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Order of Arnath’s Light – Members

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The Order of Arnath’s Light is a military style faction.  That means we are well ordered, well trained, and disciplined. In addition, we are nearly unequivocally the good guys. Think traditional Paladin/lawful good D&D characters. We look at the bigger picture of right and wrong before necessarily looking towards profit or self-aggrandisement.

The Order of Arnath is also strongly communal. We grow stronger as the faction grows stronger. As such it is strongly encouraged for faction members to donate silver and resources to help the faction. Silver usually goes to procuring faction buildings and supplies while resources like reagents can go towards increasing our effectiveness in battle. In addition, faction members are encouraged after picking up the necessary basic skills for their character to invest in a trade, profession, and resource. Trades can be useful for the resources they can acquire or prepare, and profession gives the player some extra money when they check in. These both help the faction at event and not.

Resources help the faction grow achieve its objectives behind the scenes. They can influence people towards our way of thinking, they can support recruitment drives, or they can help complete faction projects. ALL PLAYER resources are generally handled by one person who posts faction actions. As resources generally help the faction ,this is easiest to coordinate. HOWEVER, this is always posted for review so the players may dictate what they want their resources to be used for.

The Order on the battlefield operates in a structured, discipline manner. After becoming an Order member, we train you for the role you have selected. Each rank of the Order operates in certain ways with other ranks. This training allows us to be much more effective than other fighting units on the field. If you find you do not like your ranks role, we will work with you to adapt to a role you will like. Being disciplined also means following orders of whomever may be in charge at that moment

Finally, our players should strive to be good players to the game. That means following the rules, showing good sportsmanship, striving to engage in collaborative roleplay, and helping out when necessary. It is no accident most of our members are/have held herald, staff, and volunteer positions.

If you wish to join an upcoming factional powerhouse in Last Hope, feel free to reach out to any of our members.

Current Members

Ordained Clerics
Brother Oliver Coswell – David Li
Sister SuNalla Ree – Rebecca Maas
Brother Orrin Ree – Brian Mass
Brother Ventaris, the Gatebreaker – Ryan Maas-Jopp
Brother Harkov – Cole Potter
Brother Dom – Bailey Hellerud
Brother Aradael – Andrew Leppard
Sister Simone – Leticia Gonzalez
Brother Darren – Truman Shortridge
Sister Serena – Manda Bernarde
Brother Ezra – Brandon Potter
Brother Martin – Gabriel Hellerud

Lay Order
Basil Gavras – Andrez Beltran (Organization Leader)
Aaron Windspeak – Jaime Arreguin

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