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COVID-19 Policy & Practices

Last Hope LARP is dedicated to maintaining a safe & healthy environment for our community of players at all of our events and practices. Please read the guidelines below to familiarise yourself with our rules before attending your first event (or your first event since 2020!).

We require all players to provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination before participating in any events or practices.

Submitting a photo of your Vaccination Card or a screenshot of your Wisconsin Immunization Records are both acceptable forms of proof. Any other options will have to be individually reviewed by staff. Please email LastHopeLARP@gmail.com if you need to pursue another option.

The following COVID-19 restrictions are in effect at all Last Hope functions, including, but not limited to Events, Practices, Conservation Days, and other game activities.

Medically Exempt/Unable to Vaccinate

– Pre-Approval by Staff (For medical exemption) or Documentation showing vaccination progress required

– Ok to attend only WITH well-fitting masks AND no symptoms

– Unable to attend if health concern/concerning symptoms (allergies, non-COVID symptoms, etc… case by case)

After Providing Proof & Approval:

  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events
    • After passing symptom-checks at each function.


– Unable to attend and participate.

UNVACCINATED (Age 4 or younger)

– Kids this young are considered medically exempt, are encouraged to wear masks if they can/are able, and we ask that parents be conscientious about concerning symptoms with their kids.

Vaccination cards, MyChart printoffs, etc will be needed because it will be REQUIRED to prove vaccination, which we will note in player files/practice books (so they do not need to be brought every single time). Simply saying “I’m vaccinated” is not enough to prove vaccination.


If after reading the above info you are still uncertain as to our guidelines, here is a quick guide for your options, based on a person’s vaccination status, what they are able to participate in.

All of the following guidelines are contingent on passing symptom-checking at the event by a staff member.

FULLY VACCINATED after providing proof & approval

  • Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
  • Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events.
  • Must be willing to mask based on symptoms/situations/etc.

MEDICALLY UNABLE TO VACCINATE after providing proof & approval

  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events

CURRENTLY IN PROCESS OF BEING VACCINATED after providing proof & approval
We will require proof of you receiving your initial dose within the last 8 weeks.

  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
  • Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events


  • Unable to participate in Outdoor/Indoor practices
  • Unable to participate in Outdoor/Indoor events

Expanded Policy Information

Vaccination Proof

Federal law makes it legal for businesses and private properties to ask for proof of vaccination in order to participate/attend. Requesting this information is not a violation of HIPAA. 

Once you provide vaccination proof (such as your vaccination card, DHP, MyChart print off confirming vaccination, or a photo of your vaccination card with your full name and date of birth visible) then your player record will be updated with the date and your approved proof. A FULL 2 WEEKS PAST THE FINAL DOSE OF YOUR VACCINE IS REQUIRED TO BE FULLY VACCINATED.

Once you provide proof to us and we record it, you will NOT need to continue to bring proof every single time you attend. The dates are important so we know when people are fully vaccinated and can help us coordinate booster shots in the future if the CDC guidelines change regarding their potential necessity.

Medical Exemptions

The staff/owners of Last Hope LARP have decided to allow doctor’s notes for people with medical reasons to be exempt from our vaccination proof to attend certain activities. 

We understand that some players are not able to be vaccinated. There could be any number of legitimate medical reasons that some players are not able to be vaccinated as it is beyond their reasonably safe choice. 

Players with medical exemptions have the chance to participate in our events and practices. If there is a sound medical reason barring a player from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, they can contact their doctor and ask for a letter recommending exemption due to health reasons. It must clearly state their contact info, their recommendation, be dated, and denoted as “temporary” vs “permanent” exemption.

– Players may willingly divulge details in addition to their doctor’s exemption letter if they so choose.

– We are able to ask for this information to participate in our group events. We are willing and able to discuss options with you about this and the details surrounding it.

– We are NOT asking for full health detail disclosures or any information protected by HIPAA. 

Our guidelines are also a way to protect our players who are medically unable to vaccinate; by limiting contact with those who are unvaccinated, we ensure an even safer environment for those that may be at risk.

A medical exemption from being able to get vaccinated to fully participate is NOT an exemption to wearing masks. There are reasonable accommodations, listed below, for players who are unable to wear a mask at events.

Other Exemptions

At this time, we are ONLY allowing medical exemptions for players as reasons for not getting the vaccine. Vaccine exemptions are not mandatory to be accepted on private property, private gatherings, or private businesses. See below for accommodations. 

Reasonable Accomodations

For those that do not wish to get vaccinated, do not wish to volunteer their vaccine status, or who are unable to wear a mask, our monthly memberships will still provide player resources and impactful story involvement for their characters and be ways to interact with the world/game of Last Hope LARP. This still allows a player to have meaningful interaction with the game world. Our “membership experience point” structure has also been revamped to accommodate players who are unable to attend so they have access to the same rewards as attending players.

If this significantly changes a players involvement in Last Hope LARP and there is concern over their existing or previous memberships, simply email in to lasthopelarp@gmail.com to discuss. 

Per ADA guidelines, by providing membership options and ways for players to interact with the game without being present, we are providing adequate accommodations to those that either choose not to vaccinate OR do not have the appropriate exemption OR are unable to wear a mask. If you have any questions about accommodations, please contact us for options or case-by-case solutions based on your situation.

Private Property Rules

These rules could be updated or changed based on location; private properties or private businesses can and are able to have different rules and guidelines to COVID-19 safety restrictions. If they are MORE strict, then they overrule our current guidelines.

For example, if we rent an indoor space for a political dinner, they may require proof of vaccination for everyone with NO exemptions or require masks on ALL participants.

==== MASK RULES ====

ALL new players who have not yet submitted their vaccination records digitally prior to attending their first Last Hope function are REQUIRED to enter wearing a mask, regardless of an indoor or outdoor venue. Once vaccination proof has been recorded, the player may remove their mask.

If the staff team determines that a player needs to keep their mask on for the event (symptom check was questionable, an exposure was too recent, etc.), the player is responsible for providing their own mask and decorum covering. Most medical masks alone are NOT decorum and need to be covered to be allowed in-game.

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July 2024 – Shieldhaven’s Festivities and Questionable Activities


Shieldhaven Market Faire (Day Scenario)

With the war now in its second month, the future is uncertain to many all across the continent. The need for coin and business, distractions from large scale problems, or just daily life remains despite the large martial conflict. After petitioning and receiving the backing of the City-State Council, the Guardians of the Wall home settlement of Shieldhaven has been chosen for this year’s annual market faire event. With no public contest from Aldorian nobility and Prince Aylin himself, the plans for the market faire begin in earnest. While this is a great chance for travelers and merchants to ease their mind of wartime worries, there is a growing concern over the chosen location being so close the rear-line and supply line efforts of the Clan Shattered Spear warfront. Never one to miss an opportunity, City-State planners have noted that this is a perfect way to drum up support for wartime efforts; to be close enough to see prominent figures organizing and working to directly support these nearby efforts. Especially after the concern over the recent Moot, security has been bolstered this month with several City-State of Newhope army platoons. Regardless of concerns, there is coin, and politicking, to be made.

New Aldoria Black Market Faire (Night Scenario)

While many aim to journey to the northern parts of Mardrun, whispers discuss other plans to the south. While the warriors, guards, and armies of clans and cities stand alert for Grimward’s forces, the opportunity has arisen for less-reputable internal groups to make their own movements. While there is no official “market” location to be reliably found, these groups gather randomly to create places for unusual trade and handling disagreements, and then dissipate just as fast when needed. Travelers who seek these forms of business ventures need only find the right people to experience a dangerous yet enticing experience, and this time those who seek it out find a notable gathering to be occurring at New Aldoria’s outer docks where the eyes of local guards are less present or perhaps paid to look the other way.

Coin, and corpses, can be made. Do you choose to venture closer?

= Event Summary =

Shieldhaven Market Faire:

People from most parts of Mardrun arrived at Shieldhaven to find a plethora of drinks, delicious foods, and a welcoming host awaiting them, both from the hosts and various merchants throughout the marketplace. Attending travelers were able to feel safe in their journeys to and from the faire thanks to the combined protective efforts of the Guardians of the Wall and the City-State of Newhope. The many contests, challenges, and chances for merriment were quick to raise any lowered spirits, proving to be an opportunity to escape the war even if only for a short time.
The day started and ended in more somber yet hopeful moods though. Some speak of a small impromptu war council that occurred involving various leaders and members of different associations; while others speak of a reclament funeral service that took place, standing as a reminder that loved ones will be lost to the war, but our memories of them can never be taken.

New Aldoria Black Market Faire:

“Why do you want to know about the Black Market? WHO SENT YOU?! Stop worrying about what happened and instead worry about what’s gonna happen to you if you keep asking!”

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Monthly Memberships

The membership fees listed below are for record keeping, management, communications, equipment upkeep, insurance, site maintenance, and outside larp services (Such as exp tracking, character updates, etc) and are NOT required to participate in Last Hope LARP but are required to participate in certain ways/in certain roles.
There are free or low cost options at all events; simply contact us at lasthopelarp@gmail.com to learn more!

If you purchase a membership subscription and decide that you want a refund, simply email us at lasthopelarp@gmail.com.
The deadline for membership refunds is the current month’s event date as we are updating our membership records after that.


  • No-cost membership.
  • No prepared NPC roles or PC preparation
  • No exp earned
  • Not eligible for the Event Prize giveaway
  • Great for budget-minded players, kids, and/or new people coming to check it out


  • No-cost membership.
  • Pre-packaged Food/Drink provided at “Monster Camp”
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • +3 exp (may be added to the exp earned from any other membership)
  • Not always available, only offered as-needed for events


  • $20 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event NPC Role
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared
  • 4 exp
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible


  • $30 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event PC Prep -OR- NPC role -OR- NPC/PC Split
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared or guaranteed PC bag/role prepped for event
  • 6 exp
  • 1 silver added to attending PC (If NPCing, then PC of choice)
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • One Membership Perk (Choose ONE)
    • 1 Downtime Action
    • 1 Organization Exp
    • 1 Silver


  • $50 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event PC Prep -OR- NPC role -OR- NPC/PC Split
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared or guaranteed PC bag/role prepped for event
  • 8 exp
  • 2 silver added to attending PC(s) (If NPCing, then PC(s) of choice)
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • Two Membership Perks (Choose TWO)
    • 1 Downtime Action (May be chosen two times)
    • 1 Organization Exp (May be chosen two times, for separate or the same Organization)
    • 1 silver (May be chosen two times)

Membership Type

Not attending the event? Please fill out the form below to select your perks for the month.

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Einharr Blackmane

Player Name : Nicholas Knight

Character Name : Einharr Blackmane

Gender : Male

Preferred Pronouns : He/Him

Race : Ulven

Path : Path of the Great Wolf

Class : Warrior

Pack / Clan : Pack Grimward of Clan Grimward.

Age : Born in the Winter of 245

Hair : Black

Eyes : Red

Birthplace : Small village within Grimward territory near Hadrborg.

Appearance : Often seen in decorative leather armor, average height and typically scowling.

Occupation : Warrior of Pack Grimward

Rumors :

“He’s a warrior who has no fight left in him, his name falls on deaf ears.”

“He lost his fangs in the war!“

“All of his family has died fighting in the war, he will follow in their steps. “

“He’s often close with the Daughter’s asking for guidance and all the nonsense.“


Kneeling before a flickering fire, with the haunted visages of those who have fallen to my blade hanging in the flames, The weight of our recent battles pressed heavily on my mind. This war was supposed to forge me into a warrior, but instead it feels as if I’m becoming a monster in these fires of war. I was meant to fight warriors, not artisans and farmers. I turn away from the fire to the darkness of the night, and as my eyes adjust, I gaze upon the desecrated land we’ve come to know as Haygreth’s scar, a place where even the land remembers loss. There is where it will be decided whether this bloody war will come to a close or if we will continue defiling the earth beneath us with the blood of our kin. Gaia wouldn’t want this.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice: “Einharr, your watch is over. Get some rest. We need to be at our best for tomorrow.” Hurdur, as I’ve come to know him, was right; we both were eager to see how this meeting would turn out, though our reasons were as different as night and day. Hurdur seemed to be hoping for more war, and I wanted it all to end. Our difference in opinion has brought us to blows before, and while I typically claim victory, he has spread his views of my “cowardice” to others within the clan. I’ve had to defend my honor through strength of arms one too many times, but thankfully, with the tense atmosphere, I am able to rest easy tonight.

As sleep eventually took me, the next thing I knew, my eyes shot open once more to a metallic clang echoing in my head, the dull throbbing competing with a cacophony of shouts and clashing steel. I start to blink against a harsh sun; the world is blurry at first. Then, the stench hit me. It’s a brutal mix of sweat, mud, and something altogether more acrid but familiar: blood. A groan escaped my lips, followed by a wave of dizziness as I sat up. My body aches, protesting every movement. I glance down to see that I’m in my old armor. With the realization of what’s going on slowly setting in, panic soon followed. Where am I? I look around in an attempt to get a feel for my surroundings, but all I see is a battlefield stretched before me, an expanse of mud and trampled grass with banners with all too familiar crests in the distance. I begin to rub my eyes in disbelief, only to reopen them to see forces meeting in battle in the distance. I attempt to stand only to see the ground around me is littered with the fallen—friend or foe; it didn’t matter, for all I could feel was a sickness brewing in my gut as I laid eyes upon so many of my fallen kin. It was then that I realized where I was—no, when I was. I was back at the battle of Black Wolf Creek.

Just as quickly as I came to realize this, my eyes opened once more with a frantic gasp to see the ember touched sky as morning had come. That dream again… No, not a dream, but a recurring nightmare that has plagued me for weeks now. I could feel my heart pounding a frantic rhythm against my ribs, echoing in my ears. Sweat clung to my skin, cold despite the warmth of the blankets. I fight to orient myself, preparing for an attack as if I were still in danger, but there are no sounds of combat nor the smell of blood. Relief eventually washed over me, a wave that left me shaky and breathless. Yet, the aftertaste of fear lingered. I fall back to rest a little longer, hoping my body calms before I need to get ready, but as I lay there, a dull ache settled within my chest, proof that the dream had taken its toll. Soon after I could feel the rustling of others rising from their slumber, it was time to get ready for battle. 

I strapped on my leather armor, each piece a familiar weight against my skin. But unlike the usual thrill of anticipation, a dull ache settled in my gut. I began to run my hand over the chipped hilt of my shortsword, a weapon that has tasted victory countless times. Today, though, it felt foreign, heavy with the weight of a battle I didn’t want. The polished surface mirrored the flicker of doubt in my eyes. A soft prayer escapes my lips. “Gaia, let this be the end.” I tightened the straps on my greaves, the rhythmic rasp a counterpoint to the frantic drumming within my chest. Every action felt mechanical, a desperate attempt to push down the rising tide of despair. I am not a coward, not by any stretch. But this war felt different, fueled by greed and ambition, not the noble defense of my homeland.

A calloused hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up to see my friend, Borin, a gruff warrior with a warm heart hidden beneath a scarred face. Borin’s gaze held a silent understanding, a shared burden of duty amidst a war neither desired. In that look, I found a sliver of solace, a reminder that I wasn’t alone in my dissent. With a heavy sigh, I lift my shield, the splintered wood painted with the symbol of our clan. I may not believe in the cause anymore, but my loyalty to my brothers-in-arms remained unshaken. Today, I will fight for them, if need be, for the men and women beside me. I couldn’t help but hope for this bloody war to end today.

As delegations from both sides of this conflict met at the chosen location in Haygreth’s Scar, we were positioned nearby, along with the rest of the warpack, should anything turn south. Perhaps it was wishful thinking that this would come to a close the first day, but alas, that was not the case. We would repeat this cycle of preparation and standstill for several days until, finally, thanks to the presence of Branthur Nightriver, a peace treaty was agreed upon. The mixture of reactions spread across the warpack, but due to a common respect for Haygreth, none spoke out openly. I, for one, felt as if my prayer had been answered; after all this time, I’ll be able to return home. While many of our opinions varied, we were all unified in our desire to return home and perhaps the comfort of our own beds. This alone inspired us to quicken our return.

The closer I got, the more nervous I became. It’s been so long since I’ve been home. As I crested a familiar hill, my once-proud posture, etched with the weariness of a long journey, began to falter. My armor, once spotless, is torn and scarred, a testament to the battles I fought; so much of me has changed since I first departed. My face, weathered by the sun and wind, held a mixture of emotions. Relief flickered within my eyes at the sight of my village, my home nestled in the valley below. The sight of smoke that once caused grief and regret is now a welcomed sight as it curls from chimneys like promises of warmth and peace. Yet a deeper tension lurked beneath the surface. The weight of unseen battles etched on my brow. I began to worry: could I return to such a life after seeing so much? After taking the lives of so many others, robbing them of the same experience of returning home. I scanned the village as I made my way through, with one thought constantly arising: Would they recognize me? The boy who left, full of bravado and youthful dreams of glory, had become a hardened warrior, etched with the lines of hardship. 

My calloused hand, used to gripping a sword, hesitated before reaching for the familiar wooden gate of my home. The life I left behind felt both distant and strangely foreign. Would my place still be there, waiting for me, amidst the laughter of my mate and the clatter of cooking pots? Or would I forever be a man out of time, haunted by the ghosts of war? I, a warrior who is now a survivor of the civil war, who has faced down Stormjarl and Nightriver warriors, am frozen with fear at my own doorstep. There was no warrior behind this door, but I would gladly face Haygreth himself over what was behind it. My mate, the reason I kept fighting, the reason I never lost myself in despair.


Her name forms a prayer on my lips. I still remember our parting, what feels like a lifetime ago, her tear-streaked face etched into memory. I still carry a single wildflower, pressed and brittle, tucked within my breastplate—a token she claimed would guide me home. As I went to open the door, it swung open, and there she was. Time seemed to slow as my gaze met hers, the weight of my armor suddenly oppressive. I wanted to reach for her, to bury my face in the familiar scent of wildflowers that clings to her hair, but I couldn’t help but hesitate. Astrid’s breath catches. Then, a smile, hesitant at first, blooms on her face. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in a long time. The horrors of war almost entirely washed away, and before I knew it, I was embracing her.

“I’m home,” I whispered gently into her, words I longed to say and even more wanted to feel. 

From there, time passes by ever so quickly, where before every day felt as if it stretched for an eternity. At first, I found myself enjoying the simple pleasures, whether it be tending to a long-forgotten garden kept in the care of my beloved or crafting myself a new set of armor to put on display. The calluses on my hands, once maps of battles fought, begin to soften. I often wake without the familiar ache of old wounds, and a strange kind of peace begins to settle in. Yet nights held a hollowness. Dreams echo with the battlefield, with the taste of victory and the sting of defeat alike. Often forcing me to go without sleep, though this too shall pass as life continues on peacefully for the next few years. Some evenings are spent once again by a flickering fire, almost as if it were a new ritual in my day-to-day life, watching the embers dance. Each flicker a memory—the roar of battle, the camaraderie of brothers-in-arms, the sting of a bitter defeat, the sweetness of a hard-won victory. All told within the flame that swayed before me and each memory prodding at a restlessness that never seems to relent.

I often found myself staring at my armor those nights. But one night after hearing the news of the mordok pressing into Shattered Spear, sleep evaded me, and I found myself standing there deep in turmoil, wondering if I should don it once more. As my fingers traced the familiar ridges of the breastplate, calluses whispering against the leather. It was a second skin, once bearing the weight of countless battles. Memories flooded my mind, vivid as fresh blood. The clang of steel, the guttural roar of battle cries, the metallic tang of fear. But alongside the glory, the shadows crept in. The vacant eyes of fallen foes, the stench of death clinging to the battlefield, the hollow ache of a friend lost. The true reasons as to why I left that life behind. I begin to pull away from the armor, retreating to the light of the hearth as my chest tightens in response to the memories.

The flickering firelight of the hearth seemed to dance across my face while also casting long shadows across the rough-hewn wooden walls of the longhouse. As I sat hunched by the hearth, the weight of needing to choose what to do on my shoulders. These calloused hands, once a weapon of great skill, now rested limply on my knee. Einharr Blackmane, warrior of Pack Grimward, was a shadow of the warrior I once was. Across the way, Astrid knelt. Her raven hair, usually adorned with braids woven with ribbons, was unbound and cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. Her eyes, the color of a summer sky, held a depth of love and concern that mirrored the crackling flames.

“My love,” Astrid began, her voice a soothing melody against the snap and pop of the fire. “You sit with what seems like the weight of the world on your shoulders, yet the fire in your heart seems to have dimmed.”

I let out a ragged sigh. “The fight has gone from me, Astrid. I have seen too much bloodshed and tasted too much ash. What good is a warrior without the will to fight?”

She reached out, her touch as light as a falling leaf. She brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, her fingers lingering on the harsh lines etched there. “There is more to a warrior than just the battlefield,” she said softly.

She gestured toward the hearth. “This fire, it burns because we tend to it and nurture it. It brings warmth, light, and the promise of a meal shared. It is the lifeblood of our home, just as you are the lifeblood of our people.”

I met her gaze, a flicker of something akin to defiance sparking within my eyes. “But the fire doesn’t need to fight,” I countered, my voice low.

Astrid smiled with a knowing glint in her eyes. “No, but it protects. It keeps away the encroaching darkness and the chill that would consume everything it touches. You, Einharr, are the protector of our hearth, the one who keeps the darkness at bay.”

She stood then, her slender frame silhouetted against the flames. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders, her voice ringing with quiet strength. “The Mordok threaten the very hearth we share and the life we have built together. Will you let it be consumed by the shadows?”

I watched the flames dance in her eyes, a reflection of the warrior spirit rekindled within me. The weight on my shoulders seemed to lessen, replaced by a familiar resolve. I rose to meet her, my frame casting a protective shadow over her.

“No,” I rumbled, my voice firm. “I will not.”

Astrid reached up, her hand tracing the curve of my jaw. “Then fight, my love,” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly as she knew what the risk of me going off to fight would be. “Fight for our home, for our people, and for the fire that burns between us.”

I met her touch, my calloused hand finding hers. As their fingers intertwined, a spark of defiance ignited in my heart, mirroring the flames dancing in the hearth. “I will return to you again, my Moonflower.” With that, the night ended, and soon after, the morning came. 

The rising sun cast long shadows across the training ground as I hefted the weathered practice sword. Its weight, once comfortably familiar, felt alien in my grip. The training ground, a patch of hard-packed earth surrounded by a ring of stones, held the silent echoes of a thousand battles. Each nick in the wooden practice dummy, each dip in the ground, spoke of countless hours spent honing my craft. As the sun climbed higher, casting a harsh glare down on the clearing, I pushed myself further. My muscles whined in protest, and my lungs burned, but I wouldn’t yield. Each wince, each bead of sweat, was a defiance against the whispers that I had lost my fangs in the war. I would be ready to go out again; I would not be a burden, or so I thought. To our surprise, the orders were to hold position and patrol our territory, avoiding the Mordok entirely except for defending our own. What was Haygreth thinking? Since when do we cower behind our borders? It defied every instinct, but I obeyed along with the rest of the pack and clan.

The days bled into weeks, weeks into months—an agonizingly slow passage of time in these winter months. News trickled back to our camp: Morty, the leader of the Mordok, was dead. It figures, a colonist leading those monstrous creatures. But amidst this grim news, rumors of a moot surfaced. Unease gnawed at me at first, but a seed of hope sprouted. Perhaps at this gathering, we Grimwards could finally show our innocence, silence the accusations, and find the true culprits behind the raids. Together, for the sake of peace, we could root out the problem.

Maybe it was just naive optimism on my part, clinging to the hope of peace despite the accusations we faced. All that hope shattered as news of Haygreth’s death and the declaration of war echoed throughout the land. With the call to arms, old memories I’d tried to bury flooded back. Doubt gnawed at me as we journeyed south toward Stormjarl lands. Who were these Stonetooths we’d thrown our lot in with? Were we truly shielding ourselves from the Mordok threat or simply masking our own motives? So many unanswered questions swirled in my mind. As we marched, eventually Haygreth’s Scar came into view, a familiar landmark that marked the gateway to their territory. Stepping into it, a wave of memories washed over me, vivid as if I were reliving them. The past I thought I’d buried clawed its way back—a tangled mess of emotions that threatened to drown me. As the inevitable clash erupted, I hesitated. The thought of adding more ulven blood to the stains on my hands felt unbearable. Could I fight another war?

We pressed on fighting until our mission became clear: to cripple the Stormjarl’s docks and their seafaring capabilities. However, as we advanced, we encountered many farmers, artisans, and other villagers. Memories of the war flooded back. We were ordered to kill anyone in our way, even villagers, but I refused. This time would be different. While others cut down everyone they found, I tried to guide any survivors away, giving them a chance to escape. As darkness gave way to a gray dawn, the fires sputtered and died. The sight that greeted me was horrifying—bodies everywhere—women, children, and the elderly. No one had been spared the carnage. A wave of nausea washed over me, but it was the crushing despair that brought me to my knees. Rain, mirroring my own tears, streamed down my face. In that moment, it felt like the very earth itself was weeping. “Gaia grieves,” I thought solemnly, “as her children tear each other apart in another pointless war.”

A single, terrible question echoed in my mind: Are we the monsters?

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The Wolfgang Tribe

This Io’Larian Syndar tribe comes from an interesting background.  They valued all forms of magic and took to studying them.  They had masters in all forms of magic almost like a melting pot of magic.  All forms were allowed.  Even the now Forbidden magics were studied, of course only to be used in research.  They also took residence very close to Fawyth, not close enough to be with them but close enough to get scraps of their technological prowess.  The tribe would often “bend” the rules, so to speak, and blend ways to combine magic with martial combat.

This tribe had a menagerie of magics and its applications.  They practiced Arcane and Divine magics and found ways to incorporate them in normal life.  Very few of their mages studied blood magic.  They even had Rage Casters, those who blend the ferocity of bestial combat and magic.   Over time, their numbers dwindled with the Syndar-Syndar war as these powerful mages were in high demand.  To survive they had to intermingle with other Syndar just to stay alive.  Their bestial blood may be diluted but never forgotten.

There are certain things that make this tribe special.  Rituals are very important to these people.  First names are given by birth parents, but surnames are found.  It is based on what beast you find on your name day and what token it leaves behind.  You will always be part of the Wolfgang Tribe.

There are a few notable individuals who made great changes to the tribe:

Amadala Wolfgang the First– Ancient Founder of the Wolfgang tribe and giver of the name’s sake.  Stories state he wanted to hunt the strongest beast, but Amadala was frail.  He hunted a Wolf.  But not a singular one.  A pack. They say that once he saw the pack, they were beyond anything he’d ever seen.  A mix of white wolves, gray wolves, and black Wolves.  He watched and learned from the wolves at a distance.  They were very intelligent and Amadala fell in love with the idea.  A small group of the wolves split off from the main pack to go hunt and n the form of a hunting party.  Amadala following in pursuit closely behind.  They were hunting a small herd of elk to bring back, when they encountered a bear.  The leader got badly wounded and was left for dead.  Amadala rushed in and defended that wolf and fought off the bear.

Then he picked up the leader of the party and nursed him back to health.  After Amadala returned to the party leader, he was accepted as one of their own.  Ever since then, Tribe Wolfgang and Wolves worked closely together as one.

Leliana Rolonda WolvenBear– Mother of Azureal.  She was/is a scholar.  She studied all forms of magic and wanted to find a way to practice all magic.  She is ambitious and highly intelligent.  She was a master of blades and claws.  She becomes an Arcane master before she even became a woman.  Her nose was always in a book studying Divine and Blood magic.  She wanted more.  There had to be more magic than this and there must be a way to practice all magic in one vessel.  After her son’s 11th birthday, she left him in the care of the current Shaman and left with her followers, to see the world and find a way to become a bridge caster.  She took a lot of the powerful mages and diviners with her.  (Rumor has it that she may have become Penitent on the pursuit of knowledge)

Thane Azureal Anubias Talonflame, Gaurdian of the Blue Flame– First non-magical shaman and first naval shaman.  At the height of him going shaman status, he moved the tribe to the seas.  His rise to status was built on luck and terror.  One member, Nicolas, decimated and fractured the tribe by bloodshed.  Azureal rose to the challenge to take him out.  Remaining members rallied to Azureal, as he defeated a true terror to the tribe without the use of magic.

They were a friendly tribe with all, and they saw an opportunity to spread their seed further.  Numbers were dwindling, special measures had to be taken.  Lust was something they knew very well and would often take pleasures of the flesh with other races and individuals.

After sailing, The Wolfgang tribe sailed to Mardrun and was one of the first to encounter Mordok and Ulven.  They became ferrymen and transported individuals from the mainland to this new land.  After the first Ulven – Colonist war, some members would come to learn from the Ulven and were welcomed due to the bestial kinship they share.  With Azureal’s leadership, what was left of the tribe was able to reconvene and rebuild at Darkport, where they played a big role in teaching their ways and to be more accepting everyone.

Artemis Dragonfang of Tribe Wolfgang, Bastard-Son of Azureal- This individual knew next to nothing of his lineage, and yet he still embodies the elements of the tribe.  He was taught his heritage only after the disappearance of Azureal.  The tribe still accepts him despite the lack of ears, horns, claws, or fangs.  He has become more powerful than his father at such a fast pace.  His story is still being written and what he will bring the Tribe is still yet to be seen.  Rumors has it that he resides and governs over Relic’s Hollow and is a founding founder to the Organization known as FATE.  He is also the father of House Dragonfang, one of the 4 great pillars of Relic’s Hollow.

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PLAYED BY: Eloise Helgestad




CLASS: Cleric

AGE: Seems to be middle aged.

RACE: Syndar

HAIR: Black.

EYES: Eyes are constantly hidden.

OCCUPATION: Cleric of the Mahsai.

KNOWN SKILLS: Skilled in divine magic and religious practices.

BIRTHPLACE: May’kar Dominion.

APPEARANCE: Always seen in black robes accented with gold chains. A golden blind mask adorns her face, hiding the features from above her nose. A hood covers the rest of her head, leaving her mouth exposed.

RELATIONSHIPS: Often can be seen accompanying Eden.

RUMORS: A collector of odd religious artifacts and trinkets. They seem to have themes of death.


Ash was orphaned from a young age, found as one of the few survivors of a burned diplomatic caravan in the May’kar desert. Two women took her in after finding her while tending to the dead. They raised her, teaching her their own faith and as much as they could of the Syndar people’s. As she grew she began to study in the order that her mothers were a part of. This order was dedicated to the funerary rites of an old religion. In the halls of that small temple she began to learn how to care for the dead. Cleaning the bodies with herbs and oils. Wrapping them in cloth wraps bathed in the waters of the Lagdhu Deva. She became devout to this work.

When the undead threat became more prominent their work became harder and harder. As more and more undead rose to terrorize the people of Faedrun more bodies were simply burned. The risk of funerary rites was too great. Her beloved order that had given her a home was now dying. This culminated when the city guards exhumed the bodies of those buried in the halls, burning them in an effort to prevent a potential catastrophe in the small catacomb.

When the Penitent started preaching in the streets of Saresh some of her order began to join them, outraged with the current state of the city. She was thankful her mothers had passed before they were able to see the conflict that erupted within the small order. Friends turned to enemies as the assembly hall became a circus. Arguments and sometimes violent disagreements became a regular sight. Ash had decided it was enough. She departed her order and the city of Saresh.

Some time later she learned of the May’kar’s betrayal of the Grand Alliance and how they joined the Penitent cause. She couldn’t help but wonder how much of her order survived in the Penitent now.

Eventually she made her way to Mardrun, meeting the Celestine Eden on the boat. She now works to collect artifacts and scriptures from her homeland.

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Iron Tide

I adjust my helm as the Fate Finisher sails along the coast toward the inlet where the three ships are claimed to be held. Spies deal in deceit and tricks so trusting the word of an enemy spy never comes easy. Even if there aren’t any ships it’ll still be a fight. I’m happy to kill Grimward warriors either way. Around me our Viknar adjust their armor and ready their weapons. They’ve fought hard these last weeks and yet they remain ready and willing to fight. I couldn’t be prouder. On either side of the ship the crew man their stations at the oars joined by a handful of Sundvik sailors. Pulling their mighty vessel with heavy strokes and open sail. They are no calm water men and women and they have been armed and trained to defend this longship with their lives. Still, I fear I have sent them to their deaths as we follow the coast further north.

Thrand made the battle plans for this raid. He’s far better at naval matters than I am so I’m happy to let him take the lead. Between coordinating our efforts in this war and keeping our affairs back home in order I’m glad my only part in this is ground command. We spot the ships as we round the southern corner of the entrance. We make no effort to hide our approach. Thrand rends the rhythmic sound of the tide with a blast from a war horn. A long sonorous howl erupts from the instrument as several dozen Grimward arm themselves to meet us.

“We are the storm!” I roar. Our band replies in kind with their own chorus of roars and battle cries as Thrand banks the ship to position the starboard side of this ship facing the beach.

“Landfall!!!” The shared command from the ground element breaks over the cacophony of commands and shouts from the defending Grimward. As one we leap from our longship and crash into the thigh deep tide with fury. Arrows and spears whistle past and into us as we rush toward our foe. I hear cries of pain and muttered curses as they find their mark. To our left a second warpack of grimward raiders move to a longship to try and hold off Thrand and the sailors as they begin their task of freeing our stolen ships. I refocus and rush forward with the Viknar, Valla and Lillith close behind. Our enemy meets us with a skirmish line, half their force appears to be hunters and scouts. Lighter armor but riddling our line with arrow fire. In the center a well armed and armored woman leads the formation, barking commands before all order is lost in the organized chaos. She leads well, but I’ve brought the greatest killers of my clan to bear and we hunger for blood.

We form our own shield wall, tighter as we need no openings for archers. And crash into their line, the surf quickly fills with blood and Grimward bodies. Their archers rip into our line, punishing our every misstep. But their hunters and scouts are no match for the caliber of warrior that is the Stormjarl Viknar. Try as they might, they can’t withstand our assault. I move toward the left side of our line. I glimpse Valla raining down blows in a practiced flurry of heavy handed strikes shattering shields and bodies as she and Lillith press into the fray. Lilith’s shield is full of arrows and her sword flashes out pouring more Grimward blood into the sand with each strike. I look to the ships, prepared to redirect now that we’ve pushed onto the beach. I’m greeted by the sights and sounds of slaughter as the other warpack tries and fails to hold off Thrand and the crew from capturing the ships. The water surrounding the two ships is full of blood and bodies. The deck of the Fate Finisher is a maw of axes and spears. Thrand leads the fight with practiced efficiency giving commands between bouts of swift strikes with his long axe. Durnir and Saga stand amongst the crew. Having some experience in sailing Thrand figured he’d do well on the ship and she would do well helping defend with her spear. They prove him right as he and Saga spear and hack into any foe foolish enough to try and board our drakkar.

A horn bellows from the Grimward line as their leader now sporting a fresh gash through her armored shoulder calls for a reforming of the line. We give them no mercy, hacking into them as they flee. I’m more in my element in the attack. I’ve weathered enough punishment, it’s my turn to punish them. I’m a flow of metal and fury. All the world fades as I face any still willing to stand against me and my warriors. I slash and thrust through armor and flesh howling my savage song with every kill. Swift blocks and parries turn into crushing counters as I deal death to the men and women who bring my people war. In minutes I’m a mess of gore. Drunk on the glory.

“Bryech, Get out of there!” Thrand yells out over the battle. I turn and see the Sundvik sailors casting off. Having used their deft hands and sailing skill to get two of the ships ready to move. I hate to leave the third but we’re already stretched thin as it is. Push too far and we risk far more than bruised pride.

“Break contact, back to the ships!” I roar. We usually preach a coordinated retreat but we knew this was probably going to be a hasty getaway. Our warpack breaks ranks covering themselves as they scramble back to the Fate Finisher and the other two ships. Viknar rush to man the oars of the reclaimed longships and quickly set them back toward the coast. Arrows fly behind us trying futilely to stop us from our mission. No such luck for them. The water is cold as I climb the side of our drakkar. Not so cold I don’t feel the sting of an arrow punch into my body. I scream in pain as Thrand hauls me over the edge. We land with a thud on the deck as he pulls me from the danger.

“What happened?” Thrand asks. As he steadies himself.

“I got shot in the ass!” I respond. Wincing at the pain in my right buttock. Thrand looks at the wound and laughs. Through the pain I join him and so does much of the crew as we move back to the sea and arrows rain into the waters of the inlet. With Thrand’s help I remove the arrow and limp my way to the bow. Taking stock of the other ships I’m flooded with relief as we account for all of our warriors. No one came away unscathed though as everyone sports fresh wounds. Arrows riddle our Viknar, but they stand proud. Hooting and hollering their victory over our foe. I let out my own howl as we make our way back to Sundvik.

The people of Sundvik cheer at our approach and they flood the longship docks to welcome their people back to safety. Loved ones greet their sailors and the people praise us as we disembark. All of us limp to the great hall, which has been turned into a temporary barracks to house all the warriors and adventurers who come to help fight. Wounded men and women fill the beds. Most of them from neighboring settlements that fell to the swift raids of Grimward in the opening days of this war.

I move to the area set aside for the healers to ask for Ylva’s help patching us up.

“Ylva, you’re gonna love this.” I say before stopping dead in my tracks. She’s asleep, curled up on a cot holding the spare tunic for Toralf she’s carried with her since we left Ulvesal. She holds it like a child would their first blanket. And I can see it’s stained with tears. She has cared for the people of Sundvik and the surrounding villages body and soul. I know she’s as exhausted as the rest of us and her grief saps even more of her strength. I turn back into the hall to find one of the new healers she has trained. They could use the practice.

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Soft Cheese Bread

After partaking in good wine and fun while at the Itir Celebration in Lumiria, Artemis returns home to prepare a new batch of wine and a new low alcoholic concoction called Kombucha.  After many months of practicing fermentation, he has started to become a master of fermentation.  He’s started off small at first.  He started out with making bread.  A process in which you use the organism yeast from flour and let it rise to create dough.  Then you bake it in an oven and boom, you have created bread.  It is an artform that he has honed over many years, and it is a quite calming process.  Kneading dough, shaping it, measuring ingredients, adding cheese, these are all things that are calming and bring him peace.  Then he discovered the art of pickling.  Started with cucumbers and letting it sit in a brine made of vinegar and spices and over time it would change and create pickles.  Same process is done with cabbage and sausage.  He then would progress to making his own sausages and drying them to become jerky.  Then finally, he would progress into his most profitable and easiest craft, wine.  All of this to say that Artemis is a master at his craft and what he does in the kitchen is an art.  Which makes what happens next more tragic.  

The day was June 22 273, only days after the Itir Celebration.  It was very stormy that night and lighting was close.  Artemis had only just come home to his homestead and was drinking his latest batch of black berry wine, remembering his fallen comrades at this most recent fight with the Grimward.  He was also reminiscing about his fallen friend Vaels Watetash the Alpha Slayer.  He then began to go into a deep meditative sleep after what looked like two or three bottles of wine.  That’s when the tragedy struck.  Lightning struck his homestead causing a small spark and embers.  No one stirred as the storm was quite loud and no one knew a fire began to start.  It wasn’t until the stench of the smoke began wafting into an open window did Artemis begin to wake.  In his state, he at first attributed the smell to a bonfire.  It wasn’t until he was fully awake did he realize what was going on.  There was no bonfire outside, it was still raining.  He quickly got his family awake to check what was going on.  That’s when others were awake as well, watching.  The roof was on fire.  The fire had been much too strong to fight on hand so individuals did what they could to lessen the damage and move things that were around the home away.  That’s when Artemis realized his animals were still inside.  He rushed in grabbing a cloth to fight the smoke and he was able to save his small lizard Draco and his feline cat.  Artemis, Maretheris, and Naxala watched in silence as their home burned. 

After many hours, the fire subsided, but the smell of smoke will forever be burned into Artemis’s memory.  He had sent Maretheris and Naxala to a friend nearby home while Artemis investigated what could be salvaged.   He was able to find a few trinkets and some clothing for Maretheris but the deeper he went into the wreckage the more that was lost.  Artemis had lost, everything.  What was interesting though, it was only most of his things that was unsalvageable.  Was this an act of a god?  Did he slight a god an anyway that they targeted him?  Was it only a coincidence that a Temple of Arnath was just finished?  Or was this an act from a different god?  Khruki perhaps?  

Artemis was able to recover his personal notes but anything about his father was lost.  The Weaver mat he was given by his father as his last thing that was left.  The Enchanter’s mat Artemis made from an old cloak his father wore.  Even the outfit his father was seen in, gone.  One thing did remain, the Helm Azureal Talonflame wore when he became Guardian of the Wolfgang tribe.  That relic remained.  Coincidence?  He thought not.  


2 spoonsful of buttermilk

(Vinegar, juice of a lemon, and cream of tartar)

2 spoons of sugar

A cup of warm water

3 or 4 cups of flour

An egg

Pinch of salt and pepper

2 bits of any herbs

Lots of cheese

A clove of garlic, minced

Some butter

1 egg


Whisk the water, sugar, and a bit of flour together and let sit for about five to ten minutes.

Add the butter, egg, and seasonings and only one cup of flour and mix to combine.

Now add the rest of the flour to the bowl and make sure you have a bit of flour and water nearby.

Now Knead the dough into a soft ball and let rise for a few hours in a well-oiled and covered bowl.

Go ahead and grease a bread loaf pan.

Once doubled in size, lay out the dough on your worktop and roll it out flat.

Add cheese to cover the flat dough, more cheese is always better. 

Now roll the dough into a log that’s about arm length.

With a sharp knife cut the log in half lengthwise but leave a bit at the end.  

We are going to crisscross the dough all the way down.  

Now put that dough into the pan and let rise again for thirty minutes or so.

During this time make sure your oven is hot. You want it HOT.

Whisk melted butter and herbs and brush your dough and add some cheese to some of the pockets.

Now put that bun in the oven for about fourth five minutes to an hour. Check it often; you don’t want this to burn.

Once golden brown its ready to serve and eat!

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PLAYED BY: Jacob Pelot-Veldhuizen




CLASS: Rogue

AGE: Born 242

RACE: Who wants to know? Why all the questions?

HAIR: Blonde with a red beard

EYES: Blue

OCCUPATION/KNOWN SKILLS: A jack-of-all-trades, Ford can sell, buy, and transport goods. He also has modest blacksmithing skills and will fix it if it broke. Not afraid to get his hands dirty to finish the job. Hangs around UCUM and is often seen with Lady Marrah Faile in the Brown Chicken Brown Cow.


APPEARANCE/NOTABLE TRAITS: Tall and lean with a striking red beard, Ford’s attire attests to his background as a sailor, including the multiple tattoos covering his body.

RELATIONSHIPS: Has strong ties to Lady Marrah Faile, the BCBC, and the UCUM crew.


Aegir of Pack Seastorm and Clan Stormjarl, is born in the year 242 to a family of fishermen and traders.  Invited to go on his first trading voyage at the age of eleven, Aegir knows little of the colonist’s ways and is excited by the adventure.  When a sudden Wolf’s Wind hits his pack’s longboat, Aegir is swept off the boat and lost at sea.  Found unconscious by a returning merchant near the shores of New Oarsmeet, Aegir is delivered to the home of a wealthy businessman for whom the merchant works.  Nursed back to health, Aegir finds himself in debt to the businessman with no way to pay.  The man’s once generous nature flips to abusive manipulation as he convinces the young Aegir he has dishonored himself and his family.  Aegir is forced into slavery to pay back his debt.

It isn’t long before the mud and stone cell where Aegir and other slaves are kept is broken into by a band of irascible street rats, who’ve come to rescue their friend.  In the ensuing escape, Aegir meets a Syndar girl named Marrah, with whom he becomes fast friends.  She suggests he pick a new name to go by, one that won’t immediately reveal him to be Ulven, who are still distrusted in the colonies.  He chooses the name Ford.  Over the years, Ford and Marrah’s relationship develops into one of romance and dreams.  The pair find themselves working odd jobs on the edges of decent society.  Ford’s shame at what he’s become and had to do to survive prevents him from making contact with his lost family.

Growing and maturing, Ford and Marrah’s eyes begin to focus on their futures.  Ford’s experience sailing and smuggling captures his imagination.  He saves what little he can in hopes that he can purchase a boat of his own.  Marrah also longs for her own life of freedom and wealth, though her patience for it does not match Ford’s, and he is blind to it.  The Ulven Civil War breaks out, and Ford pushes his Ulven self deeper into seclusion.

Ford wakes some years later with a sword to his throat.  Marrah has stolen the silver of every crewmate aboard their current ship.  Ford is forced to take on the debt to prevent the pirates from hunting down and killing Marrah.  Crushed by her actions, Ford loses his trust in others and realizes there is no honor in people.  In the ensuing years, Ford works off his debt, acquiring skills and knowledge of the world along the way.

When the last silver piece is paid off, Ford leaves his crew in search of Marrah.  He will get answers and the silver he’s owed.  Then, finally, he can have the life of freedom he’s always dreamed of.


In the years since, Ford found Marrah and the two made peace with their tumultuous past. That this peace came after his steel found its way to her throat… was quickly forgotten. Especially after he was knocked unconscious by one of Marrah’s girls during the incident. Ford worked for Marrah for many years, helping her build UCUM into a place of prosperity. As UCUM grew, so did their relationship and trust. When Marrah singlehandedly purchased a sea-faring vessel out of the money from her own pocket, it was Ford who was made captain. The dream of his youth was finally realized. Wealth, success, and freedom were everything Ford had hoped it would be. And yet, the half-forgotten and hidden name of his birth tugged at his soul. From time to time, Ford found himself daydreaming of his family, of his birthplace.

One day, the pull could no longer be ignored. Ford told Marrah of his decision and thanked her for her love and generosity. As he kissed her hand goodbye, Ford told her she could always call on him in times of need. Slinging his pack over his shoulder, Ford took his first tentative steps back into the unknown world of his beginnings. A salt-laden breeze swept across the path. Aegir smiled wide. A true freedom and truth now sat light in his heart.

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Played by: Alex Pelot

Character name: Nyx

Gender: Female

Pronouns: Any

Class: Rogue

Age: Born 258

Race: Syndar – Serous

Hair: Brown

Eyes: White

Occupation: Traveler, professional pest, scout, animal whisperer, eater of strange plants

Known skills: Being annoying

Birthplace: Small homestead just outside Newhope

Appearance: legs, looks like themselves


Born just outside of the fledgling Newhope, in 258. Nyx’s parents raised her amongst the plants and animals of this foreign land. To Nyx, however, the birds, squirrels, donkeys, lizards, bugs, and worms of this world were as familiar as the wanderlust in her Syndar veins. Her parents couldn’t keep Nyx in one spot for longer than it took to say her name. Every time her parents went into market, Nyx would tag along. As soon as allowed, she would dash off into the burgeoning city to explore. Tales of a wiry and mouthy Syndar child would slowly make their way back to Nyx’s parent’s stall, to their mixture of concern and amusement. At day’s end, her mother and father would wait and call, but only for so long. They knew Nyx would show up back home in a day or two. Dirty, hungry, half-crazed, but full of stories from her wanderings. A half day’s nap and she would be back to her buzzing and busy self. Delighted by her clear call to adventure, her parents let her travel farther and farther. She soon found herself witness to and part of many of Mardrun’s greatest events. So it went and so it goes to this day.