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Conservation Stewardship Program

Last Hope LARP and the owners of LARP Land are working with the NRCS to develop a conservation plan that improves forest health, forest diversity, and provides a better habitat for wildlife!

By working towards creating a better habitat for wildlife, animals native to the area are able to thrive in higher numbers than we saw when we first started the Conservation Program!

Even during the game, we are able to continue conservation work by actually cutting trees! Laborers in our game have the option to ask staff about potential real work they can be doing, and its often incentivized with in-game rewards as well.

Supporting forest health and forest diversity means the land that we LARP on will always be full of beautiful plant life, and our continued efforts mean we’re leaving the land better than we found it

Here are some examples of what Land Conservation at LARP land looks like!



Firewood for cold winter events!
Clearing paths for adventure!
Opening a clearing for a battle!

Want to get involved?

Keep on checking on our Events page for updates about when we’re holding Conservation Work Days, or like us on Facebook and watch for events there!

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