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January 272 News and Rumors

Winter may cool the continent, but nothing can cool the spread of News and Rumors!



The meadhalls of Clan Shattered Spear have been filled with raucous laughter as stories pass from village to village. Skalds and rumor mongers have spread the song and story far and wide of a newly minted legend among the Ulven people, an otherwise unknown mysterious figure known only as ‘Haldar One-Finger’, named for the incredible tale of how he held an enemy army at bay with a single finger. The story has collected increasingly outlandish vignettes and happenings, but the core remains the same as it travels through the continent. The story goes that Haldar was a raider, a profession of mixed repute, but one bathed in romanticism. On a raid Haldar found himself standing watch over a road with not but two fellow warriors by his side when a squad of fighters marched toward him. Haldar and his comrades stood stalwart on the road knowing that the pride of an Ulven was in their ability to stand against all odds and not waiver. The massive enemy army sent a speaker to the front in an futile attempt at diplomacy. “Where is your honor!?” the speaker called and Haldar answered not with words, but with the raising of a single finger; A single middle finger. The army, in sheer awe of the unquestionable power of Haldar, froze in place, turned on their heels, and marched back to their walled outpost. And so goes the story of Haldar One-Finger.


In the more densely populated areas around the central village of Clan Nightriver a meeting has taken place among some of the highly respected Daughters of Gaia from the various Clans. Grimward and Ironmound did not field any representatives. The Daughters of Nightriver called this summit with their sisters from around the continent to discuss what they see as a problematic growing trend. It seems word has spread of some of the more rural Ulven people returning to ancient rites of Land Wight devotionals and this word has reached the ears of The Daughters of Gaia. As the spiritual heart of the Ulven people, the Daughters of Gaia have grown concerned that these “Wight Worshipers” as they have taken to calling them, are abandoning their true Gods in favor of lesser spirits. The meeting goes on for days and though the general consensus seems to be that this worship of lesser spirits should be stymied, the Daughters don’t seem to come to a conclusion on how to move forward with doing so at this time.


After the Daughter’s summit in Nightriver rumors start to spread far and wide about the disappearance of Gudrun Whiteoak, a well beloved Daughter of Gaia from Clan Whiteoak. She never made her appearance at the Daughter’s summit, but many report that she’d spoken at length about her travel plans in the preceding days and that she’d left Whiteoak lands with more than enough time to arrive well ahead of the summit proceedings. Even as the month comes to a close, no one has reported seeing Gudrun.

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