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August 265 – News and Rumors

As the recent trial following the Inquisition of Fire commences in Starkhaven, rumors spread like wildfire among those unable to be in attendance. Some say the accused have already been executed, and the entire trial was a cover. Others imply that the citizens of Serai were themselves undead and were smitten upon entering the keep. Still more would have you believe that constant fights have broken out, leading to the delay in proceedings. Without attending in person, none can know for sure if any of these are true or not, though one thing is for certain: the outcome of the trial will be the news of the year.

As battered and broken warriors pull themselves from the grips of the swamp and the combined efforts of the militaries of Mardrun return from their campaigns of distraction, Marquess Madeline d’Argent Proudly proclaims to the world that the expedition, despite a number of unfortunate losses, was a rousing success. The Blackwing outpost was reportedly discovered and cleansed of the corruption believed to have driven out the original inhabitants and the Mordok were kept at bay long enough for a sizable group to break through into the swamp and determine that such a foothold could be taken and maintained with proper planning. Much was learned about the swamp and how to navigate its perils, allowing for easier movement in the future should more expeditions such as this be funded. More than that, however, she claims the venture was a political victory the likes of which have not been seen since the treaty was signed to end the civil war, bringing together clans, colonists, and individuals to prove that together, even the swamp cannot stand against us. Amidst this joyful celebration, however, lie the disgruntled murmurings of Haygreth Grimward. Pack Blackwing still retains a place of honor among Clan Grimward, and many still bear the name. The Clanleader has made it known that the outpost is still considered Grimward territory, and is insulted that such an expedition would be mounted without Grimward support.

In more news from Newhope, the Lord Baron Richards has proudly and officially announced that they are in possession of a cure for the corruption and are working tirelessly to refine it to make it more efficient and safer. This has led to a great migration into the colony as the corrupted all hope to be cleansed before they lose their lives. Many are beginning to panic about this recent development, however, noting that the number of sick inside the city could bring catastrophic consequences, and should the demand for a cure outpace the supply, desperate people will resort to desperate measures, possibly leading to unrest, protests, and even riots. The Newhope Guard has been mobilized to help combat these threats, though their numbers may not be enough if the tide of corrupted is not stemmed soon.

On a quieter front, little news has come out of the settlement of Daven’s Reach as of recently. While reports of banditry still permeate the surrounding countryside, their frequency has dropped to levels similar to the larger colonies, and most of the correspondence from them seems to be encouraging willing investors to send food or trade to the town in hopes of spurring their economy before the winter falls.

Painfully remembering the treatment of his cousin Kragen, the Chieftain Holmar Bloodmoon has begun to organize a rebellion within Clan Nightriver, shaking the largest clan to its core. While many, including much of the colonist population, laud Branthur for the diplomatic steps taken to end the war and ensure such atrocities do not happen again, others have branded him a coward who is now bending his knee to the demands of a defeated enemy. They feel he is showing weakness and are rallying behind Holmar. Though his following is small at the present, those in his movement are fervent in their cause and could prove to be a symptom of a much larger issue.

For months Clan Whiteoak has asked for help, for warriors or supplies to help them push back against the constant Mordok raids and festering corruption in their lands. Whether due to their past dishonorable actions or the active campaigning of Clan Axhound to keep aid from their ancestral foe, other clans seem hesitant to commit any support to Clan Whiteoak. The clan is beginning to grow ever more desperate, realizing that soon enough, something will have to give.

Hoping that their cries will not fall on deaf ears just as those of their Whiteoak neighbors, Clan Riverhead has once again taken to public forums to denounce Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria for their conquest of Squallborn lands. They have applied what political pressure they can to those groups hoping to encourage them to give back the lands they took, while simultaneously pushing Clan Squallborn to sign the Nightriver treaty and preserve the lands they were able to keep. No word from either side of the conflict has been forthcoming regarding these demands.

As if the constant threat of Mordok hadn’t been enough already, the combined Shattered Spear and Grimward patrols have reported yet another disturbing development in the Mordok tactics recently. While in-fighting has always been commonplace among the Mordok, it often worked to the benefit of the Ulven, reducing the overall effectiveness of their opponents through disorganization and damage sustained from these skirmishes. If recent reports are to be believed, this has undergone a dramatic change in the last few weeks: the losers of these battles are now seeming to fall in line behind the victors, rather than returning to the swamp as they had before. Not only does this result in a larger force, but in a more organized group led by a single Alpha or Shaman, rather than several smaller, disjointed groups vying for control. How this will play out in recent months has yet to be seen, but it cannot be a good sign.

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July 265 – News and Rumors

Continuing the rebuilding efforts following the war, Clan Grimward has sought to consolidate their gains. Conquered Watchwolf and Stormjarl settlements are converted into outposts and those fields are tended by honor-bound laborers. Although they have been disturbingly quiet on the world stage as of late, Clan Grimward does make sure to weigh in on the Undead scandal: they will be watching, and if it is not handled to their satisfaction, they will hold Clan Nightriver collectively responsible.

Hoping to end this conflict quickly and effectively, Clan Nightriver has opened their lands to the jurisdiction of the Order of Arnath’s Fist, who had confirmed the presence of Undead in Serai. With this concession came two publicly stated stipulations, however: the first is that Clan Nightriver be made a part of the judgment of the accused, and the second being that the information uncovered also be shared with Clan Grimward, hoping to ease tensions between the clans through transparency. Many watch with bated breath as the investigation commences, with eyes fixed on the Order and on Branthur Nightriver himself; whispers hint that a number of his senior chieftains are displeased with his some of his actions and vision of the future of Clan Nightriver, and some speculate that if the trial goes poorly, it could be the catalyst of a greater schism within Clan Nightriver.

As the world seems mired in chaos, spurred by the Mordok corruption and the heavy-handed response of Clan Axhound, the military maneuvering of Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria, and the revelation of more Undead on Mardrun, Lord Baron Richards eagerly announces that the Colony of Newhope has found a cure to the corruption and that great progress has been made towards developing even better versions it. Fueled by the research of the scholars of Newhope, a number of reagents have been discovered that seem to actively fight the corruption and allow it to be removed from the body in a less-than-lethal manner. Word is sent immediately to the Clans and settlements and people rejoice, painting the leadership of Newhope as heroes in this dark hour. The research is far from complete, however, and a truly safe method of cleansing is desired. The push for such a method will be, by his own words, led by the Lord Baron himself, aided by the substantial library of Celestial Arragones. Rumors float around about the validity of the Lord Baron’s claims, as it was known that adventurers and members of various groups had been working on a cure or its research… the claim to have worked on and found the cure seemingly bold by the Lord Baron.

Such a glimmer of hope for a cure has inspired the nobles of Newhope to shift their focuses from petty squabbles and daily duties to instead grant their full support to the Order of Arnath’s Fist in resolving their Inquisition. As a result, the Order has been given full jurisdiction in regards to the Inquisition within the territory of Newhope, and Lictor Mary cul Tricuspis has been seen working closely with the Order to establish bounties on those summoned to trial but who refuse to attend.

Spurred by the backing of both Newhope and Clan Nightriver, the Order of Arnath’s Fist has been able to expand their investigation substantially. Those who surrendered themselves into custody have been treated surprisingly well considering the charges levied against them, though they are kept under close guard and watched heavily. The Order’s First Eagle has been coordinating with Lictor Mary cul Tricuspis to post bounties on those wanted individuals who have thus far evaded capture. Either in response to accusations and rumors or a planned response from the beginning, the Hand of Arnath has given an official statement: the Order intends to hold a Free People’s trial and invite Clans and other Colonies to assist with the passing of judgment, but will carry out the sentences to see this through. The chance to stand as jury to this trial and be involved will most likely not be missed by those able to participate.

To the east, Clan Stormjarl and New Aldoria work actively to establish themselves in their new territories. The western half, controlled by Clan Stormjarl, has been dubbed the “Stormborn Settlement”, taken by many to be a jab at the Squallborn who were forced out. The eastern half, under New Aldorian control, has named their territory “Aylin’s Reach”, a tribute to their reigning monarch. While both settlements are inundated with plans for construction and consolidation of their new lands, both Prince Aylin and the Chieftain Fulkha Stormtooth were seen in attendance on the Fire Isle to celebrate and deal together.

In the north, Clan Grimward finds many eyes turned their way, both good and bad. Their recent aid to Clan Shattered Spear has been taken as an attempt to foster the once strong bond of brotherhood between clans, while others see it as an opportunity for Grimward to gain a powerful ally in the future, should Haygreth seek to renew his assault on Mardrun. Whatever their motives, however, Clan Shattered Spear has repeatedly expressed their gratitude for the assistance.

In a somewhat surprising move, the Chieftain in charge of the remaining western Watchwolf settlement has sworn fealty to Clan Grimward after seeing their honorable actions following the war and taking into account the exceptional treatment of the conquered Watchwolves. This has caused a great deal of anger from the eastern Watchwolves, who have begun to sever all ties to their former brothers and referring to themselves simply as the Watchwolf Clan. This month officially marks the dissolution of the Watchwolves of Luna, the western settlement of the clan.

Clan Whiteoak has come forward very vocally calling for assistance against the Mordok. The continued assault on their settlements has taken a heavy toll, and many residents cannot see an end in sight. Without aid from their former ally Clan Grimward, Clan Whiteoak is hoping to muster what help they can from other clans or factions. Few of these groups have come forward quickly, however, far too vividly remembering the dishonorable actions of Clan Whiteoak over the years.

As the Mordok threat continues to apply pressure to the northern clans, a number of Chieftains have begun pushing for a meeting of the clans to discuss this threat. They say it is clear these Mordok, with their tactics favoring cunning over brutality, are different than the ancestral foe they have fought all throughout history. Dissidents argue that the threat may be greater than normal, but not worth calling the Clanleaders together to deal with as a whole. Others are unwilling to so readily forgive their many battle scars and work with those against whom they so recently fought. If such a meeting is to take place, it is likely that it will either take a great deal of time or will result in greater conflict among some clans, neither of which are ideal outcomes. On the 60th anniversary of the Grand Alliance forming in Faedrun against the undead and penitent plague, a similar challenge appears to be influencing the political structure of Mardrun as well.

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June 265 – News and Rumors

Though progress has been relatively slow since the end of the war, construction of a number of defensive structures in the Pass through the Great Wolf’s Hackles is nearing completion. Lack of supplies, animosity between workers on both sides, and the new spreading corruption have caused their fair share of delays, but overall the project has been hailed as a triumph by bringing together workers from Clans Nightriver, Grimward, and Ironmound. Others, however, have pointed to the possibility of a rekindling of the inferno of war, which may only be exacerbated by structures such as these offering substantial strategic value so near an enemy’s border. Whispers have even begun to circulate, pointing at the profit made by this construction that has lined the coffers of Clan Ironmound, inquiring whether more sinister, or at least selfish, motives are to blame.

Continuing to ride the fervor and fear spread by the Mordok, Marquess Madeline d’Argent again issues a call for supplies to be procured for an expedition into the Dirge Swamp. This first venture, set to depart in August, will be a preliminary journey north, hoping to establish a forward base in the Dirge to facilitate further endeavors. Resources of all kinds are requested, and it is expected that the Marquess will release a more formal announcement soon to expand on some of these details.

On the other end of Mardrun, word begins to trickle south that the so called “Inquisition of Fire”, accompanying an investigative force dispatched by the Orders of Arnath’s Fist and Light, has broken out into combat with the citizens of Serai, with a number of non-combatants fleeing from reported Mordok attacks on the settlement as well. Following a report from the Order of Arnath’s Fist, warriors from Pack Goldenfield have mobilized and will seek to reinforce those currently fighting for the settlement, destroy all that remains of the undead, and drive the Mordok back.

As the Mordok continue to press southward, the brunt of the fighting has taken a heavy toll on Clans Whiteoak and Shattered Spear. With reinforcements from Clan Grimward, Shattered Spear has weathered the attacks fairly well, though Whiteoak defenses are beginning to crumble in the face of constant bombardment. Colborn Whiteoak, Warleader of the clan, has issued a call to Mardrun, asking for assistance in this struggle before his clan can no longer maintain their lines.

Cries of outrage and sorrow echo across Mardrun as word of the quarantined Axhound village spread. Seeing no other option to halt the spread of the corruption, Warleader Hoskul Axhound made the difficult choice to treat the village like a gangrenous limb and remove it, by sword and flame. Over one hundred people were killed in the incident. Other clans have decried the actions as barbaric, though Clan Axhound has stood by their decision, adding that those who chose to die with honor were given a warrior’s death. A number of clans, Axhound included, have planned vigils to be held for the many souls lost that fateful day.

Amidst this darkness, however, hope shines. Clan Spiritclaw has come forward with a great deal of progress in the fight against the corruption, putting forth the ritual they have recently discovered. While entirely successful at cleansing the target of corruption, Clan Spiritclaw still urges caution when performing this ritual. The brutality inflicted upon the subject to purge the sickness is astounding, taking the lives of most who seek this treatment. The Colony of Newhope has countered this announcement, however, by making a proclamation of their own: their clerics and healers have discovered a ritual that also works to remove the corruption from one’s body, though no deaths have been reported to this method. The truth to these claims and the conditions they contain have not been fully investigated, however a number of individuals have come forward claiming to be rid of corruption.

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May 265 – News and Rumors

A great deal of progress has been made over the last few weeks in regards to research on the corruption. Word has spread that an individual was actually cleansed of the corruption, and by a small child, no less, though many in the colony of Newhope have publicly denounced these rumors as a tall tale or even a hoax intended to give false hope where results are needed. Along similar lines, a handful of additional deaths have been reported from the quarantined village in Axhound territory. The bodies are burned quickly, as the corruption reportedly decays the corpse rapidly. Deep within the Great Forest, a bittersweet moment struck Clan Spiritclaw as one of their Daughters of Gaia managed to eradicate one of the more stubborn corruption sites, though reports say that she gave her life in doing so. Clan Spiritclaw has confirmed these reports and commended the Daughter for her selflessness, though they urge others to use this method only as a last resort.

To the East, a great number of ships and caravans have been seen in the lands once held by Clan Squallborn, now in the hands of New Aldoria and Clan Stormjarl. These shipments bear the unmistakable resources needed to begin construction of settlements, revealing what may well be Prince Aylin’s true motivation for the raids. This move has been met by strong political opposition, particularly from Clans Nightriver and Riverhead who have both denounced the move as dishonorable and disgraceful. Despite their vocal support of Clan Squallborn, Clan Grimward has remained fairly silent on the matter.

If the Mordok weren’t bad enough, rumors of Undead to the north in the settlement of Serai have circulated around the continent for the past few weeks, fueled by the pained memory of the famous betrayal by the May’Kar Dominion. Their presence has yet to be confirmed; the same can be said for outside assistance that Serai might have received in producing these abominations, should they exist. A number of fingers have been pointed at the Archons, considering a number of factors, including their association with Bos Mezar in the past, the Achmage’s history with the Undead, and the Spire’s affinity for magic. The Order of Arnath’s Fist, hoping to either confirm or refute these rumors, has dispatched a detachment of Lions to Serai in order to investigate. Fearful of a new plague on top of the Mordok activity recently, Clan Goldenfield has also expressed a deep concern over the possible reemergence of the Undead. The normally docile clan has pledged two warpacks, a substantial promise considering the small size of their military, to put down the undead should the rumors prove to be true.

Clan Ironmound has extended the offer to interested craftsmen and healers around Mardrun. The corruption has hit them hard, physically and economically, causing many of their forges to be shut down as smiths and their families succumb to the illness. Offering apprenticeships and contracts in exchange for service, Clan Ironmound hopes to find volunteers to keep their anvils ringing, or healers to help treat their smiths and warriors that they might do so themselves.

Word of mouth around the colony of Newhope would have listeners believe that an old form of entertainment is returning, though far from the glory of the old days. Small arenas devoted to blood sport, funded and supported by a number of nobles have been quickly erected for as many stated purposes. Duke Ventrini hopes to foster a stronger bond with the Ulven people, mimicking their honor duels in bouts of skill, reminding observers of a simpler time when combat was a noble pursuit, rather than a despicable fight for survival against monsters from the swamp. Dominet Martingale has likewise constructed an arena, though it is no doubt simply to entertain the guests at his many lavish galas with entertainment a little more exciting than music and wine. Lictor Mary cul Tricuspis has taken a radically different approach, driving disputes between unruly guards and civilians into something more brutal and allowing the public to bear witness in hopes to promote discipline among her ranks and complacency among the populace, lest they be the next one in the pits. Other nobles, most notably the Lord and Lady Al-Azarma, Baroness Catherine, and Lord Baron Richards himself have denounced the practice as barbaric and divisive at this critical juncture, though they cannot deny the silver that it brings to the colony.

Combined warpacks from Clans Shattered Spear and Grimward hold their line in the north, joined by Clan Whiteoak to the east, though their efforts have not halted the Mordok advance. Though the resources to do so would be comically considerable, the idea has been pitched on more than one occasion to simply erect a wall between the southern clans and the Dirge Swamp, hoping to deter the Mordok with less of an active presence.

Marquess Madeline d’Argent has issued a call for resources to be pledged for a full expedition into the Dirge Swamp. Previous ventures into the swamp, she claims, failed not due to a lack of determination or purpose, but a lack of supplies, of equipment, and most of all, a lack of manpower. At this time, any and all donations, including but not limited to supplies, silver, military, and economic units are being accepted for the expedition, which will depart with haste when sufficient resources are collected.

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April 265 – News and Rumors

Across the continent, rumors and tales of this persistent new corruption still abound. Two groups in particular seem to be wholly dedicated to fighting the affliction, though for very different reasons: Clan Spiritclaw has long been devoted to rooting out corruption in all its forms, and their experience and ritualistic knowledge has proved instrumental in staving off the corruption. On the other side of the Great Wolf’s Hackles, Starkhaven has begun calling very vocally for aid in researching a more rudimentary cause for this corruption. After observing it for the last few weeks, seeing its persistence and disease-like behavior, the Order has posited that the corruption is Undead in nature, not of the Mordok. Several Griffins believe the Red-Eyed Syndar’s claims of creating the plague are a desperate grab for attention and a way to instill fear into the hearts of the continent.

One group that has been notably silent in the corruption research has been the colony of Newhope. While the idea of opening the gates of the colony to corrupted individuals as a sanctuary has seeped into many taverns across the continent, very little has been put forth by the colony to aid in the research of the corrupted.

A handful of deaths have been reported due to the corruption, with many stemming from Axhound territory. Representatives from the clan have tried to calm rising fears by explaining that the situation is unfortunate and they are contributing what they can to the corruption research in order to save as many lives as they can, but the majority of their resources are going towards keeping the healthy residents in good condition. In such circumstances, the corrupted are left without sufficient supplies so that their brothers and sisters can live on.

Similarly, the first confirmed case of corruption was seen among the workers in the Pass through the Great Wolf’s Hackles. Without proper healers on hand to help fight the sickness, the workers saw fit to take matters into their own hands. The corrupted individual was ceremonially put down and his body burned in a small ceremony honoring his sacrifice to prevent the spread of the corruption.

According to recent reports, the fighting in Squallborn territory has begun to lose momentum after an explosive first assault. Stormjarl and New Aldorian ships, accompanied by their allies, have landed on the southern tip of Squallborn lands and pushed their way north, suspected to have taken between a third to a half of Squallborn territory in their wake. As the clan rallies to defend its remaining borders, the advance of the New Aldorian and Stormjarl forces is slowed, though much of the damage has already been done.

In other news, to the surprise of many from in and around Newhope, Baroness Catherine has issued a public apology and statement, declaring her intent to allow Daven’s Reach to continue to operate. After her fervent attempts to retake the trade hub that was at one point under her control, the move seems sudden, though many assume it was either the heavy hand of Lord Baron Richards or the new threat of the Mordok that finally cooled her anger.

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March 265 – News and Rumors

The sudden reemergence of Mordok activity near the Great Forest has long heralded the coming of spring to the Ulven people, a sign that the air has begun to warm itself as the snow begins to recede. Warpacks are traditionally organized to help patrol major routes between settlements, armed and ready for combat against their ancestral foe. Their presence alone is often enough to deter all but the most zealous of the beasts, who instead choose to pick off the occasional lone hunter or wandering merchant. The battered bodies, shredded armor, and gruesome tales told by an increasing number of warriors from Clans Shattered Spear and Ironmound, however, paint a different picture, one of organized attacks on heavily armed warpacks, far from the normal character of the Mordok. Numerous versions of each story have sprung into existence over the past few weeks, each more fantastical than the last. Local chieftains have done their best to dispel or silence these accounts, touting them as the fanciful tales spun by wound-weary minds, though the seeds of fear have been sewn.

Word of the new corruption and highly-coordinated Mordok attacks have spread throughout the continent, stirring up fears among many and a sense of duty in others. These alarming new developments have many eyes turned to the larger clans, who are scrambling to calm the rising concerns and contain the threat. Others have taken a more desperate stance on the matter, allowing their fear to guide their actions. Production in some areas of Clan Ironmound has slowed to a trickle as workers either fall to the Mordok or leave their posts to return home and protect their families. Many in Clan Riverhead have taken to blaming the corruption on Clan Ironmound, believing it to be divine retribution from Gaia for their generations of desecration through their mines and profiteering. Clan Axhound, on the other hand, has taken perhaps the most drastic action: an entire village has been evacuated and refilled by those afflicted with corruption, tended to by woefully understaffed healers and herbalists. Warpacks patrol this village, claiming to be watching for Mordok to protect the inhabitants, although many have started to whisper that the warriors are there instead to enforce the quarantine through any means necessary.

Reports from numerous Truthseekers of Clan Spiritclaw have emerged, detailing the eruption of a number of new corruption sites inside the Great Forest. They are calling for action and allies, doing their best to keep this vile plague at bay, but know that their efforts could very well be quickly overwhelmed if there is not a concentrated effort to eradicate these hubs of corruption.

Trouble begins to brew in Nightriver territory as protests break out in a handful of small settlements. Though they have yet to devolve into full riots, the honor-bound Whiteoak and Grimward populations are demanding action after a disproportionate number of their groups seem to be disappearing in these Mordok raids. Branthur has reassured them that once the threat is subdued and the resources are available, he will fund an investigation into the matter, but many feel he is trying to cover something up, spreading stories of the strange movement of the Mordok attacking their villages; they show an intelligence, posture, and coordination out of character with their usual nature during these nighttime raids.

Amidst this chaos, Marquess Madeline d’Argent of Newhope has revealed that she is in the process of planning an expedition into the Dirge Swamp, possibly to take place sometime this year. She has made it clear that the trips made in the past, while vital for research and historical purposes, were woefully underfunded, understaffed, and under-equipped. In the coming months she has invited factions and individuals interested in pursuing this lead to donate their time, silver, supplies, and voice to the expedition, hoping to push through the swamp for the first time in recorded history.

Despite the turmoil facing the rest of the continent, Prince Aylin has continued to instead push for more allies to commit to his contract, though the details of which have remained elusive at best. His secrecy and timing in this matter have drawn the ire and the denunciation of Lord Baron Richards, who has criticized the prince for being opportunistic and selfish in the face of the hardships facing the continent, requiring unification on all sides, rather than political maneuvering. References to Aylin’s father have been made, as well as connections drawn to The Fall of Faedrun, much to the infuriation of the Prince and his subjects. Still, he has remained silent about the details of the contract, simply noting the wealth and glory that will come to those who sign on. He has shown no signs of going back on his word to reveal the contract at the beginning of April.

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February 265 – News and Rumors

As reparations begin to filter through to smaller settlements around the continent, with them comes either praise or criticism for Branthur Nightriver and his handling of the situation. Many of the smaller clans, such as Steinjottun and Goldenfield, have been very vocal about their support of the treaty, eager to see an end to the fighting. The reparations doled out to their citizens reinforce these thoughts, rewarding and recompensing them for resources and lives lost in the war. Rebuilding projects begin in full nearly as soon as the supplies arrive, with the looming threat of Grimward conquest all but extinguished by the decisive treaty championed by Branthur. The more neutral Clans of Riverhead and Spiritclaw have yet to sign the treaty but have not voiced that they will not do so; it is unknown what their decision will be.

Others are far less pleased with the treaty, and no less vocal about their opinions. Although the representative of Axhound agreed to the treaty and their Clan will do well with the reparations given to them, the treaty does in fact mean that they lose some of their land to Clan Whiteoak. This aspect has not been seen favorably by some of the Axhound Chieftains and rumor has it that their Clanleader is having a hard time keeping them in check. Clan Stormjarl has continued their tirade against the document they feel has taken too much from them. New Aldoria, expressing their solidarity with this hard-won ally, has also refused to sign the treaty. Word has begun to circulate of these groups being refused their reparations for their defiance. While such an action could lead to a schism that costs Clan Nightriver two of their most substantial allies in the future, only time will tell what the full consequences of the treaty will be and if further meetings and negotiations will help between the leaders of the various Clans.

Clan Ironmound had been a temperamental ally during the war, and their sentiment seems to remain split in times of peace. Many see the aid given by the Coalition as a sign of a change in heart by the colonists. Together they stood and held back the tide of Grimward and Whiteoak warriors and brought the fighting on Mardrun to an end. Others, however, recall the announcement that their clan had joined the Coalition in a whirlwind of political faux pas and a great deal of misunderstandings, rather than remaining neutral in the war as they had originally hoped. Regardless of their feelings towards the Coalition and Clan Grimward, there are few in Clan Ironmound not excited to see the influx of supplies from the reparations. They are calling for allies to join them in rebuilding their homes and defenses as a way to prove to the unconvinced that the alliance they so hastily joined was more than a knee-jerk reaction to Grimward aggression, even if rumors abound about Ironmound already working deals with Clans involved in both sides of the war.

On the other side of the war, all is not well among the alliance responsible for much of the aggression. While Clans Grimward and Whiteoak had been present at the drafting of the treaty and made a show of signing it to end the fighting and conserve that which they had taken thus far, their smaller ally, Clan Squallborn, has also publicly denounced the document. Their small size and isolated location hampered their ability to take new territory during the attacks, and the reparations demanded by the treaty would affect them proportionately harder than either Clan Grimward or Whiteoak. Feeling the treaty unfairly targeted them, rather than the driving force behind the war, Clan Squallborn has refused to sign.

With much of their territory now owned by Clan Grimward, Clan Watchwolf’s people are now openly divided about their future. The eastern Watchwolves are still upset of the conquest and want their people back and the western Watchwolves have seemed to embraced their conquerors, faring better now than they have in a long time. This detail alone has caused more than a few people to wonder if Grimward’s conquest was actually so focused on bloodshed and slaughter, which is what it was so vividly painted as to many people.

Hushed talk among patrons at local taverns detail an incident that took place last month between various factions/adventurers and some soldiers from Daven’s Reach. Rumors vary quite a bit as to exactly what happened, but word has it that Percival, the current leader of Daven’s Reach, has decided not to retaliate against anyone over this incident and has instead punished or banished those responsible. The combined efforts of several different groups appears to have swayed his decision to shape up some of his unruly men, a small victory for those involved in the incident, and a solid step towards the Reach being viewed as a legitimate settlement.

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January 265 – News and Rumors

To usher in the new year, the colony of Newhope has opened their doors to Clan Nightriver and members of the Coalition. Representatives will venture into the Raven’s District of the city in the month of February to make their case before a Clan Nightriver representative to receive their share of reparations from Clan Grimward. The possibility of many movers and shakers present will be substantial, giving those also in attendance a chance to rub elbows with people they may otherwise never meet. There is also rumor that leaders and members of the current “Coalition” will be meeting to discuss the future of this group.

Clan Stormjarl has been adamantly vocal about their attitude toward this treaty, decrying it as dishonorable and insulting. Clanleader Graytir Stormjarl, much to the ire of Branthur, has sent out letters inviting members of the Coalition to stand with him in defying the document, retaking their homelands and seeking vengeance on Clan Grimward for the war crimes they committed. It seems that Clan Stormjarl has no intention to back down from the injustice they were dealt by Clan Grimward and rumors spread about mercenaries and warriors finding work in the future with the Clan.

Not to be outdone, Prince Aylin of New Aldoria has also dispatched a number of hawks bearing a much more cryptic message. Any who are interested in his employment are invited to contact him via hawk or courier before the spring to discuss terms, though he has made no real indication of his intentions at this point. Talk runs wild with speculation… is New Aldoria invading the colony of Newhope? Is there a new construction project planned? Is New Aldoria sending troops to fight somewhere? Are the Marines of New Aldoria leading a voyage back to Faedrun? Nobody seems to know for certain at this time.

Rumors have filtered through taverns and street corners of a dispute beginning to boil over between Baroness Catherine and the Marquess Madeline d’Argent. The recent surge of activity from Daven’s Reach has prompted the Baroness to once again push to retake the trade hub once in her possession. The Marquess, though her influence has been reduced following the election of Lord Baron Richards, still holds a great deal of power over the Newhope military, but refuses to devote the troops to such a personal campaign. The Lord Baron Richards seems to have no priority placed on retaking Daven’s Reach; some view this as a further insult to the Lord Baron’s previously biggest rival.

Worry seems to grip a number of merchants that travel freely through the territories of Mardrun. The recent civil war forced numerous clans and colonies to use up a lot of supplies and food or focus attention away from the farms and fields during prime harvest time. Reports of settlements faring poorly and scraping by or not having the coin and trade they used to seems commonplace in the trading posts and markets around the continent. Clan Nightriver is even rumored to be on the verge of a food crisis; the recent arrival of honor bound villagers and warriors as payment from Clan Grimward further putting a strain on already taxed food stores. While the fight is over, the residual consequences of the costs of this civil war appear to be gripping numerous colonies and Clans.

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July 266 – News and Rumors

While the southern end of Mardrun enjoyed a rather quiet month with little going on of note, the northern end of the continent was filled with activity and most of it revolving around the Mordok. With Clan Riverhead territory now fully occupied by Mordok forces, many clans have started to stockpile resources, train warriors and units, and seek to guidance from the Daughters on what they should do next. Many are told to prepare, others are told to try and change the tide, others even recommend taking the fight to the Mordok. But one thing is certain, the Ulven in the northern clans are working overtime to prepare for both winter and the oncoming storm they fear, or even desire.

At the market fair, Wargah Grimward, daughter of the Clanleader of Clan Grimward came to seek the reason as to why the honorbound citizens to Clan Nightriver have been disappearing. If her claims are to be believed, this action has continued for some time and Grimward’s efforts to locate them have gone unanswered and unaided. She wasn’t the only representative seen in Nightriver territory or in the colonies. Representatives were seen entering Clan Nightriver lands with grim looks upon their faces, and asking all those they came across for information relating to this issue. There were few who could give answers, and even more who didn’t know that the honor bound Ulven have been missing.

On a related note, it seems that Holmar Bloodmoon has gained a substantial following of supporters from both within Clan Nightriver and those from outside. Holmar was seen welcoming the Grimward representatives into his home, offering them whatever aid he could provide to help them find their missing clan members. Some are saying this was a bold move for Holmar, who is not a Clan Leader, but also see it as taking initiative on an issue that been seemingly pushed aside by Branthur Nightriver since it was brought to his attention.

Word from Clan Ironmound is that of industry and war, for the entire clan is now preparing for what seems to be the end of days. Smithies work around the clock, mines are working in overtime to provide ore, trainers are working tirelessly to train new and old warriors alike. To top all of this, Gustav Ironmound gave a speech to his pack leaders. He asked they work together, fight smart, and seek and spread the word that the clans need to unite now more than ever, or the Mordok will win in whatever sick plan they have schemed for the Ulven people.

Doom and gloom are not the only feelings to be found in the northern side of Mardrun though. Aylin’s Reach had a sudden increase of colonist’s coming from the main colony in New Aldoria. With the sudden burst of citizens, many are wondering what is going on to cause it. Some say the Prince secretly started a campaign to migrate all his citizens to the newly acquired land. Others suggest that maybe New Hope is taxing the citizens of New Aldoria colony too much. Whatever the reason may be, the expansion of Aylin’s Reach settlement seems to be booming with activity and expansion.

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June 266 – News and Rumors

Clan Riverhead has finally fallen to the endless waves of Mordok invaders and the result sends shock waves throughout communities. Many Clans who have been so quiet now start to fear for their livelihoods and wonder “Are we next?” Many clans in the north seem to be sharing these exact same thoughts as they begin to change pace and directions almost all at once due to the fall of Clan Riverhead.

Clan Stormjarl was noted to have increased their labors to shore up and build on their new settlements around Aylin’s Reach. The lands on the Isle of Fire works harder at gathering food and stores for a possible oncoming storm, Clan Stormjarl lands to the south prepare and make plans on how to help their lands in Aylin’s Reach, and Aylin’s Reach lands build with fervor. Many are working longer and harder days, and even nights, to secure themselves for a possible attack from either Clan Squalborn or the new threat in the Great Forest.

Clan Axehound, long time bitter rivals of Clan Whiteoak, have been seen pulling back their forces from raiding. It seems to be part of multiple reasons, such as Clan Nightriver applying political pressure on the small northern clan to lay off attacking, but the largest reason seems to be the fact that Clan Axehound is now the smallest clan on Mardrun. It also is located next to the now largest threat on the continent, The Great Forest, a place now overflowing with Mordok. Pack Leaders from the clan begin to take action to weather the inevitable wave of Mordok, while Daughters of Gaia work diligently to seek guidance from Gaia and the Great Wolf on what to do next for their clan.

Due to the retreat of Clan Axehound forces and the Mordok focusing on claiming Clan Riverhead, Clan Whiteoak gains a momentary reprieve. Many packs hold almost endless funeral pyres across the lands, speckling the landscape with fires for their beloved, their brave, and their fallen. Along with their morning, the clan also works diligently to recover precious resources that were spent in the defense of their lands on two fronts. Labor Caste, Smithing Caste, Hunter Caste members are worked to the bone to try and meet the demands set by their leaders.

While the Mordok ravaged Riverhead lands, there were those who stepped up to accept the incoming refugees. Clan Shattered Spear and Clan Goldenfield were some of the main clans that stepped up in helping these folks find a new foothold in their devastated life, along with sending aid to the Clan in its time of need. While many from Clan Riverhead are thankful their host’s hospitality and attention to helping their people find a new life, however it is rare that they show it. Due to their lives in almost near isolation, Clan Riverhead refugees seem to be clumping together and are socially awkward in their new homes, often forming small camps and villages near areas of water a little bit away from their hosts settlements.

As the invasion comes to an end, Mordok activity seems to take a brief pause from the usual aggressive stance. They seem to be keen on defending the lands they have gained, yet do not pursue invaders and attackers unless necessary. While many are thankful for this brief moment, many are wondering what they are doing in the areas Mordok have claimed as their own.

The colonies have been somewhat uneventful this month, mostly focusing on recovering costs and refilling their coffers from the Great Works, which is needed in order to continue. During this time, many in the Council of Ten spend their now available free time chasing their own ambitions once more. However, the destruction of an entire clan has some nobility worried that the Mordok threat could be a real one, while many others feel that this will fade with the coming of winter as per the usual. What is for sure, is that the colonies of New Hope seem to feel that the events that have transpired in the northern areas of the continent seem to be far off and remote.