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July 24th, 2011 – Last Hope Premier

July 24th – Last Hope Premier
After scheduled trade caravans were delayed and eventually never arrived to the colony of New Hope, a party of adventurer’s were gathered and sent out to investigate the fort of Daven’s Reach.
Upon their arrival, a group of mercenaries impeded their progress and told them they were not to enter the fort. A small skirmish broke out and the mercenaries retreated out of the area.
When the adventurer’s went into the fort, they had discovered that the place was completely vacant. Supplies had been ransacked and there seemed to be nothing of value left. Upon further inspection, they found mutilated body parts and blood around the fort and traces of evidence as to what had happened. They found a clues that something wasnt quite right.
After the fort was cleaned up, the next trade caravan arrived and the fort was back up and running. Some tradesmen in town began to set up shops and hire adventurers to find supplies in the nearby woods. At this time, the Mordok began to hunt in the area and several fights broke out between the adventurer’s and the Mordok.
A group set out to track down the Mordok in the area and investigated a nearby shanty town, apparently abandoned by the miners who used to work the nearby mine head. They came across a Mordok shrine in a building that held a clay idol, which was taken by the group back to the fort. The Mordok ambushed the group and a skirmish took place in the shanty town.
The Mordok pursued the adventurer’s back into the fort and attacked the gates, attempting to find a way in. The defenders of the fort kept them at bay, just barely, and the Mordok wave was repelled.

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September 26-28, 2014

After setting up a full garrison in a nearby keep, the 5th Regiment of Vandregon’s northern army began establishing a more permanent supply line to support the war. The nearby village was recently overrun by penitent and the underground mines ceased operation. A message was received from a nearby village about a unit of Vandregon soldiers who discovered something of high importance. Upon arriving, the 5th had to retake the village after they discovered that the penitent had captured it and killed the Vandregon unit stationed there. A mysterious necklace was found which began to influence some of the soldiers in strange ways. With good steel critical to the war effort, a small team of Vandregon soldiers went into the mines to investigate. Only a few survived an encounter with the undead and the mines remained closed.

Scouts reported that some of the undead leaders had followed them to the keep and, with the help of several MayKar clerics and Lions of Arnath’s Fist, were able to hold back the undead and force a retreat on the penitent.

Soon it was discovered that the necklace that was found was a powerful item containing dark magic, the MayKar clerics decided to destroy it using a ritual of magic. Attempting the ritual would draw the undead in the area to the garrison. The Army of the 5th held their line and kept the undead back while the MayKar completed their work. Many brave soldiers died in the fight against the powerful undead but the 5th Regiment was able to drive them back.

Now with the war dragging on for another year, getting the mining operation back up and running and maintaining supplies will be critical for the war efforts of the northern army. Secrets remained locked inside of tomes and artifacts found over the course of the war…

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September 13-15, 2013


The town of Barnmuth has fallen to the undead plague. Although the soldiers of the 5th Vandregon stood against terrible odds, the commander has given the order to retreat. Harrassed by penitent, the 5th has moved Northwest and setup a new base in a nobleman’s estate. The 5th has garrisoned the keep and is resupplying the troops in an attempt to link back up with allies. Runners have been sent with messages to try to reach the main army to the South but will not return for quite some time. As squads of soldiers link up with the 5th’s commander and fill into the ranks of the Vandregon Army stationed at the keep, the penitent continue to advance into the area.
With the help of the May’Kar clerics and a Paladin’s holy focus idol, the 5th recently destroyed a gravestone and forced the undead in the area to retreat. With the penitent in pursuit, the commander knows that the undead will bring their terrible weapons and magic to the fight soon. A message from Vandregon allies stationed in a town nearby have hinted at an important finding, one that could help fight back against the undead.
The 5th Regiment stands their ground and prepares the battle line to stop the penitent advance and search for clues on how to combat the undead army.
With full scale war erupting across the continent of Faedrun, will the members of the 5th Regiment be able to hold out as the undead plague continues to grow? Will they be able to fight back and discover clues to mysteries that may help them win the war?

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Event Summaries

Here you will find a summary of the overall storyline of each Last Hope Event. There will be a lot of information that is not covered… players are encouraged to ask for more details while in character.



The year 260

The year 261

The year 262

The year 263

The year 264

The Year 265

The Year 266

The Year 267

The Year 268

The Year 269

The Year 270

The Year 271

The Year 272

The Year 273

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December 263 – News & Rumors

New Aldoria has been the talk of the town for several months now, their actions deemed good or bad depending on your source. Soldiers wearing the blue and green of New Aldoria’s army were recently seen eradicating the settlement of New Oarsmeet, despite calls for aid from the residents therein. A large number of refugees have flooded the city, although they seem to be well stocked and prepared for winter, even in the face of this drastic population increase. Prince Aylin, as always, remains calm and collected in his public outings, appearing as confident and calculating to his supporters, while those who dislike him see him as aloof and pompous in his dealings with the populace. Whether this confidence stems from his recent actions or those to come is impossible to say.

The colony of Newhope, at least on the surface, seems to be less prepared for the refugees they have taken in. Food, while available, is short in many less affluent sections of the city. Dominet Martingale, a sitting member on the Council of Ten, drew the ire of many citizens during his annual celebration of the new year, a party oozing with opulence and seen by many as a waste of resources, though far from out of character with his past actions. Questions about the colony’s safety have arisen as the guard has noted a small increase in violent crimes, including the murder of a well known shipwright employed to help construct a navy for the city. Though details are limited regarding the crime, rumors abound, and have interfered with the local investigation.

Clan Watchwolf once again pleads for aid from their allies, hoping to prepare for another push from Grimward in the spring. The letters remind the coalition of their long relationship with the Watchwolves, and mention a lack of supplies from the Eastern settlement which were supposed to arrive earlier this month. Reports say that Clan Grimward has moved a large amount of food and supplies to their northern villages and that a large number of warriors are currently waiting out the winter in those same villages. While scared reports of hunters and farmers overestimate it to being thousands of warriors, realistic numbers put them possibly at being several hundred strong.
The clan knows that, should Grimward push before the Watchwolves are reinforced, they will almost surely be devastated in the battle. Concern from the Clan Nightriver war pack currently stationed in Watchwolf territory is that they are running out of food and that they currently show no intention of abandoning their settlement due to their intense pride in maintaining the clan’s sacred spiritual charge.

Hawks arrive to all of the Clans and the human settlement; Laifnar Icefury has been named the new Clanleader of Clan Shattered Spear. With his title comes a more progressive look at the future, solidifying Clan Shattered Spear’s alliance with Clan Nightriver and the Coalition.

The warriors of Stormjarl, after a successful initial push, were unable to make any more significant progress into Grimward territory due to a lack of supplies and reinforcements. They continue to offer payment in exchange for warriors willing to assist them or even defend their homes. The few letters that have gotten through also request aid in the form of reopening supply lines, either by land or by sea, as Grimward controls many of the roads leading into Stormjarl territory, and the Squallborn blockade, while not completely effective as Stormjarl ships respond aggressively, has slowed the supply of food and troops by sea to a trickle. Their plan to push back against Grimward to give themselves a buffer zone to defend should their enemy press them again was not as successful as they had hoped, and a solid effort by Grimward will seriously endanger the lives of many Stormjarl citizens. Continued fortification of settlement defenses continues, but slows down with the onset of winter.

A letter arrives to many key figures among the colonists and their supporters: Clan Ironmound finds itself in a position akin to Stormjarl’s last year. Clan Grimward is on their doorstep, demanding they choose a side in the war. After witnessing the near destruction of the much larger Clan Stormjarl, the Ironmound letter explains that the clan, while they would prefer to remain neutral, will do what it must to ensure the survival of its people. This will likely mean siding with Clan Grimward unless they receive sufficient help to defend their homeland.

Clan Nightriver focuses on their borders and settling in for the winter, but has been attempting to negotiate with the Colonists for plans in the spring. The Warleader has been training troops and the Stormjarl refugees given homes in numerous villages and settlements, but it is obvious that Grimward’s conquest will begin again in the spring. Nightriver says they have sent some representatives to Clan Ironmound, but a hawk was sent back after they found out Clan Grimward reps were there as well. No violence has erupted, but it seems both sides are attempting to sway Ironmound… with Grimward definitely in the lead.

The eastern conflict between Whiteoak and Axhound has seemed to slow down considerably with the onset of winter. Axhound, rich from spoils raided from numerous villages and now the conqueror of one of the southern settlements, has funneled these supplies back to Axhound territory. Clan Whiteoak warriors seem to have returned home from the larger conflict out west, which could mean they intend to retaliate heavily against their hated neighbor. Nearby, the other Clans such as Steinjottun and Goldenfield, prepare for winter after sending their aid and supplies to the war effort earlier in the fall.

Rumors spread about the Mordok presence in the Great Forest being much worse than initially feared, as survivors of Mordok attacks return to their settlements. Some allied Ulven from several packs return home, saying that the Mordok were led by a group of humans. Although this is cast aside as nonsense, this does follow a number of reports of the colonists meddling with the Mordok and their corruption in the Dirge Swamp. If more information regarding this reached the neutral Clans, proof of the colonists becoming involved in and even joining the side of the Mordok could sway heavily on the decision to join Clan Nightriver and the colonists.

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December 264 – News & Rumors

Talk of the peace treaty signed this month is on the lips of nearly everyone on Mardrun, some praising it for bringing an end to the war, others arguing that it will simply lead to additional conflicts. Both are correct, in a sense: While the treaty did bring about peace between Clans Nightriver and Grimward and will result in the termination of additional combat between the two largest armies, already Clans Stormjarl and Squallborn have voiced their anger with the treaty. Feeling left out and betrayed by those they once considered allies, Clan Stormjarl specifically has announced that they will not sign this treaty if it remains as it is currently written. They have once again put out the call for allies to stand with them, to help them reclaim their lands stolen by Clan Grimward despite the treaty. A cry of outrage from numerous diplomats and representatives has been voiced as well as the legitimacy of such a meeting to finalize a treaty and who actually had authority to speak on behalf of whom is still lacking definitive detail, and threats of increased diplomatic presence by various groups seems to be on the horizon. Whether this agreement and the document written will continue to deescalate the ulven civil war or plunge some Clans further into conflict is still unknown.

Still, there is much cause for celebration as the Grimward war machine has ground to a halt due to the valiant actions of Clan Nightriver and the Coalition. As an honor debt for this massive conflict is agreed upon and paid in both materials and honor bound working hands, reparations will be arriving soon to be distributed as Branthur sees fit. Cases could be made for some of the smaller settlements to earn a piece of that deal, though the final decision lies with the Clanleader alone. Rumors are already stirring that the smaller Clans will be vying for material wealth for their contributions to the civil war. Pressure on Clan Nightriver from numerous angles will most likely force Branthur’s hand into being overly generous with payments of restitution to his allies but only time will tell.

The human colonies have generally been very receptive to this new treaty, eager for the chance to build, trade, and expand without the threat of Grimward aggression. Plans are already in motion for the construction of additional outposts and trade roads, and modest celebrations have been held in a number of venues to rejoice at the end to more major bloodshed. Some are wary of the repercussions such a treaty will undoubtedly carry and take Stormjarl’s threats of rebellion against the treaty very seriously, but for the most part, the mood is jovial and light. News continues to spread about a potential large scale contract with New Aldoria beginning in the spring, but the details of the contract still remain a mystery.

For the past several months, many have noted and reported the suspicious movements of the Mordok, many of which had been heading north with alarming focus. This month, however, the news turned more ominous: no movement had been mentioned at all. Optimists are hopeful that it is simply because of the winter and possible coming storms. Others are less than convinced, believing it to be a sign that the Mordok are themselves the coming storm. For now, though, only time will tell what the creatures will bring with them, if and when they return.

As political turmoil begins to swell on Mardrun in place of bloody combat, citizens and leaders alike are looking for any way to keep spirits high and dissention low. This month may well prove to be just what is needed: The Great Wolf’s Hunt is rapidly approaching, a holiday during which no Ulven hunt, saving that honor instead for the Great Wolf. In addition, word has begun to spread that a week prior to that, a celebration will be held in honor of Halvar Steinjottun, Clanleader of Steinjottun. The Clanleader, eagerly anticipating his 50th year, has organized a Stag Hunt on the night of his birthday, with the hunter or warrior tasked with bringing down the beast rewarded with a seat of honor at the feast of the Great Wolf’s Hunt.

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November 263 – News & Rumors

A large supply of pineed sap was delivered to the Watchwolves in a combined effort from the Mardrun Trading Consortium and Pack Longfang. A number of the Daughters of Gaia and the veteran soldiers are grateful to have such a large stockpile to help with the sick and wounded. Although morale increases in the western settlement, fear still grips the Watchwolf villagers as their need for supplies to help them through the winter and troops to guard their borders is still obvious. That and combined with continued reports of Grimward hunters being seen just outside the settlements and farms has the Watchwolves on edge. Rumors continue to spread about the Watchwolves pulling out of the war or leaving their lands, both having no base for truth at the moment.
Stormjarl continues to send letters and offer a handsome reward of coin, supplies, or other things needed in exchange for warriors to join their cause. News of this spreads like wildfire in the colony, as professional mercenaries talk over games of dice in taverns and pack their bags and head for the Stormjarl port. The lightly defended villages near the Stormjarl front line are attacked in full force by Stormjarl warriors and some of their allies, forcing Grimward to stubbornly defend or quickly abandon these locations. News of the counter offensive has yet to reach most of the colonies, but it is clear the Clan Stormjarl intends to fight for its land and has the coin to pay for help.
The ships on the horizon finally make themselves known and fly the colors of Clan Squallborn. Small ships, sleek and lean, combined with longships with hardened crews and veteran warriors are seen in the waters around Clan Stormjarl. Merchant ships returning to the colony talk of these Squallborn ships blocking and even openly attacking any ships in the area. Unless confronted in earnest, Clan Squallborn could effectively blockade Clan Stormjarl lands from getting help from Clan Nightriver and the colonies.
Stories of glory and bravado trickle in from the area near the southern border of Clan Whiteoak. Clan Axhound has led a series of daring raids on settlements and outposts along its border, routing several Whiteoak war packs and taking over some villages. Critical outposts further into Whiteoak territory were also struck by Coalition allies. If the success of the initial raids continues, Clan Whiteoak could be facing major losses to their supplies, warriors, and territories.
A large shipment of grain and food, bounties from the final harvest in Clan Goldenfield arrived in Nightriver territory recently. The wagons loaded with supplies were guarded with some warriors, but needed to fend off some minor bandit raids. No real attempt was made at stealing the supplies, but concern has been expressed that unless the roads are patrolled and a plan put into place for future wagons coming into the territory near the colonies to control the bandits, Clan Goldenfield worries about being able to safely reach its allies. This report also helps confirm numerous rumors of increased bandit activity, especially to the south east.
News of the settlement of New Oarsmeet being burned to the ground reaches the colonies. Survivors and refugees from the battle between the settlers in Oarsmeet and Prince Aylin’s soldiers attempt to find a new home. Some are given a place in the colony, others are offered work and a place in specific parts of the outlying settlements, and some spread rumors of revenge on the colonies of New Aldoria and Newhope alike.
The colony continues to prepare for winter and worry continues to grow. With the refugees from Stormjarl still in the colony and more arriving from Starkhaven and some failed outlying settlements, the tax on the food stores in the colony has risen. A small food riot breaks out, as desperate colonists steal food from the main market place. The City Watch on hand calm the group quickly without much of an incident, but it is proof that the situation in the colony continues to worsen. The price of supplies has sky rocketed as demand increases, as merchants seem to be blocking people from purchasing supplies. Some say this could be seen a natural price increase since supplies are valuable before winter, but others speak rumors of something more going on.

Hawks arrive to numerous settlements, delivering this same message all across Mardrun…

To the Coalition of Allies,
I trust that this message reaches you well, and I look forward to working alongside you all. Your sacrifice and service to my Clan’s defense will never be forgotten and sagas of your prowess in battle will be sung for generations to come.
The Coalition forces here in our lands have been immensely helpful in protecting our settlements and defenses. Although we don’t understand your methods or your culture, we are grateful that the call for aid was answered when we refused to heel to Clan Grimward’s demands.
My scouts have brought information to me that Clan Axhound intends to raid against Clan Whiteoak and that they have been influential in convincing Pack Longfang to assist. I advise you to stay your hand in this course of action, as the real threat is on this side of the continent. Do not forget that Grimward’s campaign will not end with us; our scouts report that the battle line has thinned. It is obvious that Grimward warriors have pulled back away from our territories. They have either gone home or are potentially heading North… that I am not certain. Either way, there is an opportunity for my warriors to push back, to attack Grimward and free the villages and settlements that were captured last winter. My warriors have trained, rested and healed… and they want vengeance.
Last winter, I chose to stay out of a war. You sent me letters. Your allies sent me letters. You asked me to make the right decision and not be forced into submission by Clan Grimward. You promised aid and support and you made good on that promise. My lands were saved from destruction, but this war is far from over.
Almost half of my Clan’s lands were seized, looted, my people captured and taken away. Haygreth has dealt us a terrible blow and Clan Stormjarl will never forget this. I refuse to allow this to go on unopposed, to stand idly by and not try to free my enslaved people. As we speak, my Warleader Bolverk Stormjarl is rallying warriors to move north and attack Clan Grimward. We aim to free our settlement to the North of Grimward occupation. We have already begun striking back and will continue into the winter until the cold forces us home.
I call upon you again and ask that you send warriors and support to Clan Stormjarl territory and assist me in attacking Haygreth’s forces. I ask that the Coalition assist me here, where it matters, and help us fight back against Clan Grimward. I will gladly barter supplies or pay significant weight in silver for honorable warriors that will stand with me. While helping us defend our remaining settlements will be rewarded, we also seek warriors to help us take the fight to Clan Grimward and will pay more for that kind of service.
With Honor,
Graytir Stormjarl
Clanleader of Clan Stormjarl

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November 264 – News & Rumors

Word has spread far and wide of the recent battles fought on the front lines of the civil war: Haygreth’s forces marched to battle after feigning retreat, moving in numbers unseen by the Ulven. Branthur personally led his warriors in a seemingly reckless charge to drive them back, hoping to cripple the opposing army into submission. Entering the battle outnumbered and unprepared, the Nightriver forces, accompanied and supported by units from throughout the Coalition, stood their ground in a valiant effort. Particularly through the sacrifices made by those commanding the rear outpost, drawing several Grimward warpacks away from the front lines to their position, was the Nightriver counterassault a surprising victory. Though many lost their lives that day, and many more will forever bear the scars of that battle, the day was one for Clan Nightriver and their allies.

In the end, Haygreth’s forces were forced back into their own territory and beyond, though with the chill of winter setting in, Branthur chose not to pursue them further, much to the ire of some clans who wanted to crush those they had come to see as invaders once and for all. Branthur has remained steady in his course of action, though, insistent on not stretching his army too thin and allowing Grimward to retaliate too effectively.

Branthur has made it known that there will be a meeting midway through the coming month in order to begin to talk terms with Grimward. This is the closest thing to a resolution that has been seen since the outbreak of the Civil War and should be cause for celebration, though not all are excited. Some of the allied clans have expressed their concerns with this meeting, worried that the talks will be focused on Nightriver and Grimward, leaving those on the outskirts to their own devices and defense. Axhound has stated their concerns that Whiteoak retaliation will pose a substantial threat to their clan. Stormjarl has demanded the return of their lands, and have hinted at the possibility of using force to take it back if need be.

News of this upcoming meeting spreads quickly, and has caused a surprising amount of turmoil in Newhope and New Aldoria. Rumors have begun popping up from tavern to tavern, accusing this noble or that of plotting to continue the war, treaty or not. Though many are simply bar tales designed to slander a noble with opposing political beliefs, some of the rumors make decent points: war is a rather lucrative business, and has led to rather substantial profits for those capable of taking advantage of it. In addition, having bored, unemployed mercenaries wandering the city streets could prove dangerous. That being said, the general populace is eager for an end to this war. New Aldoria, on the other hand, seems to have taken the opposite approach: Prince Aylin has made very public his hopes for a peaceful and expedient end to this conflict, despite protests from many of his merchants and mercenaries, who fear that peace will bring economic stagnation. Prince Aylin has assured them, however, that the end of the war will be nothing but beneficial for those loyal to New Aldoria.

Mordok activity south of the Dirge Swamp has continued to decline this month, almost to the point of disappearance. It has been weeks since hunters have stumbled across even the odd patrol of the beasts in the Great Forest. The hunters themselves are not complaining: a day with no Mordok is a good day, indeed. The Daughters in the area, however, tell a different story. The lack of activity is a troublesome omen indeed; if the Mordok are not here, where are they and what are they doing? Night guards to the north have reported a few instances of small bands of Mordok sneaking back into the swamp under cover of darkness, though they tend to keep their distance.

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October 263 – News & Rumors

Winter draws near as the temperature falls across Mardrun, and many people are moving to act one last time before the chill sets in.
Reports continue to filter in to every significant settlement of soldiers wearing the green and blue of New Aldoria laying siege to the port village of New Oarsmeet. Many are fleeing for their lives, while others are pleading for help to defend their homes. They cannot hold much longer against a trained force such as they one they face, however, and require assistance soon or they will be lost.
Perhaps distracted by larger events to which the public is kept in the dark, the Council of Ten has remained surprisingly silent on the matter of these attacks. In fact, they have seemed rather inactive on many fronts as of late, although the logistics of housing and supporting the massive number of Stormjarl refugees has proven to be a monumental task in and of itself.
To make matters worse, the number of refugees from Starkhaven has only increased over the past month, the lack of aid sent to their homes discouraging many from staying. A major bastion of the human colonists, Starkhaven continues to support the many citizens therein, but those who have chosen to leave in search of a more steady existence have been an additional and rather unexpected drain on resources.
Clan Axhound, along with a number of warriors from Pack Longfang, have begun their raids on their ancient rival, Clan Whiteoak. With the Whiteoak warriors still fighting in Grimward territory, Axhound has been asking for support in raids of Whiteoak villages, leaving their warriors without a home to which they might return. Axhound has been glad to work alongside the Longfang warriors, though they are not convinced of the coalition and it’s intentions enough to fully declare war on Clan Grimward.
Reports have filtered in from Clan Stormjarl that they intend to retake as much of their homeland as they can before the winter sets in, and they are willing to compensate any who assist them. They urge caution, however, as traveling to them by land would require a trek through Grimward territory. They have also noticed a small fleet of longboats bearing the markings of Clan Squallborn dotting the horizon. They have not declared their intentions as of yet, although their presence has made many of the Stormjarl sailors uneasy.
Clan Watchwolf, granted a second wind in the form of a shipment of Pineed Sap harvested by Pack Longfang, has set about rebuilding their settlements, although the process is painfully slow and will certainly not be finished by the time of the first snowfall. They have once again pleaded with their allies among the coalition for any and all assistance, hoping to deter any further attacks from Clan Grimward, whose movements the Watchwolf scouts have noticed and reported in recent months, drawing dangerously near to the border before disappearing with great haste.

Painted on the walls of New Oarsmeet…

To all free people of New Oarsmeet, should Aldoria not cease their siege of our home, I have received word that we would be well received inside of Arragones’ district of New Hope. Find me there and I will do what i can to help set you up with work. Should we have to leave our home I implore you to leave naught of use to Aldoria, this includes food, buildings, and perhaps most importantly, the port.
It is better to see our city to ash then beneath the heels of New Aldoria.-Hollow

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September 263 – News & Rumors

As the fall continues to get cooler and the trees change color, life continues on Mardrun as farmers harvest their crops. The quiet in the civil war becomes a welcome, if ominous, respite.
Reports have reached the colonies that soldiers wearing blue and green have attacked the settlement of New Oarsmeet. No further information is known, as very little information has been disclosed about what is happening.
The main colony of Newhope continues to provide aid and shelter for a number of Clan Stormjarl refugees, which is still proving to be quite a drain on resources and supplies. It has been impressive that the Council of Ten can work together to keep the colony running and helping these ulven refugees. Some boats have arrived with New Aldorian soldiers; they have returned to the Colonies from their time of defending Stormjarl’s last settlement. Amongst them are some of the City Watch of Newhope, rotating some of their troops home to see their families.
Settlers have arrived in New Aldoria and Newhope from Starkhaven, claiming that conditions continue to worsen. The Order’s supplies have run low and farmers have moved their families to other more prosperous settlements. It appears that after relations went south between the Order and their largest beneficiary (Baron Richards) they have returned to a financial and supply crisis. The Lions stationed in the pass at the Great Wolf’s Hackles continue to report that the pass is under control. Continued reports of organized banditry keep coming in and merchants are scared to travel with expensive wares, threatening to drive up the costs of goods in the future.
This month, Clan Axhound warriors have begun their campaign to raid against Clan Whiteoak territory. Their boasts of conquest and of fighting their hated neighbor are loud, but in reality the smaller Axhound clan will not be able to do major damage to the larger Clan Whiteoak without support from allies. This bold move on Axhound’s part may be a way for the Coalition to solidify another Clan as an ally in the civil war against Clan Grimward if the Warrior Chieftain’ of Clan Axhound are appeased. Clan Squallborn, intentionally remaining quiet and avoiding political talks, have recently mobilized a number of ships. Rumors say that their intentions in the war will most likely be made soon.
Watchwolf allies to the north have requested additional aid. They have said that with the previous raids on their territory destroying many of their farms and crops, they are fearing the winter if it is as cold as the previous years. Allies stationed in their settlement receive iron rations as the farmers and settlers can spare very little. A new militia is being trained by the handful of surviving Watchwolf warriors, but any further military attacks in earnest against their settlements will easily overwhelm these novice warriors.
Coalition members, primarily some of the factions and Clan Nightriver, continue to provide aid and support and coordinated with their newest allies; Clans Goldenfield, Steinjottun, and Shattered Spear. Their aid is much needed in the war and gathering their support has been huge for the Coalition.
Clan Riverhead and Clan Spiritclaw delegates met recently and sent a number of hawks to all of the Clans; their involvement in the civil war will remain neutral but they have joined forces to seek out the mordok activity in the Great Forest.
Rumors spread about Kragen Bloodmoon traveling to numerous settlements in Nightriver territory. Although the focus of the Clan has been feeding and caring for the Stormjarl refugees from last winter and patrolling and protecting the Clan Nightriver borders, the Nightriver Warleader has been overseeing a large training effort of new war packs that has been going on for months, making sure that weapons and armor are on hand for the new war packs. The colonists are happy to hear that Clan Nightriver is well supplied and has numerous war packs on reserve, but the Clan’s allies grow concerned that multiple calls for aid have not been answered yet.