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September 2023

The current year is 214 of the Commonality Calendar. War has ravaged the continent of Faedrun for 15 years. The Syndar Kingdoms, devastated by war and taking the brunt of the initial undead forces, have continued their retreat further north into their territories. Some kingdoms have abandoned their lands and consolidated forces as the undead plague and penitent followers continue to push into the heart of Faedrun. The Grand Alliance is made up of a number of Human and Syndar kingdoms and has stood together for the last 9 years. With its strengths come weaknesses as the different military forces and their leaders continue to try to work together as a cohesive force. The first few years had been costly, but by now enough time has passed that the Grand Alliance has been working together quite well… but the war on Faedrun is beyond the scope of anything anybody had ever imagined.

One of the military forces deployed to the Grand Alliance is the Mushalee Boluk, a “company” of soldiers under the command of the current ranking commander, the Boluk-Bashi. This specialized military unit is made up of soldiers and support personnel that are sent to deal with undead forces that have been able to cross the searing heat of the desert of the May’Kar Dominion. Previously, a large battle was fought after an anomaly had been found in one of the Oasis locations of the May’Kar dominion; a village that was built over a crypt that held the corpses of influential people local to the area. This magical presence was sought after by the Penitent and Undead forces, but was controlled and cleansed entirely with divine energy. Immediately after, the fighting had died down and the Boluk’s forces were stationed in the Oasis as a garrison.

Since then, reinforcements have arrived from the Grand Alliance as squads of front-line soldiers from the Kingdom of Vandregon as well as magic specialists of the various Syndar Kingdoms. Only a year ago, a military campaign was coordinated by the Mushalee Boluk’s soldiers and their allies to face off against the enemy Penitent and Undead forces in the area. Several powerful Undead leaders were fought against, guaranteeing the scouting reports that the enemy is moving in earnest into the Oasis. After many missions and several grueling front-line battles, the Mushalee Boluk was able to drive back their enemies. With plenty of territory still under the control of Penitent and Undead forces, the several months of respite are bittersweet as enemy forces entrench themselves firmly in the outskirts of the Oasis. It seems that the banners will march to war again soon.


The Grand Alliance continued to fight back the Undead and Penitent forces throughout the Oasis. A greater undead woman cried out for a lost child – raising fallen soldiers and penitent as undead everywhere she went. The Death Knight and Banshee previously seen in the area returned again to torment the Grand Alliance. Cult of Anguish Blood Mages swarmed in droves, still searching for something in the area the Grand Alliance scholars couldn’t decipher. In the quiet hours of the night, the Penitent found their goal alongside several Greater Undead. The Vandregonian Phalanx rushed to stop them, but their ritual had already been completed when they arrived. From the ground rose another Undead – the self-proclaimed “Queen in Crimson”. The Phalanx returned to the Grand Alliance camp risen as undead by this new foe.

The following battles proved even more harrowing. The new “Queen In Crimson” declared all the Undead present to be her “Crimson Court” and seemed to command them in battle. Her magic combined with the present Wraith caused every Penitent soldier to rise as undead after being struck down. Attempts at negotiations from the Grand Alliance were met with what seems to be the only language the Undead and Penitent understand – violence and blood. Despite it all, the Grand Alliance held their position in the Oasis. Continuing the fight against the Undead Plague will continue in the area despite the new, unknown threat.

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