Last Hope LARP is dedicated to maintaining a safe & healthy environment for our community of players at all of our events and practices. Please read the guidelines below to familiarise yourself with our rules before attending your first event (or your first event since 2020!).

We require all players to provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination before participating in any events or practices.
Submitting a photo of your Vaccination Card or a screenshot of your Wisconsin Immunization Records are both acceptable forms of proof. Any other options will have to be individually reviewed by staff. Please email if you need to pursue another option.
The following COVID-19 restrictions are in effect at all Last Hope functions, including, but not limited to Events, Practices, Conservation Days, and other game activities.
– If you have your vaccination info on file, you are not required to arrive at Last Hope functions wearing a mask. However, you must be willing to mask if you are exhibiting symptoms or if situations have led staff to ask for masking.
– If you have not submitted vax info yet, you may do so with the link at the top of this page prior to arrival, or wear a mask to check in and show proof of vaccination then.
– Once on file, you may attend functions without masks after a symptom check at check in.
– When exhibiting concerning symptoms or dealing with a known exposure, players are asked to report their symptoms and wear a mask or withhold from attending in-person events. These scenarios are handled case-by-case. If unsure, please reach out to
After Providing Proof & Approval:
- Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events.
- (After passing symptom-checks at each function.)
- Must be willing to mask based on symptoms/situations/etc.
Medically Exempt/Unable to Vaccinate
– Pre-Approval by Staff (For medical exemption) or Documentation showing vaccination progress required
– Ok to attend only WITH well-fitting masks AND no symptoms
– Unable to attend if health concern/concerning symptoms (allergies, non-COVID symptoms, etc… case by case)
After Providing Proof & Approval:
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events
- After passing symptom-checks at each function.
– Unable to attend and participate.
UNVACCINATED (Age 4 or younger)
– Kids this young are considered medically exempt, are encouraged to wear masks if they can/are able, and we ask that parents be conscientious about concerning symptoms with their kids.
Vaccination cards, MyChart printoffs, etc will be needed because it will be REQUIRED to prove vaccination, which we will note in player files/practice books (so they do not need to be brought every single time). Simply saying “I’m vaccinated” is not enough to prove vaccination.
If after reading the above info you are still uncertain as to our guidelines, here is a quick guide for your options, based on a person’s vaccination status, what they are able to participate in.
All of the following guidelines are contingent on passing symptom-checking at the event by a staff member.
FULLY VACCINATED after providing proof & approval
- Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Ok without a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events.
- Must be willing to mask based on symptoms/situations/etc.
MEDICALLY UNABLE TO VACCINATE after providing proof & approval
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events
CURRENTLY IN PROCESS OF BEING VACCINATED after providing proof & approval
We will require proof of you receiving your initial dose within the last 8 weeks.
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Ok with a mask for Outdoor/Indoor events
- Unable to participate in Outdoor/Indoor practices
- Unable to participate in Outdoor/Indoor events
Expanded Policy Information
Vaccination Proof
Federal law makes it legal for businesses and private properties to ask for proof of vaccination in order to participate/attend. Requesting this information is not a violation of HIPAA.
Once you provide vaccination proof (such as your vaccination card, DHP, MyChart print off confirming vaccination, or a photo of your vaccination card with your full name and date of birth visible) then your player record will be updated with the date and your approved proof. A FULL 2 WEEKS PAST THE FINAL DOSE OF YOUR VACCINE IS REQUIRED TO BE FULLY VACCINATED.
Once you provide proof to us and we record it, you will NOT need to continue to bring proof every single time you attend. The dates are important so we know when people are fully vaccinated and can help us coordinate booster shots in the future if the CDC guidelines change regarding their potential necessity.
Medical Exemptions
The staff/owners of Last Hope LARP have decided to allow doctor’s notes for people with medical reasons to be exempt from our vaccination proof to attend certain activities.
We understand that some players are not able to be vaccinated. There could be any number of legitimate medical reasons that some players are not able to be vaccinated as it is beyond their reasonably safe choice.
Players with medical exemptions have the chance to participate in our events and practices. If there is a sound medical reason barring a player from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, they can contact their doctor and ask for a letter recommending exemption due to health reasons. It must clearly state their contact info, their recommendation, be dated, and denoted as “temporary” vs “permanent” exemption.
– Players may willingly divulge details in addition to their doctor’s exemption letter if they so choose.
– We are able to ask for this information to participate in our group events. We are willing and able to discuss options with you about this and the details surrounding it.
– We are NOT asking for full health detail disclosures or any information protected by HIPAA.
Our guidelines are also a way to protect our players who are medically unable to vaccinate; by limiting contact with those who are unvaccinated, we ensure an even safer environment for those that may be at risk.
A medical exemption from being able to get vaccinated to fully participate is NOT an exemption to wearing masks. There are reasonable accommodations, listed below, for players who are unable to wear a mask at events.
Other Exemptions
At this time, we are ONLY allowing medical exemptions for players as reasons for not getting the vaccine. Vaccine exemptions are not mandatory to be accepted on private property, private gatherings, or private businesses. See below for accommodations.
Reasonable Accomodations
For those that do not wish to get vaccinated, do not wish to volunteer their vaccine status, or who are unable to wear a mask, our monthly memberships will still provide player resources and impactful story involvement for their characters and be ways to interact with the world/game of Last Hope LARP. This still allows a player to have meaningful interaction with the game world. Our “membership experience point” structure has also been revamped to accommodate players who are unable to attend so they have access to the same rewards as attending players.
If this significantly changes a players involvement in Last Hope LARP and there is concern over their existing or previous memberships, simply email in to to discuss.
Per ADA guidelines, by providing membership options and ways for players to interact with the game without being present, we are providing adequate accommodations to those that either choose not to vaccinate OR do not have the appropriate exemption OR are unable to wear a mask. If you have any questions about accommodations, please contact us for options or case-by-case solutions based on your situation.
Private Property Rules
These rules could be updated or changed based on location; private properties or private businesses can and are able to have different rules and guidelines to COVID-19 safety restrictions. If they are MORE strict, then they overrule our current guidelines.
For example, if we rent an indoor space for a political dinner, they may require proof of vaccination for everyone with NO exemptions or require masks on ALL participants.
==== MASK RULES ====
ALL new players who have not yet submitted their vaccination records digitally prior to attending their first Last Hope function are REQUIRED to enter wearing a mask, regardless of an indoor or outdoor venue. Once vaccination proof has been recorded, the player may remove their mask.
If the staff team determines that a player needs to keep their mask on for the event (symptom check was questionable, an exposure was too recent, etc.), the player is responsible for providing their own mask and decorum covering. Most medical masks alone are NOT decorum and need to be covered to be allowed in-game.