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Low Fantasy Character Creation Guide

How to create characters for a gritty, low-fantasy setting LARP
Written by Brian Pekarske

Fantasy wears many faces. Sometimes it is bright and colorful. Sometimes it is dark and shadowy. Some fantasy worlds feature flying machines and talking animals, others center on primitive people struggling to survive against predators and the elements.

Sometimes, people try to classify these different types of stories as either “low fantasy” or “high fantasy”. The simplest and most seemingly obvious way to categorize fantasy would seem to be based on the overall feel. People try to put a given story or series on some sort of “fantastic-ness scale” to see how it rates. Flying cats with psychic powers living in a world with green skies would be, by that definition, the extreme end of high fantasy. It isn’t that simple, though.

There is a lot more to high or low fantasy than just how weird or alien the setting is (despite what wikipedia says with their over-generalized definition). When defining high or low fantasy, you have to look at not only the world and the people, but how those people live in that world. A story is nothing without characters to drive it. Think, for a moment, about what made “The Princess Bride” so memorable.

So where does “Last Hope” fall within the spectrum and how do you make a character that will fit into this world? First, “Last Hope” is low fantasy. It is about a brutal and desperate struggle for survival. This isn’t the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, where there are a handful of people destined to carry all the burdens of mankind to defeat a great evil and trigger the dawning of a new age. Nor is it one of the Greek classics, with petty gods and unbelievable feats of legendary prowess on expansive battlefields. No, Last Hope is very different from those stories. Whereas the heroes in those tales are basically big fish in small ponds, slaughtering dozens of orcs without breaking a sweat, or regularly defeating mythical beasts with their bare hands, the characters in “Last Hope” are SMALL fish in a BIG pond. That may seem backwards in a figurative sense, when you compare how vast Middle Earth is compared to Mardrun, but remember, we are not talking about acreage. We are talking about how characters interact with their world.

The world of Middle Earth is a dangerous place, indeed. But the characters of the Fellowship are more than equipped to deal with it. If Legolas and Gimli are surrounded by twenty orcs and two trolls, we really don’t have to worry much about whether or not they will win, and instead immediately find ourselves questioning who will kill more of the bad guys and who will be buying drinks that night.

Last Hope is very different. If Raskolf, Sir William, and Captain Aradael are surrounded by half a dozen Mordok, the three veteran warriors very well may die. Yes, the three characters are all faction leaders, and yes, the players portraying them are good fighters, but two-to-one odds are never good in real life, and therefore they are not in Last Hope either. Welcome to low-fantasy. It is harsh.

So where does this come into play when creating your LH character? Well, as stated before, it is all about HOW your character interacts with the world around them. Sometimes, the more ordinary a character may seem, the more extraordinary it seems when they manage to do something heroic. The Humans and Syndar of Mardrun are just trying to survive on a strange new frontier, while the Ulven try to cope with the invasion of these strangers from across the sea and a bitter civil war in the face of political fall out.

Last Hope is not a world populated by ninja-like assassins raised from childhood by shadowy organizations. It is not a world of prodigy teenage magic-users. It is a world where a turnip farmer can become a soldier, and eventually a politician. It is a world where a curious scholar can become an explorer and cartographer.

Picture a world where a blood spattered and shoe-less child, pressed into milita service in desperate times, undergoes her rite of passage as her parent dies in her arms in the smoldering aftermath of a terrible and costly battle, fought with pitchforks, pick-axes and scythes, in ankle-deep snow against Mordok raiders. We missed the fight, apparently, so what happened?

The high fantasy version of that character went berserk and killed half the raiders herself. Cue Final Fantasy victory music, right? Now to go get revenge by slaying the goddess of the Mordok. Shouldn’t be a problem. This kid is probably some sort of “chosen one” or something anyway. Clearly, the gods have laid out a path for her to be their instrument. Better start walking. Just follow the railroad tracks.

The low fantasy version of that character is more interesting.

The low-fantasy version may have killed one or two Mordok in an act of panicked desperation, and now suffers emotional trauma from the experience of watching her friends get killed in battle. She will be haunted by her personal demons and post-traumatic-stress-disorder for the rest of her life. Maybe she’ll get a job working in a tavern. Maybe she’ll join the Army. Who knows. She is an ordinary person, coping with extraordinary circumstances, and her life is an open book.

That is the difference between low fantasy and high fantasy. Keep these things in mind when you are crafting your LARP character for Last Hope.

Many RPGs have two types of characters: NPCs who don’t matter, and Big Damn Heroes whom the world revolves around. Last Hope has neither. Last Hope just has people. Sometimes those people take up the sword to defend the village from monsters and maybe drag a wounded comrade to the healer. Sometimes they spend a morning sewing the sole back on their daughter’s boot with leather lacing.

Now, go forth and make gritty low-fantasy characters. Be one of those people.

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New Player FAQ

Joining any kind of event like a live action role play can be quite a daunting task. How do you play? What are events like? Who can I talk to? What can I do?

This is why we have created the New Player FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. We constantly make changes to this section and if you have an idea of how to make this section better, please let us know!

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Contact Us Or Submit Content

To contact us or to be added to the mailing list, please email us at the following:

  • Questions concerning plot, bio submissions, and other general Herald questions: lasthopelarp@gmail.com. Please include in the subject line your issue in all caps from the following categories: [PLOT], [BIO], [RULES], [PROBLEM], [MISC]

In addition, some players may have questions related to specific Heralds.

A Herald in Last Hope will wear a gold H belt flag, is part of the team that oversees the LARP, is responsible for different areas of the game, is a referee in-game and out-of-game in regards to rules questions and clarifications, and has have authority to makes rulings in regards to issues/concerns/rules arguments based on sound judgement and the betterment of the game.

A Staff Member in Last Hope will wear a small S belt flag, is part of the team that helps coordinate the larp, helps move/setup event set pieces and decorum, helps with registration and paperwork, helps create/edit game content, and monitors immersion and players. Can clarify and help enforce rules and coordinate concerns with a Herald.

A Volunteer is a player in our community that goes above and beyond and is recognized for their efforts. Volunteers are players, not staff members, but have worked on different parts of the game or fulfill different roles to make things better for our community and our game.

Here are the Heralds, Staff, and Volunteers, as well as their areas of concentration:


Joel Robertson

Joel Robertson

Josephine Magee

Josephine Magee

Leticia Alcorta

Leticia Alcorta

Rachel Hannes

Rachel Hannes


Brenna Norton

Brenna Norton

Cheryl Gabel

Cheryl Gabel

Kallie Bain

Kallie Bain

Kollin Bode

Kollin Bode

Nicole Wiswell

Nicole Wiswell

Rodd Wagner

Rodd Wagner

Ty Springer

Ty Springer

Tyler Dubey

Tyler Dubey


Arlene Hepp

Arlene Hepp

Jenn Schneiderman

Jenn Schneiderman

Kelly Peterson

Kelly Peterson

Michael Hannes

Michael Hannes

Winter Edwardson

Winter Edwardson

To submit content to the Last Hope live action role play, please email a description of your content, attach it and send it to the aforementioned email address! Once received, our team of heralds will review and work on your content and reply back to you.

Our Facebook group is very active! We post event information there, as well as chat among ourselves about the game and anything else we like! Request to join here!

We also have a forum, where event info is also posted. We have a buy/trade section, as well as a section where you can comment and vote on new rules as they are developed!

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Welcome to the Last Hope – Live Action Role play Wiki

We are currently building this site, so check back often for new content.
NOTE: Only Heralds and Staff members have accounts and are able to edit the wiki. This is done to ensure quality of content on the wiki and cut down on accidental content changes. All of the pages are, of course, open to read!

Here you will find…
– Information on the characters in the Last Hope – Live Action Role Play.
– Background information on the world of Last Hope and the storyline.
– Summaries after each event detailing what the attending player’s accomplished.

Interested in helping us create content? This wiki features content from players who are creating religions, background stories, and histories to be a part of the world of Last Hope!
Currently, only Heralds and Staff have access to editing the wiki. If you would like to write content for the game world, please let us know!
If you are experiencing problems viewing content, or if you have something you’d like to ask, feel free to contact the Heralds and Staff at lasthopelarp@gmail.com

– The Heralds and Staff of Last Hope LARP