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April 264 – News & Rumors

The colony of Newhope continued to be a flurry of activity as the election for the future leader of the colony took place. Noble estates were host to many colonists coming to cast their vote and Colony Watch guards were everywhere making sure the election remained peaceful. The winner will be chosen amongst members of the Council of Ten and will be released next month in May. Rumors already are spreading as to who will win this monumental election and what agendas they will push for in the future. Nobles continue to gossip about who would be in the running, apparently instigated by some of the Council members themselves.

A large caravan was seen leaving the colony, flying the banners of Baron Richards and Lord Baron Montesque. The recent efforts of the Coalition and reports from some of their representatives have spurred on some of the Council to become more involved in the war. Wagons loaded down with months worth of food and supplies along with two units of veteran soldiers are headed to the Pass of the Great Wolf’s Hackles with the intent of helping bolster defenses there.

News has reached a number of taverns about a good sized fight taking place at Daven’s Reach; Baroness Catherine has hired some Ulven warriors and is making an attempt to take it back from the brigands who seized the property. The makeshift defenses of the Reach have held out, forcing the attackers back by the end of the month. Some worry that news of this reaching the colony could have hurt Baroness Catherine’s clout in the election; her inability to remove a handful of brigands from her merchant outpost a sign of weakness for the potential future colony leader.

Raids and attacks continue to take place all around the continent; Stormjarl continues to press north into some of their lands lost previously to Grimward conquerors, Axhound and Whiteoak continue to conduct raids on each others lands, and Squallborn ships are seen sailing in to reinforce and bolster the blockade between Stormjarl and Nightriver.

News finally reaches the colonies and other Clans; the Western Watchwolves of Luna have surrendered to Clan Grimward. After last month’s devastating blow to the defenses of the settlement and the deaths of hundreds of warriors and villagers, the High Priestess Anjan Ravensmark called for negotiations of surrender. The High Priestess was captured and the bloodied, battered, and proud Watchwolves finally surrendered and gave the settlement to Clan Grimward. Grimward warriors took numerous captives and honor bound them into service, but many Watchwolves were treated fairly and wounded were tended to. Clan Grimward’s lands and territories now include the Western Watchwolves of Luna. Survivors and refugees reach the Eastern Watchwolves of Sol, whose lands are now overflowing with new mouths to feed. Chieftains attempt to work together to maintain order and will try to choose a new Clanleader and High Priestess soon. For now, the Watchwolf Clan is effectively defeated and make it known to all that their priority is now their own people; they remove themselves from the civil war, ending their allegiance with Clan Nightriver.

The territory of Clan Ironmound was host to a feast held this month on neutral ground where representatives of Clan Grimward, Clan Nightriver, and the Coalition were invited to discuss matters of the civil war. A Council of Elders was chosen from some of the advisors to the Clanleader to oversee the feast and gather as much information as they could about both sides. A large number of factions of the Coalition were present, giving Ironmound a chance to have many conversations with them and learn more about the culture and activities of the colony. Wargah Grimward, daughter of Haygreth Grimward, was attending the negotiations in person on behalf of Clan Grimward and their allies. After hours of peaceful talks, the Council of Elders were fractured as they became swept up in the moment of forcing a decision soon in the civil war. After a heated argument, steel was drawn and the Elders were split; the pro-Coalition Elder asking for their potential new allies to stand with them and the pro-Grimward ally agreeing to being recalled away with magic by Wargah before violence could erupt. The Grimward guards remaining were attacked, shattering the neutral ground of the feast, but quickly stopped before any lives were lost. Worried that the several Clan Grimward war packs camped outside the feasting hall would retaliate, the remaining Elders and their followers were escorted by the Coalition to a nearby village. Those present rejoiced in earning such a critical ally in the civil war as the Council of Elders were given full authority by the Clanleader of Ironmound to make decisions on behalf of the Clan … but whispers between the remaining Elders and their worried glances between them prove that their decision may have been made in haste and they fear the consequences. Soon after the activities die down and the Elders reach the main Ironmound settlement, messenger hawks are seen flying from the settlement to numerous clans and colonies to the south. Rumor has it that the Clanleader is unhappy and will be making forceful demands on the Coalition and Nightriver to secure his allegiance in the civil war.

Grimward troops are seen rushing to the Great Wolf’s Hackles, spurred on after the events of the Ironmound feast, and make a concentrated effort on the northern mouth of the Pass. This attack was well planned out and surprising, Grimward’s fresh and well equipped troops hitting the Pass as the defenders stationed there were weakened by months of activity and lack of food. Coalition defenders hold out this month but the fighting is brutal and intense; without future aid Grimward will most likely be able to gain a complete foothold in the Pass.

The representative to Nightriver returned from the dinner with grave news; she fears that the interference of the Coalition on Ironmound’s decision could potentially cost them an ally and rumors spread that Branthur Nightriver’s hand will soon be forced in the involvement of the fighting of the war. With Ironmound wanting for so long to remain neutral, advisors to the Branthur fear that they will make stern demands for immediate support in order to remain an ally. Kragen Bloodmoon, Warleader of Nightriver, mobilizes several war packs and begins marching them to the Pass of the Great Wolf’s Hackles, as messenger hawks are received from Ironmound territory.

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March 264 – News & Rumors

The colony of Newhope has sprung to life this past month: talk of the election to decide upon a single leader has caused a bit of a rift between supporters of Baroness Catherine, who is seen as the more compassionate choice by her supporters, and those of Baron Richards, who see their candidate as a strong-willed leader. The Council is split, as are the people, and it is likely that the happenings of upcoming months could sway votes in one direction or the other.

Clan Nightriver has begun sending out hawks, arriving quickly to the leaders of many of the groups of the Coalition. A dinner is to be held in Ironmound territory, in order to decide once and for all where said clan’s allegiance will lie in this war. Clan Ironmound would be an invaluable ally in the war, as they hold a highly defensible location and have the ability and the knowledge to mine and work the highest quality steel found on Mardrun. Nightriver is seeking attendees who might best represent their interests and hopefully sway the council which governs Ironmound.

Rumors of a small band of Mordok roaming the Great Forest have once again emerged. Some even claim that the dozen or so of the black beasts were able to decimate a Riverhead warpack, although Riverhead refuses to validate this story, or even acknowledge the band’s presence. A Steinjotunn warpack, itching for battle and glory, departs into the Forest to put an end to the rumors one way or another.

Clan Axhound, the most recent ally in the war against Grimward, has reported increased aggression along their northern border with Clan Whiteoak, although they attribute this to the spring thaw. Several reports seemed odd, however, making a point to note that there have been very few sightings of Whiteoak Daughters of Gaia near the battles, even behind the lines.

The Lions of Arnath’s Fist, after abandoning their post in the pass through the Wolf’s Hackles, have decided to once again try their hand at requesting aid. They are in dire need of help to get their keep back into operational condition, be it bodies, supplies, or silver. At the moment, they cannot promise a return on the investment, save the knowledge that Arnath will watch over those who protect his Pride.

News spreads like wildfire throughout the continent: Grimward has taken the Watchwolf Western Settlement. Many defenders fought valiantly, assisted by the honor, supplies, and superior armor of Vandregon, gripping to their weapons until their dying breath, inflicting a significant amount of damage to the Grimward war machine. Others escorted the refugees to safely reach the Eastern settlement. Still more, devoted to their sacred charge, laid down their weapons in order to remain in their homes, now honor-bound to Clan Grimward.

A shadow in the fog has been sighted along the shore of a number of coastal settlements, most notably the Fire Isle of the Phoenix Enclave and Key’s Crossing of the Mardrun Trading Consortium. Too tall and oddly shaped for an Ulven longship, and with all ships belonging to the colonists being accounted for, the ghost ship has many sailors uneasy about taking to the sea this month.

Duke Joakim Ventrini made no effort to hide his trip into Clan Steinjotunn territory this past month, almost seeming to announce his presence. Various sources report various reasons. Some say he needed some fresh air to think about the upcoming election, while others posit that he was an ambassador of good will, attempting to sway the clan into the coalition. While his true intentions may not be known, his whereabouts most certainly were.

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November 265 – News and Rumors

Shattered Spear Daughters have focused their efforts recently on investigating the edge of the Dirge Swamp. What is causing it to expand? What does this mean for the civilized half of the continent? How can it be stopped? So far their research has only produced more questions. They have invited any knowledgeable in the ways of magic to come forth and assist them in their research, impressing upon you all the dangers this could pose to life on Mardrun.

Traders have mentioned the walls of Daven’s Reach, long ago a welcome sight to weary merchants and travelers, have become less welcoming in recent weeks. Though trade continues, it would appear security inside the town has been heightened and the people within the walls seem to be on edge. Though many remain tight-lipped on the matter, a local a few drinks deep has made it known that a pair of murders has taken place within the town. One guard and a blacksmith were slain about a week apart inside the walls, though no connection, motive, or suspects have been named at this time. The guards have taken additional measures to dissuade acts of violence such as these in the future, including limiting visitors to the town.

With the end of harvest season upon us, the crowd outside of Newhope has swelled substantially, leading to growing concerns among the city guard. Lord Baron Richards and Marquess Madeline d’Argent both remain adamant about not involving the Newhope army, fearing the potential rapid escalation of fears and violence that could erupt. They have begun asking for help in keeping the peace outside of their gates, hoping that outside groups can help quell the fears of riot or rebellion. Whether this is through dissuading action through martial presence, appeasement through mercantile donations, supplies to keep the sick fed and sheltered in the coming months, or a friendly or familiar presence to calm the fears of the crowd, Newhope is asking for all the help they can get.

Growing increasingly desperate and frustrated with the lack of a response from the other clans and colonies, Clan Whiteoak continues to call for aid. With the Mordok aggression to the north drawing most of their attention and leading to a great number of casualties in the clan, their enemies to the south, Clan Axhound, has been able to push further than ever into Whiteoak lands, sacking and raiding small villages. Rumors and reports also seem to hint at a shift in power within clan Whiteoak, though neither the cause nor the effects of this supposed shift have come to light.

Though the corruption remains in the foreground of most conversations across Mardrun, a number of colonial nobles have taken to thinking about longer-term goals, encouraged by their colleagues across the colonies. Aides and assistances have dropped casual remarks in conversations about powerful individuals, including members of the former Council of Ten and within New Aldoria, seeking to establish for themselves a legacy to live on beyond their own lives. What these great works would entail has yet to be decided, as has the loyalty and willingness of Mardrun to assist them in their plans, though surely soon enough, ideas will begin to filter out into the public to drum up popular support for these movers and shakers.

One such campaign that has regained momentum following the talks of legacies is Marquess Madeline and her efforts to push through the Dirge Swamp. She has already commended those responsible for the information gained in August, and has held memorial services for those who did not return. Now she has renewed her push to return, this time in the winter. As the ground freezes, once muddy stretches should become firm ground over which carts and wagons can easily be pulled. The Mordok have been known to retreat from civilization during the colder months, and their lack of activity could lead to a safer voyage north. This will, of course, be an extensive undertaking, requiring a great deal of time and resources to pursue, and will likely not be a safe journey regardless of the conditions, as the winter will present an array of new issues to be overcome.

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February 264 – News & Rumors

The first quarter political meetings took place at an estate in the colony of Newhope, as delegates and representatives from all over attended to discuss numerous details. Although talks of security contracts and trade took place, the matter of the civil war was much less of a topic to some of the Council. The colonies and their allies seem content in staying a bit removed from the civil war, which could be seen as a burden to the alliance made with their allies and hosts, Clan Nightriver, but unless the civil war pushes into Nightriver territory then some say the colonies are much less likely to get involved without a unified rally to do so.

A letter read during the recent Newhope Colony political dinner informed the colonies that the Lions of Arnath’s Fist would be leaving the Pass through the Wolf’s Hackles at the end of the month. The lack of supplies and support they received from their allies, in addition to their political support from within Newhope being pulled a matter of months ago led to the decision to return to Starkhaven to harvest food and supplies for the families. They encouraged the coalition to find someone to replace them in the Pass soon, before Grimward takes notice of their absence and overruns the Pass. Talk was made to send support, but it seems to be too little too late to keep the Order involved in the fight any longer.

Banditry has plateaued in the area around Daven’s Reach. Some speculate that this means the bandits in the town have left, while most assume it is because the bandits are settling in and getting comfortable in their new home, which has many nearby civilians concerned. Rumors that Baroness Catherine will be making a push to take the settlement back have emerged, although no troops have been moved as of yet, and it is speculated that she is seeking a contract without outside help to deal with her lost investment.

The colonies and settlements are abuzz with rumors of Baron Richards’ bid for control spreading like wildfire. Word of the other interactions among council members and faction leaders have trickled through as well, though none have struck such a chord as Richards’ proclamation. The city seems to have started dividing itself between the two main contenders for the position of Leader of Newhope: Baron Richards and Baroness Catherine. Arguments have emerged over what Catherine’s appearance at the dinner signifies, either a show of power or a sign of desperation. For now, that is up to speculation.

Clan Ironmound continues to be torn in their decision in the war. Clan Grimward has presented a much stronger case thus far, although their brutality when dealing with neutral clans in the past serves as a detriment to their case. With their hand being forced by the end of the month, Clan Ironmound hopes for assistance in making their decision, and possibly in dealing with the repercussions. Clan Nightriver has been sending representatives (and recently Clan Spiritclaw has as well) to discuss with their leaders, but without some sort of backing or a plan to support Ironmound, should they choose to oppose Grimward, they fear the answer is clear.

The blockade of Clan Stormjarl continues, hindering the movement of supplies and troops in the war. A handful of Viknar longships have taken to the sea in hopes to push through and break the blockade, opening up trade lines by sea again, but no real direct action against either side has yet to take place besides a few smaller skirmishes at sea. For the remainder of the winter, Clan Stormjarl seems to be waiting out the blockade for potential ally support in the Spring. Clan Squallborn has been strangely aloof to any kind of contact with the other Clans, but it is suspected that sailing that many ships in the winter must be a major drain to their supplies.

Clan Watchwolf begins to evacuate civilians from their border villages after much persuasion from neighboring clans and allies, but pressure from their own leadership and ambassadors urges them to stay and maintain their sacred charge. Their warriors, stalwart in defense of this purpose, are preparing for a bloody stand against the Grimward war machine. Clan Shattered Spear and Clan Nightriver have expressed concern about this situation and attempt to urge the Watchwolf Clan leaders to see reason and coordinate a mass exodus of its people to their Eastern settlement. Several Coalition units and allies traveling near their settlement report a dire situation, as food is running out and most of the settlement is being forced into war parties.

Mordok activity in numerous territories continue to be reported as rumors of still odd happenings going on in the Great Forest along with other sightings. A large group of mordok emerged from the Dirge recently and struck the nearby village of Onsallas before being repelled and disappearing into the swamp. This amount of aggression and coordination is uncommon for the dead of winter.

Numerous clans seem to be amidst an escalation in arming warriors, more training, and coordination of supply lines all across the continent. Clan Whiteoak and Clan Axhound seem poised to strike at each other come the spring thaw, and Clan Stormjarl has made their intent known to retaliate again against their Grimward conquerors and break the Clan Squallborn blockade separating them from their allies. Clan Nightriver has secured allies to defend their waters and control the Pass. Clan Grimward’s mobilization of a large army to be unleashed on the remaining Watchwolf defenders looms in the near future. With the spring comes the impending threat and promise of battle all across Mardrun.

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October 265 – News and Rumors

Unease across Newhope continues to spread as the crowd outside the gates grows by the day: refugees seeking a cure for the corruption have begun to stymie travel in and out of the city, a fact which greatly displeases the healthy merchants within its walls. Though research has continued in recent months, a truly safe cure has yet to be found, still threatening a life-altering injury. Whispers begin to circulate that there is no safer way to be discovered, though Celestial Arragones and her scholars insist that there is another breakthrough out there. One claim they cannot deny, however, is that the supply of Saint’s Grace and Sun’s Kiss, each critical in the cleansing ritual, is far too small to help the crowd outside. Many fear that decisions will soon need to be made, fearing the loss of life or limb to the corruption. The city guard seems to have its hands full hoping to quell protests before they gain too much traction, though Marquess Madeline d’Argent has been hesitant to involve the Newhope military for fear of rapid and violent escalation of the situation. With the harvest season soon coming to an end and many returning from their fields for the winter, though, it remains to be seen how much the crowd will swell, and how dire the need for extra hands will become in Newhope.

As the weeks pass, calls for aid from Clan Whiteoak continue to increase in frequency and desperation. By their accounts, they may soon be facing a truly dire situation at the hands of not only the Mordok, but by Clan Axhound as well. The smaller clan has taken advantage of the distraction from the Mordok to resume raiding border settlements once again, drawing the ire of many larger clans across Mardrun, though no direct action at this point. The promise of compensation for warriors and supplies has been repeated yet again, hoping to appeal to the greed of Mardrun, as their appeal to compassion has yielded few results.

What began as a simple protest by a disgruntled Ulven has grown and twisted itself into the beginnings of a rebellion. Holmar Bloodmoon’s issues with Branthur Nightriver have fallen on many ears, and more and more have granted those words a great deal of weight. It would appear that Holmar has already met with a handful of chieftains from Clan Goldenfield and sown the seeds of discontent among the longstanding ally of Clan Nightriver. Though the Clan has not officially thrown their lot in with either side of the discussion, the rising tensions between the two groups could very well encourage those invested in the outcome to join in the discussion.

While defending their homes from the Mordok in the area, a number of Shattered Spear hunters have returned with worrying reports that confirm the dire news brought forth a number of months ago: The Dirge Swamp is expanding. Though still hardly noticeable, maps of the area indeed show that what was once unclaimed land or farming plots has descended into rot and ruin, and a family has reported lost their home as a result. Shattered Spear and Grimward Daughters of Gaia have announced that they will be cooperating to combat this infection from spreading further, though they invite any who may have knowledge or a desire to assist to come forward and join them.

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January 264 – News & Rumors

It is now January in the year 264.

Winter sets in heavily across the land, the more mild December leading into a snowy and cold January. Progress on constructions and travel across the continent slows down considerably as settlements and travelers are content with staying put for the winter.

New Aldoria has quieted down, its people focusing on their homes and very little reaches the taverns about rumors of what is going on. It is expected that Prince Aylin has ambitious plans for the spring, but very little is known.

The Colony of Newhope, on the other hand, has been alive with activity. The upcoming political and receiving meeting is the talk of the colony, where nobles and organizations will compete for favor or influence on the Council’s decisions in the coming year. Rumors talk of concern rising over several resources being stolen or destroyed in the colony, but the ruling Council members have made no official statement or shown major concern over them. Additional guards and Watch members have been seen guarding food stores, and the colony is otherwise quiet. Reports of increased banditry still a problem, as the roads between colonies have become more and more dangerous.

Merchants arrived recently after traveling hard through the snow to get to the colony. They have reported that a large group of well armed and equipped bandits have taken over Daven’s Reach. After commerce slowed down and a number of the merchants and settlers there moved away over the last year, the Reach was commonly used as a resting point for Clan Nightriver war packs patrolling the border of the Yurnai River. The bandits, supposedly waiting until a moment when no Ulven warriors were there, stormed the reach and captured it. The merchants said that nobody was killed and only a handful of people hurt, but that this group moved dozens of people into the Reach to make it their new home. It is suspected that Baroness Katherine, who has a heavy financial investment in Daven’s Reach, will be addressing concerns of this during the upcoming meeting.

A traveling Ulven made note that the Order Lions, the men in armor in The Pass, made comments they overhead about abandoning the pass in the spring. It was said that they looked underfed and worn down, the winter being harsh on them as they are isolated in the pass. Rumor also says that the nearby Coywolf village has been giving them food, which could be dangerous to them if discovered by Grimward. Pack Coywolf has long since claimed neutrality in the Ulven Civil War, but has been aiding the Lions and further rumors have been heard that the Coywolves have helped the Coalition in controlling The Pass.

Clan Nightriver continues to weather the cold winter but has been busy sending ambassadors to numerous Clans to establish alliances and discuss terms for the coming year. Little else is known, other than merchants seeing their representatives on the road and staying in taverns.

The northern and southern fronts of Clan Grimward are eerily quiet. A flurry of activity, troop movements, and supply wagons moving north has quieted down with the coming of the snow. It is suspected that Clan Grimward has been preparing troops and is waiting out the winter to begin a large raid on Watchwolf territory. The aggression between Grimward and Stormjarl to the south has calmed completely, as the battered Stormjarl clan focuses on surviving the winter. Hawks arrive to the colony once again, stating that Stormjarl is still willing to pay for mercenaries and fighting forces willing to come help them retake their people’s lands.

The fighting between Whiteoak and Axhound has completely died off at the onset of winter and the remaining colonies have been fairly quiet. Rumors abound about how Clan Ironmound has been a flurry of political activity, as representatives and ambassadors from numerous Clans attempt to persuade them to join either side or remain neutral. Their neighbor, the Watchwolf Clan, continues to plead for help from their allies and neighbors should Grimward attack in the spring. Rumors from merchants say that the settlement is in dire need of food and supplies, and that feeding their people and any allies throughout the winter will be a challenge.

Mordok activity has quieted all across Mardrun, which is common in the onset of winter. Disconcerting reports of Mordok activity in the Great Forest remain, but Clan Spiritclaw and Clan Riverhead continue to seek out more information of what is happening.

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September 265 – News and Rumors

Once again the calls for help from Clan Whiteoak make their rounds, their words echoing the desperate nature of their current situation. They plead for any help able to be given, be it food and supplies, tradesmen to keep their villages running, or healers and smiths to make sure their warriors stay alive. Warriors are in especially high demand, and Clanleader Lamont Whiteoak has begun offering generous compensation to any who choose to lend their aid, though specifics have not been given at this time. A number of other clanleaders, particularly those who allied with Clan Nightriver in the civil war, remember the treachery and dishonest ways of Clan Whiteoak during the early years of the war and are hesitant to involve themselves to any substantial degree. Some chieftains have also remarked that patience may be necessary to measure the true strength and skill of the Mordok, as they have never before been known to push this aggressively against a single clan. Though the call to arms put forth by Clan Whiteoak has still largely gone unanswered, many have been shocked by the response from Clan Axhound: in this time of most desperate need, Clan Axhound has sent their warriors deeper into Whiteoak territory, continuing their raids against their greatest rival. Other groups have been heard planning to join Clan Whiteoak, whether it be for the promise of payment or in the hope of saving a clan from what might be total destruction if these attacks persist.

Chieftain Holmar Bloodmoon, in his venture to shake Clan Nightriver’s faith in their Clanleader over the treatment of his cousin and former Warleader of the clan, has been gaining a noticeable following around Mardrun. Much of his rhetoric has been to discredit Branthur as a weak leader and a coward, too afraid to stand up to the enemies he had bested. Though much of Clan Nightriver has still chosen to follow the current Clanleader, Holmar has been steadily gaining the support of a number of chieftains across Nightriver’s substantial territory. The banners of Pack Bloodmoon are rumored to have been spotted in nearby clans, as well, most noticeably in the lands of Clan Axhound, Goldenfield, and Stormjarl. The Axhound chieftains seem to support his more aggressive stance on a number of issues, though some are accusing them of merely joining in hopes of using the might of Nightriver to finally crush their hated neighbors, Clan Whiteoak. Chieftains of Goldenfield have taken a liking to Holmar’s denunciation of Branthur’s tactics for handling the revelation of Undead on Mardrun, as they would have preferred to see a more unified, heavy-handed approach towards wiping out the abominations and those who harbor them. Many Stormjarls are still harboring resentment for Branthur’s decrees regarding the reparations they felt they deserved. All in all, these meetings could put Clan Nightriver in a tenuous position, both politically and martially. Branthur has stood his ground thus far, however, defending his actions and decisions as having saved countless lives in the process.

Newhope has continued with their push for more research into a cure for the corruption sweeping across Mardrun, hoping to develop a safer version of the current ritual. That being said, they have managed to stockpile a number of reagents used in the ritual and have begun to use them to cure the afflicted. The process is slow-going as the ritual takes time and the logistics of a venture of this scale are complicated to say the least. Bureaucracy and politics have bogged down the process further, and has begun to cause a deep panic to set in among the common people waiting to be healed. With the harvest season in full swing, farmers grow anxious and angry that their fields remain unattended while they stand in line for a cure. Grumblings have broken out and small fights have erupted at times, though the city watch has been able to handle such incidents quickly and peacefully. Still, with the winter fast approaching and the crowd outside of Newhope not dwindling fast enough, many families could be forced to endure a dangerous winter alone.

As the Trial in Starkhaven continues to drag on, many are beginning to wonder about what is going on inside the keep. The Hand of Arnath himself has recently issued a formal statement to the people of Mardrun, hoping to reassure them that everything is under control. In the statement, he cites the substantial charges against those involved and the grave sentences they may carry, insisting that the Order is committed to dealing justice to the guilty while sparing the innocent. This has led to a much more thorough process than may have otherwise been used, and many are starting to whisper that perhaps a number of the men and women on trial are intentionally dragging the process out to delay their own sentencing. One way or another, the issue will supposedly be put to rest very soon.

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August 265 – News and Rumors

As the recent trial following the Inquisition of Fire commences in Starkhaven, rumors spread like wildfire among those unable to be in attendance. Some say the accused have already been executed, and the entire trial was a cover. Others imply that the citizens of Serai were themselves undead and were smitten upon entering the keep. Still more would have you believe that constant fights have broken out, leading to the delay in proceedings. Without attending in person, none can know for sure if any of these are true or not, though one thing is for certain: the outcome of the trial will be the news of the year.

As battered and broken warriors pull themselves from the grips of the swamp and the combined efforts of the militaries of Mardrun return from their campaigns of distraction, Marquess Madeline d’Argent Proudly proclaims to the world that the expedition, despite a number of unfortunate losses, was a rousing success. The Blackwing outpost was reportedly discovered and cleansed of the corruption believed to have driven out the original inhabitants and the Mordok were kept at bay long enough for a sizable group to break through into the swamp and determine that such a foothold could be taken and maintained with proper planning. Much was learned about the swamp and how to navigate its perils, allowing for easier movement in the future should more expeditions such as this be funded. More than that, however, she claims the venture was a political victory the likes of which have not been seen since the treaty was signed to end the civil war, bringing together clans, colonists, and individuals to prove that together, even the swamp cannot stand against us. Amidst this joyful celebration, however, lie the disgruntled murmurings of Haygreth Grimward. Pack Blackwing still retains a place of honor among Clan Grimward, and many still bear the name. The Clanleader has made it known that the outpost is still considered Grimward territory, and is insulted that such an expedition would be mounted without Grimward support.

In more news from Newhope, the Lord Baron Richards has proudly and officially announced that they are in possession of a cure for the corruption and are working tirelessly to refine it to make it more efficient and safer. This has led to a great migration into the colony as the corrupted all hope to be cleansed before they lose their lives. Many are beginning to panic about this recent development, however, noting that the number of sick inside the city could bring catastrophic consequences, and should the demand for a cure outpace the supply, desperate people will resort to desperate measures, possibly leading to unrest, protests, and even riots. The Newhope Guard has been mobilized to help combat these threats, though their numbers may not be enough if the tide of corrupted is not stemmed soon.

On a quieter front, little news has come out of the settlement of Daven’s Reach as of recently. While reports of banditry still permeate the surrounding countryside, their frequency has dropped to levels similar to the larger colonies, and most of the correspondence from them seems to be encouraging willing investors to send food or trade to the town in hopes of spurring their economy before the winter falls.

Painfully remembering the treatment of his cousin Kragen, the Chieftain Holmar Bloodmoon has begun to organize a rebellion within Clan Nightriver, shaking the largest clan to its core. While many, including much of the colonist population, laud Branthur for the diplomatic steps taken to end the war and ensure such atrocities do not happen again, others have branded him a coward who is now bending his knee to the demands of a defeated enemy. They feel he is showing weakness and are rallying behind Holmar. Though his following is small at the present, those in his movement are fervent in their cause and could prove to be a symptom of a much larger issue.

For months Clan Whiteoak has asked for help, for warriors or supplies to help them push back against the constant Mordok raids and festering corruption in their lands. Whether due to their past dishonorable actions or the active campaigning of Clan Axhound to keep aid from their ancestral foe, other clans seem hesitant to commit any support to Clan Whiteoak. The clan is beginning to grow ever more desperate, realizing that soon enough, something will have to give.

Hoping that their cries will not fall on deaf ears just as those of their Whiteoak neighbors, Clan Riverhead has once again taken to public forums to denounce Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria for their conquest of Squallborn lands. They have applied what political pressure they can to those groups hoping to encourage them to give back the lands they took, while simultaneously pushing Clan Squallborn to sign the Nightriver treaty and preserve the lands they were able to keep. No word from either side of the conflict has been forthcoming regarding these demands.

As if the constant threat of Mordok hadn’t been enough already, the combined Shattered Spear and Grimward patrols have reported yet another disturbing development in the Mordok tactics recently. While in-fighting has always been commonplace among the Mordok, it often worked to the benefit of the Ulven, reducing the overall effectiveness of their opponents through disorganization and damage sustained from these skirmishes. If recent reports are to be believed, this has undergone a dramatic change in the last few weeks: the losers of these battles are now seeming to fall in line behind the victors, rather than returning to the swamp as they had before. Not only does this result in a larger force, but in a more organized group led by a single Alpha or Shaman, rather than several smaller, disjointed groups vying for control. How this will play out in recent months has yet to be seen, but it cannot be a good sign.

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July 265 – News and Rumors

Continuing the rebuilding efforts following the war, Clan Grimward has sought to consolidate their gains. Conquered Watchwolf and Stormjarl settlements are converted into outposts and those fields are tended by honor-bound laborers. Although they have been disturbingly quiet on the world stage as of late, Clan Grimward does make sure to weigh in on the Undead scandal: they will be watching, and if it is not handled to their satisfaction, they will hold Clan Nightriver collectively responsible.

Hoping to end this conflict quickly and effectively, Clan Nightriver has opened their lands to the jurisdiction of the Order of Arnath’s Fist, who had confirmed the presence of Undead in Serai. With this concession came two publicly stated stipulations, however: the first is that Clan Nightriver be made a part of the judgment of the accused, and the second being that the information uncovered also be shared with Clan Grimward, hoping to ease tensions between the clans through transparency. Many watch with bated breath as the investigation commences, with eyes fixed on the Order and on Branthur Nightriver himself; whispers hint that a number of his senior chieftains are displeased with his some of his actions and vision of the future of Clan Nightriver, and some speculate that if the trial goes poorly, it could be the catalyst of a greater schism within Clan Nightriver.

As the world seems mired in chaos, spurred by the Mordok corruption and the heavy-handed response of Clan Axhound, the military maneuvering of Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria, and the revelation of more Undead on Mardrun, Lord Baron Richards eagerly announces that the Colony of Newhope has found a cure to the corruption and that great progress has been made towards developing even better versions it. Fueled by the research of the scholars of Newhope, a number of reagents have been discovered that seem to actively fight the corruption and allow it to be removed from the body in a less-than-lethal manner. Word is sent immediately to the Clans and settlements and people rejoice, painting the leadership of Newhope as heroes in this dark hour. The research is far from complete, however, and a truly safe method of cleansing is desired. The push for such a method will be, by his own words, led by the Lord Baron himself, aided by the substantial library of Celestial Arragones. Rumors float around about the validity of the Lord Baron’s claims, as it was known that adventurers and members of various groups had been working on a cure or its research… the claim to have worked on and found the cure seemingly bold by the Lord Baron.

Such a glimmer of hope for a cure has inspired the nobles of Newhope to shift their focuses from petty squabbles and daily duties to instead grant their full support to the Order of Arnath’s Fist in resolving their Inquisition. As a result, the Order has been given full jurisdiction in regards to the Inquisition within the territory of Newhope, and Lictor Mary cul Tricuspis has been seen working closely with the Order to establish bounties on those summoned to trial but who refuse to attend.

Spurred by the backing of both Newhope and Clan Nightriver, the Order of Arnath’s Fist has been able to expand their investigation substantially. Those who surrendered themselves into custody have been treated surprisingly well considering the charges levied against them, though they are kept under close guard and watched heavily. The Order’s First Eagle has been coordinating with Lictor Mary cul Tricuspis to post bounties on those wanted individuals who have thus far evaded capture. Either in response to accusations and rumors or a planned response from the beginning, the Hand of Arnath has given an official statement: the Order intends to hold a Free People’s trial and invite Clans and other Colonies to assist with the passing of judgment, but will carry out the sentences to see this through. The chance to stand as jury to this trial and be involved will most likely not be missed by those able to participate.

To the east, Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria work actively to establish themselves in their new territories. The western half, controlled by Clan Stormjarl, has been dubbed the “Stormborn Settlement”, taken by many to be a jab at the Squallborn who were forced out. The eastern half, under New Aldorian control, has named their territory “Aylin’s Reach”, a tribute to their reigning monarch. While both settlements are inundated with plans for construction and consolidation of their new lands, both Prince Aylin and the Chieftain Fulkha Stormtooth were seen in attendance on the Fire Isle to celebrate and deal together.

In the north, Clan Grimward finds many eyes turned their way, both good and bad. Their recent aid to Clan Shattered Spear has been taken as an attempt to foster the once strong bond of brotherhood between clans, while others see it as an opportunity for Grimward to gain a powerful ally in the future, should Haygreth seek to renew his assault on Mardrun. Whatever their motives, however, Clan Shattered Spear has repeatedly expressed their gratitude for the assistance.

In a somewhat surprising move, the Chieftain in charge of the remaining western Watchwolf settlement has sworn fealty to Clan Grimward after seeing their honorable actions following the war and taking into account the exceptional treatment of the conquered Watchwolves. This has caused a great deal of anger from the eastern Watchwolves, who have begun to sever all ties to their former brothers and referring to themselves simply as the Watchwolf Clan. This month officially marks the dissolution of the Watchwolves of Luna, the western settlement of the clan.

Clan Whiteoak has come forward very vocally calling for assistance against the Mordok. The continued assault on their settlements has taken a heavy toll, and many residents cannot see an end in sight. Without aid from their former ally Clan Grimward, Clan Whiteoak is hoping to muster what help they can from other clans or factions. Few of these groups have come forward quickly, however, far too vividly remembering the dishonorable actions of Clan Whiteoak over the years.

As the Mordok threat continues to apply pressure to the northern clans, a number of Chieftains have begun pushing for a meeting of the clans to discuss this threat. They say it is clear these Mordok, with their tactics favoring cunning over brutality, are different than the ancestral foe they have fought all throughout history. Dissidents argue that the threat may be greater than normal, but not worth calling the Clanleaders together to deal with as a whole. Others are unwilling to so readily forgive their many battle scars and work with those against whom they so recently fought. If such a meeting is to take place, it is likely that it will either take a great deal of time or will result in greater conflict among some clans, neither of which are ideal outcomes. On the 60th anniversary of the Grand Alliance forming in Faedrun against the undead and penitent plague, a similar challenge appears to be influencing the political structure of Mardrun as well.

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June 265 – News and Rumors

Though progress has been relatively slow since the end of the war, construction of a number of defensive structures in the Pass through the Great Wolf’s Hackles is nearing completion. Lack of supplies, animosity between workers on both sides, and the new spreading corruption have caused their fair share of delays, but overall the project has been hailed as a triumph by bringing together workers from Clans Nightriver, Grimward, and Ironmound. Others, however, have pointed to the possibility of a rekindling of the inferno of war, which may only be exacerbated by structures such as these offering substantial strategic value so near an enemy’s border. Whispers have even begun to circulate, pointing at the profit made by this construction that has lined the coffers of Clan Ironmound, inquiring whether more sinister, or at least selfish, motives are to blame.

Continuing to ride the fervor and fear spread by the Mordok, Marquess Madeline d’Argent again issues a call for supplies to be procured for an expedition into the Dirge Swamp. This first venture, set to depart in August, will be a preliminary journey north, hoping to establish a forward base in the Dirge to facilitate further endeavors. Resources of all kinds are requested, and it is expected that the Marquess will release a more formal announcement soon to expand on some of these details.

On the other end of Mardrun, word begins to trickle south that the so called “Inquisition of Fire”, accompanying an investigative force dispatched by the Orders of Arnath’s Fist and Light, has broken out into combat with the citizens of Serai, with a number of non-combatants fleeing from reported Mordok attacks on the settlement as well. Following a report from the Order of Arnath’s Fist, warriors from Pack Goldenfield have mobilized and will seek to reinforce those currently fighting for the settlement, destroy all that remains of the undead, and drive the Mordok back.

As the Mordok continue to press southward, the brunt of the fighting has taken a heavy toll on Clans Whiteoak and Shattered Spear. With reinforcements from Clan Grimward, Shattered Spear has weathered the attacks fairly well, though Whiteoak defenses are beginning to crumble in the face of constant bombardment. Colborn Whiteoak, Warleader of the clan, has issued a call to Mardrun, asking for assistance in this struggle before his clan can no longer maintain their lines.

Cries of outrage and sorrow echo across Mardrun as word of the quarantined Axhound village spread. Seeing no other option to halt the spread of the corruption, Warleader Hoskul Axhound made the difficult choice to treat the village like a gangrenous limb and remove it, by sword and flame. Over one hundred people were killed in the incident. Other clans have decried the actions as barbaric, though Clan Axhound has stood by their decision, adding that those who chose to die with honor were given a warrior’s death. A number of clans, Axhound included, have planned vigils to be held for the many souls lost that fateful day.

Amidst this darkness, however, hope shines. Clan Spiritclaw has come forward with a great deal of progress in the fight against the corruption, putting forth the ritual they have recently discovered. While entirely successful at cleansing the target of corruption, Clan Spiritclaw still urges caution when performing this ritual. The brutality inflicted upon the subject to purge the sickness is astounding, taking the lives of most who seek this treatment. The Colony of Newhope has countered this announcement, however, by making a proclamation of their own: their clerics and healers have discovered a ritual that also works to remove the corruption from one’s body, though no deaths have been reported to this method. The truth to these claims and the conditions they contain have not been fully investigated, however a number of individuals have come forward claiming to be rid of corruption.