After Newhope’s long effort to stockpile and prep for the coming year that is sure to be filled with blood and war, the colony of New Hope has lit up with excitement at the recent news of the Annual Politcal Dinner. The Council has made an exciting announcement; the newest member of the Council, Duke Aailmyr, will be hosting this year’s Political dinner within the City-State’s walls. After concluding his work of lighting up the streets of New Hope with more and more enchanted lanterns and his creation of an Enchanter Trade school, those keeping up with the movements of the Council have been waiting to see what he does next.
The Duke has spread word across the City-State and beyond– once again the Glinting Emerald will be opening its doors, not only for those looking to rub elbows with politicians, but scholars of every domain are invited to bring their research projects to the table. The grand invitation and offer of space for ethical and safe research to be done is sure to bring many scholars out to both aid in other’s research and conduct their own.
Though, the final announcement from Duke Aailmyr has piqued the interest of many across the continent. Many have noticed the presence of the Northern Syndar present in the city over the past months, and the Duke has announced that the City-State has negotiated a sort-of partnership with the group. As a result, the Northern Syndar have donated a number of items to be researched by those in attendance, as their own lack of magical abilities has left them with no way to investigate them themselves. No other details of those items have been announced, but the hope for something new, and maybe even something that can aid in the Conquering, has sparked within many.
As the streets of Newhope begin to flood with people once again, the buzz of excitement for the Annual Political Dinner continues to grow with a new type of air: curiosity.
The day started with Duke Aailmyr greeting those assembled and introducing two Northern Syndar. These syndar brought with them several things; a sample of flesh from one of the mysterious creatures they call a “Yolqui”, notes written in Ancient Syndar that needed translating, and an equally mysterious box, seemingly sealed by magical means. The state in which they existed, being unaffected by any magic seemed to also prevent them from being able to open the box. They made one request- the contents of the box were to remain in the box and no one was to look inside. Duke Aailmyr stressed the importance of this request to the group, backed by the City-State of Newhope’s authority, and the items were handed off.
As they handed off the box to one of the co-headmistresses of the Duke’s new enchanting trade school, a blank expression washed over her face. It seemed to slowly drain the mana from her as she was stuck in a trance with no recognition of the events around her. Only when one of the syndar from the north took the box from the headmistress’ grasp did she regain her mind. Research quickly began as the rest of those assembled began their regular discussions and politicking that was expected.
As the Duke entertained those present, even auctioning off several newly enchanted items crafted in his school, several discoveries were made in the research.
Many speculated on the nature of the Yolqui, comparing them both to Syndar and Ulven due to their animalistic features. The sample of hide was naturally high in salt and found to be as tough as leather armor even though it was thinner and much more pliable. Those studying the hide meditated, discovering that it was in tune with both arcane and divine magic, giving them the innate ability to cast magic. Some even theorized that the hide could be used as infused leather for enchanting items, though it would decay rapidly with unstable mana, requiring a fresh specimen.
While progress was made on studying the hide, there was great success with translating the notes and several trials involving the box. Whispers of doubt and thoughts of refusal to complete the box opening-ritual were heard, citing the ominous letter that had been previously translated. It was eventually determined that only a syndar leading a ritual could break the magic seal, so a small group gathered to do so despite the doubts. They were successful. The seal broke, but the room was quickly filled with shouts and screams as those involved with the ritual beheld a terrible vision. The exact details of the visions are not known, but word spread that they involved seeing Syndar fleeing some sort of calamity. Even more worrying though, some say the ritualists saw the Mother, even whispering that she spoke directly to them.
As a result of these harrowing visions, some present voiced strong concerns and opposition to opening the box the rest of the way. After a lengthy argument with the Duke in front of the syndar from the north, the box was eventually opened. Though the visitors from the north got what they asked for, reports indicate they left unhappy with all that transpired at the Glinting Emerald.