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Order Report – Mana Construct Escort Mission – September 266

Sergeant Gavras of Starkhaven’s Militia, attached to the Order of Arnath’s Light, September Action Report:

The Order moved into the small village and set up camp in a warehouse we paid the Mayor to occupy for the day and night. After setting up our area, members of the Phoenix (and affiliate) also housed inside.

During our set up we were harassed by the Captain, who aggressively called us murderers and bandits. Brother Oliver responded passionately, and Sergeant Gavras passed out numerous copies of the treaty shortly after the Captain left. Afterwards part of the research team was escorted in by Order forces. It appeared they had been harrassed coming in and had split up. However, we did have the mana construct and it was secured in the warehouse. The night passed with some incidents but none inside the warehouse.

The next morning we moved further down to another staging area. Brother Dom had went out to meet up with other forces but never returned. It was later found that the research team as well as Brother Dom had been captured by bandits. The bandits asked for ransom, but due to aggression on their part, and response by forces there, negotiations broke down into violence very quickly. Some hostages were killed, including a mother and her baby; however Brother Dom was saved. During the confusion, the mana construct was stolen.

Brother Dom brought news that the Archons had been treating with the bandits. This was supported by members of the groups there as they had spotted Archons, specifically the Captain, speaking and leaving with the bandits. Brother Dom added they had conversations in front of him looking to hire them for defense of the Spire.

After this news, the bandits continued to harass the forces there. After the bandits figured out what they had, they had looked to sell it back to the group. However, others fearing the corruption worse, were convinced to steal the construct back from the bandits for some coin. The operation was successful, and the camp held out until New Hope forces arrived.


Reyna Longfang’s letter after the Incident
Justice Minded Peoples of Mardrun,

On Saturday the 16th day of the 266th year a group of allies banded together in defense of the key to a cure for the Creeping Corruption. Representatives of Pack Longfang, the Order of Arnath’s Light, the Broken Blade Company and the Rangers of Crow’s Landing were all present and fighting fit.

Our force encountered problems with a group of Bandits who had managed to take hostages; including a Mother, her infant child, and a Brother of the Order of Arnath’s Light. Attempts at negotiations failed. The bandits executed several of the hostages, including the mother and child, before the rescue could be mounted. The fracas provided cover so that other members of the Bandit group were able to make off with the Mana Construct.

Brother Dom survived his captivity to bring us dangerous news. The Archons, under the Leader of an Affiliated captain, treated with the bandits in question. These individuals, in clear allegiance with the Criminal Vazra who continues to defy the justice of the Free People’s Court, procured an agreement to services of the bandits for the Defrense of the Archon Spire where Vazra continues to hide and an Alliance has gathered in service to enforce the rulings of the Free People’s Court.

The Bandits, on realizing the value of the item they had, attempted to ransom the Construct back to the protectors. It was only through the good sense of a bandit who feared the corruption more than his comrades being convinced to take a contract to return the item. This man truly earned the silver he was offered, taking grievous wounds from his former allies as he fled. This man rose about his reputation and restored to our hands the precious Mana Construct.

Following this the group continued to hold while waiting for the arrival of the New Hope Forces. One of the Archons approached the gathered allies. He committed himself to the defense of the Mana Construct and the future cure. However, the Archon Aifric and the Captain, did not join themselves to any sort of noble mission. Before night could fall the slayer of the Infant was apprehended. Myself, Magnus Ironmound and Brother Dom interrogated him and saw that he was made to confront his crimes. He willfully surrendered to sentence he had rightfully earned.

I am proud to say that the Mana Construct has been spirited into safer grounds, and a number of bandits have been brought to justice.

Runeseer Reyna Longfang, Daughter of Gaia to Pack Longfang

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