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May 29-31st, 2015 – Onsallas Outpost Event

== STORY ==
Pre-Event Summary
After the recent uneasy alliance with Ironmound still under negotiations, Nightriver has begun to mobilize more of its warriors to send them to the frontlines. Branthur Nightriver has sent multiple messages urging his allies, the colonies, and the Coalition to take advantage of this opportunity and push for an end to the war. Military units and supply wagons have begun marching to purpose and the civil war continues to escalate… some fear to a bloody and brutal confrontation and others hope for a chance to stall the fighting and find a peaceful resolution.

Far to the north, members of the Coalition have gathered again at Onsallas Outpost. The pineed sap harvest is winding down but numerous trees are still able to produce enough sap to be collected. Villagers of Pack Longfang and Onsallas Village have begun a coordinated effort to explore the nearby swamp and territories for any and all supplies that could be collected and sent to the war effort. Mordok activity is on the rise but remain far enough away to not be a direct threat and merchants and adventurers have begun to visit Onsallas again.

During the Ironmound feast, Wargah Grimward revealed to everyone in attendance that Clan Grimward was also in possession of an ulven orb, an artifact identical to the one found in the swamp last year. Members of the coalition fear that it is now a race against time to see which side of the civil war unlocks the secrets behind the ulven artifact.

Post-Event Summary
As adventurers and travels from all across Mardrun collected at Onsallas Outpost, basic tasks and outpost defenses were divided up. Dry firewood was sought after and pineed trees ready for tapping were searched for in order to collect sap from the recent harvest. Swamp tack and supplies were collected and moved for the war effort, with a collection being taken by those who wanted to send more support.

Mad Morty and the Shepherd were sighted and even made an attempt to get close to the corruption site outside the outpost. Mordok activity continued all through the day as adventurers tried to unlock the secrets of the ulven orb. It eventually did activate once a nearby corruption idol was destroyed, and the orb recalled two adventurers through the mana stream and into the swamp. A search party was sent out and the two were found who apparently were recalled to a specific point. Upon digging into the ground, a cache was found containing some magical artifacts and notes from what appears to be a lorespeaker. In the cache was a well known saga and what appeared to be the original which featured ulven battling each other. The implication of the history of the ulven was profound, but more questions needed answers.

The mordok continued to be a real threat and the adventurers manned the defenses. Research continued on the materials recovered and hints and notes pointed towards a great mystery further west in the swamp.

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April 18th, 2015 – Clan Ironmound Feast

== STORY ==
Pre-Event Summary:
After recent aggression reached its peak in the western Watchwolf settlement, the neighboring Clan Ironmound has become the focus of attention in the Ulven civil war. The Clan’s territory borders Clan Shattered Spear and the Pass in the Great Wolf’s Hackles and is home to many highly defendable locations and large amounts of high quality steel.

For a year, Clan Ironmound has expressed concern that they wish to remain neutral in the larger Ulven conflict. Their representatives have traveled and been host to several delegates from other Clans, and it seems that the Clan’s allegiance is highly sought after by both Clan Grimward and Clan Nightriver. Clan Grimward’s aggression and conquest of Clan Stormjarl territory to the south and the Watchwolf Clan’s settlement nearby have shown Ironmound how neutral clans are treated.

With the impending decision of Clan Ironmound in the near future, the ambassadors and leaders of their ruling elder council have decided to hold a feast and invite representatives from Clan Nightriver, the Coalition, and Clan Grimward. Hawks have been sent to these groups detailing a day and a location; one of the settlements near the Great Wolf’s Hackles. This meeting could decide the allegiance of Clan Ironmound in the Ulven civil war and could potentially be a major turning point for either side.

Post-Event Summary:
Representatives from almost all the factions of the Coalition joined Clan Nightriver and Clan Grimward to attend a feast held on neutral ground in Ironmound territory. As guests entered the area, they were a bit unsettled by Grimward’s display of force; camped within shouting distance were two well supplied and apparently well armed war packs of Clan Grimward. They had camped nearby as part of the escort to Wargah Grimward, the representative to Clan Grimward, who was the daughter of Haygreth Grimward.

Tension filled the feasting hall as Wargah and her guards took one side of the hall and the Coalition and Clan Nightriver took the other side of the hall. As the feast took place, tension eased a bit as everyone in attendance was glad to have a break from the fighting. Grimward and members of the Coalition even had discussions that remained amicable and everyone was a bit relieved at how the feast was progressing.

However, a different kind of battle was taking place and representatives from all sides of the war were doing a lot of discussions on involvement and what it would mean. Ironmound has long since stood for neutrality, but Grimward was applying a lot of pressure to make them join their cause. This was furthered by the discussions of Wargah, but many of the Ironmound fears were eased when reports of the Watchwolf defenders being shown mercy and even being cared for after the Watchwolves were conquered. This gave them hope that their people would be spared if a decision had to be made. On the other hand, the representatives from the Coalition’s factions and of Clan Nightriver had talks with the Ironmound Council of Elders as well, sharing stories of their defenses of other neutral clans and how Grimward has treated others and refused to listen to reason. They expressed many details about the war, offered aid where they could, and continued to push the stance that neutrality should be a choice for any Clan in this conflict instead of just pushing Ironmound to choose Clan Nightriver’s side. One of the Ironmound Elders had a son present that was afflicted by headaches and dreams, and members of the Coalition assisted the young man and even offered to provide aid to him regardless of the decision made by Ironmound. Many in attendance were worried if the Coalition guests were respecting their hosts and acting the way they were expected to, and several negative interactions with the Ironmound Elders made many worry about how it would influence their decisions.

The Council of Elders were conflicted on their decisions, seeing merit in both sides of the war and in neutrality. At first they discussed, then debated, and then flat out argued over the options presented. It seemed like there was a large rift between the Council of Elders present in at the feast and in Ironmound territory if the Elders cannot come to an agreement on a decision then the Clanleader must become involved. In the heat of the moment, one of the Elders made a bold move after arguing audibly in front of the guests in the dinner. This pro-Coalition Elder drew his sword and asked the Coalition to stand with him, after his opposing pro-Grimward Elder argued that taking a stance in the war, especially with the Coalition, was not the right choice. Those present sprang into action and weapons were drawn, the room suddenly threatening to erupt into violence. Wargah Grimward then used magic to recall the pro-Grimward Ironmound Elder out of danger, rescuing him after he expressed fear of being present, leaving her guards to the mercy of the room. A member of the coalition attacked the Grimward guards, breaking the neutral ground the feast was on, and forcing the decision even further for Clan Ironmound. Luckily the violence was halted as fast as it began, and none of the Grimward were killed in the fight. They were allowed to leave and were not stopped and they ran to their encampment as soon as they left the building.

In a flurry of activity, those present at the dinner came up with a plan to have most of their groups escort the Clan Nightriver representative to her encampment to link up with her warriors and for one group to escort the remaining Ironmound Elders and their followers to the nearby Ironmound village. The entire group quickly left the building and the plan worked; Clan Nightriver warriors were alerted and able to regroup at the village and the Ironmound reps arrived safely. The Coalition rejoiced in this victory, having earned another ally to stand against Grimward, but were fearful of the well armed Grimward war packs that would surely pursue them to the village. The Grimward camp packed up quickly and to everyone’s surprise marched south, spurred on as if driven by some new purpose, and avoided the village entirely. Once the excitement settled down, the Ironmound rep became concerned and worried… for he knew that he made a grave mistake in forcing a decision for the Council at the feast. He was worried about the repercussions of the Clanleader, who heavily favored neutrality in this conflict, and spoke to several that he advised the Coalition be prepared to do whatever is necessary to gain his favor and secure the new alliance.

The Clan Nightriver representative was also worried, knowing that unless acted upon quickly, the alliance with Ironmound could be lost and their Clan ending up joining Grimward now that the option of neutrality is no longer available to the Clan. As she attached a hastily written letter to the leg of a messenger hawk and let it fly south to Clan Nightriver territory, she made it very clear that this very moment and the decisions the Coalition makes in response to this is critical; failing to secure this alliance could be the tipping point in the war.

Click here for pictures from the event! (We also did a photo-shoot at Devil’s Lake State Park after the event too, which are included)

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March 21st, 2015 – A Chorus of Rings (Grimward and Watchwolf Civil War event)

=== STORY ===
Pre Event Summary:
The northern half of Mardrun is a flurry of activity as the spring thaw begins to set in and the cold embrace of winter begins to recede. The Watchwolf Clan has endured the harsh winter just barely, with food supplies running low and fear and worry spreading through its populace.

The fighting from over a year ago was harsh on the Watchwolves; their farms were pillaged, their outer villages burned or captured, their warriors beaten through attrition against a larger foe. Although the Coalition and Clan Nightriver allies were critical in keeping the Watchwolves from losing their last main settlement, the victory that turned the Grimward conquerors back would only stall them for a time. When last year’s crop season produced meager food supplies and warriors were drafted from the young and desperate, Grimward was always there on the edge of the territory… waiting… a dark reminder that the Watchwolf Clan was never truly safe. The Coalition and other allies to the south have provided aid but numerous battles, raids, and different agendas stalled or pushed back any concentrated effort to help the Watchwolves rebuild or fortify their borders. Desertion and fear began to spread through the settlements but honor, pride, and constant reminders of the Watchwolves sacred duty to protect their lands against a shrouded prophecy kept them from fleeing in large numbers. The Clan’s leaders work hard to control the people, to steel them for the battle to come, and remind every member of the Clan to remain steadfast and to do their duty. Every able bodied Watchwolf, some barely of age enough to see their marks come in, is given a weapon and sent to join the war packs stationed around the settlements.

The recession of winter, normally a joyous occasion, is now a sign that battle is here. Clan Grimward’s forces spent the winter preparing supplies and amassing warriors on their northern borders, drunk on tales of battle and promise of conquest. Now, they mobilize and renew their campaign to conquer the Watchwolf Clan. Hundreds of warriors cross the border and move on the remaining Watchwolf settlements, spurred on after long months of waiting and preparation.

Allies to the Watchwolves fear that their pride and stubborn ways could spell disaster to its people; that an organized evacuation to their eastern settlement could spare the Watchwolves hundreds of lives but without an attempt to sway their leaders it will be hard to convince them of this. Rumors also spread, that the High Priestess of the Watchwolves has been in discussion about surrendering or joining Clan Grimward in the civil war.

The Coalition and Clan Nightriver have sent forces north to secure the pass and help in whatever way they can, but with the Pass no longer garrisoned by the militant clerics of the Order of Arnath’s Fist, it is now a race against time to see who will control such a vital route through the Great Wolf’s Hackles.

Post-Event Summary:
A group of Coalition members were able to slip past the Grimward warriors that moved to the Pass, and the soldiers that marched to the Pass were locked in conflict with them for control of the area. Upon arriving to the Watchwolf settlement, a battle was already underway but with reinforcements the Watchwolf defenders were able to hold. As the Coalition allies coordinated with the Watchwolves in the area, it was clear that there was discord among the Watchwolves. A young Chieftain, who wanted to look out for the survival of his people, was following the commands of an older Watchwolf Ambassador. It was obvious the Ambassador was there to instill courage into the hearts of the Watchwolf defenders and to keep them from fleeing from the fight.

After a few brief skirmishes, Khulgar Graytide made his presence known to the defenders in the area and approached via parlay to deliver terms of surrender written by Haygreth Grimward. Quarter and honorable surrender were given to any Ulven who stopped fighting and joined Clan Grimward. The defenders and their allies refused, remaining stalwart in their defense of the settlement. The fighting died down ominously, before signal horns were heard in the distance… the Watchwolf Clanleader finally gave the signal to move all remaining defenders into the settlement to hold out as long as they could.

The settlement was a chaotic swirl of supplies that needed to be recovered before they were lost to the enemy, pockets of fighting and swirling melees with warriors on both sides signalling reinforcements and reformations of their skirmish lines, and of civilians both rescued by Watchwolf defenders and their Coalition allies and being captured by Grimward invaders. In the beginning, the Watchwolf line was pushed back hard and the situation looked grim, but with the combined skill and equipment of the Coalition allies they were able to hold out far longer than the defenders thought possible. Wave after wave of Grimward defenders crashed on the defenders, but were driven back or repelled enough to stop Grimward’s advance on that part of the settlement. The rest of the settlement wasn’t doing as well, and the battle looked hopeless… it was only a matter of time before Grimward conquered the entire settlement.

Inside the defenders line, the discord that was brewing between the Chieftain and the Ambassador reached a bloody end, as the Ambassador was wounded in battle. After hours of urging the Watchwolf defenders to leave and save their people, the Ambassador was murdered by someone amongst the Watchwolves or the Coalition. What was certain is that it was an ally; what is unknown is exactly who it was, and it is suspected that the Coalition had a hand in it. The young Chieftain, no longer bound to obey the word of the Ambassador, made the decision to save as many people as possible and to evacuate and head south to the Pass. The remaining defenders, villagers, and wagons full of supplies departed the settlement. After a stubborn defense that would not yield to Grimward, the settlement was quickly taken by the invaders as the caravan left, nobody left to stop the Grimward from advanding into the heart of the settlement. The Chieftain was devastated by having made the choice he had, wondering if saving his people but leaving the settlement to fall was the best choice in the end.

The caravan was followed by Grimward invaders but due to the brave sacrifice of a few and the coordinated retreat by the rest, the caravan was able to leave the fighting area safely. However, several members of the factions present took a number of supplies from the caravan with them instead of delivering them safely to the Watchwolves, which was viewed poorly by the remaining Watchwolf refugees. The caravan reached the Pass safely, allowing the Chieftain to escort his people home to their eastern settlement.

Click this link for pictures of the event!

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February 21st, 2015 – Newhope Colony Political Meeting

=== STORY ===
Pre Event Summary:
The Colony of Newhope leaders, the Council of Ten, periodically hold meetings to discuss matters of the colony and the overall settlers on Mardrun. Due to recent events and reports of things happening in the settlements, the Council has prepared for their first quarter meeting and have opened up invitations to a number of factions, guilds, settlements, and organizations. Normally, this is done on a bit smaller scale or by individual meetings, but this time the Council has bid everyone welcome to come and discuss matters with the Council.
However, the Council of Ten are also very important and busy people and must tend to the greater affairs of the colony. Representatives and Court Advisors have been selected to receive the diplomats and ambassadors to numerous groups and address their concerns and requests on behalf of a number of the Council members. Further appointments will be made directly with the Council based on the needs of those attending… and perhaps also based on the resources they are willing to share or the coin they are willing to donate… but these Court Advisors are given jurisdiction and resources to handle requests, solve problems, pass judgment on disagreements, initiate deals and alliances, and pay for goods and services.
As leaders and representatives brave the cold and snowy roads to attend these meetings to gain favor and secure resources for the upcoming year, many worry about what the actual agendas of the Council are behind the scenes.

Post Event Summary:
Numerous representatives were in attendance and under the strict guidelines and format of the Court Herald, many meetings and private discussions took place. Baroness Catherine herself was in attendance, as well as advisors or delegates for numerous Council members. During the open floor meeting, messages of unity and expansion were spoken to those in attendance, a letter reached the colony from the Pass saying it is being abandoned, and Baron Richard’s push for power made fully public. A member of the Estate Watch was arrested and carried out when he resigned his post, both an example to those in attendance that nobody is above Colony Law and that suspicious activities are being watched carefully. As the meeting ended, representatives and faction delegates left with pouches loaded with coin for services or details for future contracts and dealings.

For event photos, click here.

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December 11th, 2016 – The Needs of the Few

The Mordok offensive in March was a major blow against the Ulven people, and indeed the peoples of Mardrun as a whole. This new form of corruption brought by these foul beasts has proven extremely difficult to cleanse. Extraordinary effort by a few individuals has given relief to a select few, but so far the majority of those afflicted have had so settle with the mere hope of a cure. The city of New Hope has opened their gates to all who suffer this plague regardless of their background and despite the fact that they are clearly unequipped to handle a public health epidemic of this magnitude. No others on have extended assistance in this fashion. The crowds in the newly dubbed “plague district” have swelled to an untenable level following the harvest as all who have felt unable to travel due to the needs of home find themselves with a moment of reprieve. But now, with the first snows having fallen, the ill find themselves restless with the sure knowledge that no more of the lifesaving reagents needed in the cleansing rituals will be available again before spring. A feral mob has formed near the healing pavilion, and they demand to know how many of them can expect to see the cleansing rains of spring and how those lucky few will be chosen. One of New Hopes senior ritual researchers has been dispatched to the healing pavilion to work on a better cure and is requesting outside help, but their efforts may be in vain if the mob is not appeased.

==AFTER EVENT SUMMARY==The Mordok offensive in March was a major blow against the Ulven people, and indeed the peoples of Mardrun as a whole. This new form of corruption brought by these foul beasts has proven extremely difficult to cleanse. Extraordinary effort by a few individuals has given relief to a select few, but so far the majority of those afflicted have had so settle with the mere hope of a cure. The city of New Hope has opened their gates to all who suffer this plague regardless of their background and despite the fact that they are clearly unequipped to handle a public health epidemic of this magnitude. No others on have extended assistance in this fashion. The crowds in the newly dubbed “plague district” have swelled to an untenable level following the harvest as all who have felt unable to travel due to the needs of home find themselves with a moment of reprieve. But now, with the first snows having fallen, the ill find themselves restless with the sure knowledge that no more of the lifesaving reagents needed in the cleansing rituals will be available again before spring. A feral mob has formed near the healing pavilion, and they demand to know how many of them can expect to see the cleansing rains of spring and how those lucky few will be chosen. One of New Hopes senior ritual researchers has been dispatched to the healing pavilion to work on a better cure and is requesting outside help, but their efforts may be in vain if the mob is not appeased.The Mordok offensive in March was a major blow against the Ulven people, and indeed the peoples of Mardrun as a whole. This new form of corruption brought by these foul beasts has proven extremely difficult to cleanse. Extraordinary effort by a few individuals has given relief to a select few, but so far the majority of those afflicted have had so settle with the mere hope of a cure. The city of New Hope has opened their gates to all who suffer this plague regardless of their background and despite the fact that they are clearly unequipped to handle a public health epidemic of this magnitude. No others on have extended assistance in this fashion. The crowds in the newly dubbed “plague district” have swelled to an untenable level following the harvest as all who have felt unable to travel due to the needs of home find themselves with a moment of reprieve. But now, with the first snows having fallen, the ill find themselves restless with the sure knowledge that no more of the lifesaving reagents needed in the cleansing rituals will be available again before spring. A feral mob has formed near the healing pavilion, and they demand to know how many of them can expect to see the cleansing rains of spring and how those lucky few will be chosen. One of New Hopes senior ritual researchers has been dispatched to the healing pavilion to work on a better cure and is requesting outside help, but their efforts may be in vain if the mob is not appeased.The Mordok offensive in March was a major blow against the Ulven people, and indeed the peoples of Mardrun as a whole. This new form of corruption brought by these foul beasts has proven extremely difficult to cleanse. Extraordinary effort by a few individuals has given relief to a select few, but so far the majority of those afflicted have had so settle with the mere hope of a cure. The city of New Hope has opened their gates to all who suffer this plague regardless of their background and despite the fact that they are clearly unequipped to handle a public health epidemic of this magnitude. No others on have extended assistance in this fashion. The crowds in the newly dubbed “plague district” have swelled to an untenable level following the harvest as all who have felt unable to travel due to the needs of home find themselves with a moment of reprieve. But now, with the first snows having fallen, the ill find themselves restless with the sure knowledge that no more of the lifesaving reagents needed in the cleansing rituals will be available again before spring. A feral mob has formed near the healing pavilion, and they demand to know how many of them can expect to see the cleansing rains of spring and how those lucky few will be chosen. One of New Hopes senior ritual researchers has been dispatched to the healing pavilion to work on a better cure and is requesting outside help, but their efforts may be in vain if the mob is not appeased.
The situation in the so-called “Plague District” of Newhope proved to be more desperate than anticipated as groups from across Mardrun approached the city. Whether they sought to assist in the research, provide security for those dispensing the cure, or sought the cleansing themselves, the tension in the air was tangible to all in attendance. Rising emotions among the corrupted, desperate to be cured and return to their lives reached a boiling point that day as they argued with guards and guests of Newhope who struggled to keep the corrupted in check. Questions were raised about the fairness of Newhope’s methods of choosing who would be cured, as warriors began to smell the blood soon to be in the air. The progress towards a safer ritual which had been completed thus far was evacuated from the vicinity for fear of it falling out of Newhope’s grasp should a riot erupt, though it wasn’t until half of the reagents promised for the cure disappeared and what was seen by the corrupted as an unsatisfactory job or searching for the culprit that violence eventually broke out. Through the combined efforts of the Newhope guard and the other groups in attendance, the riot was quickly contained until reinforcements from the Newhope guard were able to arrive, and many of those driven to violence were spared, though wounded greatly. Many are watching now with bated breath to see what will come from this outburst, though no official statement by the city of Newhope has yet been released.

Click here to see pictures from the event: