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January 2025 – Waking from the Nightmare


Fires are burning bright across Mardrun as the population works hard to stave off the chill of winter. The longest night of the year has passed, bringing more sunshine, even as the cold refuses to wane. While the cold may have slowed down many trade routes, small batches of bandits have still found their way to menace those routes. 

In an unfortunate turn of events, news of Clan Nightriver has spread once again. The mysterious food poisoning that was presented as a concern at the Nightriver Moot a few months ago has proven all the theories true; this sickness is no mere food poisoning. Pack Blackknife now faces one of the worst epidemics the Clan has seen since the mordok’s creeping corruption. What started as food poisoning from a bad batch of supplies left the Ulven of the Pack susceptible to a much worse sickness. The Ulven local to the area have quarantined the main settlement of the pack in hopes to stop the spread while they begin to work towards a solution. A cure to this sickness was found, but its application is too slow for a real chance at survival.

As delirium begins to set in and the first few deaths due to this plague go neither peacefully nor painlessly, Clan Nightriver begins to fear the possibility of losing Pack Blackknife. 

A call to action has been issued across Mardrun. Nightriver requests for aid from healers, surgeons, clerics, and anyone able to ease their suffering or aid in the search for an improved cure. They request warriors to stave off the small groups of bandits ready to take advantage of the Pack’s weakened state, herbalists to scour the area for healing reagents, and able-bodied people to keep the fires hot. Without a concentrated effort to more efficiently cure the sick Ulven, the sickness will continue to get worse, and could even run rampant across the continent. Nightriver’s request for aid must be met with quick, decisive action, or the future of Pack Blackknife, and maybe even the continent, is uncertain.


Clan Nightriver quickly found the area around Pack Blackknife surrounded in support. Healers and clerics worked tirelessly to conjure and deduce the precise workings of this plague, while herbalists scoured the woods despite troublesome bandit pressure, and even later on, plagued bandits. Alchemists braved the quarantine to collect samples from living plagued Ulven for the healer’s research, while others took the task of handling bodies to aid in the research. Some of these brave helpers were unfortunately afflicted by the plague, leaving them no choice but to wait in the quarantine zone with the other plagued villagers.

As time went on and more questions became answers, with the added discovery of a modified Protection aura that kept the wearer protected from the plague, the group was able to set off into the quarantine zone and begin their attempts to heal the village.

The quarantine zone was a bleak sight. The worst cases of the plague, Ulven nearly dead, were left at the mouth of the village to be the first to receive aid. Armed with the knowledge that this plague was deadly at night, the healers rushed to work, racing against the sun. In the final minutes of sunset as more sick Ulven trickled into the area, proof of the group’s hard work reached the ears of those both in and out of the quarantined area. More healers have entered the area and begun working, and as the sun rises again in the morning, those tired healers can take their rest with a smile, knowing the Nightmare Plague is done reaping their lands in the night. 

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