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Pack Ironhide

Pack Ironhide

Clan: None (Formerly Ironmound)

Estimated Size: Small (200-300)

Insignia: Grey wolf head.

Pack Leader: Drakkon Ironhide

High Priestess: Stáli Ironhide

Pack Ironhide lies beyond what is now known as the Shield of Mardrun along the Seafang Cliffs. They’re a smaller clanless pack but it wasn’t always like this. Long ago they were part of Clan Ironnmound, this bond was forged on mutual respect of their craft but over time that bond would deteriorate due to differing beliefs. While Ironmound beliefs lean more heavily towards the Great Wolf, Ironhide views Iron and Stone as gifts from Gaia therefore leaning more heavily towards Gaia herself which led to the pack having more Daughters of Gaia.

This difference in beliefs led to a rift forming between the leaders and eventually causing pack Ironhide to go their own way. It took much convincing of the pack, but eventually they all would agree to risk the dangers and go beyond where most clanless dwell for a place they could call their own. The Leader at the time, Halldór Ironhide would lead them to the mountain range known as the Seafang Cliffs where they would begin to settle, but the journey was not without loss. Many of the pack did not make it to the mountains, frequent skirmishes with Mordok would dwindle their numbers down but within these losses there was a lesson to be learned.

With the loss of his kin weighing on his mind Halldór would adopt the custom of using metal armor from their old clan Ironnmound. At first the idea unsettled many due to the rift that formed between the pack and the clan but to justify this the phrase “We arm ourselves with the strength of Gaia, we protect ourselves with her gift” would be born. Now with the strength of metal protecting them they would begin to hold their own. With time the pack would establish a village fortified with iron and stone. As months turned into years, Pack Ironhide became more stable, confident even.

Eventually warriors wishing to prove themselves to achieve a higher status within the pack would head towards the outskirts of the Dirge Swamp; those who returned often brought trophies to prove their conquest. Wishing to keep their borders safe Halldór would implement the Trial of Iron pushing warriors old and young to go out, slay Mordok and bring back proof of their kills.

With the land secured the Ironhide would focus their efforts on producing a safe trade route along the western coast to the south packs/clans and reestablishing connections while remaining vigilant as the world around them is always changing.

Timeline Events and the Pack

  • Year 160: Split from Clan Ironmound and made their way north to form a new village known as Járnúlfur.
  • Year 165: Trade route to the south is finished
  • Year 170: Halldór succeeded by his eldest son, Sigurður, as the new Pack Leader only to pass in his sleep a few years later.
  • Year 220: News of what happened to Pack Blackwing spreads to the Ironhide. In response scouts are sent to bring in any survivors and to recover any bodies found so they may be put to the pyre properly.
  • Year 245: Sigurður is succeeded by his only son Drakkon as the new Pack Leader.
  • Year 250: News of the colonists first landing was slow to reach the pack but this did not stop them from sending warriors to defend their home from the humans and syndar. With this said the moment a truce was made pack Ironhide respected it and returned to their home.
  • Year 261: News of the civil war caused unrest within the pack though they refused to participate in the killing of their own kind they made their disgust which such acts known.
  • Year 264: Pack Ironhide would send supplies to the Shield of Mardrun in hopes to help rebuild and make their support known to the Longfang.
  • Year 267: The Mordok would put the Ironhide on the defensive, their losses forcing them to focus more on defending their home.

Rumors revolving around the pack

  • Their eyes reflect their craft, a steely gray.
  • Their daughters are also skilled in blacksmithing, blessing the armor itself.
  • Their daughters use the Mordok trophies the warriors bring back in the making of their metal gear giving it a darker finish.
  • The more heavily armored an Ironhide is, the higher their kill count.
  • Those who still carry trophies of Mordok claim they’re from an alpha or a shaman.
  • The current High Priestess and mate of the Pack Leader is said to be a Bloodfang, one of the last few survivors of the civil war though she did not participate like the rest of the Ironhide pack.
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