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Arleaux Bonnaire

PLAYED BY: Cody Jackson

CHARACTER NAME: Arleaux Bonnaire

GENDER: Non-Binary

PRONOUN(S): They/Them


AGE: 35 in July 273

RACE: Human

HAIR: Brown

EYES: Brown

OCCUPATION: Takes shifts as a barkeep in Haven

KNOWN SKILLS: Doesn’t seem to be too special, but is an incredible listener



RELATIONSHIPS: Seems known enough around various taverns in Haven. They seem to work at multiple bars on different nights of the week.

RUMORS: Arleaux is known as a listener. They are known through Haven as an excellent bartender to talk to, but beyond that not much is said about them. They are known as a voracious reader and some think they may have been a mercenary or a bandit before settling down, but no one knows for sure.


Aldoria held little more than memories for Arleaux. They were young enough when they first came with their family to Newhope and they were still not yet an adult when that family pulled up stakes and moved to New Aldoria to support their Prince’s growing city. It was here that Arleaux first felt like they’d found what they hoped could be a more permanent home, but alas things are not always meant to be and Arleaux found themself dreaming larger than the quiet life they were living.

They worked a job during the mid-day, turning over rooms in a grimy tavern, they’d hoped one day to move behind the bar and sling drinks where the tips were much better, but after two years that had yet to happen. One day when they were 18 they met a man who said he’d come from New Oarsmeet where he owned a few smaller taverns that had shifts available for a bartender. Arleaux jumped at this opportunity. New Oarsmeet had a reputation about it, but the call for a life beyond their parents’ home was too much to ignore. Arleaux moved to New Oarsmeet and for the second time in their life felt that they found a place that could maybe be their more permanent home, but alas things are not always meant to be.

They did manage to stay in New Oarsmeet, working across various taverns, for nearly ten years before the Aldorian Marines, led by that traitor Anne, burned the city to ash. Arleaux fled and went to the only place they knew, New Aldoria. They returned to a shrinking city as more and more people packed up and left to follow their Prince to his new sovereign land of Aylin’s Reach, but after the travesty at New Oarsmeet, Arleaux had lost any desire to follow that butcher. Their parents moved and Arleaux stayed behind, picking up a job as a bartender in the desiccated corpse that was once one of the most populous colonist cities on Mardrun.

Time wicked away slowly until one day a traveler let Arleaux know that a new city had been built on the ashes of New Oarsmeet, a city to carry on its legacy – a city called Haven. Arleaux knew immediately that they belonged among the people of this city of outcasts and without word they packed their things and left New Aldoria, resettling in New Oarsmeet where they took shifts across the city at various taverns. Here Arleaux met friends, or at the very least the closest they’d had to friends. Oddballs and outcasts the lot of them, but at the very least they made for good stories

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