had expected the journey to take at least a week, but the moss was delivered the same day. The Priestess and her Warder were frustrated. Usually the courting process takes at least a month, but at this rate the pair would run out of challenges in the first few days.

The Warder was so frustrated that he said,

“Fine, if you can do two weeks work in two days, then let’s see you drink a weeks worth of mead in one day.”

The challenge was to start at first light. The second brother ran back to the Inn. In the morning, the third brother returned to Greta. The two started drinking at first light, and not only were they still standing, but they were still drinking at sundown. The third brother held his drink well, but the Pack Leader was beginning to get very rowdy. Suddenly, Greta fell off of her chair and began rolling on the ground, laughing heartily and clutching her sides. The Priestess and her Warder were amazed. The townspeople cheered.

“Finally,” they said, “someone has tamed Greta!”

Upon hearing these words, Greta became enraged.

“No one bests me!” she said, climbing back up to the bar.

She challenged the third brother to an arm wrestle on the spot. The third brother was trapped. There was no way for his brothers to help him now, and he was easily defeated. The third brother was shamed. He admitted to his deceit of the Pack Leader and told her the truth about his brothers and their magic. Greta was shocked. As the third brother turned to leave, she stopped him.

“Behold,” said she, “a leader who has been deceitful not thrice, but always and ever since I came to this place!”

With these words, Greta removed her girdle. Her hips shrank, her chest deflated, and her thick braided hair became dull and stringy. Before the townspeople’s very eyes, their mighty warrior transformed into a scrawny little scarecrow of a girl, covered in pimples.

“I am not the daughter of a nature spirit! Before I put on this girdle, I was no warrior, but a humble thief! Look on me now, and tell me if you still love me!”

The third brother replied,

“Of course I love you. That was why I gave you my cloak when first we met!”

And so the couple continued their courtship trials without the aid of any magic, and earned the blessing of the Priestess. They were married, and their offspring were numerous. They were true to each other as long as they both lived.

The following story explains the origins of the Watchwolf Clan, the significance of the position of Lorespeakers to the Ulven in general, and supposedly how their written language came to be. It is the oldest known written record in the Ulven nation.

This story takes place long ago, back when the eldest children of the gods still walked the earth.

The first sons sired by the Great Wolf, born of Gaia, were Skoll and Hati. These two brothers, along with their many younger siblings, were the first Ulven. Back in those times, our people were much closer by blood to the Great Wolf, and could walk in his likeness when they so wished. This was good, because the world was much more dangerous back then. Everything was larger, from the trees that nearly reached the heavens, to the beasts of the earth, which would swallow the likes of you or I whole. The children of Wolf were not the only ones closer by blood to their gods. It was a time of legends, and giants.

Skoll and Hati both had large families, with many children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, for the direct descendants of the gods do not age, though their children do. It is one of the tragedies of their immortality, that they do not pass it along, and so must bear witness to the passing of all that they create. Half-gods cannot create anything eternal. Only true gods can do that.

Long before even the mating of the Great Wolf and Mother Gaia, there was night and day, caused by the passing of the Sun Horse of Sol and the Night Horse of Luna crossing the sky. The two horses did this every night and day without fail, from the very beginning to the time of legends. One morning, however, the Night Horse turned around and ran the wrong way. No one knows why for sure. Some say that the Great Devourer tricked the Night Horse. Some say that the Night Horse just wanted to see what went on during the day. Regardless of the reason, the two horses collided at noon, and fell to earth, leaving the moon and sun hanging motionless in the sky together in an unnatural dusk, as the moon was between the sun and the earth.

The two horses crashed into the mountains called Wolf’s Hackles. They were very angry at each other, and began to fight. Their magic caused the plants to die, and the rivers to run backwards. Without the passing of nights and days, the seasons became confused, and the different types of weather all tried to happen at once. Skoll and Hati saw the withering of Gaia all around them, and knew that they had to do something to save their mother. They did not know that the two horses had fallen, but they could see both the sun and the moon just sitting in the sky.

They asked the river spirit who was Lord of all Catfish what had happened, but they could not understand him, for he was talking backwards.
They asked the Grandmother Birch Tree what had happened, but before she could answer, she withered, lost all her leaves, and went into her winter trance. Trees speak so slowly in the winter that they are not worth talking to.

They asked the little Grey Mare of Misfortune, who makes the storm clouds go across the horizon, and who is a younger sister to the Sun and Moon horses, what had happened. The little gray mare of misfortune was confused, however, by the crazy weather and her out of control clouds, and she just didn’t know what went wrong.
Finally, the two brothers asked the Raven what had happened. Raven flew up through the stormy skies, and returned with the Sun and Moon, one in each claw. The Sun and Moon were beautiful. They had skin of gold and silver, and wore robes made of dawn and starlight. The Sun and Moon told Skoll and Hati that their horses had fallen from the sky and were fighting in the mountains. The Sun and Moon said that it was possible to set things right, but that to do so would require great self-sacrifice. The Sun and Moon promised that if the brothers helped them they would pass on the secret of immortality to the descendants of Skoll and Hati, that though the bodies of their children may die, their memory and deeds would never be forgotten. This was important, because the half-gods were the only ones who could remember everything that ever happened, and they feared their culture would be lost without them. In the end, the two brothers swore to return the horses to the sky, no matter the cost, for without the movement of sun and moon, their people were doomed, and there would be no one to pass the stories on to, anyway.

Raven gave each of the brothers a feather, and told them to wear it behind their ear so that they could fly. Taking the form of their father, the two brothers ran to the Wolf’s Hackles. The horses were gone, though, as they had decided to race each other across the world to settle their dispute. Skoll and Hati sniffed the air, found their tracks, and ran off in pursuit. Finally catching up to the stray horses, the brothers each broke off and chased one horse, separating the two. Skoll chased the Sun Horse to the Eastern end of the Earth, and Hati chased the Moon Horse to the West. Leaping from the ends of the Earth, the wolves chased and herded the horses back into the sky and returned them to their rightful patterns. The rivers returned to normal. The weather and seasons returned to normal. The plants recovered, and Gaia was saved. To assure that such a catastrophe never happens again, Skoll and Hati must chase the horses tirelessly, and shall for all of time.

The children of Skoll and Hati were given the gift of reading and writing by the Sun and Moon, lest they forget anything important in their short lives. They were told to spread the new language to their cousins in other clans, and charged to watch the Eastern and Western horizons. That is how the Ulven came to have reading and writing, and how the Watchwolf clan came to be.

Recent/Current Events
To the West, the new year brought with it preparations for a battle the Watchwolves feared they could not win. Meager aid from their allies and the Grimward army on their doorstep led to abysmal morale around the settlement, with many preparing to either abandon their homes and their sacred charges or to die defending them. Though the Coalition did eventually send reinforcements and supplies to the western settlement, it was too little, too late. Grimward overran the western territory of the clan, claiming it for their own. Many of the Watchwolves who stayed behind were amazed by the dignity with which they were treated by their conquerors. They were fed and protected better under Grimward rule than in the Coalition, and many even retained their home, allowing them to continue to watch the horizons as they have for generations. With the proposed treaty to be signed by Clans Grimward and Nightriver, the western settlement would remain under Grimward control, a point which has a number of proud Watchwolf warriors concerned and angered.

To the East, supplies were in high demand as they were sent to the west to reinforce their clan mates, though the smaller clan was unable to stand against the might of Grimward. Many smaller villages have been struggling to accommodate the large number of refugees who made the journey from the western settlement. Working to provide food and supplies for their brothers and sisters to the west, those in the east know that they lack the numbers to return their ancestral home to its rightful owners, though tales of the generosity shown by Clan Grimward has reassured them.

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Boz Mezar

– May’Kar Dominion tabard or belt flag with white palm tree over white crossed sabers on a blue background
– Serai Battle Standard


Official Background Story
Boş Mezar \’bowsh ‘meh’zar\ is the action arm of the May’Kar settlement Serai \’sir’aye\. It is a mercenary organization specialising in area defense and force education. Odd for a mercenary band in that it abhors all loss of life, Boş Mezar nonetheless offers a multitude of martial services including but not limited to: area defence, area denial, executive protection, armed transport, battlefield preparation, battlefield healing, housing of detainees, intelligence collection, and peacemaking. Boş Mezar also offers consultation and training including but not limited to, small unit tactics, battlefield management, campaign planning, skill training (primarily combat skills, although additional skill training may be available upon request), convoy training, opposing force simulation, and simulated area assault.

The settlement of Serai was founded with the stated goal of May’Kar cultural revival. Due to the low numbers of living May’Kar and continuing persecution from other immigrants from Faedrun, Serai made the choice to actively hide its existence and abstained from world politics. It remained undetected until scouts from The Brotherhood of the Long Winter looking for a suitable location to establish a settlement of their own made contact in 263. Finding in The Brotherhood a group that didn’t reflexively blame all May’Kar for the betrayal, Serai welcomed the new settlement on it’s doorstep. Although The Brotherhood’s proximity provided a welcomed deterrent against foreign aggression, the Citizens of Serai were unwilling to trust them with the entirety of their defence or to represent them to the outside world.

Boş Mezar was formed in early 264 to provide a means for the May’Kar settlement to once again interact with the world writ large. It is charged with protection of Serai, locating surviving May’Kar and inviting them home, spreading May’Kar culture, and making manifest any edicts of Serai. All May’Kar are welcome within Serai, and all people with appropriate skills and a willingness to further May’Kar culture are encouraged to apply for membership in Boş Mezar regardless of race or background.

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Crimson Shades

How Was The Group Formed?

The Summer wind had kicked up a nasty storm strong enough to drive people to the closest shelters they could find. The lights swayed as we trudged through mud and rivers cascading over dirt roads. Our stay at Crows Landing had been cut quite short as the Market faire ended, scattering like leaves to the wind we rushed away. Though Daven’s Reach had been taken from Catherine and turned into the Main holding of Bandits, it still had open doors. After some negotiation and a few coins, we were sitting inside the tavern, soaked to the bone with ale at our fingertips. As we set up our leftover wares to be sold to passers-bys, the chatter became thick with drunken slurs. As Pan’s eyes glanced over to the bar, a number of backs were to her.

“Eka, I want another” she said, looking up at her companion while she slid the mug toward him.

As the mug clattered to the floor, the sound of laughter erupted from behind. Turning to the three green cloaked individuals, a smile spread over Pan’s face.

“Fucking assholes, left us to die.” one shouted as his mug slammed to the table.

“What happened hun? Next round is on me,” Pan said, handing Eka the silver she left him to grab another few pitchers.

Over the next few rounds the group told Pan of the betrayals they had faced over the last few months. Their family had left them to die in the swamps north of Onsallas without a rescue party. Soon Pan’s mind began bending thoughts into a strange pattern…, these people could be helpful, Pan thought to herself.

“Well dears, I’ve got family that could use some people like you,” she said as she took a long drag from her mug to let the moment sink in. “How does money, along with the freedom of choice sound?”

Meeting each of their eyes, Pan slipped her hand over and traded her mug with Eka’s full one.

Talking long into the night, the five confided into each other, each offering something the others could benefit from. Sitting under the dimming candles, they formed a new family, with bonds stronger than blood.

After this night, the Crimson Shade Emporium was born.

What Are The Crimson Shades?

A political Merchant guild that focuses primarily on preservation of family. They often can be found selling wares, and trading goods anywhere the need arises. Though they are more than willing to help all others who come to them, all contracts have a price; and one way or another, a price will be paid

A Crimson Shade can be easily recognized by the Tribal Brand normally Located on the right arm along with a black and red sash.


Betrayal is punishable by death. To betray your family is to leave them behind, you will forfeit what little you have left in your life.

All transactions must be approved by the Council.

All contracts are negotiable.


Crimson Council – Politicians, traders, merchants, and diplomats.

Red Shades – Those who get things done.

The Red Mages – For all things magically inclined.

Rubies – Those in consideration.

Crimson – Rank leaders.


In order to join one must be inducted as a Rubie before becoming a full fledged member: A status that must be granted by all members of the Crimson Shade Emporium. In order to gain member status, a rubie must study under a person of the Crimson status for as long as deemed necessary, after which point the ceremony will begin.

Can you be kicked out?

Once bonded to the CSE, there’s only one way out: death.


Looking for us? We’ll come to you.

Alternatively, you could speak to a Member of the Crimson Council in hopes of getting results.

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New Aldorian Marines

Founded in the year 228 under orders by the King of Aldoria, the Marines were created as a response to the Vandregonian Rangers: Elite soldiers trained not as front-line fighters, but as a task force designed to operate with surgical precision. Chosen from the ranks of the Aldorian Navy for their skill, resourcefulness, and experience. After the Fall, many Marines lost their lives covering the retreat of the Aldorian settlers or protecting their ships from pirates at sea. The group had fallen into ruin in the New World, but at the behest of Prince Aylin, was reformed in the year 264 under the leadership of the former Aldorian sailor and former Pirate, Anne Cash. While an official uniform exists for formal occasions (Black pants and boots, Blue naval coat with a green sash), most Marines show their allegiance by prominently displaying both a blue and a green sash on their person.

Being of Aldorian descent is not a requirement to join the Marines: you simply need to be loyal to New Aldoria and skilled enough to live up to the reputation as a Marine. Most members are invited in, although an interested candidate can petition to join, at which point they will be tested and evaluated to see if they are a good fit for the group.

Not all associated with the Marines are warriors or fighters, though. Healers, smiths, tradesmen, and politicians all have their place in the Marines. Although they are seen as support roles, they are just as valued to the organization, with ranks determined by merit in each perspective role.

The defense of New Aldoria is paramount in the eyes of the Marines. Second, the Marines are committed to each other: no one gets left behind. Behind this is a devotion to personal and unit excellence. Whether through training and drilling, studying, or practice, the Marines strive to be the best in all they do. Marines are expected to better themselves, and when training, they are encouraged to expose flaws in a squadmate’s form to close those gaps. A missed parry can be dangerous, as can a wound improperly treated. Even a false bit of information can lead to unnecessary danger for yourself and your squad. Criticism is not just expected, but encouraged, as long as it remains constructive.

Marines are expected to respect the chain of command inherent in their organization. Orders from a superior are to be followed, unless doing so would put you or your squad in unnecessary risk. Subordinates may not give orders to superiors, although their input should be given appropriate weight and consideration.

The ranks of the Marines, from Lowest to Highest, are as follows:

  • Private: The lowest ranking member of the Marines, this level is usually reserved for new recruits, although demotions for insubordination or poor decisions may result in this rank, as well.
  • Corporal: The first step up from Private, this rank is granted to those who have proved themselves capable in some manner or another. Most Corporals are trained soldiers, although many who fill this rank are also skilled tradesmen, devoting their trade to the organization.
  • Sergeant: For those of exceptional skill and determination, the rank of Sergeant is a badge of honor. They are the leaders of the lower-ranked troops, the lowest-ranking Officer rank, and often the ones put in charge of battlefield tactics and day-to-day operations during peacetime.
  • Lieutenant: The most trusted officers of the Captain, the Lieutenants are hand-picked to be the best of the best of the best. It is common for the Captain to appoint areas of responsibility to each Lieutenant, to avoid infighting should the Captain fall.
  • First Lieutenant: The Captain’s second-in-command, this Lieutenant has been elected fit to take over in the unfortunate case of the Captain’s demise. The Captain is not required to nominate a First Lieutenant, and in such a case, a new Captain will be chosen from the ranks of the Lieutenants by the Master General.
  • Captain: The highest rank achievable by a member of the Marines, the Captain oversees the entire organization, answering only to the Master General. Currently there is only one Captain, although the rank may be expanded in the future if deemed necessary by the Master General.
  • Master General: The reigning monarch of New Aldoria. The Master General has complete autonomy over the Marines and has the final say in all of their decisions, although these decisions are often left to the best judgement of the Captain.

The Marines rely heavily on their squad mates for their success, and their very survival. As such, insubordination is dealt with swiftly. Reports of insubordination should be brought to the Captain directly, or the next highest-ranked officer if the Captain is not present. Both parties are expected to respect the Captain’s verdict, although the decision can be overturned in the presence of new evidence. It should be noted, however, that false claims of insubordination will be punished just as harshly as the crime itself.

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The March of Starkhaven

The Beginning: A New Chapter of the Order – Arnath’s Light

After years of decay and financial distress, the once great settlement of Starkhaven had descended into near ruin. Many settlers fled to other colonies. Although the military might of the Order of Arnath has never recovered from the initial conflict with the Ulven and the recent Ulven civil war, a handful of the Fist chapter members maintain control of Starkhaven and can be seen periodically. They have become more reclusive now, choosing to stay inside their crumbling keep and keep to their ideals and themselves instead of getting involved in the world at large. This had concerned members of the Order and also some of the people of Starkhaven, and a Griffin stepped forward to push for a reform. A new direction was presented and the Hand of Arnath listened; although the Order of Arnath’s Fist would remain the primary chapter of the Order on Mardrun, a new settlement and some of the existing military units were re-purposed with aiding the efforts of this new chapter. The Hand Of Arnath is leaving the future of the Order of Arnath up to faith and chance; whichever chapter proves to be more influential will be allocated more resources and grown and expanded.

The Order of Arnath’s Light is a brand new chapter of the Order of Arnath. Led by the new Chapter Master, this group within Starkhaven is pushing for more form, progressive ideals on the world, and diplomacy. This was originally met with resistance as the surviving chapter of the Order of Arnath was the Fist, the most militant chapter of all of the Order of Arnath. The new Light chapter resides in Starkhaven and still answers to the Hand of Arnath, the ruler of the remaining religious order.

Merging: A New Direction – The March of Starkhaven

After the Chapter War of June 267, the sole remaining chapter was Arnath’s Light. As they worked to rebuild and heal, the City-State of New Hope came with an offer and a warning: pay loyalty, or pay taxes. Starkhaven and the Order, the second largest colony in the City-State after New Aldoria was emptied of its people, managed to strike a deal with the City-State. It would pledge fealty if all the lands within 25 miles were made into a March with the Hand of Arnath as the Marchioness. Hammering out the final details, the March of Starkahven was born. The Hand now serves as both a secular and spiritual authority, ruling the March with a firm but fair hand.

Members and Requirements
Order of Arnath Homepage


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The Archons of the Spire

Archons of the Spire

The Archons are not merely an academy, a commune, or a guild. They are all of that and more, they represent a way of life born again in a new world. Officially the Archons consider themselves a “Mages Guild”, however the exact agenda and nature of the Archons and their home remain a mystery to outsiders.

Fiercely independent, the Archons recognize no outside authority and enforce very few internal rules, internally promoting freedom and individuality. While relatively apathetic to the outside world, the Archons are extremely loyal to one another. Membership in the organization being considered the equivalent of immediate blood relation.

Despite claims to be a Mages Guild, individual members are encouraged to explore their own talents, to become an exemplar of whatever field they choose to practice, whether that be magic, swordplay, a craft or a trade. They are also encouraged to pursue their own goals, independent of any higher agenda the group may have.

The Archons were founded in the year 263 by a small collection of Mages funded by private interests, it appealed Human refugees and Ulven willing to challenge their cultural norms to expand their knowledge of magic. Together with various misfits from all races and walks of life they formed a commune and began construction of “The Spire”, a great structure atop a mountain to house their organization. A site rumor holds is home to some latent magical power.

Though not necessarily religious, the Archons practice a philosophy of open-mindedness, self-improvement and spirituality. An attitude drawing from Syndar faith, Maykar understanding and some exotic foreign philosophy. Members are occasionally observed outside the Spire deep in meditation or performing magical rites.

“What do you know of magic? We are those who looked through the Mana and saw all that ever was and would be. We have seen war, peace, times of plenty and famine. We have seen the bloom of summer and the decay of winter. We saw every child’s laughter, every mother’s cry and every sunrise. We learned that no individual could master all magic but each could master both aspects. We learned that to possess true power one must seek enlightenment through dedication and understanding and the understanding of the duality of Arcane and Divine. Upon this revelation we felt to our knees and wept! Wept knowing we had at last found the answers we sought, and they were beautiful, and we finally knew the true taste of perfect cider on a warm summer’s eve.”
-Archmage Vazra on directions to town.

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The Rangers of Crow’s Landing

Who are the Rangers?
The Rangers were once an elite Vandregonian group on the old continent back before it was overrun by undead. Although most of them died fighting to hold the line, some of them survived and made it to the new continent. One of these survivors was Captain Ben Del’Green.

After the loss of most of his unit, he made his way to one of the last evacuation ships and left his home. Upon getting to the new continent, he began to make a new life for himself. With his old skills as a Ranger Captain, he did a lot of jobs that took him close to unsafe conditions. These jobs paid well and he bought a small house in a village near Newhope. He always loved the outdoors and would often leave to hunt in the woods. It was on one of these hunts that he found a burning Ulven village. With memories of the undead attacks he had a flashback to his friends and family falling in battle. Lost in the haze he walked around for a bit until he found a young Ulven boy standing in the ashes of what was once his home. After trying to talk to the young kid he decided to take him in and raise him as his own, knowing that if he didn’t the boy would die. He then named the Ulven Tobias.

After a few years went by, it was clear that town life did not work well for Tobias. The town did not fully accept him; particularly the children, who made it a point to make life for him hard. Some even went so far as to attack him: since he could take them one on one, they fought unfairly in numbers. After seeing this Ben made plans to leave and live in the forest. These plans were almost done and all he needed was to buy some lumber, but before he could, he and his son were kicked out of the town. Earlier that day Tobias had beaten up the mayor’s son in retaliation for many of the group attacks against him. He then loaded up what they owned and left for the forest.

Upon getting to their new home Ben saw that Tobias was happier and seemed to share his love for the woods. They both began work to get the lumber needed to make their cabin. Three months went by and they were almost done, all that was left was the roof. As Tobias was getting the last tree cut, he was attacked by three Mordok. He would have died were it not for Ben, who thankfully was bringing Tobias food for his break at the time of the attack. Ben unfortunately didn’t have his armor or weapons with him. The three Mordok gave him a run for his silver and almost killed him. At the last moment when all was almost lost, he summoned up all of his rage and cut the Mordok down. Even with the Mordok dead they weren’t safe yet as one of the Mordok had bitten Ben in the arm, poisoning him with its last moments. After some herbs and help from an old May’kar friend back at the town, he lived but lost his arm. Because of this he felt that now was a good time to train Tobias, seeing that it wasn’t the safest in the woods.

Tobias had many questions; one of them being how had he learned to fight like that. Ben told him about Vandregon, the war with the Undead, and lastly about the Rangers. Ben then spent the last of his days training Tobias to be a Ranger. Showing him how to collect plants for healing, how to fight, and the rules of being a Ranger. He told Tobias there were five rules that every Ranger needed to follow. One, fight smart and run fast. Two; always have a plan, Three; no plan survives contact with the enemy, And Four; leave no Ranger behind. He didn’t tell him the last one saying it wasn’t time for him to know. After a few years of this Ben’s wounds finally caught up with him. It was upon his death bed that he told Tobias the fifth and last rule of the Rangers. After this he passed on from this world. Tobias built a pyre and buried his father’s ashes.

After this he sought out others like him. Finding people to join him wasn’t as easy as he’d hoped, but after a year of searching he found Puckermen. From that moment it all started to fall into place. A few months later the Rangers found their home in a small town called Crow’s Landing. This small town almost didn’t make it through the winter that year, but thanks to the Rangers they survived. In thanks they offered their home to them and asked that the Rangers take over running the town from its old leaders. The Rangers gladly accepted, and from there have made great improvements to the town. Tobias hopes to make his father proud of the new Rangers and to one day see his home freed of the Undead.

What are the 5 rules of being a Ranger?
1. Fight smart, run fast.
2. Always have a Plan.
3. No plan survives contact with the enemy.
4. Leave no Ranger behind.
5. At this point, only Tobias knows what the 5th rule is.

What are their ranks
There are 7 ranks within The Rangers. The Commander, The Keeper, Wardens, Seekers, Hunters, Brothers/Sisters, and Mercs. Within the Wardens, Seekers, Hunters, and Mercs. There are the Elders members. Elders are just that, they have the most experience in that group. The order of command goes, The Commander, The Keeper, and the four Elders. For the most part, orders will come from The Commander or The Keeper. Rarely however, they can come from one of the Elders.

The Commander:The Commander is the highest rank within the Rangers. His duty’s include maintaining the day to day life of the settlement, managing the troops, balancing the books, and many other things Tobias finds tedious. At events the Commander will talk with whoever is in charge and from there decide how the Rangers will respond. It is the Commanders job to keep everyone at Crow’s Landing and every Ranger safe. It’s this single duty that he takes to heart he will bleed and die for.
Position held by: Tobias Del’Green

Played by: Tim Bollig
Description: Ulven with a scar on his left eye, wears a green hooded tunic.
Known skills: Arcane magic, duel wielding, and shield trained
Status: Active

The Keeper:The Keeper is the second highest ranking member of The Rangers. If for some reason the Commander is busy or otherwise indisposed, the keeper then takes charge. At events the Keeper will keep the other Rangers together and give them direction while the Commander is elsewhere. The Keeper is looked to in matters of magic. It is the Keepers goal to master all forms a magic. In mastering it, he can then keep everyone safe. As well as train the Ranger that wish to learn the art of magic.

Position held by: Puckerman
Played by: Jake Bollig
Description: Human, wearing a green hooded tunic, and walks with a heavy Limp.
Known skills: Master Cleric, Witch in training, and shield trained.
Status: Active

Wardens:The protectors and shields of the Rangers. Wardens are known for being strong well versed warriors. Whether it be with cold hard steel, arrows, all the way to magic. Wardens are the rearguard of the Rangers. Their role is all about holding the line and being the last to retreat. Wardens are sent to many battle grounds. Because of this, most of them are hardened veterans with dark humor and little patience. Despite this, you would be hard pressed to find a better warrior to fight by your side.

Elder position held by: Nikoli Bellfire
Played by: Julian Boehm
Description: Ulven, wearing a Green hooded cutoff.
Known skills: advance duel welding, two handed weapons, archery, he also brews an amazing Apple Pie.
Status: Active

Seekers:Seekers are the more magic and knowledge inclined members of the Rangers. They are mostly used in support roles to help the other Ranks. They are also sent out on light scouting/recovery missions. They are well know for being seekers of knowledge. This is what led to their name. Most of them can be found studying magic arts or reading vast lore tomes. For a Seeker a day without learning something new, is a day wasted.

Elder position last held by: Kathena
Played by: Ashlee Nelson
Status: Inactive

Hunters:Hunters are the eyes and ears of the Rangers. They task themselves with dangerous scouting missions as well as being the Ranger’s Vanguard into battles. Hunters are survivalists at heart and as such have a vast array of skills to aid them. These skills range from magic, weapon mastery, to even underhanded tactics. Hunters can be tasked with difficult missions that involve a lot of running, so most of them travel light. A Hunter’s job is to always be ready, for they never know what dangers may lie ahead.

Elder position last held by: Elijah Cole
Played by: Kevin Novy
Status: Inactive

Mercs: The Ranger are known for helping where they can, however they only have some many members. Because of this the Commander began to hire on Mercs. These Mercs are hired on for anywhere from a month to a year at a time. They are paid in silver, supplies, and or other goods and services. As they aren’t full members of the Rangers, they have been known to sometime act out or the Rangers norm and bring on trouble for the Rangers. The Commander however will take the bad with the good and deals with them as the bad ones act out.

Elder position held by: Guthrum
Played by: Tim Miller
Description: Human, taller then most and wears a black gambeson with red trim. Little patience for those that insult him.
Know skills: heavy armor, two handed, and tower shield trained.

Brothers/Sisters: This is where all Rangers begin. At this level they strive to find their place in the Rangers. Upon finding a type that seams to work for them, they will work along side the elder member of that group. After a few missions the elder member will tell the Commander if it is a good fit. From there they will begin training to become a full member of the group.

What are some of their goals: The goals of the Rangers are to keep their home and allies safe from harm. To bring back the honor and glory of the Rangers. They do this by helping out when and where they can. They are known to show little mercy to bandits and murderers, which has lead to some seeing them in a bad light. However in the end the Rangers are just trying to make the world a better and safer place.

Ranger kit: Every Ranger must have his/her kit on him/her at all times. A standard kit will have 3 light wound bandages, 2 mortal wounds bandages, and 2 mend strips. A Ranger can add different things to his or her kit, but at minimum it mas have these items.

What we offer if you join: As of now we have many things that we offer. Our faction is one of the biggest ones in this game. With the faction buildings that we have, you’ll have cheaper healing and armor repair. We have no race, grab, weapon, or class requirements. We also will have your back at events. We try and role play a tight group. At your first event you will be given a Ranger belt flag and your Ranger kit. These have been paid for by me and are being loaned to you. I will want them back if you leave our group.

What we look for: A willingness to work together and follow orders. Bare in mind, the orders will not be crap orders, like “march to here”, “kill this by yourself”, or the like. The orders will mostly be “work with this person to do a run in the woods to find something”. A lot of time we will go out in force to find reagents and missing people.

As for classes and races. We have no preferred class or race. In our group we have a use for everything. We have a lot of woodsman-like characters, but we also have religious clerics, wise old sages, and many other types in the group.

What we don’t want: As we are trying to role play a tight group, we don’t want someone who isn’t willing to work with others. We also try and play more of a good aligned group. So evil aligned or open thieves are not wanted in this group.

How to contact: You can talk to us over Facebook or meet us at practices on Wednesday. We are always willing to talk to new members and are actively recruiting.

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The Ravens

The Doctrine of the Ravens

We are the remnants of a forgotten time. Our people are dying and are ways are long since lost. We must start anew and rebuild what was lost to a greater glory. Our people shall be refined by this fire that has consumed so many. The ways of old shall be cast aside, Our caste system and all beliefs have damned us previously and must be corrected. The error of our ways was shrouded in tradition and hidden in plain sight. Our desire is to bridge the gap of the races and unify to bring about a greater calling. All the races as one. Damn the caste and damn our ways. With our combined efforts we can become greater than we ever have before. A unity of the races as one people is what we strive for. We shall do what we can because we must, for the sake of us all. We will use our patrons political ties to further our connections for the sake of the greater good. We have adopted the raven as our symbol for it is a symbol of knowledge.

The History

The founding of the Ravens happened after the exodus fro Faedrun had taken a heavy toll on the founder Alestear. He had his faith shaken to the core by the sorrow that came from the loss of his home and of most of his people. But this fear and horror lead him to a new belief that the Syndar could be saved by unifying the races under one banner. Alestear, along with his former student Phaedra, worked to bring themselves back from their losses. They gained work for Celestial Arragones as her liaisons and representatives to the people. They then worked at gathering others of a like mind to themselves, finding Oberon who had come to believe that anything could be accomplished with all of the races working together as one after seeing the joint efforts of the Ulven, Humans, and Syndar to remove the Lich from their now homelands. Alestear and Oberon have worked hard to bring the common people to light and show them what can be done with combined efforts. They have done their best to gather and bring about the best of the people they have gathered. With the Ravens being finalized, Alestear has been trying to spread their name and their message around the continent.

A Change in Leadership – The Modern Times

Alestear was never truly able to shake his sorrows, nor was he able to drop the yoke of his internalized sense of birth-right; at least not while he acted as leader of The Ravens. Alestear left Key’s Crossing with not a word to the majority of his people and journeyed to the north to fight alongside Ulven friends on The Shield of Mardrun, but his leaving did not mean the work stopped. Months passed in his absence before one of The Ravens stepped up to take on the Baron’s workload. If no one was going to make sure people were fed and cared for, then he would. Cordyn Lockwell had joined the Ravens out of a sense of self promotion, but instead had found himself ingratiated to the community and it’s people. He did not realize it at the time, but he had internalized The Doctrine of The Ravens. Little had Aleastear known, but it was only through his own failure to uphold this same Doctrine that caused it to bury itself deeply in Cordyn’s heart.

Alongside Cordyn’s stewardship Key’s Crossing shifted it’s focus from that of a wealthy noble’s home to that of a place of equality and opportunity for all. A Grand Public School System was built to educate the children of the area as well as University-level classes and research opportunities to adults. A Public Market was developed with incentives given to local merchants and farmers. The once lavish Governor’s Mansion was retrofitted into a public meeting hall for members of the community to make use of for meetings and ceremonies.

With this change so came a change for The Ravens. Where they were once the cunning diplomats and their body guards, members and attaches to a noble’s home; they were now Teachers, Students, and Public Servants. The Ravens began to truly uphold their name as a symbol for knowledge. Cordyn did not take to calling himself a leader. He managed the day-to-day affairs of the town and it’s university, but he always made sure that it was clear that he was no one’s master. The Ravens all shared a single duty beyond their personal goals and aspirations. All Ravens must keep their ears open and listen to the worries and desires of the people of Key’s Crossing and they must all work with Cordyn to see how these issues can be best resolved.

As far as Cordyn knows, Alestear never saw the transformation of Key’s Crossing. Even if he did, Cordyn isn’t sure that Alestear would realize how much his actions had led to his dream coming true.