PLAYED BY: Ryan Ulatt
CHARACTER NAME: Latać (pron: LAH-TAHch) Sokolov
CLASS: Cleric
AGE: 25
RACE: Human
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Blue
OCCUPATION: A Wandering Medic. Latać dedicates his life to the healing of others, no matter who. He charges nothing and expects no payment, after all, what time is there for payment when one is dying on the floor or recovering from a grievous wound? To further his purpose, Latać joined the charitable Golden Hand, a group of like-minded comrades who share the same overlapping goal of the free assistance of others and who have the support structure to make sure he, himself can survive.
KNOWN SKILLS: Latać is primarily skilled, or at least knowledgeable, in various medical practices.
BIRTHPLACE: Latać was born in a small village on the southwestern coastline of the Kingdom of Vandregon on Faedrun. He was the tenth son of eleven children born to the village doctor, Casimir Sokolov and his mother Masha Dragunova. He wasn’t particularly close with many of his siblings, only his younger sister of two years, Yulia. Because his parents were busy most days, either with caretaking or housework, Latać spent many of his days looking after Yulia and playing doctor, lovingly mimicking his father’s work.
APPEARANCE: Latać tries to keep as clean of an appearance as possible for a wanderer. He typically wears a cloak or coat of some sort, some gloves, and a pair of traveling pants and boots.
NOTABLE TRAITS: Latać is an ordinary fellow, his only outstanding trait is that he prefers to wear gloves to every occasion–it’s an extension of his medical profession and personal preference to keep as clean as he can.
RELATIONSHIPS: Other than his ties with his fellows of Golden Hand, his sister Yulia, and adoptive father Arend Falk, Latać has no other relationships. As a wandering medic, he goes where needed for a while then leaves. Of course, his rapport with patients is well and all, but further personal attachment is flatly rejected.
RUMORS: Latać is rumored to have murdered a man via purposeful malpractice. Who that man is varies from telling to telling, even the implements of the malpractice are different in each story. The only constant is that the murder was long and torturous for the victim
Latać Sokolov was born to a family with ten other siblings in a small village on the southwestern coast of the Kingdom of Vandregon on Faedrun. His father, Casimir Sokolov, was the village doctor. Latać admired his father’s work and would mimic his medical practices when not looking after his younger sister, Yulia.
However, at the age of eight, with the Southern Army of Vandregon being decimated by the undead horde emerging from the destroyed Kingdom of Aldoria, Latać and his family made haste to evacuate from Faedrun to Mardrun. However, on the journey over to Mardrun, the majority of Latać’s family perished from consumption and hunger, leaving him and Yulia the only two survivors. The sight frightened Latać to no end, watching his family die, falling like flies owing to sickness. The day his beloved father died, Latać vowed to become a healer and act to prevent disasters like this from happening again.
Upon arrival at New Hope, Latać and Yulia were taken in by one of the medics sent to examine the refugees from Faedrun. The kind, old doctor Arend Falk, a man with no children nor wife, adopted the two orphans; Dr. Falk took the two as apprentices to his medical work, educating them as best he could. By the age of twenty, Latać had become a knowledgeable young medic and decided to head out on a journey, to heal as many people as he can. Yulia, another promising student, decided to stay behind and help Dr. Falk in his clinic.